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"Idiot Amy is at it again"

Posted by Sbez on 09-02-03 at 04:42 PM
Did anyone else just cringe when they heard DumbA*s Amy tell Dave that Charla should have joined the losers group instead of going to her room? Why the hell would anyone want to join a bunch or sorry A** losers who were talking a bunch of crap and not making her feel welcome from the get go. Is Amy trying to fit in with Charla's group now that she is without her posse?

I wish someone would slap the hell out of her or the next time she tries to get into someones face tell her she needs a breath mint and some clearacell.

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"RE: Idiot Amy is at it again"
Posted by sbeck on 09-02-03 at 07:48 PM
LOL, Sbez! I think Keith may tell her next time she's in his face! I hope next time she spazzes out he says,"Whoa, Amy, first of all, here's a Listerine strip. Second of all, didn't anyone tell you that popping pimples leaves scars?"

And it makes me wonder what kind of a dancer she is that she thinks she'll have a career as a dancer in LA. Aren't the better dance troupes (Joffrey, Alvin Ailey, etc.) of this country in NYC? Maybe she thinks that the "LA Strip" is a famous strip club where she can wow the world with her pole moves. And then of course is her loverboy, Zack, who will lovingly support her career move out to LA. These two deserve each other...

"RE: Idiot Amy is at it again"
Posted by ImZACKtheAPE on 09-02-03 at 08:09 PM
Well we all know the outcome of the relationship between
Zack-ass and Acmy. There is know way those 2 personalities could function in a healthy relationship that was semi-long distance based and was formed from a psychological mish mash that is a reality tv show.
Their relationship will end fast once they hit the real world.
So atleast we will get some satisfaction knowing the amount of anguish they may go through.

On the other hand if they do stay together then they will be easier to target and will endure months of ridulcule and harassment from the tv viewing public. They most certainly deserve each other 'cause they sure are not fit to date the rest of civilisation!

This is a win win situation for us!!

"RE: Idiot Amy is at it again"
Posted by sbeck on 09-02-03 at 08:36 PM
That's a nice to think of it!

"RE: Idiot Amy is at it again"
Posted by Dakota on 09-02-03 at 11:41 PM
I have becomed conditioned to salivate and cringe whenever Amy appears to even be thinking about opening her mouth. You might want to check out the link someone posted of Zack's radio interview -- he said "No one knows this, but we're together right now. I really want to take care of her . . ."

"RE: Idiot Amy is at it again"
Posted by sbeck on 09-03-03 at 10:37 AM
Thanks, Dakota, I actually heard tha part. I wonder how he takes care of her...

"RE: Idiot Amy is at it again"
Posted by Lahela on 09-03-03 at 02:01 PM
He slaps her around a bit and she begs him not to go. Gee..what a great relationship! NOT! But yeah..they deserve each other. Two morons in a pod!