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Thread Number: 1572
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"Ixnay On The Post-Production Sounds"

Posted by Cygnus X1 on 12-03-07 at 00:52 AM
Is anyone getting as tired as I am of all the sounds that the post-production staff is tossing into the show? It used to be just that out-of-tune zither-esque sound when a Racer made a goof or missed something, but now it seems that the gong and that "E-e-e-e-e-ewww" sound are everywhere! (It was more the gong this week.)

Do they really need to point out these things for us?

You've been warned, so don't complain.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Ixnay On The Post-Production Sounds"
Posted by Seana on 12-03-07 at 01:38 PM
Oh yeah, that gong is driving me nuts. It was particularly bad last night, I thought. If they only used it once in a while, it would be funny, but they have no self-control.

Actually, that sort of thing started to bug me back a couple seasons when Team Nerd would always have goofy music in the background: "Look! Nerds! Doi dee dee doi..."

"RE: Ixnay On The Post-Production Sounds"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 12-04-07 at 04:53 AM
"Look! Nerds! Doi dee dee doi..."

What are you talking about? I hear that music all the time. Is this abnormal?

--gotta love Tribe and his awesome siggies!