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"F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"

Posted by JD911 on 05-11-05 at 01:54 AM
I love the amazing race, but i was so pissed off and disappointed and angry about this amazing race. Uchenna and joyce were inferior racers and the bunching of the teams near the end was ridiculous. It made the everythign up to that point null and void. I don't know if i even want to watch the next race as this one was so disappointing in the end and makes me not want to bother with the next one if the results are going to make me as angry as this one has.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by Soa on 05-11-05 at 01:56 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-05 AT 01:57 AM (EST)

The producers of the show obviously let uchenna and joyce on that plane to make the game interesting and then again made them stay until the cab got paid to try to make up with it but it wasnt enough. Rob and Amber should have won.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 05-11-05 at 01:57 AM
Please don't watch! We can do with out messages of this tone.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by JD911 on 05-11-05 at 01:59 AM
>Please don't watch! We can
>do with out messages of
>this tone.

I've always loved this show, but this is how i felt about #7 after watching. Opinions aren't always nice and happy, but everyone is still entitled to express one. Clearly, people agree with me.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by Soa on 05-11-05 at 02:08 AM
Whoever edited this episode did a bad job of covering up the producers interference.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 05-11-05 at 02:11 AM
I absolutely agree with your sentiment but disagree vehemently with your tone.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by Drive My Car on 05-11-05 at 02:17 AM
Agree PRE, Has anyone notified the mods about these threads?

"Moved to Bashers"
Posted by Bebo on 05-11-05 at 06:43 AM
With the reminder that if you have an issue with a post, alert the mods and let us deal with it. That means a question of tone or whether it's in the right forum.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by missygirl3 on 05-12-05 at 08:52 AM
JD, I totally agree with you. I 100% think that CBS interfered so that U & J would win. That is so not fair, I like U/J, but Romber deserved to win. It is funny how airlines wont do that for us normal folks(speaking from experience), but yet they do it for them.You are not the only pissed off at that ending.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by talazia on 05-13-05 at 10:11 AM
>JD, I totally agree with you.
>I 100% think that CBS
>interfered so that U &
>J would win. That is
>so not fair, I like
>U/J, but Romber deserved to
>win. It is funny how
>airlines wont do that for
>us normal folks(speaking from experience),
>but yet they do it
>for them.You are not the
>only pissed off at that

Unbelievable, this whole season R/A got by on others peoples help, lying and scamming and when the team that actually played fair wins this is the attitude. Do I detect a bit of racism? Methinks I do. You do realize some airlines do open their doors for late comers. I had a flight from berlin and I was 15 minutes late the ticketing agent called the plane for me and they held it until I arrived. When I went to florida this year, the plane waited for 20 minutes so 3 underage travelers could get to the plane. So it does happen. I guess the fact that when it came down to it R/A just didnt have what it takes.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by Vickie52Laker on 05-11-05 at 02:06 AM
If Rob and Amber would have won I would have been pissed just like you.
But I am glad my team won.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by Soa on 05-11-05 at 02:10 AM
I acually wanted Uchenna and Joyce to win also but i just didnt like the way the show seemed to be manipulated in order for this to happen. There is no way they would have got on that plane without bribing from the producers.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by raeba on 05-11-05 at 02:08 AM
I actually like Uchenna and Joyce as people. However, there is much evidence that they were helped by CBS affiliates at the airport, so that they could board the plane. Several FAA (et al) laws were broke doing so. CBS wanted the race to be closer than it would have been, if they had not helped Uchenna and Joyce. Also, it has been known for some time that they would not let Rob & Amber win due to ratings.

There is more to be said about how Uchenna and Joyce played the game, but the ending was the most glaring wrong-doing. There were reports from the Puerto Rico airport that Uchenna said that it was 'racism' that Rob & Amber were allowed to get on the plane but not them.

By the way, Uchenna's acting at the end when paying the cab driver was very poor. CBS asked him to stay and raise the money, because they were far ahead and would win. They were asked to do so, to provide them with tape to make the race look closer.

Rob & Amber would have been an hour and a half ahead...and would have won the race if CBS didn't repeated help Uchenna and Joyce. I do not like Rob & Amber, so it wouldn't have made any difference to me. I actually like Uchenna and Joyce better, but I do not like what I learned from my friends down in PR.

CBS has to make a show though, and we should not misunderstand that they are going to manipulate it in any way they see fit for ratings and popularity. However, this was painfully obvious and makes them look very foolish.


"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by Vickie52Laker on 05-11-05 at 02:19 AM
I am going to get in touch with my friend, she works for the airport in Chicago, which is one of the biggest in the world. I have to ask her if ANYONE ever got on a plane when the doors were closed. Puerto Rico have laws like the FAA because it is part of the USA.

But I CANNOT see CBS a big company trying to change the rules. They could be sued big time.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 05-11-05 at 02:19 AM
Welcome to the boards, Raeba.

Which FAA laws were broken? (One of our longtime members who was a ramp agent says pilots often take additional passengers after the ramp has pulled away.)
Do you have inside contacts at CBS?
Can you give us more information than just hearsay on what your "friends" said in PR?
Where are you getting this information from? Seems to be a lot of rampant speculation; can any of it be backed up with evidence?

I say this not to needle you, just that otherwise, you're going to lack credibility on here.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by RBA on 05-11-05 at 07:09 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-05 AT 07:11 AM (EST)

You fail to mention that she said it was Pre-9/11. Why are you distortiing the facts? Big Difference!

I say this not to needle you, just that otherwise, you're going to lack credibility on here.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by 90210grrrl on 05-11-05 at 08:51 AM
"Can you give us more information than just hearsay on what your "friends" said in PR?
Where are you getting this information from? Seems to be a lot of rampant speculation; can any of it be backed up with evidence?"

Exactly, can someone prove that Uchenna and Joyce were given special treatment other than speculation?

Regardless of the plane ride, Rob and Amber fell behind Uchenna and Joyce b/c they werent smart enough to realize that answer to the clue was in spanish, Uchenna is fluent in spanish so him and Joyce got to the clue much faster.

Then to top that off, Rob and Amber lost their cab and had to find it before they could find the store with the name of the clue on it.

While all this was going on Uchenna and Joyce had already solved the clue and were on their way to the pit stop, and they won fair and square.

And now that Rob and Amber, who had the best UNFAIR advantage throughout this race, who unfairly used their celebrity to help themselves to the #1 spot most of the race b/c they paid a fan to help them happen to lose when their on their own solving a clue ppl wanna claim that the game is fixed?

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by Spidey on 05-11-05 at 12:01 PM
Uchenna is fluent in spanish so him and Joyce got to the clue much faster.

Um, if I recall correctly, it was the CAB DRIVER who knew Spanish. So, it really wasn't special skill on U/J part, they got lucky with the cab driver.

FWIW, I also don't think there was producer interference, despite being a Romber fan. Once again, U/J got lucky that the pilot agreed to let them on.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by 90210grrrl on 05-12-05 at 04:00 PM
"Um, if I recall correctly, it was the CAB DRIVER who knew Spanish. So, it really wasn't special skill on U/J part, they got lucky with the cab driver."

i remember the scene after they solved the clue Joyce kissed Uchenna and told him "Thank God you are fluent in spanish"

maybe she was talking to the cabbie, but it doesnt matter, they won the last leg fair and square, they solved the clue before romber, so how is that special treatment?

