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Forum: DCForumID57
Thread Number: 208
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"reply to established starting over watchers"

Posted by vivianlee on 10-27-04 at 03:46 PM
Thank you so much for your warm welcome to the board.I too feel that the quality of the work in this seasons' show has suffered. The new life coaches seem liike narcisstic show people (I even catch Ilyana staring at the camera from time to time). As a trained psychotherapist I find this a little bit sad. Where is Rana? Why couldn/t a marvelous thing be left alone? I miss you Raana... God Bless, viv

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"RE: reply to established starting over watchers"
Posted by chrystalline on 10-30-04 at 11:12 PM
I think Iyanla is more concerned with sounding deep and profound than actually helping anyone. For all it's warm sounds, the expressions seem rather impersonal to me. Like "I acknowledge your dedication to your assignments." It just seems cold. It should be more like "you are very dedicated to completeing your assignments, and it shows in your work. You must be proud of the effort you are giving this.

Though her lesson on Friday's show, about the power of making choices was very eye opening. I'd like to see Rana's take on it. I related more to her last year than to Rhonda.

I hear that she was booted because she got too emotional, personally involved over Josie. I think it was a good thing, and I think it helped with getting Josie away from Jonathon and back to the house. Had she stayed with him, she would have been back in her car before the baby was born.

If Iyanla had to handle it, I think Josie would have run screaming from her Gaiya babble.

"RE: reply to established starting over watchers"
Posted by vivianlee on 10-31-04 at 03:57 PM
To Chrystalline! : I agree completely. There iis something so pretenttious about her particular brand of psychoeubonic babble that makes me cringe. I've been a therapist for 20 years and I can certainly differentiate btween a show person and the real thing. Rana was the real thing. Sometimes I can even catch Iyanla actually watching the camera as she speakes to the group! And, sadly, mi//ions are going to buy this crap. And she Is harsh! I hope thre is someone "coaching" her. Again, thanks for sharing your point of view.

"RE: reply to established starting over watchers"
Posted by chrystalline on 10-31-04 at 04:39 PM
To Vivianlee: Psychoeubonics. hee hee.