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"The jury"

Posted by jkokoj on 09-17-03 at 11:40 AM
I posted this in another thread but thought it deserved its own thread.

A jury has been mentioned several times on these boards. Do we have any confirmation that there is going to be a jury?

It seems to me that PH will just keep eliminating the guests until they are down to one couple. That one couple will be the winners of the "ultimate prize".

We all know that the jury would be made up of mostly originals. I don't think the producers want the headache of brining back Zach and Toni and the diatribes that they would throw against D/C/K/T. They have played out that scenerio and the viewing audience either hated it or has had enough of seeing the original losers.

Any thoughts?

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"RE: The jury"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 09-17-03 at 11:50 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-17-03 AT 11:53 AM (EST)

This is from Zap2it TV:

the finale on Wednesday, Oct. 1. That two-hour episode will find the final four contestants facing a jury of their peers -- former residents of Paradise. Those guests will determine who wins that final prize.

Here is the URL:

(You will need to copy the whole thing and paste it, because the link doesn't work right)

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: The jury"
Posted by CantStandToLook on 09-17-03 at 12:28 PM
If there is a Jury trial..I hope the barbies can get Johnny Cochran cause that's probably their only chance to get aquitted.

After seeing how the originho's acted when they were brought back the first time and especially after seeing how unstable they are, I hope that FuX retracts that idea. BUT, as the show is already in the can, who knows what's in store but I would say a Jury trail would put all the speculation of a Scott win in the high odds column.

"RE: The jury"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 09-24-03 at 10:46 AM
I just thought I would let you know that Fox changed it's website for the finale. Here is what it says:



The final two couples compete against each other for the ultimate prize on PARADISE HOTEL. All 15 former guests return to the hotel after having had the opportunity to view the episodes as they aired. The former guests, who had been forced out of the hotel by the finalists, now play an important role in determining who wins the ultimate prize. There is one final shocking twist after the prize is awarded which tests loyalties and friendships to the very end on the special two-hour season finale on PARADISE HOTEL Wednesday, October 1 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (PH-129/130) (TV-14; D, L, S)

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

Posted by jkokoj on 09-24-03 at 11:48 AM
The rules keep on getting twisted! The producers are well aware of the backlash that Zach and Toni brought upon the show.

As in spoiling any show you should look to the editing. What I saw in the last 2 episodes is how many times Charla was seen saying "Amy is going to win". Well everyone thinks Amy is gone for good.

Also, I don't think those left in the game are aware that there is going to be a "jury" type situation. I believe that only a select few will The former guests, who had been forced out of the hotel by the finalists, now play an important role in determining who wins the ultimate prize. fall into this scenerio. I am sure the producers do not want Zach or Toni as a part of the guests that play a role.

BTW thanks for bumping this thread. I was thinking about the jury again today. LOL

"RE: The jury"
Posted by BLefeb1781 on 09-24-03 at 11:29 AM
Just a thought on this. Could the jury be made up of the 7 guests that were eliminated from the final 11?? The number 7 would make sense. The producers would not have the headache of the viewers having to listen to some of the more outspoken originals (i.e. Zack and Toni), could not have a tie, and would have some of the drama needed for the ending of a show like this.


"RE: The jury"
Posted by toejam on 09-24-03 at 12:20 PM
Here is my Take. Two scenerios play out.

1. If there is a jury they are asked to pick 2 people as winners. Remember a couple means "two" is dosent mean that is has to be the couples that are rooming together but a combo of all four.

2. One person is selected as the winner with the choice of whom they want to share the "ultimate prize"

"RE: The jury"
Posted by Lahela on 09-24-03 at 01:37 PM
Yes..that would be a very plausible scenario indeed! Scary to think that say....oh, Keith wins and has to choose between Tara, Charla and Dave to share the prize with him. I think Keith would choose Tara if that were the case....but who knows!

Wow...I can't believe they changed the way it was supposed to end.....wait, no..i changed my mind, i'm not surprised at all! But hey...as long as our fab 4 are the ones remaining...i don't care which ones take home the prize....either way it's a victory for out Barbie clan over the losers! Any scenario where Amy isn't the winner is a winning scenario!

"RE: The jury"
Posted by toejam on 09-24-03 at 02:05 PM
If all 15 former guests are returning to choose the fate of the remaining 4 then a good way to mess with the finalists would be to ask them to choose a number of formers whom they would like to be on the jury, thus having them pick people they were neutral or nice to, only to have Amanda tell them that actually they just chose those people that would be going home leaving the remaing formers pissed and judging their fate.

So many scenarios and outcomes that unless their is inside info we will never get it right.

"RE: The jury"
Posted by mtopaz on 09-24-03 at 01:53 PM
1. If there is a jury they are asked to pick 2 people as winners. Remember a couple means "two" is dosent mean that is has to be the couples that are rooming together but a combo of all four.

2. One person is selected as the winner with the choice of whom they want to share the "ultimate prize

Both of these sound plausible, because they remind me of the recent "twists and turns" that Fox has thrown into the mix, especially putting a player on the spot to select his or her co-winner.

Which brings me to what I have been thinking for awhile. To me, the couple that cares the most about each other (in a healthy, non-Zack&LAmy way) are Tara and Charla. Tara told Keith: "I couldn't vote against Charla" and Charla has told Tara "you complete me." These two have clearly made a very strong bond and friendship with each other, and to me act like the closest of sisters. What if the winning couple are Tara and Charla? (I know this is highly unlikely, if the jury is composed of ousted guests, because the majority of them can't stand Charla or Tara.)

I think if the final four are Dave, Charla, Keith and Tara, and the jury is the ousted players, that most of them will feel:

1) Dave did not play with "integrity" and lied to many of them;
2) Charla does not deserve to be there, and used Dave to make it this far;
3) Tara does not deserve to be there and used some of the male players then "threw them away"
4) Keith, while commiting the original sin of voting Zack off, is the least despicable of the remaining four, so they will vote for him.

If Keith then has to select his co-winner, I can't see him choosing anyone besides Tara.