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"Antonia's graduating?!"

Posted by onthebay on 05-21-06 at 00:53 AM
Now, I like Antonia as much as the next person, but I was truly shocked when they announced she was graduating! I had figured she was going to be called up at the BOR since she doesn't seem to follow through on her assignments -- hut I guess I missed the epiphany she had where she turned the corner . . .

It just seems odd. I don't remember her going through any of those emotional upheavals that are apparently necessary to get to "the other side". (I think Christie even made the comment, (while she was doing her "woe is me" thing) about how Antonia didn't have to jump through as many hoops!)

Aside from wearing the credit-card bracelets, she didn't have to drag anything around, sit in muck, prepare dinner for eight, poll strangers in the street, or dance naked in front of the mirror!

And, what about her "issues" with her dad, and her extreme debt, and her procrastination problems; does she have a job lined up and a place to stay?

Maybe she was relatively "healthy" to begin with!

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"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by alyse73 on 05-21-06 at 01:56 AM
I guess when the season is over they just let you go. Christie should have been gone awhile ago. I like her but she has worn out her welcome. What will they do with Niambi? She should be kicked out.

"Lit Professor Vs. Television Star"
Posted by Rowan Bailey on 05-22-06 at 01:44 PM
OK, thanks to TIVO I am just watching Fri episode where Antonia goes into this dramatic speech to Niambi about her wanting to get her education so she can be an English Lit Professor.....or "just be so beautiful on television and make people laugh"

I think that says it all.........

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by maybaybee on 05-22-06 at 04:46 PM
>I guess when the season is
>over they just let you
>go. Christie should have been
>gone awhile ago. I like
>her but she has worn
>out her welcome. What will
>they do with Niambi? She
>should be kicked out.

I used to like Christie but she has been getting on my nerves lately. She's become this pathetic, whiney, spineless thing. When she first came to the house she seemed much more sure of herself. Now she can't take a leak without somebody holding her hand.
I think Niambi is going to be asked to return. Good for her. She needs help. She hasn't even begun to heal.

www.chocolatesleuth.com---mystery reviews

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by Redbud on 05-21-06 at 10:07 AM
I was astonished as well to hear that she was graduating! Exactly what was her break through that proved she is capable of handling her finances now? I suspect she is graduating because
1) she really shouldn't have been on the show to begin with and they recognize that
2) she isn't engaged in the process at all and rather than flunk her at BOR (which would be admitting they failed to help her) they'd graduating her to get rid of her

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by mrspicklepants44 on 05-21-06 at 11:33 AM
They probably wanted to get rid of her to end the show and she has a contract to be a vjay on mtv.. something stupid like that....

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by staceeturner on 05-21-06 at 03:42 PM
Due to my work schedule being changed for a week, I have not seen any episodes at all and now through reading the posts I find out Antonia is graduating? what a joke what a waste of time for some one who could of really used the help in the house, that is my thoughts anyway on the fact that she is graduating, unless they just are like throwing there hands up in the air and saying graduate cause we don't know what else to do with your bratty ways. JMHO PEACE.


"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by beckettrep on 05-22-06 at 11:56 PM
>I was astonished as well to
>hear that she was graduating!
> Exactly what was her
>break through that proved she
>is capable of handling her
>finances now? I suspect
>she is graduating because
>1) she really shouldn't have
>been on the show to
>begin with and they recognize
>2) she isn't engaged in
>the process at all and
>rather than flunk her at
>BOR (which would be admitting
>they failed to help her)
>they'd graduating her to get
>rid of her

I suspect the main reason she's graduating is because the season is drawing to a close and it's obvious Niambi isn't gonna make it - would look really bad to have only 3 non-graduates left (Piss-T, Niambi, Antonia) and have 2 of 3 fail. Antonia just happened to be the most obvious choice when it came time to 'pick' their next 'successful' graduate.

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by sillybear on 05-21-06 at 05:25 PM
I'm not surprised Antonia is graduating it is the end of the season and time to speed things up.Do I think she has earned the steps?Heck no!I don't even think they touched on some of her issues.I was watching the BOR and I noticed the A in front of Antonia before she went up.I was thinking what the heck is going on.I could see the A but could not make out the grad cap above it.Did anyone else notice this blunder?

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by mapleleaf on 05-28-06 at 11:39 PM
Sillybear, I also noticed SO's editing blunder. In actuality, Antonia went up at BOR and was told she would graduate BEFORE the others went up. That A with the graduation cap on top was sitting in front of Antonia on the table throughout Christie and Niambi's time at the podium. For TV they made it seem as though Antonia went last for "effect".

