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"Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"

Posted by PagongRatEater on 06-15-04 at 10:16 PM
The guy has not made me laugh even once. Maybe it's me, perhaps the material doesn't appeal to me at all, but if the guy has ever told a joke that WASN'T about the fact that he is gay I haven't heard it. There's only so much that you can do with that material and after awhile "it doesn't take Scooby Doo" to figure out where his joke is going...

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"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by Michalena on 06-15-04 at 10:45 PM
I agree, he is NOT funny. He is just a gay happy guy/gal.
The two guy/gals that brought him into this (the 1st two judges) are the ones that wated to see him again. No kidding, what a surprise and they were all happy together in NV.

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by Elwood on 06-15-04 at 11:08 PM
No you're not.

He's not made me laugh once, either.

Neither did the blonde chick with the bleeped joke.

I'm convinced Ant was picked because he's gay, and the blonde was picked because she was the "hottest" of the women tonight, and because she'll be controversial. The other three picked were good choices, though isn't Madigan a bit too well-known already to be on this show?

Would have gone with Dan Adhoot (sp?) over Ant, and I actually laughed at at least one of the wife's jokes this week, so would have picked her over the blonde, because going into it you KNOW that one of those two women are getting picked, for either the "cute" or the "hot" factor.

But if I remember right, of the two groups of 10 from last week, one was full of more than a couple that I found not funny, and looking at these 10 and the other 10, I'm sure this was the non-funny group.

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by SilverStar on 06-16-04 at 00:14 AM
I find Ant amusing, but not funny. At least not yet. The one person who I can't figure out is this Kathleen Madigan chick. Everyone says how she is well-known and established already. How? I haven't found one thing she said to be even mildly amusing. Maybe they are just editing her jokes badly or something, but IMO she is not funny at all.

Handcrafted by RollDdice
On the scales of desire, your absence weighs more than someone else's presence.

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 06-16-04 at 00:30 AM
well, he was way better than 3 of the others that were picked. of course, so were 4 of the 5 that weren't picked.

Ant and Gulman were the only 2 of the 5 that i thought was any good tonight (kathleen was ok too)

but i would have taken ALL of Iranian Jew (despite the same jokes - they were funnier the second time around than any of the new stuff from the ones that DID make it), Whose God Is It Anyway? Guy, Operation Guy, and Balloon Lady (although she wasn't as good as the first time) over C*** Lady and B,B&B Guy (who, although one of the best in Round 1, was THE WORST tonight. Man did he suck. Royally.)

blech. totally disappointing choices.

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by Bucky Katt on 06-16-04 at 01:07 AM
FYI - "B,B&B Guy" is Alonzo Bodden who hasn't performed yet (y'know, the other black comic). Corey Holcomb made it tonight.

It just shows how much of comedy is subjective because the only one I would change would be Monte Kaufman for Ant - and Ant was probably my #6 pick.

"How 'bout a birdy? I got a little birdy right here."

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 06-16-04 at 05:06 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-16-04 AT 05:21 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 06-16-04 AT 05:20 PM (EST)

ahh, thanks Bucky. but that just makes me more pissed taht he moved on, because he doesn't even have the great prior performance to bring up his awful performance last night :/

ETA my rankings from last night:

1T. Whose God Is It Anyway?
1T. Comedy Calendar
1T. Gulman
4. Operation Guy
5T. Ant
5T. Balloon Lady
5T. Madigan
8. C*** Lady
9. Other Lady (can't even remember what she did)
10. Holcomb (SUCKED)

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by Captain_Savem on 06-16-04 at 02:26 AM

Ant is NOT funny. Buck Star is funnier than Ant. If I were in the house I would say "I am funnier than Ant!". Flaming may be amusing, but it ain't funny. I thought the Jewish-Iranian kid should've made it, I don't care what anybody says the "you don't know whether to hate me, orrr hate me" is funny every time I hear it.

I thought the blonde was funny too, and I didn't think the cvnt joke was at all damaging. That is just manufactured drama. Hey, Damon Wayans has said alot worse and he has his own show on ABC no less! Monty should've made it, but you have to look at it this way...you're looking for potential stars, not comics in the twilight of their careers. I know, don't have them audition then if they're not what you're looking for, I agree. But I don't think I would've taken him.

