What will it take to open up the eyes of Scott and Holly? For the most part, Holly has been ignored and left out in the wind this week. Scott, I think, thought that the behavior of the a$$hole$ was way out of line, but unlike Dave and Keith, didn't have the balls to say so in front of everybody.
Can Keith and Dave convince Scott to vote for Amanda? Don't know!!
Can Charla and Tara convince Holly to vote for Matt? Don't know!!Can't Holly see what a bunch of idiots the a$$hole$ are?
How about we send all of their rude a$$e$ packing,Drama Queen Amy included with Two-Faced, Dumb A$$ Desiree. Zach is already gone. Maybe Amy will pack up her s*$t and go with him.
It appeared to me that Holly was just beginning to realize last night that she was being used. It was good that Dave approched her. I think it will take some convincing to get Holly to change sides.If Melanie does not stay and Scott goes back to Holly, I don't think she will switch. She does not seem interested in playing the game just sticking with Scott and staying in Paradise. Now if by some miricle the good guys pick Melanie to stay then we have a new ball game. Holly will definitly want some sort of revenge.
While I think Scott is disgusted by the behavior of the children, he is there for himself. He is not going to speak out against anyone. Everyone needs to remember we do not know yet how this game is going to play out. No one knows how the voting will go or who will be involved in the voting.
Personally, I would like to see the producers leave it up to the public/fans of the show to vote who should win the "ultimate" prize.
I think that Scott is losing interest in Holly due to the fact that she answered the Playboy question incorrectly for Scott. Lets not forget that Scott said that he isn't just looking to hook up. He is a good guy and might be looking for someone with some substance.Yeah it is great to hook up with someone who was in or wants to be in playboy but for a 30 year old that might be looking for a relationship, I can see how he wouldn't want to keep leading Holly on.
Bottom line, Scott is still a good guy and I think he deserves to win.
Give me a break!! Scott deserves to win?For not ruffling any feathers?
Because he has zero personality?
He's what I call VANILLA, despite the stupid "do you like to be spanked?" conversation he had with Holly, the candle wax fan.
All I know is that the boy has no opinion on anything. And the way he treated Holly, man....loser. How can you try to get in someone's pants for weeks then an old flame comes back and you dump the girl's @ss.I also found it 'odd' that he had a weird jaw shaking thing going on when he was sitting alone with Dave. Jaw shaking like that comes from tics or coke habits.
I agree. And besides, the Playboy questions was asked after he was all over Melanie. Holly should dump Scott's @ss and go after the male guest voted back on.
LAST EDITED ON 09-04-03 AT 12:43 PM (EST)I was just looking at the photos of returning guests on the paradise website- fox & have to say that IMO Melanie has nothing on Holly! Holly is so much prettier, seems to have a better personality and knows how to present herself. Melanie honey, if they're not naturally perky or surgically enhanced & you're pushing 32, face it- gravity has won, put on a bra.
Amen! It sucks, but at some point in our lives we all need to realize that things arent as they were when we were in college. Sad but true, but a good bra always helps to keep us perky.
I agree, it just shows his lack of character. He is also one of the oldest along with Foni on the show. He should try acting his age instead of trying to fit in with the other junior high contestants. He laughed at all the losers comments. In his defense I guess he is trying to play the game and go unnoticed by fitting in with everyone but then I guess he should have been paying more attention to Holly huh?
I think it's time to have a real discussion on Scott. We all know that he plays for the other team (and I'm not talking originals vs newbies here).HOWEVER....did anyone pay attention to the subject of his and Holly's argument last night? Scott has been playing the ultra-low key go along with whoever role the entire show. Last night, he said something to the fact that "this isn't real life" to which Holly responded "yes it is..this is real for us..blah blah blah".
My point is (hard to believe I have one with all this rambling) that Scott apparently is VERY much aware of his neutral status and is doing it for the reason of not pissing america off. I dont know what he does for a living but from listening to his conversation last night with Holly, it became apparent to me that he DOES realize it's just a stupid reality show and is determined NOT to make an idiot of himself (too late) or alienate himself from people in the "real world".
All in all..I still think he should have taken a stand when the Original bullies came back in but it looks like he's playing his own game. The game of managing public opinion. I would say he's winning it too...no one appears to overly like or hate him.
I'd love to hear more opinions on this.