Uchenna and Joyce are definitely not the first TAR participants to be let on a plane at the last minute.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by Swami on 05-11-05 at 09:21 AM
I have been on a plane that opened its closed door to admit a late passenger several times. One of these times was after 9/11, in Cincinnati (I think) which is a smaller airport. (Sorry--I'm not sure how to spell Cincinati lol.)

Airlines prefer their planes to fly as full as possible--that's how they make money. If a late passenger can be accommodated they will try to do this. Also, since cameras were rolling the ticketing agents may have decided they wanted their airline to look customer-friendly on camera and so went the extra mile of calling the captain. This is luck, not (necessarily) manipulation.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by bostonrobfan on 05-11-05 at 09:54 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-05 AT 09:54 AM (EST)

I have never been on a plane that opens its doors again to let on late arriving passengers. I especially think it is a stretch to believe that a plane would come back to the gate after it had begun to pull away to let on two passengers with no luggage who were ticketed at the last minute. ESPECIALLY flying out of San Juan and into Miami! But, hey, there hasn't been a hijacking to Cuba in a long time, so go ahead CBS!

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by ARnutz on 05-11-05 at 10:03 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-05 AT 10:22 AM (EST)

I don't recall the plane leaving the gate, only that the walkway was pulled up and then brought back out. Perhaps someone with TiVo or something could clear this up for me?

ETA: come to think of it, a jet does not back away from the gate by putting it in reverse and backing up like a car. It must be pushed back with one of those carts that are attached to the front wheels, there is no way that jet had left the gate or Uchenna & Joyce wouldn't be on that plane.

'nutz: Proud member of the inoffensive OT Triumvirate... and Shroomhater! - shroom go boom!

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by mrc on 05-11-05 at 10:10 AM
Yep, that's what happened. In reality, that footage could have just been edited in. We don't really know if all of that was happening while U/J were whining to get on.

A Nefarious Dice Creation

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by ARnutz on 05-11-05 at 10:26 AM
Ooops sorry, I edited my post after you responded. Guess I forgot to refresh my page!

That's true, we don't really know that U/J were going through all of the drama or it was a trick of editing.

'nutz: Proud member of the inoffensive OT Triumvirate... and Shroomhater! - shroom go boom!

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by Spidey on 05-11-05 at 05:05 PM
Or, perhaps the plane even took off and was forced to land and let U/J board. I mean, how could they have refused a direct order from CBS, after all.

Accusing TAR of fixing the game for any constestants (Romber OR U/J) is flat out, flip-flapping ridiculous.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by Swami on 05-11-05 at 01:40 PM
I have been flying for more than 30 years. It is a rare event, but it happens. The other time I remember for sure (pre-9/11) was a flight from Minneapolis to Honolulu. And that time the mobile gate was detached, backed off & then was repositioned and reattached. I distinctly remember because I could clearly see the whole process from my seat and I was very annoyed at the delay. It was a First Class passenger who then boarded.

I think the AR plane last night did not pull away from the gate but remained stationary. The mobile gate had pulled away prepatory to the plane's departure.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by kh on 05-11-05 at 06:37 PM
Your wrong, I work for AA and no they do not allow passengers on after closing, someone had to have intervened for this to happen. They already advised U & J no if you remember, then after commercial break something had transpired and they called the Captain, actually probably someone with CBS called someone much more up the ladder, and then for show they called the Captain, because this just isn't done. And with regards to wanting the planes full, they are not going to hold up and stop a flight for a few passengers *that already have tickets on a flight to the same destinantion a little over an hour later* the tickets were already purchased, AA doesn't gain a thing by letting a couple passengers on an earlier flight if they are perfectly willing and able to take one just a little over 1 hour away in time, and AA doesn't delay a flight for such under almost any circumstances, unless some strings are pulled somewhere.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by bhatman on 05-11-05 at 02:13 AM
Whoa...man control yourself. You have to understand one thing: RATINGS. If a group of two former members of a TV show win, then its all bad and some viewers dont like that. But if a group that has played the game fair and square(like Rob and Amber) and BEGGED to get to the finish line, I would say U/J get my approval and so did the ratings for this amazing TV show.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by 90210grrrl on 05-11-05 at 08:58 AM
"Whoa...man control yourself. You have to understand one thing: RATINGS. If a group of two former members of a TV show win, then its all bad and some viewers dont like that. But if a group that has played the game fair and square(like Rob and Amber) and BEGGED to get to the finish line, I would say U/J get my approval and so did the ratings for this amazing TV show."

I disagree, I mean all through the show Rob and Amber were obviously given the advantage many times, and always seemed to win a prize when they came in first, when other teams came in first there was no prize. Rob and Amber didnt win b/c they screwed up on the last clue, the plane ride where Uchenna and Joyce got on the flight is irrelevant. Especially when Rob and Amber were let on another plane b/c of special treatment earlier in the race, people soon forget.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by Jenna_F on 05-11-05 at 08:49 PM
Rob and amber won more prizes because they came in first more, not that hard to understand. The producers gain nothing from Rob and Amber winning more prizes, so how you think they would give them special treatment as to giving them more prizes is a little odd.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by applejack93 on 05-12-05 at 09:22 AM
Well, lets see. In a 13 leg race Rob and Amber came in first 5 times, there were two other times when teams got prizes - Debbie and Bianca and Ray and Deana. That means that there were 6 legs where no first place prize was awarded. Even if my maths is wrong and Ron and Kelly won something when they came first, Rob and Amber were awarded 5 prizes, and there were just as many legs when prizes were not awarded.

It's awfully lucky that whilst Rob and Amber won fewer than half of the legs, yet they won 5/7 of the prizes on offer.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by 90210grrrl on 05-12-05 at 04:08 PM
"Rob and amber won more prizes because they came in first more, not that hard to understand. The producers gain nothing from Rob and Amber winning more prizes, so how you think they would give them special treatment as to giving them more prizes is a little odd."

Its written in the contract of all CBS reality shows that the producers can change the rules of the game anytime they want, I found that out during the first season of survivor when some of the losing participants wanted to sue the show b/c they thought it was unfair that Richard Hatch won.

And giving more prizes to Romber was just the tip of the iceburg, the fact that they were let on the show when each of them already had a chance at $1 million dollars is special treatment. Not only that, but giving Amber a second chance at $1 million when she already won survivor. Romber already were reality celebs and were recognized more to get more help from civilians, they used that to their advantage all through the race!

As a matter of fact, one of the only times they didnt have help (on the last leg) they messed up and didnt solve the clue in time.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 05-11-05 at 02:14 AM
Welcome to the boards, although not for long (by your own choosing) if you really feel that way!

A post like this really belongs in our TAR Bashers forum, a more appropriate place to criticize the show and/or its contestants.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by jacijs on 05-11-05 at 02:30 AM
I have to agree with you. What was up with the plane backing up and letting those two on??? Rob and Amber were the smartest team this whole race and Uchenna and Joyce did not deserve this win! I might as well have come down to the last 20 minutes - you're right about everything that came before being pointless! The only good thing was that Ron and Kelly did not win!

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by cambo on 05-11-05 at 02:32 AM
Did the producers step in to let Uchenna and Joyce on the flight? Probably. Has that been done previously? Yes. For those of us who have been watching the show from the beginning and didn't jump on the bandwagon this season to see the Rob and Amber show, there have been quite a few instances on the show where people were allowed on a flight after the gates had closed.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by ARnutz on 05-11-05 at 09:14 AM

If you haven't ever watched the show until this season (perhaps just because of Romber) then you haven't seen the many.many.many times before that this has happened!

They go to commercial and all seems hopeless, then when they come back? it's all good and the problem that seemed impossible to solve has been taken care of. It's not just flights, it's all kinds of things.

