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Posted by Yazimodo on 08-06-03 at 05:33 AM

I am hoping i am not standing over any boundaries or repeating anything that could and was probably said in previous posts.

I have been a long time lurker of these boards and have enjoyed Surviovor and PARTICULARILY Big Brother mainly because it portrays (in my mind) SO WELL human behavior. The way people act there is such an exageration of what we act like in everyday life that we CAN ridicule them for being so outrageous, but always in a sense that we feel they have some validity in their behaviors and we chastize them for acting on the impulses we work so hard on containing.

What happened last night does not fit in that profile. I am guilty of trying to be a comedian. I am not unsuccesful but as they say, if you try for success in comedy, that just means everything else failed. Still, it is the one thing i enjoy and respect, not only in my "courage" but also in the ART of comedy.


He goes for the cheap laugh.
Thats it!

America LOVES cheap laughs. Hey, I do too. I watch Friends on a f******g regular basis. But thats not even ALL that its about.

I'm talking about this frikin sick urge to reward someone just because he is "seemingly" opressed. And i see it all around this (and other) reality boards. (thank god it didnt happen to bb4 dana!)

This is sick, this is wrong.

(To get back to the point)
Dat Phan won because people didnt think he should and the people VOTING did EXERCIZE their rights but didnt FULFILL their obligation! (hahaha)

To be a comic, you have to think you're right. Not that you SHOULD be right. It comes down to disenchantment.

Comedy as an art was always used in this way. The inability to change things but the freedom to ridicule them.

I'M glad for Phan. I'm glad that "stepping stone" is firm and steady for him. Too bad it's my ( and all the other f&*$in contestant's) career!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Disenchatment"
Posted by AM on 08-06-03 at 08:20 AM
I agree with the previous message. While I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Dat take on Dave Mordal and Geoff, I did not think that he deserved to win by any stretch of the imagination. He was clearly the fourth best comic behind Corey, Ralphie and Rich.

However, I have to make a point here. I did not like the way that Dat was being treated on the show yesterday especially by Corey who dubbed his hard work as a "fluke." That's just not true - Dat is a good comic and he works hard at it. Tess admitted she never works on her comedy and Ralphie was just lazying on during his last two performances. I agree that Dat was not great by any means, but his hard work, drive and willingness to win ultimately won him the show. If anything good can come out of Dat's victory, it is that if you work hard at what you do, you can overcome all odds and achieve greatness...

"RE: Disenchatment"
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 08-06-03 at 08:43 AM
A couple of points:

1) Based on their final performances, I thought Ralphie May should've been the winner, followed by Dat Phan second, Cory, Vos and Tess. It's all subjective, who we like and who we don't.

2) Not based on what *I* wanted, but on what I clinically thought would happen, I thought the results would be:

5 - Tess
4 - Vos
3 - Dat Phan/Cory (I thought 3-2 would be very close)
2 - Cory/Dat Phan
1 - Ralphie. This is what I thought the voters would do.

I was a little surprised Cory went out 4th, but could understand. I wasn't totally surprised that Dat Phan made the Final 2. But I was indeed stunned that Dat Phan actually won it.

As to deserving it...

Dat Phan's material is limited, and he showed that. He did try a few variants on the themes, but it was still the same package. I still believe he has potential to expand the package, especially with the physical kung-fu addtions. And Dat Phan does work at it, which is probably why he'd be best doing a TV thing over a stage routine (IMHO).

Ralphie just looks so natural up there... it looked like his material wasn't prepared, that he could just make anything up on the fly and let it go, and it'd come out great. Ralphie really does have a great stage comic presence. His material is always fresh, topical, and brings home a point within the comedy.

Cory - all y'all complaining about Dat Phan's lack of material, where are your complaints about Cory? She used a lot of the same material throughout! Time to expand, Cory!

Tess - If she remains positive, and doesn't go dark and negative like she did in her finale, she will be great on stage. She has the stage presence and persona to carry off the stuff... if she keeps it light and positive.

Vos - well, he's the longtime professional. He can be funny, very funny, at times. He can carry schticks off fairly well. His zinger at Jay Mohr was fantastic! But his finale act looked like any comedy routine you might see at the local club. The material wasn't all that fresh. If Vos would work more topical-to-the-times routines, he'd be better.

What did disenchant me about the finale? Jay Mohr. His constant propping up Vos, and especially Dave Mordal. Mordal looked like he was hung over from excessive drug and alcohol use. Vos was trying hard to prop up Mordal, also. Mordal was having none of it, sitting in his chair like yesterday's news. C'mon, Jay... there are EIGHT OTHER PEOPLE up there!

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"Last Hypocrite Standing"
Posted by Bebo on 08-06-03 at 10:00 AM
It's common knowledge on this forum that I am not a Dat Phan fan, because of his limited material. But until last night, I did not dislike Dat the person. Now I do.

He claims to want to overcome the Asian stereotype, yet he has made his career on exploiting that very stereotype. So when do you want to overcome that stereotype Dat...once you've made as much money off of it as you could? Puhleeze.

