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"Boy Meets Boy Ep. 1"

Posted by toddE on 07-30-03 at 09:43 AM
I'm not that into the romance-reality shows,but the "gay or straight" twist interested me. That was the main appeal of the show, however; just waiting until the end to discover the true orientations of the booted contestants. Friend Andra was a little dull and none of the contestants made much of an impression other than trippy musician Shawn(Sean?) who must be straight and flamboyant fireplug Dan, who has an exaggerated view of his own attractiveness. Any comments out there?

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"RE: Boy Meets Boy Ep. 1"
Posted by cqvenus on 07-30-03 at 10:39 AM
I think Dan might be straight... Can't decide. I'm mad at this show. But I knew who the straight one was last night out of the 3, that was no doubt. The rest, who knows.

~ cq

"RE: Boy Meets Boy Ep. 1"
Posted by Mistral on 07-30-03 at 10:59 AM
I thought it was a cute show, and if I can remember to, I'll probably watch it. I'm also going to query a couple of my gay friends to get their feedback. They've been wanting a "Gay Bachelor" for quite some time now.

James (is that his name?) is a great guy. I like Franklin too....what a doll!!

"RE: Boy Meets Boy Ep. 1"
Posted by Roddick23 on 07-30-03 at 05:11 PM
I looking for someone, who is willing to tape the show and send it to me. I would pay $10.00 for each episode. Let me know if interested. roddick23@charter.net

"RE: Boy Meets Boy Ep. 1"
Posted by drawde236 on 07-31-03 at 01:16 AM
I really like this show! I have to applaude Bravo for putting a show like this on. I had my gaydar tuned and ready and still got one wrong! I thought for sure the ex-submarine guy with the cold sore was straight. Andra was a bit dull, but who cares. This show is a hoot and I hope they do not reveal the orientation of the guys until they get booted.

Some are obviously gay like the guy who had the For Rent shirt on. I am still not sure about the flaky artist guy. He seems to be trying TOO hard at being gay. Kissing the hand? I have not known a gay man yet to kiss a hand.

As for Dan, he's gay and should not have gone on due to the boyfriend in NYC.

Can't wait until next episode!

Posted by munson on 07-31-03 at 01:42 PM
Don't read further if you don't want to know....

Dan is straight. Here's his website: http://www.danwells.com/

Interesting to note he previously appeared on the NBC show "Lost", where he is listed as appearing as himself. His appearance on Boy Meets Boy is a "role".

Methinks Dan the actor needs to consider subtlety. Dude was too far over the top and really turned up the flame too much. Cool part is that James seems a bit smitten with the NYer in the open relationship.

Don't like James at all.

Posted by zelgo on 07-31-03 at 01:56 PM
With "Boy Meets Boy," TV has produced yet another "Find Your Mr/Ms Right" reality show with exactly one African American candidate, who most often gets eliminated in the first or second rounds.

Why do the producers even bother pretending that they are being race-conscious by placing the minority member in the mix?? As in all the shows, the main character at first gushes about what a great time he/she had with the black person, only to eliminate them quickly. In the case of "Boy Meets Boy," the main guy went on about how he loved the black guy's smile, and blah, blah, blah--but, as predicted, the guy was gone by the end of the first episode. I can see the producers telling the main guy, "say all these positive things about the black guy so that we don't seem like racists!"

Some will counter these charges by saying that this country is still race-specific that people are not often attracted to people of other races. Sure this may be true, but then why is every one of these shows even pretending by putting a black person among the group in the first place? How come not a single one of these reality dating series (eg. Mr Personality, For Love or Money, the Bachelor, etc. etc) has had a minority as the central character??

Sure, you may think I'm just in an inane tizzy...it's just entertainment, so why get so pissed off? Well, TV really shapes what America thinks, and if America only sees this racist nonsense, America will keep believing it.

I thought we had gotten away from the days of the "token" black.

"Side note on Dan"
Posted by jase on 07-31-03 at 02:59 PM
I saw the "LOST" episodes (Travel channel version) he was on and in one of them, he dances at a gay club in Brazil. He didn't mind guys touching him or dancing and taking off all his clothes (underwear included) for the crowd. His female teammate said he really seemed to want to do it and strangly enough, they never said how much money he (and his teammate) got for his participation. Take this for what you will and I could care less one way or the other, but I don't think a straight guy would do the things that he did.

"RE: Side note on Dan"
Posted by munson on 07-31-03 at 04:58 PM
Thanks for the additional info, jase. You could be right since I didn't see the "Lost" episode.

I'm still left with the feeling that this guy was acting...and not very well, at that!

Posted by kyngsladye on 07-31-03 at 06:01 PM
I see your point exactly, zelgo. But, I don't think it is the producers that have the problem--it's their central characters.

When I watched Cupid, it bothered me that the handsome, black military man was booted out (because he was trying to be funny) and the street hustler was kept. I can just imagine bringing a street hustler home to meet my parents. *rolls eyes* I think not.

La Métropole