Re playing the other side - I'm not sure myself. But I would say that there isn't much real chemistry between him and Holly. One scene last night was of the two of them in bed, Holly on top, kissing on him. And his hand is just laying there on the blanket! Whatever he's feeling, it's not anything hot or steamy! If I was with a guy, we're in bed, scantily clothed and kissing, if his hand is laying listlessly to the side of me, that would be the only hint I'd need that I wasn't "all that and a bag of chips" to him! But Holly is not a very bright young lady.Scott apparently is VERY much aware of his neutral status and is doing it for the reason of not pissing america off.
Yes, I think Scott is trying to keep whatever shreds of dignity he can muster, and avoids the extremes of the "originals" and their unbelievably juvenile and ignorant behavior. But he certainly isn't garnering any of my respect. How can you sit by and listen to what these people say, the cruel ways they taunt Dave, Charla, Tara and Keith, and not speak up?The question with all of these reality shows is always: "How far will you go to win?" Will you lie, and to what degree? But what the originals are doing is beyond mere lying - Amy envisions this as "good vs. evil" but she's got it backwards and thinks she's on the "good" side. She reminds me of "The Picture of Dorian Gray," where suddenly his handsome facade begins to decay, revealing his grotesque and repulsive inner self. Amy's lank hair with it dark roots and bad original dye job, her pitted face, her makeup all smeared, ice pack lumpily sitting on her head, as she sits in a drunken stupor after having hit her head on the bottom of the pool - she's just so pathetic, as are Beau, unDesireed, and Holly.
the originals (not Charla) all make me sick. I wish I was there. I would definitly make sure that I shut Amy up. Toni, I would just ignore, because looking at her ugly face would mess up the rest of the day. But Amy I would definitly know how to break down, trust me the freaking nut case would start crying and at the end of the day she will realize how ugly she is inside.
Zack needs some serious therapy and counseling. HE GOT THE IQ OF A COW.
I love your "Picture of Dorian Gray" analogy! I could picture the transformation from the Amy we first met to the Amy we see today as a weird horror story.Chrissy gal
"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr
I was shocked that Scott said what he said last night...that at what he said, but the fact that he actually said it.
The whole "this isn't real life" thing as well as when Holly said "maybe we shouldn't have anything to do with each other after this show" or something to that effect and Scott said "I don't plan on it" or something like that and Holly said "thanks, i appreciate that" (sarcastically of course) as in to say you're an @sshole. Hopefully this is just the nudge HOlly needs to open her eyes and see that this is all a game and that what Scott said is true and they don't really have any "relationship" going on. It's all just a convenience while at the hotel until they go home in the REAL world. Holly is an idiot.I'm still bitter about her thinking she's all high and mighty (i.e her comment regarding Tara and her saying "how dare she (Tara) hook up with Alex and then vote him off the next day?" I have a good memory (unlike Holly apparently) and I distinctly recall her "hooking up with Alex" just as much as Tara. Tara and Alex didn't sleep together (or at least they didn't show them doing anything other than making out and inuendo). So how is Holly any different? She just got caught in the act and left with Scott. She's a hypocrite and a loser. I have no respect for her or the rest of the loser clan.
Scott IS playing the game and has been all along....just silently and in stealth mode. I think he is the one we will really have to look out for. We all know who the rest of the bunch is going after...but Scott keeps his opinions on everyone a big secret (except for what he thinks of Holly now...LOL). Hopefully he will go the way of the Barbies. He seems to really like Dave, even though he doesn't make it widely known. He's always been pretty nice to him and offered him good advice trying to help him out (even if his advice at times is a little off), but his intentions are always noble when it comes to Dave.
"Scott IS playing the game and has been all along....just silently and in stealth mode. I think he is the one we will really have to look out for. We all know who the rest of the bunch is going after...but Scott keeps his opinions on everyone a big secret (except for what he thinks of Holly now...LOL). Hopefully he will go the way of the Barbies. He seems to really like Dave, even though he doesn't make it widely known. He's always been pretty nice to him and offered him good advice trying to help him out (even if his advice at times is a little off), but his intentions are always noble when it comes to Dave.
"I think Scott is playing the game for Himself and is just waiting to see who has the power near the end. He's not stooping to the level of some of the orignHO's with regard to name calling and bashing but he did just sit there and let it happen.
His relationship with Holly just befuddles me but with his statement at Pandora's Box, I think Melanie got a wake up call and we'll just have to see who'd bed she wakes up in.
I think you are completely correct - Scott is playing the game -With last night's episode, Beau tried to start up an argument with Dave. Supposedly, Dave was "whispering" to Scott about who to take on the boat excursion. Scott just said something like "drop it" to Beau and then walked away from the situation.
