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"Paradise Hotel -- It's KAVITA !!!!!"

Posted by katem on 07-01-03 at 07:30 PM
Did any of you peeps that got an eXiled 2 tape, from JeffGator, notice that the new girl checking-in will be the very same Kavita, from that show?

This girl is freaking hilarious, such a space cadet, that she should make the show interesting.

Where the heck is JeffGator when you need him?

(c) 2002, 03 GeorgiaBelle Creations, Inc. All rights reserved

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Paradise Hotel -- It's KAVITA !!!!!"
Posted by Swami on 07-01-03 at 08:46 PM
I haven't watched this show, but for Kavita, I'll tune in!

I thought the camera loved her in eXiled and, as you say, she's freaking hilarious!

"RE: Paradise Hotel -- It's KAVITA !!!!!"
Posted by LadyT on 07-01-03 at 09:21 PM
Will she get in a fight with Toni? Cause Toni's eyes to bug out of her head like they did last night when 3 guys chose her?

"RE: Paradise Hotel -- It's KAVITA !!!!!"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 07-01-03 at 09:52 PM
OMH!!! This is the best news I've heard in a long time! She is such a RIOT!

Here is a picture of Kavita with our own JeffGator on Exiled!

I don't know why the picture is so grainy. Here is one from the opening of the show

"RE: Paradise Hotel -- It's KAVITA !!!!!"
Posted by katem on 07-01-03 at 10:09 PM

>Here is a picture of Kavita
>with our own JeffGator on

This photo is where she is saying goodbye to everyone. She had just quit for "medical reasons". JeffGator gave her a sock (the white sock in the photo) to remember him by. That Gator, what a ladies man

Thanks for posting the photos Chrissy gal.

I guess we now have TWO connections to Blows on this show.

(c) 2002, 03 GeorgiaBelle Creations, Inc. All rights reserved

"RE: Paradise Hotel -- It's KAVITA !!!!!"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 07-02-03 at 00:57 AM
I finally got a chance to watch my tape of Paradise Hotel from last night.

They didn't ask her very many questions. It will be interesting to see how she acts on the show. The show seems so focused on drama, not much to smile about!

"RE: Paradise Hotel -- It's KAVITA !!!!!"
Posted by GeorgiaBelle on 07-02-03 at 10:40 AM
Where the heck is JeffGator when you need him?

I hear he is a Mod at another forum. We need to get him back here.

I love Paradise Hotel, it is fun to watch.

Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.

"Kavita from Exiled"
Posted by Exiled producer on 07-02-03 at 01:42 PM
Yes yes yes, Kavita did make it to "Paradise Hotel" !!!

Congrats to her, I hope she does well.

During exiled, she was very personalable on camera and hilarious, I wish she could of lasted a little longer, she definately will get attention.

Although I have to personally throw in my opinion of Paradise Hotel- what is the purpose of this show? - is there a winner?
she will grab some fame from it!
for more info, go to www.triple-jproductions.com

"RE: Kavita from Exiled"
Posted by managerr on 07-03-03 at 10:58 AM
The point is to stay in Paradise the longest. There "may" be a prize for the winner, but they can't tell you for sure or if there really is one because they want to make sure it isn't anything like a game show or a fair game.

I think Kavita will fit right in with this group.

"Please help me to be tired."

Worst "take me now!" line ever.

"So what's the scoop?"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 07-03-03 at 02:39 PM
OK, so for those who have seen (or for Jen, those who filmed it) the Exiled show -- what's the scoop on Kativa? How did she act on the show? What's this "medical discharge" thing all about? When did she leave? How is she seen fitting into this new show?

Thanks... I'd like to do a news story on KAtiva's previous show experience (and highlight the episode sumamries in the process) but I've never seen a single tape of Exiles...


"RE: So what's the scoop?"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 07-03-03 at 05:18 PM
Do you just want our take on her personality or are you looking for things she did on the show?

I could send you little media files of her or more stills with transcription of what she said.

She was only on the first episode and part of the second episode. She is quite spoiled and couldn't handle camping. She said some really funny things, my favorite: she named all the insects and wild animals that she is afraid of and she included dolphins in the list.

"Excerpt of Kavita"
Posted by AyaK on 07-03-03 at 05:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-03-03 AT 06:00 PM (EST)

From dabo's E1 summary, when Kavita proves she's clueless about camping:

Kavita (female) is an exotic-looking type, of mixed racial heritage perhaps. According to her bio she was born in London, England, and has been around. Kavita is a model.
The Olivia B. has headed out to sea, leaving the mainland behind, approaches Exiled Island – Finally, we’re getting started for real! Then the twelve poops were told to jump in, swim to the island, they’d find their personal belongings somewhere, and they’d have to make do with whatever else they could find on the island.

