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"The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"

Posted by Femme on 06-05-03 at 10:43 PM
Heidi Ho, everyone. Let's just jump right in, shall we?

1. Monica and Sheree think snow-shoe walking is "harder than it looked." Monica said that looking for a mask-match was "harder than it looked." Just what wouldn't be "harder than it looked" for these two?

2. Name a street comedy scene that just might - might have been funnier than pulling Steve's intestines out.

3. Al and Jon's clown noses were noticeably absent this episode. What do you think happened to them?

4. Cindy thinks maybe Russel isn't the man for her. Gee. Why not?

5. Al and Jon insist that their gondola will fit down that tiny alley, even if it is a tight squeeze. Name something else that you might think could fit somewhere, but really couldn't?

6. Reichen reverted back to kindergarten with his antics at the train station. Let's sink to his level. What appropriate kindergarten insult would you have for his team?

7. Josh was afraid the other teams would retaliate against him for his earlier backstabbing. What should Josh really be concerned about?

8. Reichen and Chip referred to Monica and Sheree as their "moles." If any of the 11 teams were a body part, which one would they be, and why?

9. Dave and Steve say they "can't keep up with the young studs." What could they keep up with?

10. It struck me as inappropriate to ask your gondolier to drive you close enough to another person's boat so you could "kick his ass." What else might be inappropriate to ask of your gondolier?


How much wood would Chuck have if Chuck would just break down and get a little beaver?


"All right Ramblers, let's get ramblin'."

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Messages in this discussion
"Bonus Q"
Posted by clemsonbeav on 06-05-03 at 10:52 PM
Well I don't think I qualify as little. I'm young, but I'm 6' tall.

"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by Waruv on 06-05-03 at 11:14 PM
>Heidi Ho, everyone. Let's just jump
>right in, shall we?
>1. Monica and Sheree think snow-shoe
>walking is "harder than it
>looked." Monica said that looking
>for a mask-match was "harder
>than it looked." Just what
>wouldn't be "harder than it
>looked" for these two?
>The Answer: Spending their hubbies mass salaries of course, considering they play for the Vicks, that still may be harder than it looked.
>2. Name a street comedy scene
>that just might - might
>have been funnier than pulling
>Steve's intestines out.
>I don't think there is one, but maybe if we replaced Steve with Flo, but only if intestines changed to vocal chords. Or if you was Steve and Dave, them watching Da Bears on Da TV as Da Planes fall to Da Ground in Da Flames.
>3. Al and Jon's clown noses
>were noticeably absent this episode.
>What do you think happened
>to them?
> Well that is actually quite obvious. In the escorting business, red balls usually mean the actions that were completed were well done. As Clowning Around were going down on the sled, the red balls fell out, which were then directly picked up by STDs, hoping to bring them back as proof as their good job for extra money and or blackmail
>4. Cindy thinks maybe Russel isn't
>the man for her. Gee.
>Why not?
>Millie finally convinced her that waiting for the wrong man to make the move will prove futile.
>5. Al and Jon insist that
>their gondola will fit down
>that tiny alley, even if
>it is a tight squeeze.
>Name something else that you
>might think could fit somewhere,
>but really couldn't?
>So many inappropriate things to say here, but I'll keep it clean for the kiddies. It has to be my hand into the pringles canister, it is really too damned fatty. They trick me every time, like a mouse on a tredmill I tell you.
>6. Reichen reverted back to kindergarten
>with his antics at the
>train station. Let's sink to
>his level. What appropriate kindergarten
>insult would you have for
>his team?
>*Bites Reichen in a non-erotic way* Poophead isiots
>7. Josh was afraid the other
>teams would retaliate against him
>for his earlier backstabbing. What
>should Josh really be concerned
>Is there something he shouldn't be worried about?
>8. Reichen and Chip referred to
>Monica and Sheree as their
>"moles." If any of the
>11 teams were a body
>part, which one would they
>be, and why?
>Hmmm.....I would say that Dave and Steve would be my amazingly sexy man boobs. They are flabby, unresponsive, and have many problems getting around.
>9. Dave and Steve say they
>"can't keep up with the
>young studs." What could they
>keep up with?
> Da Bears Defensive Line
>10. It struck me as inappropriate
>to ask your gondolier to
>drive you close enough to
>another person's boat so you
>could "kick his ass." What
>else might be inappropriate to
>ask of your gondolier?
>Do you have any other uses for that obscenely long paddle? Is your girl really that dissatisfied?
>How much wood would Chuck have
>if Chuck would just break
>down and get a little
I dunno, but Millie would have a lot more wood
"We tried to dance for years to come, but two can't lead and waltz as one"~ Mayfield Four

