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"9/23 Summaries & Discussions"

Posted by Angelfood on 09-23-03 at 10:22 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-23-03 AT 10:28 PM (EST)

Ok, here is the down and dirty (I'll write more later). There will probably be more than one.

9/23 Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead

Highlight: LAMY IS GONE! My voodoo doll threat worked and Amy is out.
If Charla's "wizard of oz" metaphor holds true, she won't have to click her heels just yet.

At the end, Keith must decide between Scott/Holly and Dave/Charla, but we won't see his choice until next Wed.
sneaky, sneaky.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by The Jman on 09-23-03 at 10:34 PM
My gut wants to say he picks Dave for two reasond. One,Dave voted for him,the other Tara and Charla are friends,but those comments Dave made could come back to haunt him!

Why Dave! Why! All he had to do was keep quiet! Keith will have no chance if it's between them and Scott/Holly.

Oh,and Angel. I heard if you say Bloody Amy in the mirror three times she appears,is that true???

"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by Gimpychik21 on 09-23-03 at 10:37 PM
Keith should definitely pick Scott and Holly..I absolutely love them. Dave is an ass, and needs to get a life right along with his precious Charla. I am so upset Amy got kicked off, I loved her. She was the only person not afraid to say exactly what she was feeling, and that is an amazing trait in anybody. It's time for people to realize that it's just a game. Charla and Dave have done so many terrible things behind everyone's backs, while the others have had to sit there and think that everything was fine. AMY COME BACK!!! I hope that Holly and Scott win and that they show the world you can play fair and still come out a winner. GO SCOTT AND HOLLY!

"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by ImZACKtheAPE on 09-23-03 at 11:06 PM
You must be joking! Like Amy? Ya she speaks her mind but there is certain ways and times you should to that. She lacks tact and maturity. She is a sore loser. She lacks good sportsmanship. She behaves like a spoiled brat until she gets her way. She is a horrible person and needs to be vaporised into the reality tv hall of shame! Actually I think she already has. To say we would not like her to experience what she has done to Charla and Dave would be lying. I can only hope the next few months with her new half-witted, jar-head of a boyfriend is what it should be, an unhappy enduring road of hell and anguish!

Wow, that feels better!

"Barking up the wrong tree, sister"
Posted by Angelfood on 09-23-03 at 11:12 PM
I can't believe this.
"I have been violated".
Aaah, aaahhh.

While we here at PH board respect others views, this thread is for discussions about the summary. Maybe you can find a Lamy Love thread on page 11 or something. but since youre here.....

1. Scott and Holly have not played fair. Scott's done alot of Deals with Dave behind the Orig's backs (esp. Bo's first vote off). Scott has done no game-playing other than laying back, going along with whoever's in power and degrading women. Holly can't even get Dave's quotes right. She's sadly not that bright.

2. Saying exactly what you feel is not admirable when that includes: Yelling, Threats, Getting in ones face, allowing people to leave who want to be there more than you, assuming that Zack and You deserve to be there more than your "friends", she's mean, crude, rude and has a serious mental condition. Otherwise, I'd agree with you and I'd like her too. Too bad she went mental.

3. Even If Dave is a butt and whatever else the Barbies may be (and I'm not saying they are the best people), THEY ARE LEAGUES AHEAD OF EVERY OTHER PLAYER THERE!!!
If you think the others sat there and thought everything was fine, that's cause they assumed that all their threats and intimidation had taken care of any worrying about their longevity there.

Read my post on "PLaying the game and hypocrisy" (i'm glad you've touched a subject I love to discuss)
<http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/DCForumID48/327.shtml#5> for a full explanation and then we can have a civilized debate about it - I'd welcome that. The subject would be "Frankness or Decency - which is more valued in Today's culture?" That's what these PH arguments are all about. Not Zack/amy vs. Barbies, they are just pawns in the game. And if you really want to defend your girl, then at least come up with some better explanations.

I ain't no Charla and I speak my mind too (like Lamy, but I'm civil, do you respect me too?) and I woulda made Lamy's last week there miserable. WE would've had some great breakfast conversations and I'd have that girl in tears. And I wouldn't be yelling, it would be very cold and calculated and condescending. Why? To make her see what it's like when others do it to you. To rebel against her behavior and her threats. And to send a message to Bullies like her and Toni, cause I've had enough of their type harassing me!

It seems as if you haven't bothered to read much of our past threads. It would be the respectful thing to do to familiarize yourself with this environment.