If he were as truly driven to achieving some higher good through comedy as he claims, he wouldn't be selling out to the lowest common denominator and then whining about overcoming prejudice.

Bebo, Queen of the Backwoods and your American Idol PTTE co-champ

"RE: Last Hypocrite Standing"
Posted by EnglProf on 08-06-03 at 02:17 PM
I thought Dat was being wry when he said he wants to overcome Asian stereotypes last night. I think it was a bit of a joke.

I do, however, think there's an element of truth in what he said.

Yes, Dat relies on the humor of his mother's Asian accent and on humor about being Asian in general, but if the common-place stereotype of Asian people is that they are ultra-studious, valedictorian-earning, MIT going, and pocket-protector-wearing people who have no particular place in Pop Culture or as pop icons, then he is defying that stereotype.

How many Asians are there in pop culture? Very few, but people like Dat and Harlemm Lee (Fame) are out there earning respect as performers, and I say more power to them.

"RE: Last Hypocrite Standing"
Posted by sbeck on 08-06-03 at 02:29 PM
My sentiments, exactly, EnglProf. And I have to add that with our country becoming more diverse than ever, we can expect to see a lot of Asians in pop culture, as well as those from other ethnic backgrounds.

"RE: Disenchatment"
Posted by toddE on 08-06-03 at 10:05 AM
Last night's finale was the first time I saw the show, and based on who are the likely voters, expected Ralphie to win. However, I didn't think he was funny at all. I did think Dat Phan was funny, in fact totally the funniest of the five. So, based just on the finale, I think the best comic won. (I thought Corey was second best).

"RE: Disenchatment"
Posted by AZ_Leo on 08-06-03 at 10:49 AM
I'm one of the few on this board that has never found Ralphie funny. His delivery just does not appeal to me. He seems to have 3 stock phrases he uses over and over then he sticks a line or two of some hot button content around them. Dat did make me at least smile as did all the others but Tess. However, overall none were impressive.

I'll admit I may have been handicapped by watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart just prior to watching these guys. The 5 minutes between him and Dennis Leary had me rolling on the floor. Watching Last Comic Standing was depressing after that.

I also think Jay Mohr is an idiot. What he did when Cory was eliminated was awful (calling Vos' name, pausing long enough for everyone to say goodbye, then telling him to say goodbye to Cory because she was the one going was cruel, not funny.)

"RE: Disenchatment"
Posted by Mistral on 08-06-03 at 10:21 AM
>I'm talking about this frikin sick
>urge to reward someone just
>because he is "seemingly" opressed.

I have to agree with this statement. I think Dat probably won more because of his "young man with a dream" stuff rather than his being Asian (at least I hope so). And I think he got it because most of the people voting would lean towards the sympathy and underdog vote.

He stopped being funny to me the more I saw of him. Hey, he's got a great 30 seconds if it's the first time you see him, but after that it's like watching the same rerun repeatedly. We'll see if anything comes of him or not.

I've stated several times I thought Ralphie should have won, and I stick by that. He was the only one who was consistently funny to me. But then again, I didn't bother voting.

I also had a greater respect for the tag team antics of Rich and Dave after last night's show. That was probably the funniest part, especially when they flashed on Dave in the audience as being "Rich's Special Friend."

"RE: Disenchatment"
Posted by Lisapooh on 08-06-03 at 10:33 AM
I think a lot of it can also be attributed to American Idol syndrome. Who's fans are more motivated to vote? I thought Cory was the funniest - as did many people on the board (she did pretty well in our informal poll) but she came in 4th last night. I didn't vote. Probably a lot of people who enjoyed Cory didn't. She's not the kind of comic to inspire a rabid fan response. I laughed quite a bit but I didn't feel compelled to run to the phone and hit redial.

Dat and Ralphie are people who appeal to a more enthusiastic type of fan. People who like them are passionate and motivated about it. The comments on the board kinda bear that out.

The apathy of some fans and the fanatisicm of others are inherent in contests like this. That's why Nikki McKibbon came in 3rd on American Idol It's why those cute little Taylor girls were the first two voted on American Juniors. To a lesser degree it's why Ruben Stoddard is your American Idol. And it's certainly why Dat Phan is the Last Comic standing.

"RE: Disenchatment"
Posted by Sbez on 08-06-03 at 05:44 PM
I couldn't agree with you more. Dat appeals to a younger crowd and who is more likely to pick up the phone and vote?? YOUNG PEOPLE.

"RE: Disenchatment"
Posted by surreality on 08-06-03 at 09:51 PM
Many interesting points have been made about the finale. I would like to add that while I am no longer considered young (more in "the coalition's" age group), I am passionate about certain things-such as not wanting someone to win just because he works so hard, or got picked upon (golly, gee whiz).

I think talent should win out in a contest that is billed as being about talent. Therefore I voted three times by phone and six via internet.

Had the show been promoted as "Who will make the best sitcom star of these ten people" vs. "who is the funniest", I probably would have picked Dat.

If I go to a restaurant famed for it's steak, order steak and I am served chicken instead, I am displeased. If the show hadn't been about who was funniest, I wouldn't feel so disenchanted.