I don't see why they just don't pick the best comics. People are different and have unusual "quirks", if you will. You are going to have conflict no matter what. If there isn't any, then show more footage of the challenges.

aka "Mon Capitain le Cabana Boy" - U.C.B. Local #69

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 06-16-04 at 03:04 AM
Captain! Finally! Something that we can agree on. I won't tell anybody in OT if you dont.

Totally agree on the Iranian Jew - he was funny and SHOULD have been the kind of up and coming comic the show was about. I was dissappointed about Monty, but glad Corey made it thru even though he has been a lot funnier.

I don't see what they see in Madigan, she is funny but she has yet to be funny in this show!

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by Captain_Savem on 06-16-04 at 03:27 AM

Who'd have thunk it? You may want to keep it down, we still gotta keep up appearances ya' know. Which one was Corey, the MILF woman who had twin boys? Who was Madigan? There are way too many people for me to keep track of at this point.

I...am funnier than ANT.

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by Bebo on 06-16-04 at 08:09 AM
Corey's the big black teddy bear who started his routine by telling women that if we haven't slept with our date, don't talk much. He moved on to do the bit about the house belonging to the woman, even if the man paid for it.

I'm glad he moved on - he seems like a cool guy from the interview clips they've shown, and he's made me laugh. A lot more than Ant has.

Have whip, will travel.

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by missygirl3 on 06-16-04 at 04:52 AM
NO!! You are not the only who thinks Ant is not funny. A 4 yr old could finish his punchlines. After tonights show and seeing who they picked for the house, count me out this season.

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by RuffNeck on 06-16-04 at 09:11 AM
>NO!! You are not the only
>who thinks Ant is not
>funny. A 4 yr old
>could finish his punchlines.

I'll go one step further......A straight guy could finish his punchlines.

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by Mistral on 06-16-04 at 10:29 AM
I thought Ant was only mildly amusing. Actually, I thought he was funnier last year, but he does need to do something beyond the gay schtick or it is going to get old really fast.

I was kinda disappointed that Monty didn't make it. Even though he repeated the "operation guy" thing from the tryouts, it still cracked me up.

As many people have said already, it is obvious that they are casting. Corey did nothing for me, but I suppose he is the "black guy" (although if they feel compelled to cast someone as the "black guy" there were plenty others I liked better). I was kind of surprised that the Iranian/Jewish guy didn't make it, not because he was super-funny, but because he'd fit the "unique ethnicity" mold that Dat Phan was last year.

The only one I really liked that made it was the tall guy (Gary?)

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by Drive My Car on 06-16-04 at 10:30 AM
Aren't those the same unfunny jokes that Ant did last season , when he wasn't picked to move on?
He is one note so far.
Okay, you are gay, we get that, now say something FUNNY.

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by DoodleBug on 06-16-04 at 04:11 PM
Ant is so not funny. He's boderline annoying. I think they just want to throw him into the house to stir things up.

I have seen Kathleen live. They did not do her justice last night. She IS funny. Just wait.....

I'm looking at these guys from a sitcom standpoint - who would I like to see in their own sitcom? I think they have it almost right. I'll miss the Iranian-Jew though. Hope he comes back next year.

Replace Bonnie with Monty and Iranian-Jew with Ant and the five would have been perfect for me.

Snazzy new sigpic by Slice
Survivor All Stars PTB Champ!

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by Oscirus on 06-16-04 at 05:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-16-04 AT 05:30 PM (EST)

I agree. People coomplained about Dat phan doing the same jokes over the course of the show when WAnt is doing the same stuff from last year wtf.

Apparently stereotying yourself is pretty funny and will get you into the house. Dan ahdoott should have made it but I agree with the rest of the coices though.

I think they cast it according to certain chartes though instead of funniness

Bonnie-Cast as the B*****
Ant- the contreversial guy
Corey- Comic relief
Kathleen - as the mother hen type
Cpa guy- pretty boy type and most likely as a person who gets the early boot out of the house

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by Kellar on 06-16-04 at 06:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-16-04 AT 06:50 PM (EST)

I find all Gay men slightly funny!

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 06-16-04 at 06:51 PM
Funny, ha-ha or funny, queer?

For those of you who miss this, it's a slingblade reference - enjoy.

"RE: Am I the only one who thinks Ant is not funny?"
Posted by Kellar on 06-16-04 at 07:18 PM
The one that makes me a mindless bigot.