"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by KeithFan on 06-05-03 at 11:52 PM
1. Monica and Sheree think snow-shoe walking is "harder than it looked." Monica said that looking for a mask-match was "harder than it looked." Just what wouldn't be "harder than it looked" for these two?

With steroid enhanced husbands, could it be their husbands.....

2. Name a street comedy scene that just might - might have been funnier than pulling Steve's intestines out.

Having Steve eating them thinking they are Keilbasa!

3. Al and Jon's clown noses were noticeably absent this episode. What do you think happened to them?

Phil told them what they could do with them, and they said "hey, that would be a great thing to have in a VW with 25 of our closest friends", or possibly Reichen and Chip tied them together with a string and.....

4. Cindy thinks maybe Russel isn't the man for her. Gee. Why not?

Two words, Reichen and Chip. Great Googly Moogly man! A hot chick throws herself at you and you want to be buddies.

5. Al and Jon insist that their gondola will fit down that tiny alley, even if it is a tight squeeze. Name something else that you might think could fit somewhere, but really couldn't?

I thought this question was about Al and Jon, not Team Virgin.

6. Reichen reverted back to kindergarten with his antics at the train station. Let's sink to his level. What appropriate kindergarten insult would you have for his team?

Hey you motherF#@#ing, fudge-packing, waste of humanity, get your motherF@#$@ing sore A$$ out of my way. Hey, I went to a tough kindergarten.

7. Josh was afraid the other teams would retaliate against him for his earlier backstabbing. What should Josh really be concerned about?

Sexual orientation issues?

8. Reichen and Chip referred to Monica and Sheree as their "moles." If any of the 11 teams were a body part, which one would they be, and why?

Team Hymen!

9. Dave and Steve say they "can't keep up with the young studs." What could they keep up with?


10. It struck me as inappropriate to ask your gondolier to drive you close enough to another person's boat so you could "kick his ass." What else might be inappropriate to ask of your gondolier?

Wendy's drive-thru?


How much wood would Chuck have if Chuck would just break down and get a little beaver?

About 12 seconds worth!

"Give me chastity and continence, but not yet."
- Saint Augustine (354-430)

"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by mtopaz on 06-06-03 at 02:10 AM
1. Monica and Sheree think snow-shoe walking is "harder than it
looked." Monica said that looking for a mask-match was "harder
than it looked." Just what wouldn't be "harder than it
looked" for these two?
throwing in yet another mention that they are married to pra-fessional athletes

2. Name a street comedy scene that just might - might have been funnier than pulling Steve's intestines out.
full knee replacement surgery - performed by the clowns

3. Al and Jon's clown noses were noticeably absent this episode.
What do you think happened to them?
Reichen and Chip, those big bullies!, took them away (after all, they are bigger)

4. Cindy thinks maybe Russel isn't the man for her. Gee. Why not?
Er, um, lemme think - cuz he's an arrogant, patronizing, offensive boob?

5. Al and Jon insist that their gondola will fit down that tiny alley, even if it is a tight squeeze. Name something else that you might think could fit somewhere, but really couldn't?
Josh, at a hip party

6. Reichen reverted back to kindergarten with his antics at the
train station. Let's sink to his level. What appropriate kindergarten insult would you have for his team?
Nyah, nyah! Chip and Reichin, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G

7. Josh was afraid the other teams would retaliate against him
for his earlier backstabbing. What should Josh really be concerned about?
Lard filled fats

8. Reichen and Chip referred to Monica and Sheree as their
"moles." If any of the 11 teams were a body part, which one would they be, and why?
Russell and Chris both come close to winning the title of "Biggest A$$", but since Chris was eliminated tonight - looks like Russell takes the title for now

9. Dave and Steve say they "can't keep up with the young studs." What could they keep up with?
With at least a 45 minute handicap, perhaps the Golden Girls?