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by vickyjustme on 05-21-06 at 08:32 PM
Hi there..
You know, I totally agree, with what steps did she make it to graduation?I was shocked...why did she graduate, because she climbed a dang hill..um...WHAT?!?!!?!? She didnt have much choice about purchasing in that controlled enviroment, so I am wondering if I missed something.

I thought her to be refreshing for her young age, but she didnt learn much when she kept saying "I'm going to call my mom" and her spoiled princess attitude and stubbornness most of the time certainly didnt change much that I saw, certainly not to warrant graduation.I didnt see them go deep to find out why she felt the need to spend like that, and with out that cleared up, how will she handle it once out of SO House?

Okay, granted called her creditors to renegoiate her bills, while it helps her pay them off, it is not big deal in the large scope of things, she redecorated a room..it was a good job, but what exactly did that teach her worthy of graduating aide from staying in a budget spending money that wasnt hers...much like the credit cards..spending money that she doesnt in reality have..I dont see the lesson learned there.

Now its entirely possible that TIVO didnt record a few episodes due to my not having much time at this point with finals looming
(at 43 I am a full time college student)and TIVO being somewhat full..did I miss something?

Thanks all..

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by standinmytruth on 05-21-06 at 09:30 PM
Starting Over not Starting Perfect. Antonia is by far the most deserving graduate of Season 3.

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by Sues on 05-21-06 at 09:39 PM
You know, even though I was a bit shocked, I agree with you! They handed her bankruptcy and she declined. They tried to get her to break down over her father and she would not have it. (Let's not forget, she has a step father and in her words, both of her parents have never been anything other than supportive)
She called all of her creditors.....something I personally think is tougher than dragging around a foam cutout or walking in a sludgy kiddy pool.....

Wether it all sticks or not, we won't know...but I did see her start to light up on being a 'grown-##### woman'...so good for her!

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by SOTellItLikeItIsFan on 05-22-06 at 08:30 AM
Antonia hasn't changed you see that as soon as she walked in the room at her graduation modeling and profiling and as soon as she sees her friend they check each other's outfits out. How is that a change?

I still stand by Antonia should have gone on Big Brother or some other reality show.

Antonia's goal to me is nothing. She could have done that on her own. There's far more deserving who should have been on the show but because it's late in the season, time for the season to end, they chose Antonia because she be quicker to graduate.

I believe this won't be the last time we see Antonia!

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by maybaybee on 05-22-06 at 05:06 PM
>You know, even though I was
>a bit shocked, I agree
>with you! They handed her
>bankruptcy and she declined. They
>tried to get her to
>break down over her father
>and she would not have
>it. (Let's not forget, she
>has a step father and
>in her words, both of
>her parents have never been
>anything other than supportive)
>She called all of her creditors.....something
>I personally think is tougher
>than dragging around a foam
>cutout or walking in a
>sludgy kiddy pool.....
>Wether it all sticks or not,
>we won't know...but I did
>see her start to light
>up on being a 'grown-#####
>woman'...so good for her!

Remember nasty A Teresa from season 1?
She didn't make nearly as much progress, she was in her forties and if I remember correctly, she had the same amount of debt as Antonia. I think Antonia should be commended for being so trusting of her abilities and not taking the easy way out. It seemed to me that the counselor and life couches wanted her to file bankruptcy. She didn't. Good for her!
www.chocolatesleuth.com---mystery reviews

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by maybaybee on 05-22-06 at 04:57 PM
>Starting Over not Starting Perfect.
>Antonia is by far the
>most deserving graduate of Season

Though I was surprised they announced her graduation, I totally agree that she worked hard and achieved a lot. We are so used to seeing them drag out some of these stories (Chub Roc from season 1,Allison, Sommer, Cassie, Jill, etc.)that when someone does the work and leaves it might be easy for some to think she had no business in the SO house. I disagree. Antonia was on a bad track and thanks to SO she has had her eyes opened. She's a smart girl and i think she will do well for herself. Millions of young people get into credit card debt and ruin their lives before they even begin. I hope some young people out there watching learned that instant gratification is not the way. Antonia's eyes were opened to the fact that you gotta pay to play.
Cograts, Toni---More Powah To Yah!

www.chocolatesleuth.com---mystery reviews

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by legleez1 on 05-22-06 at 09:26 AM
Have I missed like, 20 episodes? When did Antonia become enlightened about her debt issues?

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by amandatees on 05-22-06 at 10:06 AM
What happened to her assignment to turn $100.00 into $500.00??!!IV already admitted she only met half of her goal...I thought she was going to give her another opportunity to complete at least ONE assignment. hmmm...but yes, end of season I suppose. It's lame.

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by Rowan Bailey on 05-22-06 at 11:10 AM
She got her ticket to Hollywood, and she has no interest in addressing any of her issues, according to her, she just can't pay off her credit cards and that is her only problem. Let make a predicition, I have my swamme hat on.......

