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Forum: DCForumID54
Thread Number: 1803
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Original Message
"BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!"

Posted by Molaholic on 10-25-10 at 01:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-26-10 AT 00:16 AM (EST)

Welcome to Norway -- land of the Goat Head Christmas Pudding (waves to Starshine).

Another fantastic job by the Docs, zooming to the matt after the FF. Well played!

As for the rest of you -- you handled the tasks with no fatalities and only a little bit of confusion. Too bad you arrived in Norway during the national taxi-free holiday season.

I hope everyone noticed my kewl Santa beard & Christmas sweater (even though it was summer...).

I hope the Philbrow didn't skeer too many of youngsters out there...

Seana, mistress of siggies 2010

Table of contents
  • RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!,kidflash212, 01:59 PM, 10-25-10
    • RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!,Belle Book, 07:17 PM, 10-25-10
    • RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!,Seana, 09:50 AM, 10-28-10
      • RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!,Belle Book, 06:57 PM, 10-28-10
      • RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!,Max Headroom, 11:04 AM, 10-29-10
  • RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!,Max Headroom, 01:59 PM, 10-25-10
    • RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!,kidflash212, 02:20 PM, 10-25-10
  • RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!,Belle Book, 08:18 PM, 10-25-10
  • RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!,Seana, 09:52 AM, 10-28-10
    • RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!,caseymagoo, 11:52 AM, 10-28-10

Messages in this discussion
"RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-25-10 at 01:59 PM
What? Welcome to Norway? What is that supposed to mean? These word puzzles on this Race are giving me a headache.

"RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!"
Posted by Belle Book on 10-25-10 at 07:17 PM
And your stupidity is giving me a headache! I can't believe you & Vicki didn't understand how a Fast-Forward worked or what that sign "Fast-Forward Taken" meant? Are you idiots? Oh, wait -- never mind. That was a dumb question.

"RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!"
Posted by Seana on 10-28-10 at 09:50 AM
Hi Honey!

Do you think we should wait here a while longer? What does "taken" mean?

"RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!"
Posted by Belle Book on 10-28-10 at 06:57 PM
(silently prays for patience)

In this case, "taken" means that another team beat you to the Fast-Forward -- Nat & I. Obviously, you don't know that only one team can win the Fast-Forward on a given leg. That means no, you shouldn't wait there awhile longer -- just get to the bridge and do the Roadblock.


"RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!"
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-29-10 at 11:04 AM
"Taken" means you should've waited a lot longer at the Fast Forward location, just to make sure the person in charge of the Fast Forward didn't come back later to let you try it.

"RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!"
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-25-10 at 01:59 PM
Well, that svcked. We needed somebody ahead of us to make a big mistake, and nobody did.

"RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-25-10 at 02:20 PM
svcked. Finally, a word I recognize.

"RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!"
Posted by Belle Book on 10-25-10 at 08:18 PM
Ugh! Eating that meat was awful! Good thing I had a glass of water to help me get it down -- and a big amount of willpower to help me power through the task! However, it was worth it -- we won the Fast-Forward, we didn't have to worry about Nat's fear of heights and we came in first again! Let's keep it up, Nat! If we do so, we might get into the finals -- and maybe even the first all-female team to win The Amazing Race!

"RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!"
Posted by Seana on 10-28-10 at 09:52 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-28-10 AT 09:53 AM (EST)

{monotone} Did you see my Nicky go on those mountain bikes? He's really good. Wait for me, honey.

Oh, OK, I'll wait for you. It's good you do all that BMXing so you're good at biking and have a lot of endurance.

How about me rappelling down from that bridge? I totally kicked butt, since I am a physical person.


"RE: BTAR 17.5 - This goat eyeball tastes just like cucumber!"
Posted by caseymagoo on 10-28-10 at 11:52 AM
OMG THAT WAS AWESOME! CLAIR that was great, I knew you were stronger than you think! Thank goodness you are the hyper one so my calm can settle you down. What??? Oh hyper is me? Oops, smashed my head but I don't even feel it. I'm not sure why Kat said 'tastes like a million dollars', isn't it the highest kiss count that gets the million?