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"Andy, please sit down and shut up!"

Posted by phlinky on 05-24-06 at 10:42 PM
I love how they cut Andy off. She was about to expound on things as though she was a life coach instead of the make over queen that she is.

She took it as a joke and the LC's made it out to be, but it really wasn't.

I also liked it when Cassie(first year) answered Dr Stan that she did not know him since he wasn't there. This was after he said something to the effect of his SO.

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"RE: Andy, please sit down and shut up!"
Posted by snowflake2 on 05-24-06 at 11:16 PM
I thought Andy's speech was very condescending. It seemed to boil down to : Just remember, girls, no one else on earth is as evolved as we are! Everyone else is just like we were before we entered the SOH and got our superpowers!

Personally, I think Andy should have been scared to be among that crowd of past graduates. I would have liked to have seen them all collectively issue Andy a beating for those horrible makeovers she inflicted on them!

"RE: Andy, please sit down and shut up!"
Posted by 26mitogo on 05-25-06 at 00:24 AM
~ Snow ~ >>"I thought Andy's speech was very condescending."<<

I agree .... but I think Andy talks down & condescending to the other women all the time.

Your summary Snow sounds like something Andy would think every day of her life >>"Just remember, girls, no one else on earth is as evolved as we are! Everyone else is just like we were before we entered the SOH and got our superpowers!"<<

She did say the biggest issue she had to work on during her stay in the SOH1 was that she didn't have women friends, doesn't get along with other females. Maybe she uses a little Christie-ism when she does the makeovers -- a little passive-aggressive uglyfication. And she certainly did see herself as the 3rd LC ... "if you don't let me do what I want to you in this makeover, you are resisting the process and I'll just use my powers with Rhonda and have that little graduation you think you are getting tonight taken away. I am important, you know? I am superior to all of you little HGs, you know? I am Rhonda's bff, you know? I am a beautiiful model, you know? I am the star you wish you could be so DO AS I SAY & wear this ugly dress, & shut up while they cut your hair off and style it sticking out everywhere, & let me layer on this clown makeup before you go to your little graduation ... Because I am SUPER ANDY ... revered by women the world over, inciting rages of jelousy every move I make"

So if they cut off Andy's speech, I don't mind, she has said enough this year, none of it worth a dime. A few more worthless words wouldn't have done any good nor would it have been pleasant to listen to more of Andy saying THEY are *the chosen ones* ... better than all others.

"RE: Andy, please sit down and shut up!"
Posted by shawnar on 05-24-06 at 11:19 PM
Actually I thought it was kind of rude that they cut her off. I am in no way sticking up for Andie Paige I hated most her makeovers and had seen enough of her the first season, but makeovers aside she did have a compelling story that brought her to the house I would have liked to hear her talk a little more about her experience in the house.

And as far as Cassie1 I thought her comment showed that she is still the crass rude kid she was before her graduation. (Maybe I would of thought that it was funny if she would of said that to Rhonda but Dr. Stan is the man.)

"RE: Andy, please sit down and shut up!"
Posted by SeasonedRefinement on 05-25-06 at 04:41 AM
I agree. I would have been interested in Andie's personal experience in the house. I wasn't watching the show yet when she was a HG, and I've only heard about her bio through other people.

The confusion was in Andie's head. Andie saw herself as one of the leaders. And we can thank Rhonda for that. She used her influence to give her friend a job. She was invited to participate as an alumnus of SO. They didn't put a fourth chair out for her in "leadership row", lol.

Andie wasn't prepared to talk about her particular journey. She had prepared a speech that was intended to help the women use all of their enlightment back in the world. Silly Andie...2/3 of those women transitioned back into "the world" quite a while ago. She was instructive, not personal, and she was about to get more instructive. Who knows, maybe she was planning on taking some questions.

I was glad that she was told to wrap it up and sit down. Actually, with all the tears and stories, it sounded like SO was being eulogized at its own funeral.

"RE: Andy, please sit down and shut up!"
Posted by BimBo on 05-25-06 at 06:19 AM
SR,....I would have had a question for her; Andy, what will you do now that you're un-employed?????

"RE: Andy, please sit down and shut up!"
Posted by eire_heart74 on 05-25-06 at 07:13 AM
Well I have a feeling she may have been rambling on a bit and they edited alot of that out. She was probably told to wrap it up because it was just getting to long.

I really feel for Andy. As much as I questioned her style choices, you knew from season 1 that doing make overs on tv is exactly what she wanted to do. There she was doing it. Yeah it was on the show she was on but at least she got her goal. Where will she go now? Who knows? But her website has booked at dozens of places for her "Cents of Style" workshops so she doing her goal of working in beauty and fashion.

She had, and I quote because I never forgot, "an utter disdain" for women when she entered that house. Takes a big person to say that. I am curious to see how her personal life is now. I know she is still best buds with Lori. Even in her wedding. But I wonder who else she has let into her life.