Hi everyone. I am new to this forum. I am a heterosexual female who is enjoying Queer Eye For The Straight Guy very much. I am also watching Boy Meets Boy but I am perplexed by it. I think it is cruel for the creators and Bravo to have kept the fact that some of the participants are straight from James, and Andra. If those in charge wanted to see if James could weed out the straight guys that would be ONE thing but the fact that they have kept it secret and have even taken steps to insure that a straight guy is in the final round by essentially controlling the elimination process with their "twists" takes things too far. I felt sorry for James when the smirking hostess told him that one of the final three was straight. I got the impression he was sincere about meeting someone that he could have a connection with, yet it seems as though he is being mocked. I really expected more from Bravo TV. Am I off-base for my criticism of this show? I would be interested to read your comments.Thank you.
Well, James was aware that there would be some twists and turns, about being on the show. And anyone that has watched any 'Reality TV', should know that its anything but real.I can honestly say shame on the Producers if they purposely manipulated the groupings of the guys, to keep straight guys in there this long.
Call me a cynical-old(38)-bastard, but the mates are hardly a good cross-section of the gay community. There is hardly an average looking guy in the group. Its like saying that 'Super Models' represent the average woman... NOT! So, when everyone is at least 'Above-average' looking, and you only have a week to decide between 15 guys, how sincere can you really be.
I don't think Dani was smirking at James, so much as feeling really uncomfortable. Lord knows, I wouldn't have wanted to have to be the one to tell him that.
From the coming attractions that I've seen of the final show, I feel the worst for Andra. The longer the show goes on, the more I like her. James is super lucky to have her for a friend. I think she really wants her friend to meet someone nice, and she's investing a lot of her time away from her family to make sure he does. What a friend!!!! let me just say "LOVE ANDRA!!!"
Now don't get me wrong, I love BMBs. Personally I've always said that everyone of us can be entertaining in the right situation. This is just James, Andra, and the Mates turn at it. Enjoy the ride All. Just remember to keep all hands and feet in the cars at all times, and remain seated until the ride comes to a full and complete stop.
Thanks for replying.Admittedly, I haven't watched any reality TV shows lately, so I am shocked that what is being aired on Boy Meets Boy may not be real. Am I correct in assuming this is the first series of BMB episodes?
Perhaps "smirk" was the wrong word to describe the hostess' expression, but she was definitely smiling when she told James the truth, which appeared to be devastating news to him.
This is the first run of it. No word on wether there will be another run of it either. Once you've shot your wad about the big twist, how can you recreate that kinda magic.Dani, is a Hostess, I think that smile is genetically there. All host smile all the time, its part of their job descriptions.