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Thread Number: 1545
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"Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"

Posted by Estee on 11-05-07 at 08:56 AM
Those of us who know what Goths are were able to identify you as such on first glance. The parts of the country which have no clue as to your cultural heritage will continue to very carefully have no idea what you are no matter how many times throw the name out there.

In other words: please stop labeling yourselves once every thirty seconds before someone goes insane. Thank you.

Estee & the undersigned

Which is kind of like untying the line and hoping the donkey will move on its own, but it had to be said.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by kingfish on 11-05-07 at 10:20 AM

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by Breezy on 11-05-07 at 11:23 AM
I liked the term Freaks one of the other teams gave them better.

Ummm doods? Goth is dark and dreary, not cartoons and kittens.

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 11-05-07 at 11:28 AM
Hey...now I have to do a bunch of internet searches on it to show Mrs. Hobbs what's all about....*grown*

Save the Cheerleader Save the World
sig by Pepe and bouncy by IceCat

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by ginger on 11-05-07 at 11:41 AM
It looks so anachronistic - like wearing zoot suits or something.

Real Goths don't do Reality TV. They are too busy drinking blood or tattooing blue tears down their faces or something.

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by FishWoman on 11-05-07 at 11:50 AM
Word. I was goth in highschool and a while thereafter (approximately 1986 to 1991).

I didn't even watch tv because it was pedestrian and typical of the mind-numbing commonality being forced on us by conglomorate america. To actually want to be on a reality show? Like a little death to the soul.

But i never went around telling people i was "goth." It wasn't worth my time if they were too stupid to get it.

Yes, I havehad issues.

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by Seana on 11-05-07 at 11:58 AM
We could have been such friends comrades in arms together against the schlock that the rest of the world kept trying to shove down our throats.

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 11-05-07 at 04:31 PM
You? Goth?

*looks at peep meet pic again*

Hmmm, maybe so!

(I'm not slow, just a little naive)

Sorry BYoffer, but if I post my pic without Seana's permission, I fear I'll wind up being more Goth than I ever intended!

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by byoffer on 11-05-07 at 04:21 PM
Dear Fishwoman (& Seana):

I don't know you as well as I know Seana, but I have seen pseudo-recent pictures of you. Having met her, I have a hard time believing that she was Goth. Could either of you post pictures of yourselves from your goth time for us curious folks?

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by Seana on 11-05-07 at 08:54 PM
Dear byoffer and Cygnus,

Only my eye makeup remains from my days as a big freak. Possibly you noticed the liquid eyeliner in hooks at the sides? I don't know if I could find a pic from way back when.

Actually, I just hung out with Goths - we called them batcavers, back in the day. I myself considered it hypocritical to disparage everyone for being slaves to current trends, but then require people to wear black clothes, black eyeliner and listen to the Cure. Like a uniform. What were we protesting if not labels!

So I wore my eyeliner in hooks to my eyebrows and my lips were shades that no cosmetic company ever produced. You would not believe the trouble I went to to produce purple. *sighs nostalgically* I think the nicest thing a stranger ever called me was "eccentric".

Agman made it so!

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 11-06-07 at 00:42 AM
Ah, yes, the days of proclaiming one's non-conformity by dressing just like everyone else one hung out with.

You're unique, just like everyone else.

Thanks Seana! *chooms*

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by Snidget on 11-06-07 at 11:58 AM
One of my favorite cartoons growing up was a pair of nearly idential hippies sitting on a park bench watching the office workers in suits walking by commenting on how they hate to dress just like everyone else.

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by FishWoman on 11-06-07 at 11:10 AM
Dear ByOffer and Cygnus:

I am now a corporate drone, goth only in my mindset, which is why any recent pictures of me just look like a regular girl

I will try to find some pix this weekend and scan them in - but I was never "Marylin Manson" goth. I've never really cared for makeup, and adhered (then and now) to the concept that it is your attitude, not your outward appearance, that makes you goth/punk/whathaveyou.

But yes, Seana and I would have probably gotten along famously in highschool (most likely now as well).