10. It struck me as inappropriate to ask your gondolier to
drive you close enough to another person's boat so you could "kick his ass." What else might be inappropriate to
ask of your gondolier?
Would you mind singing 'Play that Funky Music White Boy' one more time?


How much wood would Chuck have if Chuck would just break
down and get a little beaver?
I don't know, but I think it might only burn for about 30 seconds, if that

"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by cyclehausen on 06-06-03 at 04:19 AM
First of all, Femme, you are nasty and downright delightful!

1. Monica and Sheree think snow-shoe walking is "harder than it looked." Monica said that looking for a mask-match was "harder than it looked." Just what wouldn't be "harder than it looked" for these two?

The hubbies' chubbies after a night at the strip club?

2. Name a street comedy scene that just might - might have been funnier than pulling Steve's intestines out.
How about two men in lab coats doing an Abbot-and-Costello style routinee with all nerd jokes?

"An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar...."
(If you know the rest of the joke, I will hand-deliver you a fast forward!)

3. Al and Jon's clown noses were noticeably absent this episode. What do you think happened to them?

All Millie and Chuck would say is that they are "with Jesus."

4. Cindy thinks maybe Russel isn't the man for her. Gee. Why not?

Apparently that hardened wench can't handle spoonful after spoonful of childish delight. Honestly, some people....

5. Al and Jon insist that their gondola will fit down that tiny alley, even if it is a tight squeeze. Name something else that you might think could fit somewhere, but really couldn't?

I thought steady force and constant lubrication would allow my enormous, throbbing (calm down) soliloquy to fit into the Community Theater's rendition of "The Vagina Monologues." Would you believe I actually ripped it right in half? (The script, you sick-o)

6. Reichen reverted back to kindergarten with his antics at the train station. Let's sink to his level. What appropriate kindergarten insult would you have for his team?

"Ewwww...everyone, Reichen got pee-pee cooties on the door!"

7. Josh was afraid the other teams would retaliate against him for his earlier backstabbing. What should Josh really be concerned about?

Being labeled as "emo" when he desperately want to be considered "hard-core."

8. Reichen and Chip referred to Monica and Sheree as their "moles." If any of the 11 teams were a body part, which one would they be, and why?

Tian and Jaree would be a fingernail...carefully painted, vulnerable to bite attacks, and barely a cause of concern for adventurous fingers....

9. Dave and Steve say they "can't keep up with the young studs." What could they keep up with?

They could keep up with local gossip, and their electric bill.

10. It struck me as inappropriate to ask your gondolier to drive you close enough to another person's boat so you could "kick his ass." What else might be inappropriate to ask of your gondolier?

"I'm out of cash... do you take hickeys?"


How much wood would Chuck have if Chuck would just break down and get a little beaver?

Three small reams. Then I have a strange feeling Chuck would start seeing the forest for the trees, if you catch my drift.... (there are fairies in most forest, after all...)

"I am an unlimited person, sadly living in a limited world."-Harlan Ellison

"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by Bebo on 06-06-03 at 08:15 AM
Disclaimer: I post, then read responses. If I copy your response, then run, don't walk, to your mental health care professional.

1. Monica and Sheree think snow-shoe walking is "harder than it looked." Monica said that looking for a mask-match was "harder than it looked." Just what wouldn't be "harder than it looked" for these two?

Being the wives of NFL quarterbacks.

2. Name a street comedy scene that just might - might have been funnier than pulling Steve's intestines out.

Pulling Tian and Jaree's intestines out.

3. Al and Jon's clown noses were noticeably absent this episode.
What do you think happened to them?

Steve and Dave ate them. Alternate response: Millie stole them for use as sex toys, just in case.

4. Cindy thinks maybe Russel isn't the man for her. Gee. Why not?

Because her name ain't doormat? Because he's not a man? Because she doesn't want to be dragged back into the cave by her hair?