I think Scott is trying not to be a target of both groups. And that really makes sense, let both groups boot each other off and then you'll be one of the last ones standing. Then, if the eliminated guests get to vote, you might win because you were the less hated of the group.
(So if the originals were voted off, they would not vote for the Barbie team and the Barbie team would not vote for the originals if they are left - leaving Scott/Holly (or Melanie) to win (even though he's technically an "original) - If I was Scott, I would tell Holly or Melanie to not name call or argue with the Barbie team - Let Desiree and Amy do the dirty work, that way the Barbie team would vote for Scott in the end.
As much as this is a good strategy, it won't make him popular with the TV audience.
Very astute johnnycasino/Tony - and well said. I think you're right on the money.
>. She reminds me
>of "The Picture of Dorian
>Gray," where suddenly his handsome
>facade begins to decay, revealing
>his grotesque and repulsive inner
>self. Amy's lank hair
>with it dark roots and
>bad original dye job, her
>pitted face, her makeup all
>smeared, ice pack lumpily sitting
>on her head, as she
>sits in a drunken stupor
>after having hit her head
>on the bottom of the
>pool - she's just so
>Genious analogy. You hit the nail on the head.
LAST EDITED ON 09-11-03 AT 04:56 PM (EST)CantStandToLook wisely stated - I think it's time to have a real discussion on Scott. We all know that he plays for the other team (and I'm not talking originals vs newbies here).
-----------------------------------------------------Not to add fuel to the Fairytale, but Scott has very little screen time each week and Tom could get a second job without anyone noticing; we only seem to see him at brunch and the Musical Chairs / Final Lineup.
Any chance that Scott is sneaking off and spanking Tom's monkey? (And by "monkey" I may or may not mean Smokey)
ROFLMAO...makes you wonder doesn't it.Tom isn't saying much these days. He did the whole "I'm putting you in the black room to give you power" bit but I think him and Smokey have been hiding away somewhere having their own vacation.
Hi again CantStandToLook -Did your "Couldn't find a better place to put this..." refer to this topic in the thread?
Or ... were you reading the thought bubble over Scott's head when he was in bed with Holly?
Does he really want a menage et trois with Tom and Smokey?
Ha! Tag, you're it.
Another thing: When Scott was put on the spot during Pandora's Box, he answered the only way he could. Melanie would certainly not expect him to choose her in front of the whole group, but Holly would have ripped his eyes out if he chose Melanie.I agree that Scott has lost interest in Holly. The playboy question, the accusations of flirting, and the non-emotion in bed. They will never last in "the real world."
I have seen other references to Scott being Gay. What makes everyone so sure about this? I have not seen him make passes or plays for the guys.I think Scott is about 31. I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong. Scott was correct that PH is not the real world. That he is there to win a game, have a good time and hookup. At this age he knows that the others are making fools of themselves. Scott is avoiding the conflict wisely. He is playing a game and knows there is a prize at the end. Holly was a convenient and easy way to get there.
As for Scott not standing up for the Barbies, do you really blame him? I know I don't. I am not sure how I would be acting in that situation. Some people just avoid conflict and confrontations at all costs.
That Holly or Amy and anyone else is taking this stay at PH so serious says lots about their lives and personalities. I realized last night just how sad these 2 girls are.
I'll reserve the right to still question whether Scott can walk comfortably in three inch heels but that aside..we're just picking on the poor bastard.He's definitely there to play the game and though he did finally kiss a girl when he made out with Holly, I dont think he was ever really THAT interested in her. He hasn't shown much interest in ANY of the girls and that's the reason we all pick on him about his dresses, which fit him very nicely btw.
He's doing a great job riding the fence and somehow I think he must have practiced by riding something else...but then again that's just my opinion. So in short...Scott/Scarlett is playing a great game actually, the women stand no chance with him and I'm sure everything else will come out of the closet eventually.
Seriously though...he's playing the game and at the same time trying to maintain his dignity and I dont fault him for that. However, floaters dont always win and aren't always loved either.
LAST EDITED ON 09-13-03 AT 02:47 AM (EST)Is Scott gay?
Either he has a lower sex drive than a Budhist monk at a Mortuary Convention or he is more attracted to sticks than chicks.
That's the premise that some have floated here.
The important thing is, if Scott decides to fall out of the closet, he should fall on the side of the Barbies and put the Originals out of their misery.