Hiking with Smokey'sMom

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by bystander on 11-06-07 at 11:57 AM
Dear Byoffer, Cygnus, Seana, & Fishwoman,

Just wanted to say hi and THANKS!!! for your support!

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by jbug on 11-06-07 at 04:01 PM

My step-grand daughter (in SanFran) is into Goth. Her pics mostly show dark lipstick - almost black. But not anything outlandish yet as far as hair color.
It's funny in a way cause her dad would only wear black t-shirts back in his teen years. Every shirt he had was black (but he was into hard rock music - not goth).

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by kingfish on 11-06-07 at 01:36 PM
It is, of course, the whathaveyou that we all admire the most.

"I am betting"
Posted by moonbaby on 11-05-07 at 01:13 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-06-07 AT 07:01 PM (EST)

that at some poynt a crowd wyll form around them wayting for them to myme.

Edyted to change spellyng.

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by nailbone on 11-05-07 at 01:46 PM
Maybe they're not really Goth, but just pretending so they can get on TV.

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-07 at 02:01 PM
I wonder if they play at being Goth so people will stop and stare at them.

Getting on TV just increases the number of people staring at them.

I hope there is more to them than we need to dress/wear our hair/put on makeup so outrageously that people have no choice other than to notice them. There seems to be, but they do seem to be putting the desperate back into attention-whoring. I mean if you have to dress like that just to get people to notice you how much can there be?

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by nailbone on 11-05-07 at 02:20 PM
I hope there is more to them than we need to dress/wear our hair/put on makeup so outrageously that people have no choice other than to notice them.

I thought that was the whole point of "Goth"...

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-07 at 02:56 PM
There are some where the outfits seems to derive more from the mindset/philosophy and those that seem to use Goth as an excuse to dress like a drag queen on Halloween every day.

I mean there is often a "needing to be different" aspect to any teen/young adult subculture and that can lead to a specific manner of dress. "Needing to be different" doesn't always mean wear the most extreme version of the subculture to get the most stares possible.

They appear from the editing so far to be more about the putting on the costume than embracing a philosophy type. Most of the Goth types I know seem to have disdain for any attention their style might attract rather than advertise themselves with it. Thus the would a "real Goth" go on a TV show reaction you see here.


"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by dabo on 11-05-07 at 01:50 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-05-07 AT 01:55 PM (EST)

How soon will Kentucky be seceding from Louisville?

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by mistyrose52 on 11-05-07 at 02:01 PM
Oh, come on, ya'll, let the kids have their fun! Mine went from the super-shocking mohawks on skate boards, nose rings, and green, streaky hair, to the corporate world of 4 kids and a military husband in just 5 short years.

It's just a phase, remember?? If not, still, let 'em be.

"Whar's Mary!"
Posted by dabo on 11-05-07 at 02:15 PM
Ifn Mary never met nothin' laks 'em afore it ent real Kaintuck, Ah defers it ta Mary whether they's real Kaintuck. David, hey David, fetch Mary along an' let's be a-find out ifn they's real Kaintuck!

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 11-05-07 at 04:53 PM
Mine went from the super-shocking mohawks on skate boards, nose rings, and green, streaky hair

That? is just plain cool. Pictures?

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by J Slice on 11-06-07 at 11:52 AM

You got Goth served.

All Hail the Rickman!

"RE: Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,"
Posted by kingfish on 11-07-07 at 01:52 PM
Dear Kynt & Vyxsin,

Goth is SO yesterday. Been done to death.

Thank you
King CaveFish Guy

"They finally show some negative emotions."
Posted by aquariaqueen on 12-10-07 at 11:22 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-10-07 AT 11:26 AM (EST)

I really wanted to place this in fanatics but didn't see a started Kent/Vyxen topic there. Sorry, if this doesn't fit.

I have loved this couple, they have been shown to have great appreciation for the game and the places and people they meet. They also have great manners especially when needing help from the townfolk....

Previews show us a meltdown between the two of them....they are normal afterall!!!

The scary part is that the first time they show A/H having a meltdown, they were eliminated. Will this happen to K/V?

A Blessed Christmas season to all....