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"Returning hotel guests voting"

Posted by SurvivorBlows on 09-30-03 at 11:22 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-03 AT 11:23 PM (EST)

I'm not sure why, but there seems to still be alot of confusion over whether or not the ousted houseguests will be returning and voting in the finale.

Yes they will be returning and acting as the jury. FOX announced this over a month ago and we reported on it at the time -- it was announced as part of the October 1st finale announcement:


And if anyone is still in doubt, FOX has even released a photo of Toni voting that is available in our Paradise Hotel photo gallery. The caption released with the photo:

Toni casts her vote for the ultimate prize on the special 2 hour season finale of PARADISE HOTEL airing Monday, Oct. 1 (8:00-10:00) PM ET/PT) on FOX.

Hopefully this will settle any confusion.

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"RE: Returning hotel guests voting"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 10-01-03 at 00:33 AM
Here is one of Amanda voting from Paradiseonfox.com

The caption reads: The former-Barbie Amanda casts her vote.

Did you notice Toni's hand and arm in the picture posted by SB?? What do you think is on her arm? I can't decide if her hand is dirty or if there is something wrong with it.

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: Returning hotel guests voting"
Posted by sleeeve on 10-01-03 at 01:56 AM
>Did you notice Toni's hand and
>arm in the picture posted
>by SB?? What do
>you think is on her
>arm? I can't decide
>if her hand is dirty
>or if there is something
>wrong with it.

That's the characteristic color and pattern of a henna tattoo. You can get them in a lot of places, including most of the body-builders hangouts in Los Angeles (like Venice Beach). She probably got it done in Venice after appearing on the show, before she realized that she would return for the finale.
The tattoo is temporarily permanent. It lasts as long as it takes a new layer of skin to fully grow in... about 4-6 weeks for most people.

"RE: Returning hotel guests voting"
Posted by thndrcloud on 10-01-03 at 09:59 AM
I don't know much about henna tattoos, but would that make parts of her hand white like that? She has some serious pigmentation problems going on there. Her other hand and the rest of her arm is tan, really dark in spots but then her hand looks like it's got bleach spots.

"RE: Returning hotel guests voting"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-01-03 at 10:12 AM
My first thought was a peeling skin problem from being in the sun too much.

"I think I know what it is"
Posted by thndrcloud on 10-01-03 at 10:37 AM
This is an excerpt from http://www.drgreene.com/21_636.html

"The other extremely common white-patch condition is called tinea versicolor. This is a mild, superficial fungal infection, somewhat similar to ringworm (true ringworm can also result in white patches). Since the affected skin doesn't change color well with sun exposure, it usually becomes apparent as white patches during the summer months. In the winter it may seem to disappear, or even seem to become slightly darkened patches as the surrounding skin gets paler (this is where the name versicolor comes from).

Tinea versicolor is most common in adolescents and young adults 15 to 30 years old (although it can certainly happen at any age). The infection is chronic and recurs easily, but it causes no other health problems. People are most susceptible to the fungus during hot months in humid areas. Taking steroids, excessive sweating, wearing tight-fitting clothing, and chronic illness can all predispose a person to tinea versicolor, but someone without any of these factors can still get this mild infection."

And it's totally fitting that Toni should have a fungus, don't you think?

"RE: I think I know what it is"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-01-03 at 12:02 PM
"And it's totally fitting that Toni should have a fungus, don't you think?"


"RE: I think I know what it is"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 10-01-03 at 06:24 PM
Great research thndrcloud!! I thought the thing on her hand looked like some kind of pigmentation problem.

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: I think I know what it is"
Posted by dasheekee jones on 10-03-03 at 10:06 AM
Oh jeese, it's a fricken henna tattoo, not a pigmintation problem.

Not standing up for Toni. Just saying what it is.

Personally, Toni can't do anything to improve her looks.

"toni improvement"
Posted by Angelfood on 10-03-03 at 10:44 AM
>Personally, Toni can't do anything to
>improve her looks.

sure she can, it's called.....

a paper bag

Muahhaha. Sorry, i'm evil today, couldn't let that joke go.

No, some serious suggestions would be: a day at the spa, less weighlifting (try a pilates class honey), no steriods, and a change in personality (try some anger management), and maybe a career in the WWE to help release her frustrations physically And give her the attentions she DAWs for.

"would you like an apple my dear?"

"RE: I think I know what it is"
Posted by patric on 10-03-03 at 10:50 AM
I am still not convinced that it's a henna tattoo. Her hand looks awful! Great research by Thndrcloud. With her POWER mindset, she will never improve the way she looks!

"RE: I think I know what it is"
Posted by thndrcloud on 10-03-03 at 11:02 AM
Um, yeah, I read your post. And that makes sense for the dark areas on her arms but that doesn't explain nasty whites blotches on her hands. That's something that does look like a pigmentation problem. I simply did some research on things that might cause whites blotches.

Anyway, I didn't think you were standing up for her I just think you didn't realize I wasn't talking about the same freakish aspect of her as you were.

"RE: Returning hotel guests voting"
Posted by superstepmom1 on 10-01-03 at 08:06 AM
The pic of Toni with the originals in the chairs, she's wearing a red shirt. This isn't the same shirt. Could the guests stay for another visit so the Barbie's have to rally their votes?

"RE: Returning hotel guests voting"
Posted by eguds on 10-01-03 at 08:31 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-01-03 AT 08:32 AM (EST)

>The pic of Toni with the
>originals in the chairs, she's
>wearing a red shirt.
>This isn't the same shirt.
> Could the guests stay
>for another visit so the
>Barbie's have to rally their

Great call. Here is that other picture again. Amanda is also wearing a different shirt as well.

"RE: Returning hotel guests voting"
Posted by indian girl on 10-01-03 at 08:55 AM
Maybe the group is at the hotel for more than one day. One day they vote, the next day the votes are read.

"RE: Returning hotel guests voting"
Posted by superstepmom1 on 10-01-03 at 08:57 AM
YAY so the original DO get to come back AGAIN and try to be Betty/Billy Bad Asses. What a load of crap!

"RE: Returning hotel guests voting"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 10-01-03 at 06:28 PM
Here's another picture from Paradiseonfox.com:

The caption reads: No, this is not Week 1!.

So I think they are back for more than just the vote.

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"Maybe the remaining 2 couples"
Posted by jkokoj on 10-01-03 at 10:12 AM
get one night to lobby for their votes. I guess we get to see more buldging eyes, yatzee yelling and lawyering going on!!!

"RE: Maybe the remaining 2 couples"
Posted by eguds on 10-01-03 at 10:41 AM
Honestly, if it is the barbies, who besides Dave would care about how they vote. All of them, hate the barbies. I would not pander to Toni, Amy, Zach, Andon, ALex, Kristen, Desiree, Beau for votes because if they hate me why would they vote for me in the first place. They are all going to talk crap again and start trouble. They are all out and the Barbies are in the final 4. So who cares.

"RE: Maybe the remaining 2 couples"
Posted by Lahela on 10-01-03 at 12:06 PM
Am I the only one who noticed that that message said MONDAY October 1st instead of WEDNESDAY? ;)

"RE: Maybe the remaining 2 couples"
Posted by johnnycasino1 on 10-01-03 at 12:51 PM
They say their will be several twists tonight - I wonder if one of the twists is a voted off person / couple may share in the winnings based on the votes of those still in the hotel. I know someone in a different thread suggested that a couple may be voted back on the hotel, but I don't think that's the twist.

That would make the ex-guests compete for the hotel guests votes. This would be better than just hearing all the ex-guests yell at the two remaining couples about how they don't deserve to win?
