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"Allison's Burberry Makeup Case"

Posted by SOBeech on 12-17-05 at 03:44 PM
Last year, Allison had the most incredible portable vanity/makeup case in a black leather like fabric. This is the type of case which models carry, with several compartments, draws, mirrors, that house lots of cosmetics.

I priced a similar once recently for $250. and I decided to pass. Well, what's happened to her gorgeous makeup case? She's replaced it with a Burberry makeup case instead!

Has anyone priced designer luggage lately? I can see why she had to declare bankruptcy! I think she should donate her makeup bags to a charity so they can be auctioned off to the highest bidder and the proceeds would then go to a needy cause. This might help cancel her debt with the Karma Police.

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"RE: Allison's Burberry Makeup Case"
Posted by Seabisquit on 12-17-05 at 04:40 PM
I agree with everything you have to say SOBeech, except about the Burberry case. I highly doubt it's the real deal. Allison buys a lot of junk, i.e. junk jewelry, junk make-up, actually some pretty cheap clothing as well. However, she has no business spending any money on crap like that when she has racked up so much debt. Shame on you Allison. Personally, I don't think the kind of crap she has woud even sell on e-bay, JMHO.

"RE: Allison's Burberry Makeup Case"
Posted by SOBeech on 12-17-05 at 04:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-17-05 AT 04:50 PM (EST)

Hi again!

I suspected that it might be a fake, but even so, she had no business buying another makeup case when she had such a nice one last season.

I hope she does sell off her stuff instead of lying to people about her illness and pretending that her debt was caused by her cancer when in reality she was conning innocent people into feeling sorry and donating money to her.

Shame on Allison!

"RE: Allison's Burberry Makeup Case"
Posted by beckettrep on 12-17-05 at 04:57 PM
She's probably using the money that hard working stiffs like us donated (not me personally) to buy all her crap.

"RE: Allison's Burberry Makeup Case"
Posted by SOBeech on 12-17-05 at 06:15 PM
I feel that Allison is so un-authentic and has learned nothing from the show. I believe she doesn't and will never "get it" because she's developed so many bad habits over the years.

She received a second-chance "to live" but her ways are so deadly. So many people truly want to start over, unfortunately, Allison was looking for an easy way out, just like her bankruptcy.

I have lost all respect for that woman.

"RE: Allison's Burberry Makeup Case"
Posted by angelleyes on 12-17-05 at 06:26 PM
Yep, not only is she financially bankrupt, she is morally and spiritually bankrupt as well. So sad. She is a emotional bloodsucker. Now she's sucking money out of everyone's pockets and using money donated for medical expenses for personal pleasure items. She's a big fat liar, fraud, and a fake and I wish she would leave already. She has become a permanent house guest. She is a malingerer.

"RE: Allison's Burberry Makeup Case"
Posted by ltlfighter on 12-17-05 at 08:30 PM
What surprised me was that she even admitted that the majority of her debt was NOT in fact due to the cancer. I have been wondering what her motivation was for telling the truth. I don't see how the truth would have come out while she was still there. Does anyone have any plausible explainations for this?

"RE: Allison's Burberry Makeup Case"
Posted by imstartingoveralso on 12-17-05 at 08:47 PM
It is very strange indeed. What has already been revealed is bordering on criminal fraud,never mind being morally irresponsible. Why would someone open up to this on national TV?

"RE: Allison's Burberry Makeup Case"
Posted by SOBeech on 12-18-05 at 03:31 PM
>It is very strange indeed.
>What has already been revealed
>is bordering on criminal fraud,never
>mind being morally irresponsible.
>Why would someone open up
>to this on national TV?

Shame on Starting Over and Iyanla for paying for Allison's attorny's fees so that she can perpetrate such fraud!

"RE: Allison's Burberry Makeup Case"
Posted by angelleyes on 12-17-05 at 08:48 PM
Well, they did have to pull the truth out of her. My guess is that she had to tell the truth in order for them (SO) to pay for the bankruptcy expert and probably the cost of filing and attorneys to help with the filing, if she goes that route. That's just my guess. Iguana had probably made it clear to OverSpenderSon that she needed to tell the truth. Iguana still soft-soaped the whole issue and made it possible for ThePermanentHouseGuest to smile, and lisp, and chuckle her way through it like it was no big deal.

Jill too told a big fat lie about her mother who she has been mooching off her for the past 12 years and that too got soft-soaped by Iguana and Jill's tears.

"RE: Allison's Burberry Makeup Case"
Posted by Carla on 12-18-05 at 04:21 PM
"OverSpenderSon" - LOL! That might be the most creative name for Alliscam yet! hehe

"RE: Allison's Burberry Makeup Case"
Posted by SeasonedRefinement on 12-18-05 at 06:59 PM
I agree angelleyes.

When you file for any of the bankruptcy protections, it is mandatory for the petitioner to provide an itemized list of every creditor. The creditors and the amount of money they are owed become a permanent part of the bankruptcy file. The creditors are then contacted by the court of the impending action, and they have the right to voice their objections if they so desire (not that it really helps). Anyway, if Allison doesn't list the specific creditors, she doesn't get the specific debt erased.

Allison had no choice but to supply the attorney with an accurate creditor list. The lawyer can see that Allison owes alot of money to Fashion Bug and other stores as opposed to any physician or hospital (that might explain the attorney's lack of humor in the matter). Since the attorney is being paid for by SO, they have the right to see the documents.

What may cause Allison some trouble is the fact that the producers have obviously decided to make the cause of Allison's debt a storyline. They want us to think that Allison is unethical and untruthful, or they would have been as vague about the bankruptcy as they were about Christina's "big secret". But they weren't; Iyanla was incredibly direct in calling our attention to the fact that Allison had lied.

There is a question of accountability to the IRS here; she did ask for financual donations. That opens another can or worms (I've always hated that expession).


An All Inclusive Greeting! Happy Holidays!

Unconditional love heals - big time.

"RE: Allison's Burberry Makeup Case"
Posted by SOfan0221 on 12-18-05 at 08:01 PM
I agree that it is probably not a burberry case. While shopping at my favorite upscale store this morning I noticed that Wal-Mart had knock off looking burberry cases similar to Allison's. Since I have seen other Wally World outfits on Allison that is most likely the case (no pun intented) here.

I don't know the price but it was on a table with Christmas gifts for under $20.

Too bad it doesn't make her appear any smarter. That and those green elf shoes....egads.

"RE: Allison's Burberry Makeup Case"
Posted by blak_buttafly21 on 12-18-05 at 08:10 PM

>Allison buys a
>lot of junk, i.e. junk
>jewelry, junk make-up, actually some
>pretty cheap clothing as well.

I agree, she does have some cheap clothing items. I know because she had on one of the shirts I own, and I know it came from Cato's, our local favorite CHEAP big girls' clothes store.

"RE: Allison's Burberry Makeup Case"
Posted by UptownGirl on 12-18-05 at 05:58 PM
Does Burberry even make a cosmetic traincase?

It's probably some plaid piece of $hit she bought in Walmart.

"RE: Allison's Burberry Makeup Case"
Posted by kchamp on 12-18-05 at 07:48 PM
I noticed the bag too. But Burberry doesn't make a cosmetic bag like that. Phony.