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"Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"

Posted by venomousveins on 08-18-04 at 02:50 PM
Sheesh!!! Colin is such a hot-headed, foul-mouthed wimp- I can't believe so many people are rooting for and defending him! In every episode he has at least a couple of his childish little hissy fits. For instance, I taped and replayed that show from Egypt, and it sure looked like he was intentionally slamming Mirna into the railing on his way past her. And how many times has he stomped his feet and yelled, "F---!!" ...over something as miniscule as spilled egg-whites, or somebody sitting in a taxi???!!! What a weenie. And his "girl" friend- such a hag! All I had to see was that hideous withering "look" that she gave him at the caviar-fest... he must've developed an immunity to her Evil Eye, because she clearly intended to turn him to ashes on the spot. What a nasty thing SHE is. You folks worry me if you think this pair of snakes is The Ideal Team. YUCK.

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"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by choochoo on 08-18-04 at 03:32 PM

..."he must've developed an immunity to her Evil Eye, because she clearly intended to turn him to ashes on the spot"...


"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by StarryLuna on 08-18-04 at 04:49 PM
Colin and Christie may not be the nicest people in the world, but I root for them over any team (except for Chip and Kim) because they're playing smart. None of the other teams have repeatedly taken the initiative to find shorter routes, faster flights, etc. Some of the teams have done it here and there but not as consistently as Colin and Christie. Plus, they've done nothing unfair or underhanded and sneaky like some of the other teams. Colin showed the other teams the scareb last week, they've repeatedly gotten other teams to agree to work with them and have really only pissed off Charla and Mirna during the game so far (which isn't a big deal, since just about every team has pissed off Charla and Mirna at some point.) The only really dumb thing on their part so far is the whole mini-war with Charla and Mirna, which they could have been a little more grown up about.

Slice'n'Dice circa 2004
Searching for Jillian Barberie since 2004.

"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by friedheine on 08-18-04 at 05:56 PM
"Colin and Christie may not be the nicest people in the world, but I root for them over any team (except for Chip and Kim) because they're playing smart. ....... Plus, they've done nothing unfair or underhanded and sneaky like some of the other teams. "

They are certainly NOT the nicest people in the world! I'm happy to give people the benefit of doubt, and I went back to watch the little episode which involved Charla/Mirna and the taxi a couple of times for a better look, and it sure seemed like the cousins were just trying to figure out what all of that hellish screeching was about, while C&C flailed their arms, swore and accused them of being insane. Get a grip, for crying out loud. "Playing smart"? Okay, maybe so, but when Mr Intense and his "cohesive" partner show up at each checkpoint to learn that they are in first or second place, and then just look down and shrug as if Phil told them that they were next-to-last... who wants to cheer for such a lackluster team? And as for doing "nothing unfair or underhanded and sneaky", what about buying up all of the available tickets JUST to keep Charla/Mirna from getting their hands on them? These two just come off as self-centered and shallow to me. I wish we could trade Jim and Marsha for them instead, at least there was somebody IN their clothes!

"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by ekr on 08-18-04 at 07:15 PM
I have to say, I agree with you. Colin appears to be extremely insecure, immature, and not at all a nice person. He was scared to death that a team with someone he thought was second class would show him up. Christie needs to run away fast when they lose because who knows what he will do to her. His temper has been evident in every episode. I enjoyed the previews when it looks like it will get him into trouble, the only thing that bothers me is that the previews rarely show anything that will give a clue as to who will get booted out next.

"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by venomousveins on 08-18-04 at 10:55 PM
"Colin and Christie may not be the nicest people in the world, but I root for them.... because they're playing smart ....... Plus, they've done nothing unfair or underhanded and sneaky like some of the other teams. "

How about Nastie Christie blocking the door to the airport? And then BRAGGING about it to her little buddies? ("She called me "B------''!!! HA HA HA HA HAAAAA!!!") And what was so "smart" about their booking a flight for everybody (to exclude the cousins) that was scheduled to land five hours after the one that the wascawwy Mirna & Charla found?

The race is only going to get more intense, and I'm sure that even though the cousins are gone that C&C's "best" is yet to come.

"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by erina on 08-19-04 at 00:16 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-19-04 AT 00:16 AM (EST)

I hate them too!! At first I thought the woman was better than the man. Urgh! But when Christie blocked the door at the airport, and then bragged about it, wow.. that's disgusting. (It's funny anyway when little Charla just passed under Christie's hand)

The rest were stupid enough to rally behind the EVILS, especially when the made the STUPID decision with swiss air. Getting Gulf Air was just their luck.

Colin is NO FUN at all. And buying all tickets just so the cousins won't get any is total sabotage. And no sportsmanship. If he's so smart he could find a better way. Uweekkk!!

I hope C&C are out soon.. disgracefully!

"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by Pretty_Kitty on 08-18-04 at 05:09 PM
I despise Colin I CANT WAIT for next week when his fits get him in trouble he's always screaming at people I understand this race must be very stressful but people will not help you if your screeching at them try a litte kindness for petes sake the eggg eating was so funny w/him gagging all over the place Im so mad that C & C lasted longer than Charla at this point the only team I could stomache winning is Chip and Kim

"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by wantstorun on 08-18-04 at 05:35 PM
Colin needs to be in a psychiatric hospital. His behaviour is way too intense, he loses his temper too quickly, and I think someday, we may see him on America's Most Wanted. He has the personality traits seen in stalkers (can't let go, holds grudges, and wanted C/M out of the race with an out of proportion passion). I hope c/c don't make the final 3- it could be dangerous for christie if colin perceived her as not moving quickly enough to satify him and they lose the race because of her.
christie would do well to dump him ASAP.
Hard to believe that with her looks, colin is the best she can do.