'nutz: Proud member of the inoffensive OT Triumvirate... and Shroomhater! - shroom go boom!

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by maggiebob on 05-11-05 at 05:06 AM
>I love the amazing race, but
>i was so pissed off
>and disappointed and angry about
>this amazing race. Uchenna and
>joyce were inferior racers and
>the bunching of the teams
>near the end was ridiculous.
>It made the everythign up
>to that point null and
>void. I don't know if
>i even want to watch
>the next race as this
>one was so disappointing in
>the end and makes me
>not want to bother with
>the next one if the
>results are going to make
>me as angry as this
>one has.

And, you know what, I would have been equally vitriolic in my anger had Romber won. Rob and Amber got help every step of the way because of their so-called "celebrity" status. (What the hell does it say about us that they are "celebrities"??) Rob himself admitted that they would have been eliminated long ago had they not received all that help only because they had already been on Survivor. They should never have been in the race in the first place, and they certainly should not have won. And, you can be as mad as you want about the bunching, but the fact is that in spite of the bunching Uchenna and Joyce outwitted, outplayed, and outlasted them at the very end...Romber did not lose because of bunching...they lost because at the very end, when they had no one holding there hand and telling them where to go and what to do, they couldn't hack it. Funny how when they had people in third world countries who recognized them and played the game for them, they finished first. But when they came back to the USA, where "celebrity" is a dime a dozen, they had to fend for themselves, and they failed. I love it.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by drtantalum on 05-11-05 at 07:30 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-05 AT 07:31 AM (EST)

The difference in the show was Uchenna and Joyce (well their cab driver) asked someone where the cigar shop was and got the right answer whereas Rob and Amber didn't get the right answer. It sucks in a race where one team completely outperforms the other teams on nearly all the other legs (and badly outperforms them) yet one little stroke of luck/tiny mistake lets some other team catch and pass them. Well, atleast kelly didn't win which is all I cared about. Uchenna and Joyce seem like nice people and I have no problems with them as people winning. I do have a problem in that they were completely inferior racers to both other teams the last two legs of the race. They should have received the Guido treatment of getting a clue that read "The million dollars has been won...."

Concerning the flight...it had producer manipulation all over it. They want two teams in the final city at the same time for whatever reason. It doesn't need to be that way as I think most would have been content with one final master stroke from a team that (a) hurries and catcehs up with the pack after a mistake and then passes them at a toll and (b) gets them onto an earlier flight. People weren't going to change the channel with 15 minutes left. They seemed to do this one time before two races ago. The had the brief stop in Calgary/Lake Louise and the final city was Houston (or Dallas). Two of the teams got the Calgary airport and booked one flight. The third team booked a different flight with a full connection in Denver risking the standby. They got standby tickets before leaving calgary and were home free by a few hours. Then all of a sudden the other teams take the same flight schedule (fine they may have figured it out) but the connection was still full in Denver. The other team was home free until the same thing happened and the airline had a sudden change of heart and let the other two teams on in Denver. Airlines didn't do those things then and they don't do them now. It cheapens the race when it looks to be manipulated beyond the usual bunching points.

And if it wasn't producer manipulation then they sure as heck have to show in the editing why all of a sudden Uchenna and Joyce were allowed on in complete breech of an airlines normal operating policy when it looks that bad and obvious. BUt of course we know they can't show it wasn't manipulation so instead we have a complete breech of airline operating procedure....I can tell you one thing there is no way I fly American again if I can help it!

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 05-11-05 at 01:11 PM
What happen in Denver was the other two teams where not allowed on, even thought there was seats, because they checked their bags. Thus putting them behind and Chip/? won.

created by Syren

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by drtantalum on 05-11-05 at 01:23 PM
That's right I remember that now. However, I think it was actually Brandon and nicole (really not sure) who had that flight while the other teams then scrambled and there was some mysterious circumstances that got those teams on the plane as well. All three landed in the last city on the same flight when really one team should have had the advantage. Either way it was still a little bit of suspected intervention of producers IMO.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by CouchTater on 05-11-05 at 07:35 PM
>>>And if it wasn't producer manipulation then they sure as heck have to show in the editing why all of a sudden Uchenna and Joyce were allowed on in complete breech of an airlines normal operating policy when it looks that bad and obvious.<<<

I don't understand why the producers would be so concerned about Romber being so far ahead of the others that they would have to manipulate the scenario in order to have them both on the same flight, just to make the show exciting.

In all of the shows the editing shows many times teams coming in within several minutes of each other. Like the one in London when G/M were eliminated. The editing made it look like they were neck in neck with U/J, but in the interview the next morning on CBS, G/M said that they were more than an hour behind.

Instead of manipulating the outcome of the race and possibly breaking some FAA rules and Game rules, wouldn't the producers just have to edit the show to look like U/J and R/K came in shortly after Romber in the end?

We don't know how long Romber were really lost and searching for the Cigar shop. It could have been hours. All the editors had to do was show them lost like they were, but then show that U/J had arrived in the later plane and got lucky with their cabby finding the shop and maybe also having enough money to pay the cab and not having to beg some more. It can all be fixed with editing to still make the race look close and exciting.

I think if people are going to complain about the theory that U/J were helped, then all of the teams would have to be investigated every time something went in their favor. I myself thought something was fishy when Romber were able to get on the flight that was ready to take off in Argentina. I mean, how did that happen?!!! So, if people are going to cry foul for one pair of contestants, then foul has to be cried for the others as well, or there is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Personally I think all of these shows are rigged to some degree, but I don't think there would be outright breaking of rules by CBS.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by drtantalum on 05-12-05 at 07:45 AM
I can live with the mysterious plane things as no one can prove they were true breeches of conduct for the airline. It very suspicious because you or I would never be able to get them to stop an airplane etc. etc.

But what I hate is the excessive use of the equalizer. There should absolutely be no bunching point (other than airport to get to the final city) on that final leg. It was a 12+ hour bunhcing point for the roadblock that completely nullified a lead one team had built SOLELY on that leg. All teams were minutes apart coming out of the last pitstop..Rob and Amber in second yet they had built a 2 hour lead on R&K and a 7 hour lead on U&J in a matter of a handful of hours solely on the final leg and it goes absolutely unrewarded because of ridiculous non-airport bunching. It completely eliminated any sort of punishment that the loss of money/possessions should have had (yet again!). If you aren't going to reward quick and efficient racing on the final leg when teams were equalized right before the last pit stop what the heck is the point of the race? Seriously. It shouldn't be about luck (which is essentially what happened), it should be about who is the best racer.

That bunching point in the final leg was a complete joke and a disgrace to the series (keep in mind I wanted U&J to win though thought R&A raced the best race and were impressive throughout). Limited flights to the final city bunching point I could live with. The problem is they are not simply tinkering with the race with the bunching points now but completely manipulating it beyond belief. I much preferred the the realism of Guido being stuck in Alaska a day or more behind the other team and getting a clue telling them the race had been won and the prize claimed. The earlier races on the final couple of legs rewarded the better racing teams and you could feel comfortable in who won deserving the victory and having raced the best final legs. That is no longer the case. As much as I wanted U&J to claim that cheque I don't think they deserved to be the first team standing on the mat based on their final few legs. Had there been no 12+ hour bunching point on the final leg they would have been in Jamaica when the prize was claimed.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by CouchTater on 05-12-05 at 09:44 AM
>>>If you aren't going to reward quick and efficient racing on the final leg when teams were equalized right before the last pit stop what the heck is the point of the race? Seriously. It shouldn't be about luck (which is essentially what happened), it should be about who is the best racer.<<<

I agree with you somewhat on the bunching. It does seem to defeat the purpose of the game many times. However, there does have to be some compensation for LUCK or lack there of. What if a team cruised way ahead because they got really lucky or the next few teams got very unlucky. Meaning that circumstances out of their control came into play and not because of bad decisions or bad game strategy. By bunching, the luck factor can be kept in check to some degree. It would also be a pretty boring game if one team got way ahead, by days ,of the rest, or if the teams got way spread out. Where would the competition factor come in then. The same team would come in first for all the legs, win all the prizes and it would just be boring. It's just more entertaining to watch them compete against each other in close proximity.