5. Al and Jon insist that their gondola will fit down that tiny alley, even if it is a tight squeeze. Name something else that you might think could fit somewhere, but really couldn't?


6. Reichen reverted back to kindergarten with his antics at the train station. Let's sink to his level. What appropriate kindergarten insult would you have for his team?

7. Josh was afraid the other teams would retaliate against him for his earlier backstabbing. What should Josh really be concerned about?

His chances of dating someone besides his dad.

8. Reichen and Chip referred to Monica and Sheree as their "moles." If any of the 11 teams were a body part, which one would they be, and why?

Steve and Dave - gut. No explanation needed.

9. Dave and Steve say they "can't keep up with the young studs." What could they keep up with?

The all-you-can-eat buffet at the local Sizzler.

10. It struck me as inappropriate to ask your gondolier to drive you close enough to another person's boat so you could "kick his ass." What else might be inappropriate to ask of your gondolier?

To handle your pole. To guide you into a tight, dark space. To sing "Tiny Bubbles" as he guides the gondola (especially since that's from another reality show).


How much wood would Chuck have if Chuck would just break down and get a little beaver?

Not much - remember, he can't commit.

Bebo, Mistress of the Painfully Obvious and your American Idol PTTE co-champ

"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by cyclehausen on 06-06-03 at 09:52 AM
2 and 10 were my favorites.

*smooch* for Beebs!

"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by mikey on 06-06-03 at 09:25 AM
>Heidi Ho, everyone. Let's just jump
>right in, shall we?
>1. Monica and Sheree think snow-shoe
>walking is "harder than it
>looked." Monica said that looking
>for a mask-match was "harder
>than it looked." Just what
>wouldn't be "harder than it
>looked" for these two?
The Atlanta Falcons.

>2. Name a street comedy scene
>that just might - might
>have been funnier than pulling
>Steve's intestines out.

A tiny virgin girl beating up a large german man next week.
>3. Al and Jon's clown noses
>were noticeably absent this episode.
>What do you think happened
>to them?
Dunno, but Cindy was walking kind of funny.

>4. Cindy thinks maybe Russel isn't
>the man for her. Gee.
>Why not?
Girl's got a thing for clown noses.

>5. Al and Jon insist that
>their gondola will fit down
>that tiny alley, even if
>it is a tight squeeze.
>Name something else that you
>might think could fit somewhere,
>but really couldn't?
Two clown noses in Cindy's ...

>6. Reichen reverted back to kindergarten
>with his antics at the
>train station. Let's sink to
>his level. What appropriate kindergarten
>insult would you have for
>his team?
Chip has cooties.

>7. Josh was afraid the other
>teams would retaliate against him
>for his earlier backstabbing. What
>should Josh really be concerned
Elvis Costello asking for his glasses back.

>8. Reichen and Chip referred to
>Monica and Sheree as their
>"moles." If any of the
>11 teams were a body
>part, which one would they
>be, and why?
Josh would love to be Tian and Jaree's fake #####.

>9. Dave and Steve say they
>"can't keep up with the
>young studs." What could they
>keep up with?
Norm and Cliff at a bar.

>10. It struck me as inappropriate
>to ask your gondolier to
>drive you close enough to
>another person's boat so you
>could "kick his ass." What
>else might be inappropriate to
>ask of your gondolier?
I would be inapprorpiate to ask him the bonus question below.

>How much wood would Chuck have
>if Chuck would just break
>down and get a little
Chuck would Chuck her silly if Chuck knew how to Chuck Millie.

"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 06-06-03 at 01:01 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-06-03 AT 06:25 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 06-06-03 AT 01:13 PM (EST)

Great questions! As usual, I answer first and read the others later. Apologies for duplicated answers. Great minds think alike, but what's our excuse?

1. Monica and Sheree think snow-shoe walking is "harder than it looked." Monica said that looking for a mask-match was "harder than it looked." Just what wouldn't be "harder than it looked" for these two?
Reichen and Chip wouldn't be hard at all.

