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Forum: DCForumID51
Thread Number: 108
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Original Message
"Jay Mohr sucks!"

Posted by mrc on 07-07-04 at 09:57 AM
I cringe whenever he does his two-minute set before the head-to-heads. (How did THAT get written into the show's contract?) Most of the people in the house are much funnier than this idjit. I wonder why he never made it in TV and movies? Hmmm!

Courtesy of Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

Table of contents
  • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,PagongRatEater, 10:18 AM, 07-07-04
    • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,Kellar, 12:13 PM, 07-07-04
    • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,mommyjillyb, 05:38 PM, 07-22-04
  • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,Pensha26, 11:12 AM, 07-07-04
  • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,cqvenus, 11:24 AM, 07-07-04
  • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,DoodleBug, 12:57 PM, 07-07-04
    • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,Loree, 10:05 AM, 07-08-04
  • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,EnglProf, 03:57 PM, 07-07-04
    • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,Kellar, 07:11 PM, 07-07-04
  • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,ropefish_3, 09:47 PM, 07-07-04
    • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,motormouth, 05:57 AM, 07-08-04
      • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,MNMadMan, 00:35 AM, 09-13-09
  • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,SnowBunny, 01:06 AM, 07-09-04
    • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,motormouth, 01:20 AM, 07-16-04
    • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,MNMadMan, 00:33 AM, 09-13-09
  • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,MollyTV, 05:16 AM, 07-16-04
    • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,MNMadMan, 00:32 AM, 09-13-09
  • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,Sophie, 07:19 PM, 07-22-04
    • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,MNMadMan, 00:31 AM, 09-13-09
      • Please keep your remarks,IceCat, 08:42 AM, 09-13-09
  • RE: Jay Mohr sucks!,MNMadMan, 00:30 AM, 09-13-09

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 07-07-04 at 10:18 AM
Just goes to show that comedy is not objective. I look forward to his sets every week and find his stuff hysterical.

To each his own.

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by Kellar on 07-07-04 at 12:13 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-07-04 AT 12:20 PM (EST)

>Just goes to show that comedy
>is not objective. I
>look forward to his sets
>every week and find his
>stuff hysterical.
>To each his own.

Objective! If there is one thing I know in this world it’s that Jay Mohr stand-up blows, yes that word works, his stand-up blows! As you can see I used the word “stand-up”, I’m not judging him as a host or as a whole person, but just his (just came up with a better word than lousy)appalling comedy. I remember reading this interview from an audience member from Las Vegas show and the young lady spoke of Jay’s attempts to entertain the audience. This was during the big controversy and he came out to treat the audience to some contrived stand-up. If I remember it right she said in no uncertain term that he got booed off stage. Still, in my objective opinion he’s a great host for this show--he makes the other comics look good and isn't that his job in the first place.

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by mommyjillyb on 07-22-04 at 05:38 PM
I really like him... I went to a show where Jay was headlining, back when he was on SNL but before he was *famous*, and he was awesome. Everyone was laughing so hard they were crying. True, though, that comedy is one of those undefinable, subjective things!

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by Pensha26 on 07-07-04 at 11:12 AM
<his two-minute set before the head-to-heads. (How did THAT get written into the show's contract?)>

It is called Executive Producer! This is why it is in the show.

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by cqvenus on 07-07-04 at 11:24 AM

i find him hilarious. he was ace in the movie go.

~ cq

the family circus: It's always there, in the lower right hand corner, just waiting to suck.

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by DoodleBug on 07-07-04 at 12:57 PM
I think he's funnier than Ant.

Snazzy new sigpic by Slice
Survivor All Stars PTB Champ!

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by Loree on 07-08-04 at 10:05 AM
>I think he's funnier than Ant.

Well that I agree with!

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by EnglProf on 07-07-04 at 03:57 PM
I'm with mrc here.

He completely sucks *ss. Luckily, we have Tivo and I can fast-forward the hell through his stand up.

F-you, Jay. You're not funny. I think, in your case, we need to call it "Sit down."

But, to be fair, he makes a very vanilla, good for not a whole lot, but not annoying (until he tries to make jokes) host.

Handcrafted by RollDdice
thanks to cq for posting the thread.

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by Kellar on 07-07-04 at 07:11 PM
Once again I’m dealing with intelligent people here.

>But, to be fair, he makes
>a very vanilla, good for
>not a whole lot, but
>not annoying (until he tries
>to make jokes) host.

You have encapsulated all the character elements of these reality hosts into one perfect description.

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by ropefish_3 on 07-07-04 at 09:47 PM
Sorry, but I look forward to his schtick. I think he has great timing and delivery and is just plain funny. He's a little weird, which I think enhances his appeal. I'd rather watch him than most of the comics left. Off this show he is anything but vanilla, so I find it amusing to see him do bits that are acceptable for network TV. He is a tad too raunchy for my liking when he is uncensored, but I love him here. I use my Tivo to replay his set.

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by motormouth on 07-08-04 at 05:57 AM
I'm with you here. If he sucked so bad, he wouldn't be the host. He is well known and succesful (by comedian standards)and there is just no way somebody can be funny to everyone.

sig pic courtesy of The *Last* Scottsman

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by MNMadMan on 09-13-09 at 00:35 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-13-09 AT 00:36 AM (EST)

If you suck enough stick, you still suck, but increase the odds of sticking around when others with more talent get passed over. It's not what you know as much as who you know know (or who you blow).

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by SnowBunny on 07-09-04 at 01:06 AM
I can't even pay attention to what he's saying in these little routines because I am too distracted by the ill-fitting suits he wears. The long blazers make his arms and legs look short, and the long pantlegs bunching up at the ankles make him look like Harry Potter wearing his cousin's clothes. One would think he could afford a tailor.

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by motormouth on 07-16-04 at 01:20 AM
It's funny I had never put my finger on that but as soon as you said it I immediatley lol. It is so true! Thanks bunny, for making me laugh.

*Courtesy of IceCat*

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by MNMadMan on 09-13-09 at 00:33 AM
Idiots cant dress themselves. It's his only defense.

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by MollyTV on 07-16-04 at 05:16 AM
he's ok...he has written some "behind the scenes" book on his days on saturday night live...i haven't bought it yet...but i plan to...
when he was interviewed he seemed sort of bitter about his experience. and he only praised lorne because lorne gave him his chance...but most of the cast members he dissed.

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by MNMadMan on 09-13-09 at 00:32 AM
Douchebags blame others for their own stench.

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by Sophie on 07-22-04 at 07:19 PM
I've gotta say, I've liked Jay every episode except last night's. He is usually hilarious. Last night just didn't sit with me right.

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by MNMadMan on 09-13-09 at 00:31 AM
Are you Jay's Grandma. That dude has never been funny. he is a walking piece of turd with legs.

"Please keep your remarks"
Posted by IceCat on 09-13-09 at 08:42 AM

... about the show and it's stars.

Please do not direct confrontational remarks towards fellow posters.

Thank you.

"RE: Jay Mohr sucks!"
Posted by MNMadMan on 09-13-09 at 00:30 AM
Saying he sucks is a disservice to people who suck. Jay Mohr is blessed to be the most talentless turd on the planet and be recognized by anyone but his grandma. Jay Mohr could disappear and make room for deserving talent. What a piece of spit.