"RE: Barking up the wrong tree, sister"
Posted by RaHead on 09-23-03 at 11:22 PM
I "heart" Angelfood!!!

I totally agree with you, 100% all the way

"RE: Barking up the wrong tree, sister"
Posted by RollDdice on 09-24-03 at 03:03 AM
>I ain't no Charla and I
>speak my mind too (like
>Lamy, but I'm civil, do
>you respect me too?) and
>I woulda made Lamy's last
>week there miserable. WE would've
>had some great breakfast conversations
>and I'd have that girl
>in tears. >
>It seems as if you haven't
>bothered to read much of
>our past threads. It
>would be the respectful thing
>to do to familiarize yourself
>with this environment.
Remind me to stay on your good side, Angelfood!

"The Dark Side of the Angel"
Posted by Angelfood on 09-24-03 at 08:56 PM
That's right! And don't nones of yous forget it.
If you do, you'll have 5 girls at the hotel all mad at ya!

Hope I didn't scare anyone with the GimpyGirl flaming (where'd she go by the way? back to fox bds?), I am usually nice and repressed and logical, but my Romulan side takes over sometimes and I guess I overwhelmed her with logic (my favorite weapon in the War on Slime). And not because she supported Origs, but because she supported their behavior and thought their doo don't stink. I think I blacked out after reading it and I don't remember the rest....
but I must quote ImZacktheApe, "wow, that feels better."

Actually, there are a lot of things I like about Lamy (or at least pity her for), until she started goin all "Toni" (that just ruined it, sorry). So I could write a post with her positives, but I'm too busy working on the pop-up spoof right now.

RollD - have you seen someone here refer to PHo as Pair-of-Dice Hotel ?- too funny. We need to do our own tshirts!
RaHead - thank you sweetheart. I don't feel like such a Toni now.

And if you think THAT was scary, for the finale I may dress up as Amy (with bigger belly) as a spoof and make faces. If pics show up on this site, you'll know that I got drunk.

"Dark Side of the Angel/The Origin of RdD"
Posted by RollDdice on 09-25-03 at 12:07 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-25-03 AT 01:26 PM (EST)

Angelfood wrote: RollD - have you seen someone here refer to PHo as Pair-of-Dice Hotel ?- too funny. We need to do our own tshirts!
That someone was ME! Here is my explanation of my name when RealityTV asked me about it in another thread:

My name and sig came about this way: I was watching an early episode and saw Amanda announce a “twist and turn” based on the “rules” of PH. Mouth agape, I thought, “Rules? How do they make the rules here, with a pair of dice?” (dramatic music swells) And so the Pair-Of-Dice Hotel was named and RolldDice was born!

I have used "Pair-of-Dice Hotel" in posts here and originally on the FUX boards (back in my naieve Dark Days).

(I am not a pit boss in Las Vegas as some have suggested.)

Certainly not as exciting as DC Comics Batman Issue #1, but there you go...

"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by Sbez on 09-24-03 at 01:13 PM
Wow!!!!! You must be watching the same tapes the originals are.
(Amy was the only person not affraid of saying what she was feeling). How about if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. THIS IS A GAME!!! it's not about who is being upfront. You don't see any other game show giving awards for who is the most upfront do you?? The only time Dave has lied was last night and he should have kept his mouth shut and not said anything, I agree with that. It was poor judgement trying to strategize too much. Up until that point, he has been a pretty honest player. At least Charla and Dave respect other peoples feelings which is more than I can say about Amy.

"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by Angelfood on 09-23-03 at 11:18 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-23-03 AT 11:45 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 09-23-03 AT 11:29 PM (EST)

edit: in response to JMAN,

I'm not sure. Lemme ask my Magic 8Ball.
did you have any luck?
Is it like the Blair Witch Project?
Although after my "barking" post above, she just might come out to haunt me.
do tell me more please.

I agree, Dave only had to keep quiet.

"Short & Sweet Recap"
Posted by Angelfood on 09-23-03 at 10:43 PM
Everybody's on edge.
It's Taras bday, so D & C plan a disco party. T gets down on the floor and Keith dances over her. A-"Keith! What are you doing?"

There's the Costume ball (girls as belly dancers), nothing much here, except K's phobia of snakes. We are denied the scene in the promos where Holly gets mean with Tara, so no news there.

