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"Lisa's hometown news, review of Episode 10"

Posted by HappyDayz on 09-12-03 at 12:30 PM
Well, this week the writer at least remembered Evan and Dom as "also ran"....last week (a different writer) didn't even mention them. Nothing really new in this article, but there is a photo of Lisa and Evan on their date (with the caption that mentions she later chose another suitor, and Hank's photo is elsewhere on the page).


I have to say, I still think Schnookie and Swami are Shoo-ins for best review writers at the "Cupid Awards". I think we should have "Cupid Awards"....give awards for all the best of the 11 episode run....Evan could win for best use of props to conceal lip action.....most anticipated kiss would be Hank and Lisa on date 3 (hell, we were getting as impatient as Lisa and her friends were)...best insult Brian hurled at Laura (too many of those to choose from without a runoff)....etc.

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"RE: Lisa's hometown news, review of Episode 10"
Posted by Dpao on 09-12-03 at 02:53 PM
Hey Happydayz, just wondering where you were able to see the ad's that Lisa wrote and things like that. I'm curious to see those things. Thanks.

"RE: Lisa's hometown news, review of Episode 10"
Posted by HappyDayz on 09-12-03 at 04:26 PM
I only saw one commercial....and you need Quicktime in order to view it. It's at http://www.gtninc.com/gallery2.cfm

Okay, as I said before....I knew I was a little too obsessed with this show when I watched a freakin Chevy commercial online! If you feel badly about yourself after watching this, don't say I didn't warn you! LOL

There are also a couple of articles around that Lisa wrote when she was in college, and an excellent article her college ran about her appearing on Cupid. Don't have the URL's for these copied anywhere, but can find them again if you want.

"RE: Lisa's hometown news, review of Episode 10"
Posted by Joyful on 09-12-03 at 05:13 PM
My "Cupid Award" nomination: Robert, for the longest most painful mass cringe ever experinced by a viewing audience. He has tied himself in this catagory with his bowling alley serenade and his painfully slow kiss in front of the kids.

Renda came in a close second when he mentioned selling tickets to the Lisa and Renda freak show.