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Thread Number: 47
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"If Joe knows..."

Posted by Zume on 09-24-03 at 09:06 AM
OK... say Joe is in on this (I don't think so):

This show doesn't have an enormous amount of cash to throw around... less than most of the other real reality shows... if Joe was fake then I don't think they would have real tryouts... the process would cost $100ks and I think they would just claim to have them and not go to that expense.

Something like tryouts leave a trail on the web. Does anyone have any evidence that there ever were tryouts for "the Lap of Luxury"?

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"RE: If Joe knows..."
Posted by erikman on 09-24-03 at 09:20 AM
i don't think they even had tryouts matt was recruites while playing basket ball in a gym, so i bet they just had people go out looking.

"RE: If Joe knows..."
Posted by dolly19 on 09-24-03 at 10:38 AM
There was something in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, their TV Guy Rob Owen did an item sometime in April. Here's the link:


I don't know if they did them anywhere else.....

I've said it many times before here, I don't think that the network could be that clever not to have a real person - especially with all the trouble they had with Spike Lee...that's all they would need is another lawsuit.

"RE: If Joe knows..."
Posted by erikman on 09-24-03 at 11:20 AM
well they did have tryouts with 10,000 as the hook. un named too

"RE: If Joe knows..."
Posted by Neffer on 09-24-03 at 02:35 PM
I've said it many times before here, I don't think that the network could be that clever not to have a real person...

No way they are that clever. Nor was it thier intention. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

"RE: If Joe knows..."
Posted by PhatJag on 09-30-03 at 05:40 PM
The only way this show could possibly be salvaged, is if Joe knows and nobody else. The idea is to make a fool of someone, or several someone's. If this show is what they say it is, it couldn't be as funny as all of them getting fooled
Thank you for the opportunity to earn your company's business.
I just found this site today, so don't slam me if I'm repeating.

"RE: If Joe knows..."
Posted by Guppin1234 on 09-24-03 at 02:16 PM
They just added 25k to the payout last night, and there's probably more. $100k for eight weeks of work isn't bad as long as they keep it pretty tame.

They only pay them 50k on Fear Factor, and they have to eat coagulated blood and cow scrotum - that seems extremely low to me.

"RE: If Joe knows..."
Posted by Neffer on 09-24-03 at 02:40 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-24-03 AT 02:40 PM (EST)

Ok, that's nasty. I hope they bring the "eat something, win a big big prize" wonder to Schmo, but they better do something unexpected with it. Twist it back on the original users of the idea. To do it straight would just be lame.

Also, this show doesn't have to payout the 25k from last night. The real expense is the payroll of the cast, crew, and management, plus whatever they give to Schmo.

"RE: If Joe knows..."
Posted by kiddinaround on 09-24-03 at 09:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-24-03 AT 09:43 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 09-24-03 AT 09:42 PM (EST)

Me? I think Joe don't know ...


"RE: If Joe knows..."
Posted by Guppin1234 on 09-27-03 at 03:49 AM
How do you know they don't have to pay out the 25k?

"RE: If Joe knows..."
Posted by MattKennedyGould on 09-24-03 at 11:56 PM
Well Pat was an actor so they don't actually have to pay her the 25 g's

"RE: If Joe knows..."
Posted by Zume on 09-25-03 at 10:37 AM
Right, no way does she get the 25G's... what they'll proabably do is give the vacation to Matt.

"RE: If Joe knows..."
Posted by Guppin1234 on 09-27-03 at 04:04 PM
Just for the record, I disagree. It's a logical assumption that she wouldn't, but just because she's an actor on the show doesn't mean she wont get the vacation and the money. I'm sure they aren't paid much just for being on the show. She seemed pretty happy at the end. I guess we'll find out soon enough.

"RE: If Joe knows..."
Posted by I_AM_HE on 09-27-03 at 04:26 PM
while i tend to agree with you that they MIGHT give at least the trip to her, do you think the 25K to leave option would have even been an option had Matt not given up the prize? i say no chance of that - they made it up after he gave it away

"RE: If Joe knows..."
Posted by erikman on 09-27-03 at 04:32 PM
that trip was as fake as the show the plane looked like it was from a 70's game show

"RE: If Joe knows..."
Posted by erikman on 09-27-03 at 04:55 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-27-03 AT 05:05 PM (EST)

and if matt would have kept it they would have said the trip is part of the joke along with the $100,000.

what i think will hapen at f2 hutch will win the fake game then they tell matt the whole game is fake. matt is pissed only getting the 10,000 and made a fool of they get out a check for a million $ to make him happer and to save stone stanley from being blacked balled ever haveing a tv show again.

Posted by AyaK on 09-28-03 at 01:14 AM
Regardless of whether Matt knows or not (and I don't think he does), yes, this is a cheap show to make. The ACTORS have acting contracts, not competition contracts; they aren't eligible to win prizes. No, "Dr. Pat" can't win $25,000 and a trip -- because she is ACTING, not competing.

Presuming that Matt doesn't know (as I do presume), his contract probably specifies that if he wins the game, he has no cause of action against the producers because he doesn't have any actual damages. Thus, as long as they make sure Matt wins, he can't sue over being deceived.

"RE: Prizes"
Posted by erikman on 09-28-03 at 01:33 AM
>Regardless of whether Matt knows or
>not (and I don't think
>he does), yes, this is
>a cheap show to make.
> The ACTORS have acting
>contracts, not competition contracts; they
>aren't eligible to win prizes.
> No, "Dr. Pat" can't
>win $25,000 and a trip
>-- because she is ACTING,
>not competing.
>Presuming that Matt doesn't know (as
>I do presume), his contract
>probably specifies that if he
>wins the game, he has
>no cause of action against
>the producers because he doesn't
>have any actual damages.
>Thus, as long as they
>make sure Matt wins, he
>can't sue over being deceived.
thats the gray area there has never been a show like this canded camera people would sign stuff after the show. and for every 5 jokes they could use 50 would not sign and they were real ticked off. they tried to make a fool of this guy for 10 ep's worth the show now has viacom money. if the guy is real and pissed off how much is your reputation worth and he will be known as a schmo for the rest of his life.

"RE: Prizes"
Posted by OceansAngel16 on 09-30-03 at 04:49 PM
He could probably get away with psychological damages of some sort, unless in the fine print of the contract, they have something about him not being able to sue for psychological damages.
Matt's parents however could probably sue the producer if those who watch the show look up their address in the book, since Matt is supposidly living in their basement, to laugh at him.