Announce Next PBox and then one girl will leave.
DAVE makes the biggest mistake by playing Scott (and not informing Keith beforehand), making himself seem impartial in front of Scott. this upsets K.

Elim. - Amy goes to K, to not make S choose (true to her word there, but untrue to her word, she goes home before Keith = hahahahahaha!!!!! no plot twists here, bye bye now, don't let the door hit ya on the way out). Huge Amy Montage - If you ever missed an Amy scene, they show you now. She's done alot of "Self-Discovery" - Is that after Zack's been gone? Me bad.
Final roommates are chosen, its the usual couples.

Announce: Excursions
They mix and match couples to get the most arguments and plotting for your buck. Dave works on Holly, Keith and Charla get worked on, and Tara just makes Scott work (on the sailboat, that is).

Announce: Last PBox and 1 couple leaving
Everybody's on edge, everybody plots, yada yada yada.
Everybody goes against everybody.
Scott makes a final desperation plea to Keith using the "honor card" about how honest Scott has been and never lied, blah blah. "This is your time to take a stand, Keith". YEAH LIke Scott has ever took a stand! Not.

BEST LINE: K - "Holly, I know what i just said, I don't nned you to say it 5 times. But thanks, I appreciate it!"
WHOO HOO, Called the Bimbo out on being a Bimbo.

Keith is voted to be the one person who chooses which couple leaves, and we won't see it until 8 LONG DAYS from now.

Ta Da! New record for me (least words written).

"RE: Short & Sweet Recap"
Posted by CantStandToLook on 09-23-03 at 11:02 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-23-03 AT 11:05 PM (EST)

Very nice and to the point Angel..

I was nearly sick watching this episode. Dave made so many mistakes tonight and lost a lot of points with a lot of people including me. I think that if he had just told Keith beforehand that he was going to play up to Scott a bit, it would have gone over better. Unfortunately, playing up to Scott in ANYWAY is obviously detrimental to Kieth and Tara so the only other thing he could have done would have been to say nothing or stay true to Kieth and Tara and accept fate whatever it happened to be.

I thank the producers for reminding me about Scott's little bold face lie to Charla about wanting her out many weeks ago. He'd bored so the last few weeks that I've tuned him out and pretty much completely forgot he was there. Honesty, Integrity my A$$.

I would also like to thank them for showing for once and all that Charla is the woman of class that we all beleive her to be. She didnt throw a fit with Dave about his deception but did let him know that she was dissappointed in him and I think that weighs harder on Dave than the game. At least I would hope it does.

As far as the game is concerned, Kieth has to know that no matter what Dave said or did, he's his best shot to win. Their alliance was till the final four and if anyone other than those at the hotel have a say, he knows he's got to stick with that. Still, stranger things have happened in this game ..right?

Cant wait for next week. I'm ready for this thing to be over.

Edited to mention next weeks selection. Forgot about that in my rant..lol

Posted by Angelfood on 09-23-03 at 11:14 PM
Good assessment and
that helps fill in some of my blanks!

"I agree but.."
Posted by Breezy on 09-24-03 at 08:23 AM
Keith's best chance to win is against Dave/Charla. But does he know how the final voting will be? Have they told these yahoos yet that the losers are the "jury" voting for the winning couple?

*Breezy ... keeping OT satisfied since 2003*

"RE: Short & Sweet Recap"
Posted by RollDdice on 09-24-03 at 03:38 PM
>As far as the game is
>concerned, Kieth has to know
>that no matter what Dave
>said or did, he's his
>best shot to win. Their
>alliance was till the final
>four and if anyone other
>than those at the hotel
>have a say, he knows
>he's got to stick with
>that. Still, stranger things have
>happened in this game ..right?
>Cant wait for next week. I'm
>ready for this thing to
>be over.
Angelfood did a wonderful recaplet. (I wish I had that economy of words) and CSTL filled in any available blanks.

I'm still pondering why Dave imploded. He strategizes... right up to the point where he opens his mouth. So sad. PH is getting down, dirty, and desperate.

Like CSTL, I'm ready for it to end.

"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by Cin on 09-24-03 at 08:52 AM
The thing that pisses me off most about last nights show was Holly yelling at Keith about maybe she didn't do "anything" to make the OGs yell at her. Reguardless of weatehr you feel it was justified or not, they way the OGs went about "calling people out" was sick and childless.


