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"A second look at the Cindy/Russel Bio"

Posted by VA Slim on 06-13-03 at 08:27 PM
I took another look at Cindy and Russel's Bio on the AR webpage after their flameout last night. A couple points jumped off the screen at me;

"Russell is a 32-year-old model/actor/entrepreneur who describes himself as hilarious and a leader." - Yeah. Right! Everytime he went off in another stupid direction, not paying attention to anything, I was rotflmao! Great leader, Russel! You inspire me!

"...he says he's like the TV character McGyver because he gets things done..." Only if "done" is a another way of saying "lost"!

"He claims to be very intuitive, which can be a great gift or a pain in the butt." Got the pain in the butt part right! I guess "intuitive" is another way of saying "It's my way or the highway (showing those leadership skills again!)."

Cindy describes herself as "..."loyal, playful and spontaneously adventurous to the point of insanity." Well, I'll give her the loyal part (or maybe it was lustful). She hung on trying to make things work - well, maybe except for THAT Beethoven quote - yes, Cindy there was only one Beethoven but - ya think? - maybe he moved around a bit?

Cindy: "She and Russell debate things constantly." Of course Russell's idea of his contribution to the debate was "It's my way or the highway." Oops, there's that display of leadership skill again (in case you missed it the first time!).

Cindy said that "...she has always had a fantasy of being in a "Jewel of the Nile" situation with a man and hopes THE AMAZING RACE would be that." I'm sure she was hoping for the end of the sliding down the slippery slope scene but Russell is so in love with himself that the only way he would participate was if he was alone & double-jointed!

Cindy said "...she has a great deal of respect for Russell and that he has never disappointed her." Well, until this trip! Cindy, my best advice to you is - RUNNNNN! Get away from that narcissist as fast and far as you can!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: A second look at the Cindy/Russel Bio"
Posted by KeithFan on 06-13-03 at 10:43 PM
You got it dead-on!! I just don't think she is bright enough to leave "her man" though. I think the dumbest quote ever on reality TV was heard this week. When the finally found Beethoven, she said "Nice ta meetcha, love your music!" LIKE SHE'S A F'N BEETHOVEN GROUPIE!

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- Saint Augustine (354-430)

"RE: A second look at the Cindy/Russel Bio"
Posted by SeaVisionBurma on 06-14-03 at 00:37 AM
I literally fell from my lounge chair onto the floor when she said that last night. I ended up getting annoyed as I was laughing so much I missed the next few minutes of dialogue.


At least she didnt say it to Mozart. He wouldnt have heard her anyways (awww, I get so confused - which one was the deaf composer?)

"RE: A second look at the Cindy/Russel Bio"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 06-14-03 at 10:42 AM
LAST EDITED ON 06-14-03 AT 10:45 AM (EST)

>At least she didnt say it to Mozart. He wouldnt have
>heard her anyways (awww, I get so confused - which
>one was the deaf composer?)

Beethoven's the deaf one. And "He wouldn't have heard her anyways" doesn't make sense considering it's an actor playing someone who's been deceased for nearly a couple hundred years.

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"RE: A second look at the Cindy/Russel Bio"
Posted by cyclehausen on 06-14-03 at 01:25 PM
Cindy interview.