If U/J hadn't had a flat tire (bad luck, not of their doing) they would have come in first for that leg and R/A would be the ones to benefit from the bunching.

I kind of like the bunching because it does give chances to those who might have had a string of bad luck to stay in the game.

Also, if one of the parts/rules of the game is bunching then the good game player has to also incorporate that as a factor in their strategy. It's part of the game.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by drtantalum on 05-12-05 at 10:25 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-12-05 AT 10:27 AM (EST)

I'm not saying remove the bunching altogether of course you can't do that based on what you have said. You do need it to a certain degree. However, on the last leg when you have already effectively bunched the team within minutes of each other at the pit stop why is there then a 12+ hour bunching point on the last leg? Makes no sense and renders the punishment of last useless....as always. The whole losing money thing has resulted in nothing. Nor have the yields.

Yes U&J MAY have finished first that second last leg without the flat tire (they were running neck and neck with R&K AND R&A when the tire went flat (as both teams commented on how flat the tire looked). It would have been a foot race. It can be just as easily said that based on R&A better cab driver had they not got pulled over for a routine check they would have finished first. The point is that they were all within minutes of each other starting the final leg. One had a supposed no money punishment that resulted in it being no punishment at all as they were able to make up the 7 extra hours they were behind due to (poor) begging at a lame bunching point. Meanwhile the team that ran a hard efficient early part of the leg and gained substantial leads on the compititors based SOLELY on how they performed that first part of the last leg get equalized...and hence get punished. ON other legs fine (to a certain extent) but not on the final leg when quick, effiecient racing should be rewarded during the entire leg not just when someones cab driver asks a question in spanish. It's become a punish the leaders at every turn race instead of rewarding the good/decent racing teams. The results of every leg are being based more and more on luck and less and less on racing ability it seems and that is certainly the wrong thing to do on the final leg of the race. Atleast IMO.

And keep in mind of the 3 finalists I hoped for U&J to win, I just don't think you should be able to make up a 7 hour gap on the lead teams, time lost solely during that leg, due to a bunching point when the other team(s) basically have one task and one flight to a popular destination left. It's ridiculous and contrived and not what I think the final leg should be about. Leave them behind and give them the Guido message that the money has been won because they are so far back. And honestly I've talked to 15-20 people about the finale here at work and to a person they all think it was ridiculous there was that bunching point like that on the final leg.....no matter what team they were cheering for.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by CouchTater on 05-12-05 at 02:54 PM
I agree that there shouldn't be any bunching on the last leg.

"Holy Cow."
Posted by fleaismycat on 05-11-05 at 07:45 AM
Seriously, Wow.

Um, being Romber neutral I would have accepted their winning last night with good grace but I am happier with a U/J win.

Romber fans need to remember that they got on flights under similar circumstances. Luck is like that, it tends to ebb and flow.

Ultimately they lost because they couldn't find the cigar shop. It happens. Good teams have bad things happen to them sometimes.

One thing about having Rob and Amber on the show? It's certainly polarized the fanbase. In all the time I've been reading about Survivor and Tar I've yet to see anyone as split opinions as wildly as Rob.

"RE: Holy Cow."
Posted by Urban_Kitten on 05-11-05 at 08:10 AM
Flea has said it best. Bad things happen to good teams and vice versa. Personally, I'm glad the U/J won because they ran an honest & clean race. Apparently that doesn't go far among many TAR fans, but it does with me. Is Romber a better team because they lied & cheated & boarded 'closed' planes? - hardly. Romber undeniably made the race really interesting but they certainly did nothing to improve the timbre of it.

Neutiquam erro (I am not lost).

"RE: Holy Cow."
Posted by dragonfire36 on 05-11-05 at 08:30 AM
but you have to remeaber that the plane for rob and amber never had the door shut or the ladder pulled away form the plane and if rob and amber did all this cheating then why where the not disqulified

"RE: Holy Cow."
Posted by fleaismycat on 05-11-05 at 09:01 AM
Rob and Amber hardly played what I would consider a "clean" game. Obviously, they did nothing that openly broke the rules but I, for one, had some issues with his approach to the game. On the other hand I found Rob fun to watch and often funny and at other times annoying, condesending and rude. I thought he and Amber got along well and I respected them for not being mean to each other. I think it bodes well for their future relationship.

In the end, does it really matter? Does U/J winning affect anyone here personally? I don't understand the vitrol and anger. It is what it is and it is a reality tv show not an election or a supreme court verdict.

And several times Rob and Amber got very, very fortunate. They were lucky to get on the flight in the first place. They were lucky to get on many flights. It seems fair to me that a little of that luck should be extended to other teams.

"Don't Hate the Players..."
Posted by ARnutz on 05-11-05 at 08:25 AM
hate the game!

It is unfair that Uchenna & Joyce are receiving all of this backlash because they won! I bet Romber are not hating them!

'nutz: Proud member of the inoffensive OT Triumvirate... and Shroomhater! - shroom go boom!

"RE: Don't Hate the Players..."
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 05-11-05 at 08:35 AM
>hate the game!
>It is unfair that Uchenna &
>Joyce are receiving all of
>this backlash because they won!
>I bet Romber are not
>hating them!

Hell, considering where all those bets were placed from, I'm sure they're loving it.

"The radio business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." - Hunter S. Thompson

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by 90210grrrl on 05-11-05 at 08:35 AM
"I love the amazing race, but i was so pissed off and disappointed and angry about this amazing race. Uchenna and joyce were inferior racers and the bunching of the teams near the end was ridiculous. It made the everythign up to that point null and void. I don't know if i even want to watch the next race as this one was so disappointing in the end and makes me not want to bother with the next one if the results are going to make me as angry as this one has."

Well if Rob and Amber cant even win when they have the advantage then they cant be that great of a team now can they? Rob and Amber shouldnt have been on the show in the first place, the only reason they were always in first place was b/c they paid a fan who recognized them from each country to take them to all the places they needed to go, what is so genius about that?

it was unfair b/c not only did Amber already win $1 million, but she and Rob had the advantage of already being recognized which the other teams didnt have that, so if Rob and Amber felt they got screwed GOOD!

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by cayugasong on 05-11-05 at 10:21 AM
I love the amazing race, but i was so pissed off and disappointed and angry about this amazing race. Uchenna and joyce were inferior racers and the bunching of the teams near the end was ridiculous. It made the everythign up to that point null and void. I don't know if i even want to watch the next race as this one was so disappointing in the end and makes me not want to bother with the next one if the results are going to make me as angry as this one has."

We've seen this before, when Chip and Kim, also inferior racers, won. They were in last place, but luck and fog put them in first. That is the iffiness of everythig coming down to one leg. Anyone can win one leg, and being able to win many previous legs - to dominate the other teams - (Jon & Kelly, Chris & Jon, Colin & Christie, Rob & Amber) means nothing when the final leg begins.