"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by nothingtoprove on 08-18-04 at 06:42 PM
Christ kids, you act like this race is the pie eating contest at the local church. This is a competition with one million dollars at stake. A teams not going to win this money by pussy-footing their way through the race. Sure Colin and Christie aren't the nicest team or the most laid back team but they're playing the game smart and playing to win. Despite you guys saying that they are mean, the only team they have been mean to is the midget team and for that I don't blame them. Mirna and Shmirna have lied and cheated their way through the whole race and it finally came back to bite them in the #####. On the other hand Colin and Christie have played smart and competitively and despite what you say, have been nice to a bunch of other teams. Not overly nice but once again, this is a race...

"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by ipisia on 08-18-04 at 09:35 PM
I almost died laughing when he kept overcooking the egg, thinking it would get smaller. All he did was make it greasier, tougher, and harder to swallow. If I had been there, I would have barely cooked my egg (don't know the rules about cooking), and slurped the thing down FAST.

"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by Redemption on 08-18-04 at 11:47 PM
Colin is very intense and agreed, both him and Nicole were childish at the airport and it nearly cost them the race.

I think they will learn from this but in the previews, it looks like COlins temper could hurt them.

Quick question, if a team or membrr gets arrested/put in jail, are they disqualified?

I mean, if arrested and waiting for a court hearing, they cannot travel anymore.

"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by friedheine on 08-18-04 at 11:54 PM
Yeah, "kids" (???).... in spite of Colin's utter lack of dialogue, his constant, unblinking STARE through bloodshot eyes, his near-violent outbursts (did anyone notice the way he was acting like he wanted to just STAB those scrambled eggs to death?) and other general scariness, there IS a million dollars at stake here! A little (or a LOT of) psychotic behavior is perfectly excusable if we're talking about enough CASH.

Of course, if Charla or Mirna had been acting like that, well, THAT would be another thing, but we are talking about Colin and Christie here, after all!

"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by nothingtoprove on 08-19-04 at 04:25 AM
I sense the sarcasm here but you fail to make a point. Charla and Mirna lied, scammed and cheated there way through this race while Colin and Christie played fair yet intensely to get this far. I really don't understand what you're trying to say here. He hasn't ##### hurt anyone, he hasn't cheated and he hasn't lied. As far as I know that makes his PERSONAL TRAITS just a part of him. Please try to make a point next time you post...

"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by friedheine on 08-19-04 at 08:36 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-20-04 AT 11:20 AM (EST)

Edited for the installation of a couple more witty adjectives.

"I sense the sarcasm here but you fail to make a point."

Yeah, well, I "sense" that you are taking this personally, 'nothingtoprove' (-Colin- is that YOU??? Hard to imagine anyone ELSE getting all worked up -to the point of swearing- over this, unless it IS you!).

"Charla and Mirna lied, scammed and cheated there (sic) way through this race while Colin and Christie played fair yet intensely to get this far. I really don't understand what you're trying to say here......"
Such an unbiased perspective. The POINT is, YOU... I mean, "Colin".... is displaying infantile and psychopathic behavior... which, judging by the title and all of the other postings, appears to be the subject of this thread.

"He hasn't ##### hurt anyone, he hasn't cheated and he hasn't lied. As far as I know that makes his PERSONAL TRAITS just a part of him. Please try to make a point next time you post..."

And thank you for so forcefully sharing your PERSONAL OPINION of the man. Apparently, your mind is made up- C&C can do no wrong, the cousins could do nothing right. You yourself have done little besides make vague (POINT-less), general statements (C&M "lied, scammed and cheated there way through"???). And it's always refreshing to have a first-time visitor reading us all The Rule Book.

"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by vixie on 08-19-04 at 12:06 PM
All good points NTP, and I agree with many. I don't think Colin is any saint (although M/C might be devil's spawn)(just kidding)(no I'm not) but I absolutely agree that the million dollar pot makes people act extremely on many levels.
However, I admire Kim & Chip's gameplay and appreciation for their opportunities far more and really hope and pray that they win...of course my team has only won once, so probably not.

"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by vixie on 08-20-04 at 12:21 PM
And NTP, by the way, why are you so hostile? Uuuuuhhh! Aren't you taking this a little too personally? Or are you?

"He reminds me of a young"
Posted by moonbaby on 08-20-04 at 12:55 PM
Mr. DeMartino from Daria

"RE: He reminds me of a young"
Posted by StarryLuna on 08-20-04 at 04:43 PM
LOL Moonie! So would that make Mirna to Colin as Brittany is to Mr. DeMartino?

Slice'n'Dice circa 2004
Searching for Jillian Barberie since 2004.

"RE: He reminds me of a young"
Posted by vixie on 08-20-04 at 11:58 PM
ROFLMAO...I can see it, I can see it perfectly. Nice one Luna (or may we call you STAR?) Oh brother!

"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by steppingrazor42 on 08-23-04 at 06:12 PM
I agree 100%, I am praying that they don't win, but if they keep playing the way that they have been it looks like they will. I really hope that he is different in the "real world" because he's so childish and egotistical. I was SO sad to see Mirna and Charla get beat by them. Oh well, team I love never wins anyway.

I'm routing for Chip and Kim now..........

"RE: Colin is a WUSS, Christie is a WITCH!"
Posted by love2smile on 08-23-04 at 09:04 PM
AMEN venomousveins!!!!! I cannot understand why so many people actually like this rude, moronic team.

If Christie would have been blocking my entryway to ANYWHERE, she would have been picking the floor out of her teeth, cause I would have shoved that twit right out of the way--and hard! lol