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"Return of the searching task"

Posted by Max Headroom on 10-31-06 at 08:35 AM
Does anyone like random searching tasks?

Two improvements this time:
1. As half of a Detour, teams could avoid the task entirely.
2. The teams that chose the task abandoned it quickly.

Somewhere in Utah, Lena and Kristy are shaking their heads.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Return of the searching task"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-31-06 at 09:51 AM
>Does anyone like random searching tasks? NOT REALLY, BUT AT LEAST BOTH COULD DO IT!!!

>Somewhere in Utah, Lena and Kristy
>are shaking their heads. I BET THEY ARE!

"RE: Return of the searching task"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-06 at 09:55 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-06 AT 09:57 AM (EST)

As an occasional task I don't mind them. Particularly they way they screw with the team dynamics when frustration kicks in. Assembly tasks and other things can serve that same purpose, but like I said if it is a couple of times during a race it I think they are fine.

When it is overused it gets really annoying really fast.

ETA: I prefer them when they are part of a detour rather than a roadblock or a where to go next clue. Do you want to rely on your luck or your muscles is a reasonable either/or for me.

Haunted by Tribe!

"RE: Return of the searching task"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-31-06 at 11:00 AM

>As an occasional task I don't
>mind them. Particularly they
>way they screw with the
>team dynamics when frustration kicks
>in. Assembly tasks and
>other things can serve that
>same purpose, but like I
>said if it is a
>couple of times during a
>race it I think they
>are fine.

I loved it last year when they had to make the statue, and there was an extra piece....that was excellent idea. Things like that mess with certain personalities, expecially since I don't they ever did that before. Remember, it messed with the nerds because they're used to solving things...this threw them for a loop.

"RE: Return of the searching task"
Posted by dabo on 10-31-06 at 10:56 AM
Both of the tasks turned out to be searching tasks, actually. But the Sixpack would have been smarter to go with Sea from the outset like Mary wanted instead of Salt. In Salt the teams had to work as separate teams, there was no way to group up for an advantage. Unfortunately, when they did get to Sea it wasn't as a group, they couldn't help out one another. If the alliance is going to survive they need to make smart decisions.

"RE: Return of the searching task"
Posted by mjames1229 on 10-31-06 at 01:37 PM
What I don't understand is why the hillbillies switched tasks at all. If you know that every single team has already left to switch tasks, there isn't a reasonable chance to improve your position after a swtich. By staying at the salt piles, you have a chance to move up in the standings. If I remember correctly, the guys that flipped their car in Africa a couple of seasons ago saw everyone at one detour so they took the other detour (something about filling eggs) because they knew it was their only chance to catch up.

I don't mind the searching when only a couple of times in a season, but they shouldn't be the last task before the pitstop. There should be an opportunity for a team to recover from this task in which success is random.