I started watching TAR in season 4, and was rooting for Jon & Kelly. The disappointment taught me then not to be emotionally invested in who wins, because it IS a TV show and who knows what happens off-camera to manipulate the drama factor. For me this season, a U/J win or a R/A win was preferrable to a R/K win, but acceptable.

I am relieved, given the lame reception R/A got when they arrived, that they didn't win, because the finish line scene would have been really, really wierd. Lots of stone faces, phony clapping - none of the "juice" we got with U/J last night.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by HaruHisa on 05-13-05 at 00:06 AM
>We've seen this before, when Chip
>and Kim, also inferior racers,
>won. They were in last
>place, but luck and fog
>put them in first. That
>is the iffiness of everythig
>coming down to one leg.
>Anyone can win one leg,
>and being able to win
>many previous legs - to
>dominate the other teams -
>(Jon & Kelly, Chris &
>Jon, Colin & Christie, Rob
>& Amber) means nothing when
>the final leg begins.

Although I agree with you on your last point, I disagree on your point about Chip and Kim being inferior racers on TAR #5. I remember Chip & Kim coming in first place a couple of times.....they kept moving up in the race as it went on. Yes, they were 3rd in the last leg, but remember, they got up in the middle of the night and booked an earlier flight, thus giving them the advantage and the lead.

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by maggiebob on 05-13-05 at 02:35 AM

>Although I agree with you on
>your last point, I disagree
>on your point about Chip
>and Kim being inferior racers
>on TAR #5. I
>remember Chip & Kim coming
>in first place a couple
>of times.....they kept moving up
>in the race as it
>went on. Yes, they
>were 3rd in the last
>leg, but remember, they got
>up in the middle of
>the night and booked an
>earlier flight, thus giving them
>the advantage and the lead.
Much as I liked Chip and Kim and were DELIGHTED that they beat Colin and Christie, the fact that they got that earlier flight was due to nothing more than luck and carelessness on the part of the other teams. They arrived at the airport so far behind the other teams that by the time they went to book their flight, the flight that C&C and B&N were on was already delayed. So although their flight was, technically, earlier than the one the other two teams got on, that was only because that flight was delayed. And the other two teams could not switch to the earlier flight once they reached their connecting city (can't remember where it was) because they made the bad decision to check their bags.

"The funny thing is"
Posted by mrc on 05-11-05 at 09:29 AM
that if Romber had won, we would have twenty of these threads.

A Nefarious Dice Creation
I'm actually glad someone is upset that Romber didn't win.

Posted by ARnutz on 05-11-05 at 10:01 AM
when you're right, you're right!

Well, you would be Dr. A.S.S.

"RE: Hey..."
Posted by mrc on 05-11-05 at 10:09 AM
I'm always right--just ask Breezy.

A Nefarious Dice Creation
I wear it well, don't ya think?

"RE: Hey..."
Posted by ARnutz on 05-11-05 at 10:29 AM
I don't have to ask Breezy, I know that you're always right!

Yes, yes you do!

OK blue peeps, I know... I'll quit being off-topic!

"RE: Hey..."
Posted by FLORIDAGAL on 05-11-05 at 10:18 AM
I agree that Rob and Amber should have won. They played the best game. The bunching at the end got them. I do not put it past CBS to assist them with getting on this flight to enable them a chance at winning. They needed the money more than Rob and Amber so I am glad they got it. I will probably no watch TAR again.

"RE: Hey..."
Posted by 90210grrrl on 05-12-05 at 04:14 PM
"I agree that Rob and Amber should have won. They played the best game. The bunching at the end got them. I do not put it past CBS to assist them with getting on this flight to enable them a chance at winning. They needed the money more than Rob and Amber so I am glad they got it. I will probably no watch TAR again."

Lets say the producers did intervene and let U/J on the plane, did it ever occur to you that the same was done for Romber? They arrived at the last minute also. There was an episode earlier in the season where Romber was let on the plane when it was about to take off and if I remember correctly Romber finished first during that episode, so what goes around comes around.

"The funnier thing is"
Posted by cahaya on 05-11-05 at 01:44 PM
... if Ron & Kelly hadn't been "left" behind by a backseat navigation error, and then managed to get on the plane (like U/J did), and then won, there'd be 40 of these threads!

Nightmare on TAR Street.

"CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by magooflorida on 05-11-05 at 01:09 PM
You cannot tell me that CBS had NOTHING to do with getting Uchenna and Joyce on that flight to Miami along with Rob and Amber. It had to be fixed. Rob and Amber almost could not get on the flight themselves, but with a little smart talking, they got themselves on the standby list and then ran over to see if they could indeed board the plane just as the woman told them to do at the ticket counter. Uchenna and Joyce got there after the fact and DID not get on the standby list and hardly did ANY talking to get themselves onto the flight. They were just standing there when low and behold....the airlines decides to just let them on. What a MIRACLE! How did they do that??? I will tell you how.... CBS wanted at least two teams running the last leg of the race and if they let just Rob and Amber get onto the flight, the race would not have been close enough. What a crock! This was very disappointing at best. Rob and Amber deserved to win that race! They ran the race better than any other team there. While I think Uchenna and Joyce are sweet people, they did not deserve to win. CBS had a hand in getting them to the finish line. I think the whole ending was ridiculous.

"RE: CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by ropefish_3 on 05-11-05 at 01:31 PM
Editing, editing, editing. I bet the plane we saw at the gate was not Romber's plane - they never actually said it was, so they are not deceiving us, right? And if the airline employees are TAR fans, they might have done all they could to ensure U/J got on. Especially if they were not Romber fans.

"RE: CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by FLORIDAGAL on 05-11-05 at 01:33 PM

"RE: CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by Urban_Kitten on 05-11-05 at 04:00 PM
Ditto squared. I assumed last night that they were using either file footage or that they were filmin it out of sync and then rewinding it to make the tunnel-thing go back & forth.
Honestly. Get a life people.

Neutiquam erro (I am not lost).

"RE: CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by Spidey on 05-11-05 at 06:19 PM
You cannot tell me that CBS had NOTHING to do with getting Uchenna and Joyce on that flight to Miami along with Rob and Amber.

CBS had nothing to do with U/J getting on the plane.

I love a challenge.

"RE: CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 05-11-05 at 06:21 PM
Yeah, but the real question is do you really BELIEVE that to be the case?

"RE: CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by Spidey on 05-11-05 at 06:26 PM
Yes, yes I do.

The only possibly influence was the cameramen on them and the begging and pleading of U/J.

The producers had nothing to do with it, just like they had nothing to do with Rob & Amber getting help on some of their legs from locals.

This is coming from a devout Romber fan.

"RE: CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 05-11-05 at 06:38 PM
And someone who I consider usually non-insane. Personally, if I were a betting man I would agree with you, but I also wouldn't drop dead of shock and disappointment if there was SOME kind of undue influence there.

"RE: CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by Spidey on 05-11-05 at 06:42 PM
I also wouldn't drop dead of shock and disappointment if there was SOME kind of undue influence there.

Well, honestly, me neither, but I don't think that's the case. And absent proof of some kind aside from a gazillion posters crying foul because they've never heard of a plane letting people on after the jetway is retracted, I'll continue not to believe it.

"RE: CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by MTommy on 05-11-05 at 06:58 PM
Spidey - food for thought, I'd appreciate a reply. (because I normally agree with you position) -

You don't think it's possible that CBS (Producers) and AA can see the potential mutual benefit in the following scenario.

