Ahy do they all gang up on Dave...do they think he is the weakest player. He knows he and Charla will never be more than friends. Zach now talks like they won't vote him back because he is a threat to them...hello idiot...you eliminated yourself and screwed up every chance to come back!
Zach was brought back because he is a joke and they wanted the entertainment value for the show. He will just never understand that. The guy gets uglier every week.
If Zack said it...THEN IT MUST BE TRUE.
He is after all part lawyer/part Italian/part Scottish/part Braveheart/part pretty boy/part a-hole/part sane.I forgot. He's also "a little bit country & a little bit rock & roll".
Best part is how he claimed being a liar and a cheat is how to be American. This is a game and he has been guilty of all those, why points fingers.And then there is the claim of him as the winner.... what a joke.
Then there is the whole popularity thing that is why he came back.
Then there is the phone number... he actually thinks the fab 4 want to keep in touch with him let alone even ask him number. This guy is a joke.
And I love the editing, how they kept replaying what a monkey he is. Yeah he is watching right now so proud of himself... yeah full of respect.
LOL, nasha! The funniest thing is that I think that deep down, even watching himself on tv, he still thinks he's all that and a cup o' tea (Scottish breakfast tea, of course). What even made him think that people wanted to keep in touch with him? And his little speech just proves how narcissistic he is. What a loser.
Yeah, Zack, they all wanna be friends and make up.Call me bad but I had a different thought about why Zack wont give Team Barbie his info.
Cause Keith would give it out to the thousands of audience members threatenting to See ZACK in AZ with their friends and beat the heck out of him (see fox msgbd for details).ha ha ha. Coward.
>If Zack said it...THEN IT MUST
>He is after all part lawyer/part
>Italian/part Scottish/part Braveheart/part pretty boy/part
>a-hole/part sane.
>I forgot. He's also "a little
>bit country & a little
>bit rock & roll".LOL... wasn't that speach the most pathetic you'd ever heard? Zach is pretty immature and obviously has to build himself up to make himself feel like a real man. Sorry, dude, but if I ever see him around Phoenix / Scottsdale, I'll be laughing right out loud! LOL
I think his headband is on too tight.Since when did the Olivia Newton John/Jack Tripper look come back?
What a fricken joke he is.
OMH!! Jack Tripper look! That is too funny, i knew i had seen those OP shorts somewhere! John Ritter has nutin' worry about.lroy
Wasn't it Beau that was also wearing a headband near the end of the episode? My DH walked by and saw his headband and asked what was up with that? I said it was probably the new "Zach" look. Maybe they will all start wearing them to honor Zach in his absense
Hmmm. Zach from Arizona is sooooo stupid, he thinks he is part Scottish only because he is from Scottsdale Arizona, right.LOL! And the team Amy USE to cheer for, is that the ASSwinders, or the AR-se Wipers?
DISCLAIMER: all puns intended to slam Zach and Amy - not Arizona, Scottsdale, Scottland, or the Arizona Sidewinders.
Wheeew. I feel much better now that I've found this site and get to vent, laugh and comment about this show!
He's an embrassment to himself, need I say much more than that.
i know i will probably be slammed, but i love zack! i know he can act pretty childish and stupid, but that man is totally gorgeous! i just love him and amy and i am really hope that they can have a long and lasting relationship after the show. zack has issues he needs to deal with concerning his childhood. he is just a very handsome guy to me!
Yeah, he's so hot! Especially when he makes those monkey faces and chews with his mouth open and his intelligent debates *swoon*. I *heart* Zach.Nothin' personal Welcome to the boards!
He's good looking, but so are a lot of men who aren't egotistical maniacs. Stay away . . . stay far, far away from guys like him. Many woman on this board will tell you that -- please take our advice -- from many years of experience.Zack's speech? The producers told him to do it -- I'd put money on it.
I agree - that speech sounds just too sane and rational to come from Zach, except for the part where he referred to "I found something great here, I found that" (gestures toward Amy). Ah Zach, when you called me "that" I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.The funniest moment of that show was Zach telling Amy - "I won't give those guys (Keith, Dave, Charla and Tara) my phone number. I don't want to be friends with them after the show." Priceless!
THAT might be the funniest thing I've ever read on a message board, ever. Holy crap, when he did that I was laughing so hard that I was crying.
> except
>for the part where he
>referred to "I found something
>great here, I found that"
>(gestures toward Amy). Ah
>Zach, when you called me
>"that" I thought I'd died
>and gone to heaven.> >size = 4] MJ
Zack's speech? The producers told him to do it -- I'd put money on it.
Told him to do it?! Hah! Let's take it up a notch. . .In a Reality Show first, I'll bet the producers flew in writers to create Zack's heartfelt speech, put it on cue cards and had a production assistant slowly point out each word so he wouldn't screw up.
And he still called LAME-E "that".
The boy has the brain power of a Jello Pudding Pop.
you've got to be kidding. Waaa!
LAST EDITED ON 09-09-03 AT 01:57 PM (EST)While a visit to the Fox forums clearly demonstrates that Zack has many fans, I think that Fox brought him back for comedic value and shock value.
Like a box of chocolates, when he opens his mouth, you never know what you're going to get (but you can bet that it will be totally idiotic)!