Kavita: When we first got to the island they said we had to swim to the island. Huh? I’m in a skirt and a tank top!

So, we have the early leader for most clueless of series, the model.
So they split into two groups to go looking for their bags. Eventually, after much stumbling around and meaningless chitchat, one of the groups found the bags in a cluster of trees, started calling for the other group. One of the girls let out a Tarzan yell, a really bad oh please don’t ever do that ever again Tarzan yell to be honest with you.

Kavita: The bags were in a place where spiders and bugs and chiggers and ticks all live.
Kavita: So, everyone’s trying to make their own homes and shelters, it was so like crazy! People were grabbing palm fronds. I didn’t even know what a palm frond is.

Why am I not surprised?
The eight things picked were the hatchet, the fishing rod, the lantern (Kavita had to ask what it was)...
Later, Amanda, Manesh, Ryan, John and Kavita all decided to sleep on the beach while the rest went back to camp. Kavita promised when she got voted off she was going to order everyone a pizza and have it ferried to the island, which automatically put her on the top of everyone’s hit list. But then the five of them formed an alliance to defeat the other seven who had foolishly gone back to camp.
Then John and Kavita went swimming. John suddenly alert says he saw a shark (how fitting)! Kavita says not to scare her but John is serious and says he sees the ripples!

Kavita: There’s ripples everywhere.

Then John went under! Of course, he was only joking.

Kavita: That was so not funny!
Shot of Carole killing a crab. Carole catches a fish. * Boobage Alert! * Carole’s bikini, side shot, very ratings good boobage I must say. Carole kills a snake! * Boobage Alert #2! * Carole is a damn good provider. But Amanda cries for the snake.

Kavita: She murdered it. She’s supposedly an animal lover. She killed a crab that wasn’t eaten, she’s killed a snake that won’t be eaten either! She’s an animal hater.

Oh, dear me, get with it, model Kavita. You’re there to put on a show, eat the stupid snake!

From Swami's E2 summary, when Kavita quits the show:

Kavita. “I miss my dad!” Cries, wipes her eyes. “I just want to give him a big hug and (sob, sob) thank him for spoiling me! I miss my bed (sob), and my hairstylist (sob), and manicurist (sob), and my aroma therapist (sob), and my personal trainer (sob) and my…” Okay, I’ve had enough. Next!

Meg: “Kavita is just going to shrivel up and die. She is not happy here.” While Meg is talking about her, we see Kavita flipping out all alone on the beach. Wearing a bikini top with a striped towel wrapped around her waist, she is darting back and forth at the waterline, waving both hands in the air and looking frantic. Looking like evil demons are after her. Either this girl is re-enacting a scene from ‘The Ring’, or she is having a psychotic episode. No one could be that afraid of a few flying bugs, could they?

Camera jumps to Carole. “She is really scared. There are bugs out here ya know.” Oh. My bad. I guess she is that afraid of bugs. So why is she on this show?

Kavita. *crying* “I wanna go home!!! Sob, sob.” While Kavita cries the camera focuses on her pierced navel. I can’t figure out if it is pierced three times, or if she has a long dangly thing stuck in there. It looks like she has a 3 inch long hatpin stuck through her navel and through the skin again an inch or so below her navel. Fascinating. But before I am done contemplating her navel, we switch to Kavita back at camp saying, “I’m sorry guys. I just couldn’t hack it.” Bozo announces that she is leaving for (quote) medical reasons (unquote).

Oh crap. Another contestant is quitting! What is it with the Youth of America? Can’t they take the least little bit of adversity? First we had a guy KOed by spider bites. Now we have a girl fleeing from Fly Phobia. What’s next? Fear of clowns? Sheesh. They better eXile somebody on purpose soon or I’ll want my money back. And I didn’t even pay for the friggin tape!

Okay, back at camp Kavita explains herself. “If you want to be out here, you have to put up with bugs, spiders, ants, chiggers, fleas, mice, rats, raccoons, fish, crabs, sharks, dolphins, lions, tigers and bears. I couldn’t do it.” Poor baby. Unlike Nick, who just wandered into the surf when he quit, Kavita makes her departure an Event. Hugs for everyone. Kisses. "I’ll miss you!" "I love you!" "Good luck!" "Goodbye!" Enough already, just leave, you lazy quitter!

"RE: Excerpt of Kavita"
Posted by managerr on 07-04-03 at 02:40 PM
That sounds great! Wish I had seen it. I'm glad Kavita found a reality show more her style....

"Egad, Katem!"
Posted by Swami on 07-04-03 at 05:18 PM
Paradise Hotel is the stupidest, most scurrilous & pathetic excuse for a Reality TV Show I have ever seen. I love it! Thank you for getting me to watch!