Producers say that we’re going to be coming through XXXX airport on XXXX day flying to XXXX location. Let your employees know that. Also, you’ll get good airtime (advertising) and we’ll buy out all remaining seats on those routes for the day. However if possible could you maybe do what you can to try and keep the teams close together? Just keep this in mind if people with cameras try to get on the same flight with other people with cameras.

Well a gate agent didn’t see the memo (who reads all their company emails?) and lets the first team on, then she was told about the whole situation and then the second team was let on after the jet way was pulled back.

I neither support nor abhor any contestant, but I thought what I was watching seemed potentially contrived.

I agree that CBS did not fix the outcome (I don't even consider this to be fixing) to determine a specific winner or anything like that; but I have a feeling that, in the interest of a close finish, something like the above outlined scenario may have taken place… Totally on the up and up, by the way.

"RE: CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by Spidey on 05-11-05 at 08:11 PM
You don't think it's possible that CBS (Producers) and AA can see the potential mutual benefit in the following scenario.

Producers say that we’re going to be coming through XXXX airport on XXXX day flying to XXXX location. Let your employees know that. Also, you’ll get good airtime (advertising) and we’ll buy out all remaining seats on those routes for the day. However if possible could you maybe do what you can to try and keep the teams close together?

Honestly, no I don't think that happened or would happen, despite the mutual benefit.

Personally, I think AA realized they would be shown on a hit tv show being compassionate to their customers by letting them on the plane.

So what if the last 1/2 hour of a great season isn't the most climactic? Anyway, if Rob & Amber had made the flight alone, they certainly could have edited it differently, leaving about 20 minutes at the end for Rob & Amber's triumphant finish - their glee in finishing the final tasks and heading to the finish line.

Sh!t happens, luck happens, and karma happens.

Is it the tiniest bit possible? I think it's as possible as locals being planted to help Rob & Amber. (And you know where I stand on that.)

And whether true or not, the claims will be taken about as seriously as allegations of election rigging in the 2004 election. (read: not at all.)

Plus another reason I believe it was not fixed is because my favorite team never wins. So it was destiny Romber was 2nd.

"RE: CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 05-12-05 at 08:55 AM
>Personally, I think AA realized they would be shown on a hit tv show being compassionate to their customers by letting them on the plane.

I think that is the major diffirence with this and many other parts of TAR shows.

Go anywhere and demand service on a borderline case and see what happens.

Now make the same requests with a camera-man and a sound-man behind you and see what happens. Add in the fact that last minute tickets are expensive meaning the flight makes an extra chunk of money --- cameras, sound men, extra charges - you're darn tooting to get the extra service.

"RE: CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by Rasta on 05-12-05 at 04:21 PM
<Anyway, if Rob & Amber had made the flight alone, they certainly could have edited it differently, leaving about 20 minutes at the end for Rob & Amber's triumphant finish - their glee in finishing the final tasks and heading to the finish line.>

Good point. If that were the case, the editing would have shown us more of the events leading up to the airport, and much less of the Miami/Ft Lauderdale scenes. It would still have been interesting TV, just no chance of a sprint to the finish line.

"RE: CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by MTommy on 05-12-05 at 04:47 PM
>>>Is it the tiniest bit possible? I think it's as possible as locals being planted to help Rob & Amber. (And you know where I stand on that.)<<<

I 1000% agree with you that there were no people “plants.”

>>>And whether true or not, the claims will be taken about as seriously as allegations of election rigging in the 2004 election. (read: not at all.)<<<

Another fine example.

By the way, Also don't forget the train that the producers gave to Lori and Bolo for TAR6. (And no, that didn't happen either)

Now Look,
-I did/do/will not care about the outcome.
-I did/do/will not care about the contestants.
-I will continue to simply watch to show in order to see places I’ve already visited…
This has no impact on me as a viewer other than for the sake of a little friendly chatter.

That having been said however,

It still doesn't strike me as being “over the top” that in this case, a preordained encouragement for a close race was hinted at by someone in power at company CBS to someone in power at company AA.

This isn’t a conspiracy theory as much as it is a comment on how money influence things.

I’m not going to try to dissuade you from your position but I also don’t think it asinine to view the scenario as possible. This is what I’m defending.

Either way, when I saw the events unfold, I knew that it was sure to be a hot topic.

In closing, the ridiculous examples you sited (as often toted by other, shall I say, less objective contributors) did not change my mind in this case, namely that some element of persuasion was potentially present. Even if unlikely, I simply consider this to actually be in the realm of possibility.

Reply if you like.

"RE: CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by MTommy on 05-12-05 at 04:57 PM
You've pretty much replied already by answering other posters who take the same view as I do. (I came to this realization after reading through the whole thread again after I posted)


"RE: CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by Spidey on 05-12-05 at 08:20 PM
I'll give you that there may have been some infulence, but not from producers. Perhaps just by the simple fact that AA is a TAR sponsor.

So, influence perhaps, and maybe in the way you mean, but not in the way impliued by some and certainly no "fixing."

It's ok to disagree. I very well could be wrong and the whole damn thing was fixed. I just don't think so and don't WANT to think so.

"RE: CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 05-11-05 at 10:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-05 AT 10:51 PM (EST)

* stands with Spidey (for a change! )

ETA: There would be no more a chance of CBS rigging that flight to U/J's advantage than them having ordered that freight train through the park in Chicago just to get in Kris and Jon's way in TAR 6.

"RE: CBS Producers fixed this for sure!"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 05-11-05 at 06:52 PM
I agree with ya, Spidey.

I'm getting sick of all these 'the producers are helping _____' theories. The producers didn't set up Romber victories and they didn't set up the final. Rob and Amber had been lucky a lot during the race but their luck ran out in the last leg.

I personally thought Rob and Amber were the best team, but I can't say that I wasn't glad that they didn't win. I hated Rob, not because of his questionable tactics--that was just part of the game--but because of his cocky comments about the other teams. I like watching cocky people lose.

Handcrafted by RollDdice ignore this space. ignore, ignore, ignore this spaceIcecat is da bomb!
I still don't like the bunching, though. Even though I got to say 'neener, neener' to Rob.

"Rob screwed himself"
Posted by Oscirus on 05-11-05 at 04:13 PM
As stated before Rob got a similar advantage as u/j so if anything that was karma.

Rob bit himself in the backside when he failed to yield U/j despite Amber's objections. If he had done this romber would have easily smoked r/k and M/g. Rob had a hispanic cadriver just like U/J if he chooses not to use him thats his own fault.

My only complaint about last night was that ron and Kelly had to be the luckiest leg winners ever.

Thank you for giving me honor in hat form.

"RE: Rob screwed himself"
Posted by seahorse on 05-11-05 at 07:57 PM
That is not correct. M/G arrived at the pitstop over an hour after U/J so even if U/J were yielded they would have still come in third place and would have caught up in the first bunching before the bridge jump.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Rob screwed himself"
Posted by Oscirus on 05-13-05 at 02:18 AM
Maybe but I think there is a different mindset when you wers ahead of a team and you just got yielded putting you in last place then being comfortably ahead I think that their need to rush might have severely affected Joyce in the bus driving roadblock and probably would have been enough to put m/g in third and the final leg.

Thank you for giving me honor in hat form.

"A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 05-11-05 at 04:24 PM
Didn't every team running the race -- including Romber -- know going in that the only leg you HAVE to win is the LAST one? If they know anything about TAR, they saw how dominant Colin/Christie were in TAR 5, only to lose out to Chip/Kim in the finale. Same last season with Kris/Jon finishing runner-up to Freddy/Kendra. That outcome was less than satisfying for me, but I didn't call for anything to be changed because of it.

