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Forum: DCForumID57
Thread Number: 1293
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Original Message
"Allison "

Posted by Snackerson on 10-24-05 at 08:41 PM
Is it just me or is Allison just so annoying? I don't think the reason she doesn't have a man is because of her looks, it must be annoying talking to her. Last season when she went on the date she was just going on and on. The way she tries to be so nice- it seems fake. Plus she acts like she knows everything about Starting Over because she has been there before. Like today when she told everybody to prepare for the Board of Review. I am so sick of her hearing that she is working through her pain or when she is tired because she doesn't want to let anyone down.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Allison "
Posted by chaines on 10-24-05 at 08:53 PM
I already started a thread on Allison...Allison Needs to go Home Now!

"RE: Allison "
Posted by misskryyptonite on 10-24-05 at 08:58 PM
I dissagree with all of you on allyson.. she is beautiful and is going through alot.. has anyone ever gone through what she is going through.. it is tough.. I have two poeple in my family whom im real close with who have gone through it and they dealt with the same issues.. it takes time to heal.. she will need to consult more counseling and doctors to help her along her healing way... S.O. is only a temp fix.. she will need long term help... so ease up yall.. if you havent been there, dont go there...
Little Miss Sassy