Now I have somebody to root for--Kavita! I hope she made a good choice, picking Zack. I don't know these guys well enough to comment yet--but I will!

This is kind of Off-Topic, but I was trying to explain to my husband why we have to watch this stupid show now:
me - "I know Kavita!"
him - "You do? Really"
me - "Well, no. Not really. But I know Jeff, and he knows Kavita, so I sort of kind of, you know..."
him - "Is Jeff one of those Internet people?"
me - "JeffGator is the best peep!"

That's when I noticed he was looking at me with that kind of gentle compassion usually reserved for enthusiastic but unrealistic children, or your beloved Aunt Betty when she starts to go dotty. Hello, my name is Swami and I am a Reality TV junkie... There is no hope for me.

Chrissy gal? Jen? You probably know Kavita well enough to read the fine print in her body language. Any commentary on her thought process or strategy (such as it is in this show) would be appreciated.

"RE: Egad, Katem!"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 07-04-03 at 06:10 PM
I can upload some little video clips of Kavita so everyone can see a glimpse of why we think she is so funny, but there are two problems:

1) I don't know how to upload video clips unless they are .ZIP files

2) Even zipped each file has to be at least 3MB to get a good enough quality video, and I don't know if that would be too big of a file.

My husband just rolls his eyes when I talk about reality TV shows and Survivor Blows. He does however appreciate good humor like Shakes' joke about Zack's mom.

"RE: Egad, Katem!"
Posted by katem on 07-05-03 at 10:37 AM
>Paradise Hotel is the stupidest, most
>scurrilous & pathetic excuse for
>a Reality TV Show I
>have ever seen. I
>love it! Thank you
>for getting me to watch!

You are very welcome, me lady

>probably know Kavita well enough
>to read the fine print
>in her body language.
>Any commentary on her thought
>process or strategy (such as
>it is in this show)
>would be appreciated.

ROFLMAO !!!!! THOUGHT PROCESS? !!!!! Swami, sugar, we ARE talking about Kavita, you DO realize this, don't you?

What makes this young woman funny is that she is the ultimate space cadet.

As for her pick of Zack, she started a lot of dramarama with that one. No drama for herself, but for Zack and Amy.

We will see on Monday if the guys keep her. I personally think Amanda's a goner. I hope so.

(c) 2002, 03 GeorgiaBelle Creations, Inc. All rights reserved

"Oh, Katem, you were....."
Posted by GeorgiaBelle on 07-08-03 at 00:14 AM
wrong. I am so sorry to see you be wrong.

We will see on Monday if the guys keep her. I personally think Amanda's a goner. I hope so.

Kavita, had the shortest stay at Paradise Hotel

Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.

"RE: Paradise Hotel -- It's KAVITA !!!!!"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 07-08-03 at 01:53 AM
Poor Kavita, two reality shows down, about 50 to go!

It was strange to see her so down, bored and lonely.

It seemed like people liked her on Exiled!2, even when they made funny remarks about how difficult the whole experience was for her. When she left Exiled!2 she hugged everyone goodbye. She hugged JeffGator and said that he was so funny that he would be the next Bob Saget (that was meant as a compliment, in case you were wondering).

"not a compliment no matter what the intent"
Posted by shakes the clown on 07-08-03 at 02:07 AM
Sagget is to funny what Hitler was to humane acts.

Hearing that I'm now glad she's gone.

"RE: not a compliment no matter what the intent"
Posted by Exiled producer on 07-08-03 at 01:25 PM
She did have a short stay , hopefully it wasn't a curse.
On Exiled, Kavita was very personable and had some funny comments, actually they were hilarious! ...well most of the things she came out with, too bad she didn't last longer.
Anyways congrats to her, maybe she will be on another show or tv spot.
Any questions welcome.


"RE: Paradise Hotel -- It's KAVITA !!!!!"
Posted by LadyT on 07-08-03 at 06:56 PM
She wasn't really interesting. She didn't seem to do much of anything.

"RE: Paradise Hotel -- It's KAVITA !!!!!"
Posted by managerr on 07-08-03 at 08:45 PM
I suspect that Kavita had a chance to stay, but turned it down. I think Dave offered to save her, that's why she gave him a kiss at the end. But she ended up doing her own thing and doomed herseld. At least she was smart enough to stand up to Zack and throw $hit back in his face instead of being like Amy.

"RE: Paradise Hotel -- It's KAVITA !!!!!"
Posted by Loree on 07-09-03 at 10:53 AM
When will Amy give up on Zack? He was all upset when she picked him at first because he wanted who he considered the sexy girls that didn't pick him. Now he gets upset when she talks to other guys. He only likes Amy now because he realized that other guys liked her. What a loser he is.