"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 09-24-03 at 10:07 AM
Holly was actually responsible for Toni leaving. When Holly chose Scott as a roommate she knew that the guy she chose couldn't be chosen by another girl. If Holly had wanted to keep Toni, Holly could have chosen Dave or Keith. Instead Holly chose Scott and Toni was sent packing by Keith because Toni didn't want Beau to have to choose between her and Amy. Why didn't anyone get mad at Holly for choosing Scott???? Because they wanted to be mad at Keith!!

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by nypeaches on 09-24-03 at 12:02 PM
I'm just glad I am not Keith. Decisions, decisions. Do you 1) stick with your 'original' partnership, even though said partner (Dave) is being conniving and dishonest ... or 2) stick to your honest (has Keith been dishonest to anyone?) nature and keep Scott as that is what you told him you would do.

Personally, I think that with a jury of originals, he's screwed either way ...

"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by arkiegrl on 09-24-03 at 12:27 PM
>The thing that pisses me off
>most about last nights show
>was Holly yelling at Keith
>about maybe she didn't do
>"anything" to make the OGs
>yell at her. Reguardless
>of weatehr you feel it
>was justified or not, they
>way the OGs went about
>"calling people out" was sick
>and childless.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Holly stay in her room by herself (Hiding out so no-one could say anything to her) for most of the time that the OGs were there?

"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by mtopaz on 09-24-03 at 02:14 PM
No correction needed - she spent most of her time pouting in her room. The only person who tried to make her feel better was Dave, but apparently she's forgotten all about that now. How convenient.

What I find disturbing is how many "fans" of LAmy cite her "honesty" and "outspokenness" as traits to be admired. Has a large section of our society no clue as to the difference between being honest and sharing every single thought that passes through your mind? Do these people really have no concept about discretion, speaking openly but in a civil manner, or trying to take the feelings of others into consideration before you open your mouth? Just because a thought is "honest", does that validate it? ( In my opinion, most people's honest thoughts should stay in the cluttered mind from whence they sprang, or at least be mulled over for five to ten seconds before being blurted out - but then, that would require some critical thinking and self-discipline, both of which are severely lacking in most of the OrigiHo's )

I have no respect for anyone who cannot control themselves, be it verbally or physically. A 20-something adult acting like a sniveling, whining, petty three-year old may be "honest", but it sure ain't pretty.

"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by Lahela on 09-24-03 at 02:19 PM
Yes Holly did! She stayed up in her room for 2 days while the comeback losers picked on the barbies and made themselves look likes @sses on national tv! Then she b*tched at Scott for not coming to see her. Funny....the ONLY person who came up to see her while she was pouting over Melanie being back was none other than...Dave! Ponder that for a moment!

Anyway...I think that if Keith goes ahead and choses to let Dave and Charla stay that Keith will win. Everyone seems to go along with whatever Acme says and since now she says she trusts Keith more than Dave, she would most likely let Keith have the prize...even though this goes against her original statement that she would make sure his stay at P-Ho was a living hell.
I'm still laughing at Acme getting the boot last night! Yee haw!

"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by Cin on 09-25-03 at 09:21 AM
She was present for a few of the attacks, I know she was there when Zack was doing his best ape show and threating Keith. She was laughing along with the rest of them.


"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by MadFashion on 09-24-03 at 08:10 PM
Okay, this is my first posting (anywhere,EVER)so please be patient if I run a little long.

1. Now, I loathe Lamy as much as the next person, but I'm going to take a page from Charla's book and give credit where credit is due. From the FEW clips we've been shown of her dancing, I have to say,I think she's pretty damn good. (Can I say damn?) Also, how many of us can do that baton neck roll thing? Not something that many employers are looking for, I'll bet,but a skill nontheless. Okay, that said, thank God she is GONE, GONE, GONE!

2. When Lamy tried to call Dave out at the bar in front of Scott, Dave asked her not to attack him. Did anyone else notice that she replied with "what? I didn't raise my hands to you!" This child honestly thinks that the only way to attack someone is physically! How sad! What must her parents be like?

3. Lamy said she dosn't think the Barbies "deserve" to win. Supossedly because they haven't played honestly. I'd like to ask the moron if she's ever played poker. I have jack high in my hand. Someone else has a full house, but because I PLAY THE GAME WELL (poker face, uping the anti etc.), that person thinks I have a straight flush and folds. I WIN! BECAUSE I WASN"T "HONEST"! After we show our cards, should I give my money to the person with the more "deserving" hand? By her messed up logic, yes! And if I don't I'm a horrible dishonest person that she can abuse at will. Dumba$$!!