She will end up moving back with her mother, and declaring BK, unless she lands by sheer luck into a television opportunity...but heck, even Omarosa's 15 minutes ended.....or her mother is sending her money. Los Angeles will eat up your financial resources only second to New York City.

I think that the coaches realized that Antonia's commitment was to make a decision about her debt, that she was not interested in anything else, she did make that decision....bye bye (and thank god)

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by amandatees on 05-22-06 at 12:39 PM
Agreed How could I forget Antonia's comment to Niambi "FAME would be nice...but I guess I'd like ____ too". <I can't remember the word) but this ruined her crediblity for me. Much like Lisa and her email about being a star on a big network tv show, placating her life coach, etc.

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by librarian on 05-22-06 at 01:28 PM
Yes, it is totally lame. I don't think I saw the end result of one of her assignments!

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by candyprincess on 05-22-06 at 02:59 PM
>What happened to her assignment to
>turn $100.00 into $500.00??!!IV already
>admitted she only met half
>of her goal...I thought she
>was going to give her
>another opportunity to complete at
>least ONE assignment. hmmm...but yes,
>end of season I suppose.
>It's lame.

I was just thinking the same thing.They totaly let her get away with not finishing that task, but Lisa 1 (and I am no fan of her's)got into trouble when she messed up the jewelry assinment, which i.m.o. where close to the same thing.They where both suppose to learn to provide for themselves.
But, then again it's time to push everone out the door.

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by Zoey on 05-22-06 at 03:25 PM
I understand that it is time for the season to come to an end but Antonia's graduation gifts were stupid. $1500. towards her debt and $1500. worth of new furniture.

Why didn't they arrange for debt counceling?

I do not believe that she's learned what she needs to get out of debt.

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by JavaT on 05-22-06 at 04:38 PM
I can't stand Antonia, personally, although I have to admit that a lot of her reactions have to be similar to what mine would be, if I were a houseguest!

For one thing, you wouldn't catch me dead on that show, airing my dirty laundry. But if someone kidnapped me, drugged me and forced me to do it, I can just imagine my disrespect for the LCs coming out. And Antonia really let it fly! I mean, nobody but nobody would ever get me to do half the crap the LCs make these women do. When I saw Lisa 1 in a baby dress, I thought that was the last straw. But I digress...

I agree, I don't think Antonia met her goals at all. I got the feeling they just wanted to get her off the show. But I thought it was funny, how she'd loll all over the couch or chair, and roll her eyes at IV, and look at her with this total disgust, like "You want me to do what?! Lady, you're crazy!!"

So I guess in a way I was living vicariously through Antonia. As long as I've watched this show, I've wanted someone to come out of the woodwork and be a total slacker, yet graduate just because they drove the LCs nuts!

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by maybaybee on 05-22-06 at 04:44 PM
I too was surprised Antonia was graduating, but being a follower of the show, I noticed every May they rush the remaining women through the process. It's kind of not fair.
I hate that they had so many returning members this year. Not that they didn't need the help, but once they're gone, ENOUGH ALREADY! let's help the women who are there.
I thought the final season 3 group was much more intersting than the women than started out the year. I hope they feel teir time was well spent.

www.chocolatesleuth.com---mystery reviews

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by 26mitogo on 05-22-06 at 05:09 PM
Personally, I think Antonia did reach HER goal ... maybe not SO's goal FOR her. Her goal was to get on television. She didn't get to do Real World, which would have gotten her a lot more exposure, but she got her face & personality out there. Wasn't that what she wanted?

But the fact that she didn't cave to all the SO b.s. and excessive snot-running drama, that puts her ahead of most of the other HGs in my books. Whether Iyanla intended for her to actually contact her dad or not, the fact that she stood her ground and didn't cave in to the guilt trip and obvious attempts to pull the tears from her eyes was worth having her on. And we all know Andy HAS to have HER way in the makeovers so I knew Antonia would have to have her eyebrows done. I was just relieved she didn't come back with her forhead as smooth as a baby's behind with pencil thin high arches painted half way to her hairline (i.e. Rhonda)!!!

I do think Antonia could have used some serious debt counseling and help understanding her need to shop & party. And I agree the eyebrows benefited from a bit of cleaning up but the rebelliousness in me was happy to see Antonia resist the typical SO accept-&-don't-think-for-youself way.

I agree with someone upthread, Antonia's face may appear in the future on another reality show. But better her than Christie!!!!

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by JavaT on 05-22-06 at 05:28 PM
Exactly! Sure, it's funny to watch her eyerolls and her attitude, but I'm behind her all the way, supporting her efforts in NOT caving to the b.s. those so-called Life Coaches spew at those women. And yes, I'd much rather see Antonia on another reality show than Christie.

