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"Charla NOT sharing with Dave"

Posted by LisaAtTheBeach on 05-29-06 at 10:01 AM
I'd like to think that if I was in Charla's
position, I WOULD have shared with Dave.
Do I think Toni influenced Charla's final
decision...NO! Charla never gave a rat's hiney
what Toni thought or said before.

Do I think Dave would have shared with Charla?
Most definitely. It does make me a bit sad
when I remember all the caring things Dave did
for Charla on the show...bringing her ice cream
sundaes when she was holding up in her room, leaving
the pool area to come and chat with her when she
was bored or lonely, etc. Dave's a real sweetheart.
Do I think Charla could have made it without Dave? No.

This is my thinking about Charla keeping all the loot.
Charla, though a darling...she could be content on a desert
island with only a close girlfriend. She's not the
warmest person in the world and at her tender age, she still
seems to be only concerned about "what's good for Charla".
I don't see her ever accepting gigs where she could max
out on her fame and gain financially from it. So maybe this
was her ONLY chance for money like this.
Whereas with Dave...he IS a people person...he's smart, charming and fun. Dave WILL earn that $125,000 in a hurry... plus more. Dave has earning POTENTIAL, whereas I think we just witnessed Charla's last flicker.

So in the end...Charla probably made the right decision
for herself.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Charla NOT sharing with Dave"
Posted by melissa916 on 05-29-06 at 02:31 PM
I see Charla as the type that will get anything she wants by being a gold digger. I bet she's that type. Poor girl will never be able to find love... people like her never do. Yep, if she is not already, she will be a gold digger. I feel sorry for the men that fall into her trap.

"RE: Charla NOT sharing with Dave"
Posted by ChadB on 06-10-06 at 02:57 PM
I'd LOVE to fall into her trap and wouldn't even care if I knew it was temporary from the beginning. I thought she was a darling and the most virtuous of all the girls there.

I would think a gold-digger would have done more to provide the promise or allusion of intamacy with Dave than she did. She did quite the opposite, making it clear from the beginning they had a friend connection not a love connection. You can't blame Dave for trying, she is utterly gorgeous. But you must also admit if there was ever a man that COULD have been strung along, it was Dave. See, I admired that she DIDN'T string him along, when she obviously could have.

I don't blame Charla for not sharing the money. They had an agreement about getting to the end of the game, there was no agreement about sharing winnings if one of them won and the other lost. Charla won, Dave lost. There is an obvious reason Keith shared his with Tara, Keith and Tara really did have a relationship that extended beyond simply playing the game, Dave and Charla did not. Keith and Tara were an intimate couple, Dave and Charla were not. Keith and Tara moved in together after the show, Dave and Charla did not. Charla honored her agreement with Dave 100%, she got him as far as she could. It's not her fault he lost.

As to thinking Toni could have no influence over Charla; I think you are expecting Charla to have known at that time what we all know now. Watch the show, Toni was a deceitful, back-stabbing conniving wench. Remember, she pretended to like Charla, when she really hated Charla. Keep in mind, Chara didn't have the advantage we have, of having watched the show. Toni also had a lot of friends there, AND was 10 or 11 years older than Charla. I think Toni had quite a lot of influence over Charla.

By the way, I've seen an interview where Dave said Charla HAS recently told him she'd like to give him some money (an ammount was not specified). I suspect since she's watched the show she's realizing Toni was NOT her friend. I can thoroughly understand why she did then though.

"RE: Charla NOT sharing with Dave"
Posted by Agman2 on 05-06-15 at 04:32 PM
Chad you are so wrong in that opinion on so many levels! I just don's know where to start!!!!!

"RE: Charla NOT sharing with Dave"
Posted by gloworm on 06-15-06 at 09:25 PM
Charla is what's wrong with the world. To much selfishness and greed. She should have split the money because it's the right thing to do. Dave and Charla were a so called "team" and on teams when you win you win as a team. Her parents should be ashamed of the kind of person they raised. She just shows that she thinks the world should revolve around her. Anyone that ends up marrying her should get a pre-nup. She's a fake person and should have bad things happen to her and only her.

"RE: Charla NOT sharing with Dave"
Posted by ChadB on 01-04-08 at 09:07 AM
>Charla is what's wrong with the
>world. To much selfishness and
>greed. She should have split
>the money because it's the
>right thing to do. Dave
>and Charla were a so
>called "team" and on teams
>when you win you win
>as a team. Her parents
>should be ashamed of the
>kind of person they raised.
>She just shows that she
>thinks the world should revolve
>around her. Anyone that ends
>up marrying her should get
>a pre-nup. She's a fake
>person and should have bad
>things happen to her and
>only her.

I'm not allowed (though previous posters have been) to attack posters. But if I was allowed to call you names I would.

Please provide your evidence of ANY of the several accusations you made against this young lady.

Provide your logic to explain why she should have shared with Dave. Dave lost. She won.

When "teams" win, they won. THEY won. Dave did NOT win. The winning TEAM was Keith and Charla. Dave lost. Period.

"RE: Charla NOT sharing with Dave"
Posted by Agman2 on 11-05-14 at 02:28 PM

"RE: Charla NOT sharing with Dave"
Posted by Agman2 on 05-04-15 at 06:07 PM
Chad, you might want to switch to decaff! seriously!!!!!

"RE: Charla NOT sharing with Dave"
Posted by 1PHfan on 01-09-08 at 12:42 PM
I totally agree with you on everything you mentioned. I definitely think Charla would not have gotten as far as she did without Dave. Although, I love Charla and I was rooting for her the whole time, I think she should have shared with Dave. If it weren't for him she wouldn't have been standing at the end.

I can't wait til' the 2nd one airs.

"RE: Charla NOT sharing with Dave"
Posted by Agman2 on 03-08-15 at 06:47 PM
I totally disagree with everything mentioned.

"RE: Charla NOT sharing with Dave"
Posted by Agman2 on 03-11-15 at 12:36 PM
I got, two tickets to paradise....