2. Name a street comedy scene that just might - might have been funnier than pulling Steve's intestines out.
Punch 'n' Jonny

3. Al and Jon's clown noses were noticeably absent this episode.
What do you think happened to them?

Millie claimed those lil red balls. She's been squeezing them and breathing heavy ever since.

4. Cindy thinks maybe Russel isn't the man for her. Gee. Why not?
Perhaps because he will go 40,000 miles without sex.

5. Al and Jon insist that their gondola will fit down that tiny alley, even if it is a tight squeeze. Name something else that you might think could fit somewhere, but really couldn't?
Reichen's ego in Josh's body.

6. Reichen reverted back to kindergarten with his antics at the train station. Let's sink to his level. What appropriate kindergarten insult would you have for his team?
Sing out: Reichen and Chip, sittin in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G

7. Josh was afraid the other teams would retaliate against him for his earlier backstabbing. What should Josh really be concerned about?
Mistakenly pairing off with the other Steve.

8. Reichen and Chip referred to Monica and Sheree as their "moles." If any of the 11 teams were a body part, which one would they be, and why?
When Reichen and Chip said they had moles, I was thinking of those small burrowing animals.
Then I remembered: Those are gerbils!

On to the body part question: Reichen and Chip are pricks, does that count?

9. Dave and Steve say they "can't keep up with the young studs." What could they keep up with?
Chuck, of course. He's not a stud, just a dud.

10. It struck me as inappropriate to ask your gondolier to drive you close enough to another person's boat so you could "kick his ass." What
else might be inappropriate to ask of your gondolier?
"Would you please deflower me, NOW?"


How much wood would Chuck have if Chuck would just break
down and get a little beaver?

Consulting the Magic Blue Ball.... "Try Again Later"

These reality show contestants need a reality check!

"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by dajaki on 06-09-03 at 12:36 PM
1. Monica and Sheree think snow-shoe walking is "harder than it looked." Monica said that looking for a mask-match was "harder than it looked." Just what wouldn't be "harder than it looked" for these two?
Coordinating outfits with the new BMWs that their rich athlete husbands bought them

2. Name a street comedy scene that just might - might have been funnier than pulling Steve's intestines out.
Sitting down to eat the intestines with fava beans and a nice Italian Chianti on the side

3. Al and Jon's clown noses were noticeably absent this episode. What do you think happened to them?
Chip and Reichen are borrowing them - not gonna tell you why

4. Cindy thinks maybe Russel isn't the man for her. Gee. Why not?
There is no room in his life for his ego and a woman. Cindy, happy hunting elsewhere.

5. Al and Jon insist that their gondola will fit down that tiny alley, even if it is a tight squeeze. Name something else that you might think could fit somewhere, but really couldn't?
Hmmm. Maybe this is why Chuck and Millie haven't had sex yet.

6. Reichen reverted back to kindergarten with his antics at the train station. Let's sink to his level. What appropriate kindergarten insult would you have for his team?
Chippy Skippy, puddin' and pie
Kissed the girls which made him cry
When little Reichen came out to play
Chippy Skippy knew he was gay.

7. Josh was afraid the other teams would retaliate against him for his earlier backstabbing. What should Josh really be concerned about?
Being quite possibly the biggest loser to ever participate in the Amazing Race

8. Reichen and Chip referred to Monica and Sheree as their "moles." If any of the 11 teams were a body part, which one would they be, and why?
Tian and Jaree - Asses

9. Dave and Steve say they "can't keep up with the young studs." What could they keep up with?
A turtle parade, the long march of the garden snail, a clay marble rolling on a 1 degree grade

10. It struck me as inappropriate to ask your gondolier to drive you close enough to another person's boat so you could "kick his ass." What else might be inappropriate to ask of your gondolier?
How long does your stick have to be to become a gondolier?

How much wood would Chuck have if Chuck would just break down and get a little beaver?

About 12 inches. I'm optomistic. Go Chuck!