What I'm hearing now, though, from at least some of you is a desire to change the outcome. "We don't like how it ended, so we think Romber should have won on points!"

This race isn't won on points, you know.

It's won inside of television sets. (stolen from ESPN's Kenny Mayne)

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 05-11-05 at 05:56 PM
FTR, limiting bunching and having more tasks after the final flight have been my personal hobby horse for years. If someone falls three days behind, so be it. This isn't a series of individual races, this is one big race and it should reward accomplishment over the totality of the race.

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by Jealousy on 05-11-05 at 06:10 PM
I think that's what the first place prizes are for. Rewarding for your accomplishments. In season 6, I think, every pitstop had a prize, but in this season and previous seasons only several pre-determined pitstops had prizes. Maybe they should make it so that every pitstop had a prize again and good diverse prizes like this season rather than knowing you'll just win a vacation like in season 6.

Anyway, I guess the first place prizes are like rewards for running a good race. The more times you come in first, the more prizes you accumulate -- the way Rob and Amber did!

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 05-11-05 at 06:20 PM
I disagree - they don't give you $1,000,000 just for winning one leg of the race even if it DOES happen to be the final leg. You have to run the whole race to win, not just win the last leg. (which was the only non-FF leg that U/J actually won). The better team did not win this year and may not have won recently at all; you can certainly argue about Freddy and Kendra and Chip and Kim were definitely not the best team either.

If you eliminate the bunching at the sugar factory, which was inexcuseable in the last leg of this race, R/A win by a half a day.

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by Jealousy on 05-11-05 at 06:38 PM
Well, it would be silly to give 2 teams one million dollars -- the team that comes in first at the finish line and the team that played the best game. Unless, that is, you get rid of the grand prize being awarded to the team that finishes first in the finale.

Don't get me wrong, I wanted Rob and Amber to win it all too. I do agree with you about Chip and Kim not being great racers, because really they weren't. I think Freddy and Kendra were okay, but not the best people to win, I preferred Kris and Jon like a lot of people.

And yes, if you eliminated the bunching when it counted Rob and Amber would be long gone or if the final plane they were on didn't stop for Uchenna and Joyce. Rob and Amber did run the race the best, I totally agree, but because of bad luck (and I guess the bunching) they came in 2nd, like a lot of the best teams.

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by Spidey on 05-11-05 at 06:44 PM
Well, it would be silly to give 2 teams one million dollars -- the team that comes in first at the finish line and the team that played the best game.

Obviously, your opinion was not consulted before Survivor producers decided on the "Let's Give Rupert a Million too" contest.

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by Jealousy on 05-11-05 at 09:03 PM
As I've never watched a full episode of Survivor in my life, I don't know what happened with the Rupert thing. What did he do to win the million if he didn't win the game? If they let that happen, then I want to be on Survivor too! Well not really... but you know.

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by Spidey on 05-11-05 at 09:34 PM
At the All-Stars finale/reunion show, a contest was announced where the viewers could vote to award another million to any one of the All Star contestants. From the get-go, it was obvious Rupert was the most popular survivor and was a shoe-in. It was so obvious that when it was annouced one of the other contestants (Rob C.) in his plea for votes stated if he won, he would split it with Rupert. Indeed, he did win the million dollar popularity contest. Totally pathetic.

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by Jealousy on 05-12-05 at 10:18 AM
Wow... I'm so glad to see CBS has so much money to throw around. Now what did Rupert do to deserve a million dollars due to popularity? Okay, wait... this is already getting farther and farther away from any actual TAR discussion, and I don't want to ruin this thread. :/

I'll look it up. Thanks for the info though!

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by Rasta on 05-12-05 at 04:34 PM
<Well, it would be silly to give 2 teams one million dollars -- the team that comes in first at the finish line and the team that played the best game.>

What about giving prize money to each leg winner? Debbie and Bianca split $20k, I believe. Why not do the same for every leg? That way the strong teams (ie Colin & Christie, Kris & Jon, Rob & Amber) have already won $80k to $100k before entering the final leg.

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 05-11-05 at 06:58 PM
But you miss my point. The racers know that the race is decided, for better for worse, in the last leg. If they didn't, they're either shtoopit, or they shouldn't have run this race to begin with.

I have no problems with the race the way it is, even though the team I wanted to win last season didn't. I agree, they were the best. But they had their chance.

I'll set my watch for this sort of complaining at the end of TAR 8, TAR 9, etc.

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by UrbanDweller on 05-12-05 at 04:09 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-12-05 AT 04:11 AM (EST)

I just read something interesting on another board where Hera (Tar6) posts. Someone asked her in her thread about if the producers ever "intervene" and this was her response...Interesting.

Hello everyone! I am back from San Diego and happy to see that you all have been going crazy over the finale. You know I love ya'll, but there are certain things that I will not/can't discuss. Unfortunately, the Uchenna/Joyce plane situation is sticky and I am going to stay out of it. All I will say is, it was a good show last night and I believe that they deserved the million. ;) You can read into that any way you like.

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by maggiebob on 05-12-05 at 05:54 AM
>LAST EDITED ON 05-12-05
>AT 04:11 AM (EST)

>I just read something interesting on
>another board where Hera (Tar6)
>posts. Someone asked her
>in her thread about if
>the producers ever "intervene" and
>this was her response...Interesting.
>Hello everyone! I am back from
>San Diego and happy to
>see that you all have
>been going crazy over the
>finale. You know I love
>ya'll, but there are certain
>things that I will not/can't
>discuss. Unfortunately, the Uchenna/Joyce plane
>situation is sticky and I
>am going to stay out
>of it. All I will
>say is, it was a
>good show last night and
>I believe that they deserved
>the million. ;) You can
>read into that any way
>you like.

Why is this interesting? Hera would not be privvy to what actually went on, so she doesn't know any more or less than what the rest of the folks on these boards know. I don't think the "Uchenna/Joyce plane situation" was "sticky" at all, but Hera was in no position to comment one way or the other. She wasn't there, she probably was not briefed by CBS staff, so all she knows is the same rumors, innuendo, etc, that the rest of us know. I stand by my theory that U and J were let on the flight because American Airlines had originally held the flight for Rob and Amber (who were told on checkin that the flight was closed), not realizing that another team was right behind them, and when they were confronted with that reality they had no choice but to hold the flight for U&J also.

What I do agree with Hera about is that U&J deserved to win. (I should also say that I really liked Hera and her dad, although I liked the dad more...Hera was a bit spoiled. I was touched, though, when they were in Africa and Hera was comforting her dad at the slavery departure point.)

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by UrbanDweller on 05-12-05 at 12:40 PM
I thought it was "interesting" because obviously Hera, who is no fan of Rob and Amber, and who DOES probably know more about the inner workings of TAR than fans posting on a message board, said it was a "sticky" situation.

She's been very forthcoming on posting about behind-the-scene workings of TAR on her blog and on the other board, which is why I was rather surprised with this comment and the little wink.

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by maggiebob on 05-12-05 at 02:58 PM
>I thought it was "interesting" because
>obviously Hera, who is no
>fan of Rob and Amber,
>and who DOES probably know
>more about the inner workings
>of TAR than fans posting
>on a message board, said
>it was a "sticky" situation.
>She's been very forthcoming on posting
>about behind-the-scene workings of TAR
>on her blog and on
>the other board, which is
>why I was rather surprised
>with this comment and the
>little wink.

