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Forum: DCForumID48
Thread Number: 21
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"How was booted and which girl"

Posted by jkokoj on 07-15-03 at 12:51 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-15-03 AT 12:51 PM (EST)

did they take? I like that the 2 girls last night did not seem to take themselves too seriously. Escpecially the blond.


Oh geesh that should have been Who did they boot!
knows she will be *whacked* by Shakes!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: How was booted and which girl"
Posted by shakes the clown on 07-15-03 at 01:05 PM
They didn't boot "how", "how" is on first. They booted "what" or wait, I think I got that mixed up, "what" is in center, its "when" that got the boot. {/whacking}

"RE: How was booted and which girl"
Posted by jkokoj on 07-15-03 at 02:58 PM
I knew I could count on the clown! Smooches to you shakes!

I would also like to know why these guys like Toni. My hubby was completly disgusted by her. He thinks Amanda is a gross too.

"RE: How was booted and which girl"
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 07-15-03 at 01:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-15-03 AT 01:39 PM (EST)

The new guy (Matt) was booted. He selected Toni, and so did Beau (can shakes give us some "scoop" on why Toni is so popular with the guys?!?!! Last time it was THREE guys who picked her). Toni gave Matt the heave-ho.

Dave made an extremely smart play in selecting Amanda, just after she'd said goodbye to her boyfriend. Nobody else selected Amanda. I think it was Scott that selected Charla, but it might have been Alex. Of course Zack and Amy are still together and Alex (or Scott) picked (damn, now I can't remember her name), when she had no one else, another smart play.

The girl that was picked was NOT the cowgirl/Drama Queen.

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: How was booted and which girl"
Posted by Dakota on 07-15-03 at 11:10 PM
I guess I missed the part about Amanda deciding to stay after pronouncing herself madly in love. Could've been in the bathroom. And Toni, dear Toni, is it my imagination or are you the oldest cast member? Shakes, is this reality thing a career move for her?
One last question, since I tuned into this spectacle just last week - Who on the show now is NOT an original cast member? (This question being prompted by Amanda asking "What makes YOU think you can replace one of US?" of great-abs-girl.)

"RE: How was booted and which girl"
Posted by Drive My Car on 07-15-03 at 11:37 PM
Hey Dakota!!!!!
Nice to see you! Hope you are well.

( see, I knew there was a reason to check out the forum for this crappy show)

"RE: How was booted and which girl"
Posted by Dakota on 07-16-03 at 00:11 AM
Hey! I just got a little bored with S6, but looking forward to S7. But this show has all the things Burnitt never gave us -- sex, drinking, shaved faces and armpits, showers, sex, clean water, sex and a never-ending supply of wannabes. Imagine what archaeologists will think of our society in 300 years when they discover all the DVDs from BB, Survivor, Bachelor, etc. The Roman Empire comes to mind . . . didn't work out well for those Romans, though.