"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by sisyphus on 06-11-03 at 04:42 PM
1. Monica and Sheree wouldn't think that navigating Nordstroms is aharder than it looks

2. Eating a hot dog on the streets of New York

3. The noses got stolen by the venice greeter

4. He does not worship at the St. cindy Shrine

5. The gondolier sticking his pole up their.A**

6. you are a fairy queen, you are a fairy queen

7. Josh should be worried abou the lack of attention from the ladies.

8. little toes, nice to have but not much use

9. they maybe could keep up with a gelding

10. It maybe inappropriate to ask a gondolier to dance a jig for you

Depends on how little the beaver is.

"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by carencey on 06-11-03 at 05:09 PM
1. Monica and Sheree think snow-shoe walking is "harder than it looked." Monica said that looking for a mask-match was "harder than it looked." Just what wouldn't be "harder than it looked" for these two?
Reichen and Chip.

2. Name a street comedy scene that just might - might have been funnier than pulling Steve's intestines out.
Steve giving birth, I dunno

3. Al and Jon's clown noses were noticeably absent this episode. What do you think happened to them?
When guys can't find a foil-wrapped cucumber, they just have to make do with what they have on hand.

4. Cindy thinks maybe Russel isn't the man for her. Gee. Why not?
He only has eyes for himself.

5. Al and Jon insist that their gondola will fit down that tiny alley, even if it is a tight squeeze. Name something else that you might think could fit somewhere, but really couldn't?
Dodging the question to note that if Al and Jon hadn't skipped the foreplay, perhaps their gondola would have had a chance.

6. Reichen reverted back to kindergarten with his antics at the train station. Let's sink to his level. What appropriate kindergarten insult would you have for his team?
Not good with these. Monkeybutt?

7. Josh was afraid the other teams would retaliate against him for his earlier backstabbing. What should Josh really be concerned about?
Losing his glasses, but I bet he does a great Velma.

8. Reichen and Chip referred to Monica and Sheree as their "moles." If any of the 11 teams were a body part, which one would they be, and why?
Tian and Jaree, a pair of boobs

9. Dave and Steve say they "can't keep up with the young studs." What could they keep up with?
The Viagra joke is taken, and I can't do any better!

10. It struck me as inappropriate to ask your gondolier to drive you close enough to another person's boat so you could "kick his ass." What else might be inappropriate to ask of your gondolier?
How 'bout you get down here and I'll paddle YOU?

How much wood would Chuck have if Chuck would just break down and get a little beaver?
The wood is there...it just needs to be handled properly. ;)

"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by AMAI on 06-11-03 at 08:47 PM
>Heidi Ho, everyone. Let's just jump
>right in, shall we?
>1. Monica and Sheree think snow-shoe
>walking is "harder than it
>looked." Monica said that looking
>for a mask-match was "harder
>than it looked." Just what
>wouldn't be "harder than it
>looked" for these two?
Nothing - that's become their mantra to make it seem like their pampered lives are really very challenging and 'harder than it looks - and the alternative answer is too rough for this board

>2. Name a street comedy scene
>that just might - might
>have been funnier than pulling
>Steve's intestines out.
Someone pretending to commit suicide right into the group - just to see what the Tourist Racer Assh*les do

>3. Al and Jon's clown noses
>were noticeably absent this episode.
>What do you think happened
>to them?
Reichen & Chipper

>4. Cindy thinks maybe Russel isn't
>the man for her. Gee.
>Why not?
They wouldn't make such beautiful children

>5. Al and Jon insist that
>their gondola will fit down
>that tiny alley, even if
>it is a tight squeeze.
>Name something else that you
>might think could fit somewhere,
>but really couldn't?
You don't want me to go there - and anyway, I really thought this WASN'T the Sucks board

>6. Reichen reverted back to kindergarten
>with his antics at the
>train station. Let's sink to
>his level. What appropriate kindergarten
>insult would you have for
>his team?
You got cooties

>7. Josh was afraid the other
>teams would retaliate against him
>for his earlier backstabbing. What
>should Josh really be concerned
His mom cleaning out the basement while he's out of the house

>8. Reichen and Chip referred to
>Monica and Sheree as their
>"moles." If any of the
>11 teams were a body
>part, which one would they
>be, and why?
Russell would be the hemerroid on Cindy the ass

>9. Dave and Steve say they
>"can't keep up with the
>young studs." What could they
>keep up with?
Watching golf on tv, maybe?