I couldn't even believe the things that were coming out of his mouth last night. After his mini-breakdown in Amy's room when he realized that his quest to redeem himself by coming back on the show was a total wash, I thought that maybe he'd concede that he'd been a total jackass to his fellow hotel guests. Instead he proclaimed himself the "Winner" of the show and extolled his virtuous gamesmanship. He couldn't even muster the class to leave with a shred of dignity.
Also, I do not understand why so many people think he is good looking. I studied Anthropology back in school and I'll be damned if he isn't the missing link! Watching him groom himself took me right back to the many hours I spent doing Chimpanzee observation at the local zoo.
Edit: I meant that you can actually find posts on the Fox website supporting Zack as evidence that he has fans. If one were to go by the posts on this board, they might not believe that Zack has many fans at all...
I think we are talking about the average age of the viewer as being 13-20. Maturity level has lots to do with Zach's fan base.I also have viewed the message boards on PH offical site. While there appear to be fans of Zach and Amy they do not out number those people that are disgusted by the antics of the "originals/children".
Crz4JasonI just don't understand why Zack thinks he is the man. I am beginning to think this boy has a serious mental condition! Wonderful, he & Amy are in love- that excuses all of his irratic behavior & permits him to speak to those he does not like however he wants. I really liked the part last night when he said "I was NEVER backstabbed" and then the famous flashback to Keith asking Zack to show him around when he first arrived & then eliminating his dumb A$$! Haha- maybe he suffers from selective memory loss- wait ALL of the "Originals" clan must be suffering from it also! They can't seem to remember all the backstabbing, plotting & deceiteful attitudes they had.
No kidding. All of the Originals (except Charla) don't think they ever did anything wrong or don't seem to recall the things they did wrong. HELLO! Like the plotting agains Charla by Amy, Toni and Kristin! Duh! And they b*tched at Tara and Charla for plotting! HELLO IDIOTS...it's a GAME! WAKE UP!
Anyway...Amy and Zack deserve each other...they are both Big Losers with a capital "L"! I seriously hope that one day I bump into the two of them somewhere in Scottsdale or Phoenix so i may proceed to point and laugh at their sorry @sses!I would also like to know just what Amy has "accomplished!" The clip last night showed her yelling at Tara and acting all holier-than-thou to her and saying "I have accomplished more in my life than you ever will." Really?? Just what HAVE you accomplished?? Getting canned from your day job because of your ludicrous behavior on a reality tv show? Oh gee..there is something to be proud of! Or maybe she was referring to the amount of pimples she has managed to pop while being on the show! That alone deserves a world record nod! Oh...I got it...it's the fact that she was able to snag an abusive loser for a boyfriend...That MUST be it!
Top 5 reasons why Zack luvs LAmy...
#5 She is a "Pro" (yeah right) Cheerleader
#4 Her ability to shout & curse at the top of her lungs and still keep a smile while her voice cracks.
#3 The way she lets him do ALL of the talking when they're alone
#2 She is an easy lay
#1 She is an EXTREMELY easy lay who has the ability to fall in love with someone after only knowing them for 2 months-
Well she was a cheerleader, or dance team member or what ever the hell she wants to call herself. That is a very important accomplishment I guess.Most of the cheerleader or dance team members I know of do not get paid. Does anybody know if the Sidewinders pay? I bet she never got a dime for that great accomplishment of hers.
Maybe she is talking about screwing a guy that didn't even really like her the first night they were together. Really big accomplishment there. "Sure, I will let you use me Zack, I do not mind being a life support system for a sexual organ that you can take advantage of!" What a freaking moron.
ugibugi said: Well she was a cheerleader, or dance team member or what ever the hell she wants to call herself. That is a very important accomplishment I guess.
-------------------------------------------------------Did anyone else see her "dance moves" while on the ship and around the hotel?
It seemed like Gepetto was pulling the strings while having some sort of seizure.
My stomache did a couple of queasy flip flops when I saw that.
LOL! His outburst last night was just...vintage Zack. He managed to look even more idiotic than he had before.I don't think he's attractive at all - love that comparison to the missing link. His face is just awful.
Well, I have to say that reading through these message boards has helped somewhat...after last night's episode I was ready to do anything, perhaps even attack that long-forgotten cleaning project, rather than watch another show! You've given me hope...I had somehow managed to lose my sense of humor along the way! The "originals" are an absolute joke! They're behavior has been ridiculous to watch and probably much more embarassing for their family and friends back home. But tell me, don't you think that Amy looked a little weary of Zach's ranting and raving...I could have sworn I saw her roll her eyes at one point! I guess I'm there on Wednesday night...........
Zack was basically looking for Dave to tell him: "Yes, Zack, you were the strongest player in the game, that's why we got rid of you. You were the best player in the game and might have won if you made it to the finals."Dave wouldn't give him the satisfcaction. I actually am impressed by Dave, because of all the four, Dave stands up to them the most--even more than Keith. (Who does a good job too)
I think Amy looked stoned during Zack's speech than anything.
he didn't eliminate himself. He never had a chance of coming back. Countryboy, lawyers who love mirrors aren't allowed.
I think Zach needs to GROW up. If that was a family member of mine I would be so EMBRASSED.