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Forum: DCForumID57
Thread Number: 3824
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"jill's diet"

Posted by slotma on 01-26-06 at 01:09 PM

i am wondering if it is just me or is Jill always eating something?

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"Locking - duplicate"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 01-26-06 at 01:17 PM
This thread got buried in the back pages, so it's not completely your fault. But it's still a better place to post this:


"RE: jill's diet"
Posted by Floraworld on 01-26-06 at 01:18 PM
Yes! She is. I saw that when I was working pt, seemed in every camara shot she was putting something in her mouth while talking and you were likely to see her somewhere in or very near the kitchen when any of the other houseguest were talking to her. Every time she's on the computer she's eating.

I know she's struggling with her weight and I certainly can relate but one of the things in knowing you're a food-aholic is trying find other things to do than put food up to your mouth constantly.