3. About Scott saying he wanted Charla out, I've rewound it a few times, and I think I'm hearing him say "I DON'T want Charla out. Am I insane? Anybody else hear this?

4. Okay, about Holly. Has anyone else noted her EXTREME jelousy issues? In his radio interview, Scott said they are still a couple. Question - If Lamy had picked Scott in the last vote off, and he had picked Lamy over Holly(which I think would have been a definate possability) does anyone else think that Holly would have maybe actually exploded right there on national T.V.? I do.

5. Holly again. Before the last vote off Scott asked her if she was ready, and she told him no, that she had to do her hair. Then she took her hair out of her ponytail. FF to the vote off scene. Her hair looked EXACTLY THE SAME! What a lot of wasted effort!

6. The whole Keith/Tera practical joke/wipe-out scene couldn't have been funnier if it was scripted! Especially the end when Keith pokes his head out of the shower to ask if she's okay. Good good T.V.

I think I've finally run out of steam. Thanks for letting a 29-year-old vent about her favorite guilty pleasure. GO BARBIES!!

"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 09-24-03 at 08:17 PM
Welcome aboard MadFashion! Very nice first post. Keep posting!

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"More Gratuitous Insults of Origs"
Posted by Angelfood on 09-24-03 at 09:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-24-03 AT 09:11 PM (EST)

Welcome MadF to the Madhouse,

That was great - thanks for adding. We would always be gentle to those who bother to read our posts a bit and add something well thought out, or funny, or, whatever (as opposed to those who enter, start 3 threads, condone bullying, and leave never to at least face our factual rebuttals). Please vent anytime. Its our "group therapy" if you will.

1. Yes, but Lamy's proven her job-interview-skills with the late night shots. Don't worry about that.
2. And did you notice that her hands were already halfway up? I guess we need a guide to "Lamy's Body Language", ex: Mouth Open and chewing = I'm in denial that America is watching.
3. I think he said DO, but I think that he was either lying to them (cause he ran right over to see her afterwards) or he is trying to remove the temptation (of dumping Hollow for her and upsetting his precious alliance).
4. Very good points. I heard "they are in the process of dating", so he's still kissin her (edit: hiney). Would it be spontaneous human combustion or would her head shoot off first?
5. They cut the part where he got out her hairbrush, smacked her butt and said "I asked you if you were reaaaaady, Missy? Now let's get going and get me another beer." (It's a joke people)
6. But it could have been FAR IMPROVED if that censoring bar wasn't blocking the view. I'm gonna go slow-mo my tape now just to be sure!!! Not good enough tv.

Posted by CantStandToLook on 09-24-03 at 11:27 PM
Just so no one is confused. I believe it was the third week when the Scott/Charla lie was perpetrated. What actually happened is the OrigHo's were trying to decide who they wanted to boot and I dont think they were all agreed on Charla. However, Scott DID want Charla gone that week and then to try and cover himself so it wouldn't look like he knew anything, he went to her and tried to befriend her immediately afterward. Obviously she was not voted off that week and he pretty much stayed away from her after that. This whole scenario played out LONG before Hollow ever arrived in Paradise.

Hope that clears things up.

"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 09-25-03 at 12:28 PM
Welcome to the boards MadFashion. Great post.

I'm glad someone else noticed Holly's hair. LOL

"5. Holly again. Before the last vote off Scott asked her if she was ready, and she told him no, that she had to do her hair. Then she took her hair out of her ponytail. FF to the vote off scene. Her hair looked EXACTLY THE SAME! What a lot of wasted effort!"

"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by mtopaz on 09-25-03 at 02:36 PM
Excellent first posting! Welcome

Go Barbies!

"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by MadFashion on 09-27-03 at 00:24 AM
Thank you for the warm welcome. Makes me all tingley inside.

"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by RollDdice on 09-28-03 at 02:11 AM
MadFashion -

Make sure they throw you a "Welcome to the Board" cocktail party here. The last time, the Internet Police showed up in response to a noise complaint and we all hid on the floor until they left.

Angelfood served some wicked Jello shots. I went blind for three days, but it was worth it.

Your Official Croupier at the Pair-Of-Dice Hotel

"RE: 9/23 Summaries & Discussions"
Posted by MadFashion on 09-28-03 at 01:03 PM
Jello shots! I'm so there.