>10. It struck me as inappropriate
>to ask your gondolier to
>drive you close enough to
>another person's boat so you
>could "kick his ass." What
>else might be inappropriate to
>ask of your gondolier?
to dispose of your partner
>How much wood would Chuck have
>if Chuck would just break
>down and get a little
I'd say Chuck would have quite the body of liquid, ifyaknowwhatImean.

WHO IS DOING THIS WEEK? I'll jump in the rotation - let me know!!

"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 06-12-03 at 01:49 AM

You are scheduled to do Episode 3, so by all means, jump right in!

I am scheduled to do Episode 4, so try to be boring for a change.

These reality show contestants need a reality check!

"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by AMAI on 06-12-03 at 07:09 AM
LOL, TeamJoisey. And thanks for the heads-up. I'm good to go for tonight!!!

I sure hope it's not a boring episode - and you'll do a great job no matter what, I'm sure.

Is it just the four of us? Where IS the schedule?


"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 06-12-03 at 01:21 PM
The schedule is posted in the original "Is Anyone interested..." thread.

Here's the lineup:

Ep. 1 - dajaki
Ep. 2 - Femme
Ep. 3 - AMAI
Ep. 4 - Team Joisey
Ep. 5 - KeithFan
Ep. 6 - Esbea
Ep. 7 - TriGirl
Ep. 8 - tig_ger
Ep. 9 - Bebo
Ep. 10 - sisyphus
Ep. 11 - AMAI

These reality show contestants need a reality check!

"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by dajaki on 06-12-03 at 03:04 PM
Thanks for reposting the schedule, Team Joisey!

"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by AMAI on 06-12-03 at 07:33 PM
Thanks Joisey. Woo I get to do two eps. Whee!

Great line-up! Glad to see more people getting involved in this. It's such a lot of fun.

"RE: The Hawkeye Ten, Episode 2"
Posted by tig_ger on 06-12-03 at 02:15 PM
Heidi Ho, everyone. Let's just jump right in, shall we?

1. Monica and Sheree think snow-shoe walking is "harder than it looked." Monica said that looking for a mask-match was "harder than it looked." Just what wouldn't be "harder than it looked" for these two? Getting eliminated.

2. Name a street comedy scene that just might - might have been funnier than pulling Steve's intestines out.Russel noticing Cindy.

3. Al and Jon's clown noses were noticeably absent this episode. What do you think happened to them? They were absent??? I didn't notice a difference.

4. Cindy thinks maybe Russel isn't the man for her. Gee. Why not? She is a DAW and wants to be noticed once in a while.

5. Al and Jon insist that their gondola will fit down that tiny alley, even if it is a tight squeeze. Name something else that you might think could fit somewhere, but really couldn't? Intelligence in the Amazing Race.

6. Reichen reverted back to kindergarten with his antics at the train station. Let's sink to his level. What appropriate kindergarten insult would you have for his team? I am rubber, you are glue. Anything you say, gets stuck on you.

7. Josh was afraid the other teams would retaliate against him for his earlier backstabbing. What should Josh really be concerned about?Please let him start concerning himself with his appearance---puhleeze!!!

8. Reichen and Chip referred to Monica and Sheree as their "moles." If any of the 11 teams were a body part, which one would they be, and why?Oh, I can think of Team A$$, Team Hymen, and Team Wart right now. Must come back later to think of more.

9. Dave and Steve say they "can't keep up with the young studs." What could they keep up with? Rush hour traffic in Los Angeles.

10. It struck me as inappropriate to ask your gondolier to drive you close enough to another person's boat so you could "kick his ass." What else might be inappropriate to ask of your gondolier? True story. Gondola ride in Naples, California. I heard a lady ask the gondolier if he wouldn't mind swimming back to shore so that she and her date could be alone.


How much wood would Chuck have if Chuck would just break down and get a little beaver? Not sure, but it sounds as though he's been stockpiling for years.

A Kyngsladye Original

Tig_ger: The Holy Mother of Inclusion