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"Survivor on FOX"

Posted by Fast Eddie on 08-22-03 at 09:30 AM
Picture it. They're down to the Final Four. They've been out there for weeks, surviving immunity challenges, downpours and monkeys stealing their food. They've lost 20% of their weight and stink worse than a French person in a heat wave.

The helicopter lands and out steps Jiffy and introduces... a new player! One of the late cuts that didn't quite make the original cast. Fresh-faced, well-fed, clean underwear, unburdened with promises to anyone and whose personality is unknown. Yet this person is inserted into the mix with the same chance of winning as the others who got there the hard way.

Apparently that's the way it would play out on Fox, based on the last PH episode, which seems to indicate eliminations from now on, so that one of the people now there will win something.

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"The difference"
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 08-22-03 at 09:48 AM
The difference is that, per your analogy, someone would be added to the Survivor cast at every Tribal Council (after someone was voted off).

No one said Paradise Hotel was fair! Then again, nobody seems to be saying it's good television, either...

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: The difference"
Posted by Fast Eddie on 08-22-03 at 01:05 PM
I wasn't trying to make that degree of analogy, just to point out the absurdity of having people come into a game at a late point yet be eligible to win. But then, there was Love Cruise.

As you say... nobody said - or even hinted - that PH was fair. Or good TV. But it is better when you do as I do: tape it and watch it later, zipping through the worst bits.

"RE: The difference"
Posted by sbeck on 08-22-03 at 11:08 PM
How do you discern the good from the bad? Oh, the ending of PHo will be bittersweet. . .

"RE: Survivor on FOX"
Posted by managerr on 08-25-03 at 06:39 PM
Not only that. Once we get to the Final 4, Fox will announce that they are expanding the season and we'll now have 8 more episodes! (To go along with all the contestants they are adding)

What's more, Survivor will be on twice a week! We will have a special Survivor: The Results Show the next day after every episode where nothing happens at all, except we find out who was booted out.

And 1/3 of every episode will be clips of older episodes or previews of things that are going to happen later in the episode.