Where's her blog? I'd like to take a look.

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by UrbanDweller on 05-12-05 at 03:07 PM
Hera's Blog link here

and her mention in her thread here

She posts on that site as CappuccinoQueen.

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by maggiebob on 05-12-05 at 03:37 PM
>Hera's Blog link here
>and her mention in her thread
>She posts on that site as

Thanks for that. I read her post, and it doesn't sound to me like she knows anything more than what we all saw. She said it was sketchy, which it does seem to be. But I think my explanation, that the plane had been held for Rob and Amber, is much more credible than some devious plot or fix by CBS. There simply was not time for anyone at CBS to intervene and stage a fix. And I think it is far more likely for the jetway to have been put back, and the doors opened, because AA wanted to protect themselves from allegations of favoritism or even outright discrimination, from U/J, if in fact the plane was held for Rob and Amber (which it seems pretty clear it was).

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by coolflowerpowerman on 05-12-05 at 10:39 PM
WTF? Uchenna/Joyce easily won the leg in Turkey, because Rob/Amber were too stupid to get on the first flight.

They also won the last leg because Rob/Amber were too stupid to ask someone to translate their clue for them.


"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by Oscirus on 05-13-05 at 02:26 AM
U/J won three legs not two they won the leg after the ff as well.
The point of the amazing race is to get to the final leg regardless of how you do it. They reached the last leg and the bunching was part of the leg as well its been a part of every leg and it has helped out all teams at one point or the other. Rob had the leg going away from the airport and he gave it up and that is why they lost. The best team wins every year because every single time the second place team had a chance and failed to convert it.
Thank you for giving me honor in hat form.

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by Swami on 05-12-05 at 12:52 PM
"This isn't a series of individual races, this is one big race and it should reward accomplishment over the totality of the race."

This is not one continuous race, PRE. It never has been. It is a race with elimination heats every week. Bunching is frustrating but it does give everyone some kind of a chance in the weekly heats.

I just wish that the final 'Run for the Roses' was a more complex marathon, with multiple detours and roadblocks--like that pit stop (in India?) where Rob & Amber arrived first but teams were just handed another clue and told to keep on racing. If there are three or four teams in the final run, there should be 3 or 4 tasks for them to do. That would take care of the "fairness" issue and the "luck" issue for me.

"RE: A question for those of you upset with the outcome"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 05-12-05 at 02:19 PM
I agree that they're not going to change the entire show to truly make this a race AROUND the world, rather than a series of mini-races in different parts of the world but ideally I'd prefer that. BUT - it aint gonna happen.

So, realistically I think that they can and should make the final leg of the race as fair and competitive as possible by have NO (zero) non-flight bunching points in the last leg, having multiple, substantive tasks after the final flight, and minimizing luck as a factor.

This race was won purely 100% by the luck of the cab driver draw and the best team did not win. I hope that in future races that they reward teams who do well instead of periodically putting everyone back at the starting line and then letting luck determine who gets eliminated.

"It is too bad, isn't it?"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 05-12-05 at 08:57 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-12-05 AT 09:20 AM (EST)

Only you can prevent forest fires.

a sig by syren (I had mine before you had yours!)

Edited to prevent a large one.

"RE: It is too bad, isn't it?"
Posted by Bebo on 05-12-05 at 09:18 AM
Please, let's not go there...

"If there was ever a time you wanted permission to run over a clown . . . ."

"RE: It is too bad, isn't it?"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 05-12-05 at 09:19 AM
OK, Bebo...

a sig by syren (I had mine before you had yours!)

"RE: It is too bad, isn't it?"
Posted by LibraRising on 05-12-05 at 12:55 PM
Awww...now I'm curious.

To keep it on topic, yeah, UJ won by luck of the cabbie, but if they hadn't gotten a flat tire in the previous leg, then Rob and Amber probably would have been the ones begging at the airport, and I bet 75 percent of the bunching complaints would suddenly vanish (making way for a whole bunch of new Romber conspiracy complaints, but I digress).

There's always an element of luck, and not much can be done to change that.


"RE: Gee Whiz!"
Posted by foonermints on 05-12-05 at 01:03 PM

Handcrafted by RollDice
...did I swear off Big Brother yet again?

"RE: F*CK You Amazing race and F*ck you Uchenna and Joyce!"
Posted by samboohoo on 05-12-05 at 03:14 PM
I wouldn't exactly call U/J inferior racers. They worked as a team and they overcame huge disadvantages. They completed every single task, even to the point of Joyce shaving her head. She came to race, she came to win, and she did what she had to do. They never gave up, especially there in the end where they got a raw deal and ended up with a flat tire.

Icey bounced my Dicey

"Am I the only one?"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 05-12-05 at 06:04 PM
Am I the only person who feels uncomfortable replying to a thresd with this title?

"RE: Am I the only one?"
Posted by protagonist on 05-12-05 at 06:25 PM
No I am too.

"RE: Am I the only one?"
Posted by zipperhead on 05-12-05 at 07:15 PM
I really, really, really wanted to reply to you with a "F*CK YOU PRE" as a joke, but I figured some people wouldn't realize I was joking.

C'mon, how squeemish can you be - you're a rat-eater!

"RE: Am I the only one?"
Posted by foonermints on 05-12-05 at 11:08 PM
I kind of worried about that, too...

Handcrafted by RollDice

"RE: Am I the only one?"
Posted by cahaya on 05-13-05 at 03:14 AM
Yours is the only comment that got me to post here. For all the merits of some of the arguments in this thread, I refused to post to a topic so-named as this one. Although this is a basher forum, to shout FU (especially at U & J, two good human beings) is over my line. 'Nuff said, and nothing more to say in this thread.

Not even here.

Posted by Bebo on 05-13-05 at 10:06 AM
I did not receive a single alert from any poster complaining about the title. That's the appropriate place to complain about something like this, not on the thread itself.

Or you could have sent a nice friendly PM to a moderator asking if it would be OK to start a new thread about the topic and explain the reason why, if you weren't comfortable.

But expecting the moderators to be mind readers is unfair to us.

That being said, I started a new thread with no icky words in the subject line so that folks can continue to discuss the topic instead of griping about the title. Next time, please handle complaints like this in the appropriate way.

"The fix was in."
Posted by dstam015 on 05-13-05 at 07:50 AM
I have to get this off my chest.
I have flown for business and pleasure for over twenty years and have never seen a plane reopen its doors once they are closed to allow passengers to board. It seems to me that some how CBS got them to allow Uchenna and Joyce to board so Rob and Amber would have some competition and keep the show interesting for the last part.
How could Rob and Amber get recognized all over the world but in Florida no one knew who they were to help them.
Seems like Rob and Amber lost on purpose.
The last time I knew some one who did not have enough to pay the cabbie in Florida, the cabbie stopped and called the police. Yet this guy allows Uchenna and Joyce to get out and start running around asking for handouts.

I know let the conspiracy thugs run wild but this just seemed to unusal to me.

My Flame Burns On!

"RE: The fix was in."
Posted by TAR Junkie on 05-13-05 at 08:04 AM
There was no way that CBS was going to allow just one team on the last leg. However it was done so sloppily that TAR has taken a hit on it's creditability.

Finally on the original title of this thread, it's really regretful that people today cannot express themselves without resorting to swearing and vulgarity.

"Sig pic violation"
Posted by Bebo on 05-13-05 at 10:01 AM
Please resize your sig pic or choose a different one. Yours is too tall, per our community guidelines.