BTW... did we ever really see Antonia cry? I don't save my DVRed episodes, so I can't go back and check (although I don't think I would, anyway!), and right off the top of my head this doesn't come to mind.

She's a tough old bird, in my book, which is a pleasant surprise for that show.

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by maryellennaco on 05-22-06 at 05:55 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-22-06 AT 05:56 PM (EST)

Well said, 26 & java!! I agree, she DID meet her goal of being on television!! And I'm glad she got those caterpillar eyebrows worked on, they needed it!! I thought what she said to Niambi was heartfelt. It IS sort of funny that the show is running those newbies on out the door, while dragging Jill and all her BS BAAACCCKKKK and don't even get me started on Piss-T!!!
Good on ya, Antonia!

ETA:sentence structure

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by sm2 on 05-22-06 at 06:48 PM
All through her graduation I kept thinking, what a farce. It goes right up there with Alli-about-me's and Kim's, IMHO.

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by techstyle on 05-22-06 at 08:06 PM
>Exactly! Sure, it's funny to watch
>her eyerolls and her attitude,
>but I'm behind her all
>the way, supporting her efforts
>in NOT caving to the
>b.s. those so-called Life Coaches
>spew at those women. And
>yes, I'd much rather see
>Antonia on another reality show
>than Christie.
>BTW... did we ever really see
>Antonia cry? I don't save
>my DVRed episodes, so I
>can't go back and check
>(although I don't think I
>would, anyway!), and right off
>the top of my
>head this doesn't come to
>She's a tough old bird, in
>my book, which is a
>pleasant surprise for that show.

Yes, we sure did see her cry. It was on the couch. I think they were tears for Jodi. I remember this because just before that I was thinking- she needs to show another dimension (you know, so she doesn't get typecast) and then there were tears. So in the end, yes I too found her to be entertaining. Another reality show is where she should go. I would be surprised if we didn't see her again.

"Antonia cried allright!"
Posted by SOTellItLikeItIsFan on 05-22-06 at 11:23 PM
Yeah, Antonia cried a few times when she didn't get her way or wanted momma especially in the beginning. It would be a shock to see a woman who doesn't cry on SO. If she doesn't SO would think something is wrong and try to break her.

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by Cinnamongirl30 on 05-22-06 at 11:57 PM
I'm not surprised that they graduated her. They couldn't pursue a reunion with her dad and there was really nowhere else to go with her. As far as her calling her creditors goes, well she didn't have a choice. That was her reason for coming to the house. She had to call them. I'm glad she's gone and I don't have to see her lazy, complaining, ugly(personality) self. C'YA. They should have sent her and Christie to volunteer for a day in a hospital ward where the people are bedridden or terminal. That might have put things into perspective for them and shut them up.

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by beckettrep on 05-22-06 at 11:54 PM
>Now, I like Antonia as much
>as the next person, but
>I was truly shocked when
>they announced she was graduating!
> I had figured she
>was going to be called
>up at the BOR since
>she doesn't seem to follow
>through on her assignments --
>hut I guess I missed
>the epiphany she had where
>she turned the corner .
>. .
>It just seems odd. I
>don't remember her going through
>any of those emotional upheavals
>that are apparently necessary to
>get to "the other side".
> (I think Christie even
>made the comment, (while she
>was doing her "woe is
>me" thing) about how Antonia
>didn't have to jump through
>as many hoops!)
>Aside from wearing the credit-card bracelets,
>she didn't have to drag
>anything around, sit in muck,
>prepare dinner for eight, poll
>strangers in the street, or
>dance naked in front of
>the mirror!
>And, what about her "issues" with
>her dad, and her extreme
>debt, and her procrastination problems;
>does she have a job
>lined up and a place
>to stay?
>Maybe she was relatively "healthy" to
>begin with!

Considering her 'real' attempt at reality tv was to get onto the REAL WORLD I'd have to say her issues were as contrived as ever. They (producers) found a young girl seriously in debt and decided to MAKE it her 'issue'. And since she apparently didn't make the REAL WORLD cut she probably went along for the ride. The rumor seems to be that it was never her intention to seek out the SO House because she wanted to address her apparent spending problem - on the contrary it was the other way around - the SO House glommed onto her - most likely for ratings.

"RE: Antonia's graduating?!"
Posted by nuseednthegarden on 05-23-06 at 09:58 AM
I've thought, every since Antonia came on the show, that her LACK of being open to the starting over process, affected the way she was coached. In other words, she isn't really ready to be helped. She just made for good ratings for a while. I don't view her brassiness as strength. I think it's a serious weakness and a problem. She's WAY too dismissive.