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Forum: DCForumID46
Thread Number: 47
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""They" TRICKED us-its all faked!!!"

Posted by junoguy on 07-08-03 at 02:21 PM
I waited for the last episode of "For Love or Money" all week and after all the suspense, what do we, the viewers, get is BULL!!! Erin, after winning the million dollars, comes back to the Palace after 3 weeks and burns the million dollar check to get 2 million dollars. What rubbish. She rejected that guys love and went for the million dollars (a big amount) and now throws that away in the hope that she will get 2 million dollars by convincing a guy to go for her and not the money. I was shocked to see that.
What do the people who are running this show think. That we all are fools or something.
Its all a set up and now I strongly believe that IT WAS ALL STAGED.

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Messages in this discussion
"Staged? Faked? I Doubt It..."
Posted by Rainman on 07-08-03 at 03:56 PM
... but it does make you wonder what would have happened if Erin accepted being Rob's #1. Would 'FLOM2' then have been set up with Paige as the major player? If not her, who? I am curious as to how NBC would have played it out had it not ended as it did. Regardless, even though Paige may very well be a dual DWI, drunken, whacko, party, bicth, she was the one that did it for me. A little needy, a little dependent, a little insecure and seemed like low maintenance -- my type of young lady.

"RE: Staged? Faked? I Doubt It..."
Posted by nailbone on 07-09-03 at 11:32 AM
>... but it does make you
>wonder what would have happened
>if Erin accepted being Rob's
>#1. Would 'FLOM2' then have
>been set up with Paige
>as the major player? If
>not her, who? I am
>curious as to how NBC
>would have played it out
>had it not ended as
>it did.

Exactly! They didn't have to worry about that, cuz it was all set up ahead of time. "Reality TV" ain't about "reality" any more.

(c) 2003 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.
Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian (StS) o-

"RE: Staged? Faked? -Heres the clarification..."
Posted by junoguy on 07-09-03 at 12:59 PM
Well, thats the reason I say it was Staged. Erin would have never choosen Paige. The producer of the show asked Rob to pick Erin over Paige and then instructed Erin to go for the Million dollars. Erin and Rob (and maybe Paige too) got a hefty amount in the bargain.

And what can be the reason why the check was not cashed by Erin in 3 weeks times???? Did she already knew that there will be a sequel to FLOM and kept her "million dollar check" intact to burn it........I TELL YOU, THESE PEOPLE HAVE AMAZING MARKETING TECHNIQUES FOR SELLING THEIR PRODUCT (IN THIS CASE, A REALITY TV SHOW)

"RE: Staged? Faked? -Heres the clarification..."
Posted by junoguy on 07-09-03 at 01:00 PM
TYPO, THERE, Rob and not Erin would have never choosen Paige.

"uhm, moron"
Posted by shakes the clown on 07-09-03 at 05:57 PM
>And what can be the reason
>why the check was not
>cashed by Erin in 3
>weeks times????

...its not a REAL check. Kind of like those big poster sized ones people get for winning sporting events or contests. As EVERYONE knows, reality tv show winners DO NOT get paid until AFTER the show has aired in its entirety.

Geez, Webby can you close this forum, I've never seen such a proliferation of completely retarded idiotic new posters as I've seen in the past few days on this forum.

"RE: uhm, moron"
Posted by LadyT on 07-09-03 at 10:18 PM
I love you Shakes

"RE: uhm, moron-you double moron-YOU IDIOT"
Posted by junoguy on 07-10-03 at 09:10 AM
And how are we, The VIEWERS, supposed to know that, you asshole.

"STOP it"
Posted by cqvenus on 07-10-03 at 09:46 AM
I am not condoning anyone calling anyone else an idiot.

I believe the point can be made without blatant name-calling.

That being said, the way you would know is because it says so in the credits. It says the winner will be paid an annuity over 40 years, or receive the equivalent cash value today. Therefore, the check isn't real, because there is nowhere any option for "receive million right now."

No, you didn't know. But now you do.

Stop calling names. It isn't needed. That's for the clown, too.

~ cq

"RE: STOP it"
Posted by KScott on 07-10-03 at 01:53 PM
Remember that thread I had about "what is Flaming?" I think this is it!!!!! I agree it doesn't need to happen.

"RE: STOP it"
Posted by junoguy on 07-11-03 at 02:34 PM
I was really offended by shakes the clown! I made a very logical posting and I got called a moron. That Clown started it and he deserves to be thrown out.

Again, this is the first reality show I was "hooked" to and when they show a Million dollar check, what do they expect us to believe. Thats wrong presentation. And then there is some 20 year period stuff....someone said that it is credit of the show.

Anyways, this will be my first and last reality show. Its all wastage of time.

"RE: STOP it"
Posted by cqvenus on 07-11-03 at 03:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-11-03 AT 04:55 PM (EST)

unfortunately for you, i think shakes won't be banned because he's kind of a claim to fame around here.

do i think it's right? not saying.

i think we should all forgive and move past this.

~ cq

"RE: STOP it"
Posted by shakes_the_clown on 07-12-03 at 08:34 AM
Oh really. I am shakes the clown TOO.

"This is a violation of..."
Posted by IceCat on 07-12-03 at 11:33 AM
Section VII a) of the board guidelines:

(a) Some communities do not mind if you post under many different screen names. However, we believe this practice to be inherently deceptive. We do not believe that members should be able to distance themselves from their actions or to feign interactions and discussions by their use of "ghosts." Therefore, we do not permit members to create or use multiple screen names.

This violation has been reported to the webmaster...

"IC. Just What The Hell Are You Talking About?"
Posted by Rainman on 07-12-03 at 03:05 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-12-03 AT 03:06 PM (EST)

"Shakes" is not a poster with multiple screen names, it's two different posters with similar names. Your protest is quite silly and makes no sense.

"I'll be patient with you..."
Posted by IceCat on 07-12-03 at 03:31 PM
If you are paying attention, you will realize that someone else who was posting on this thread (not shakes the clown) has created a new screen name (shakes_the_clown).


I am not 'making a protest', I am issuing a warning as a moderator. I direct your attention to Section VIII of the guidelines.

Board Guidelines

"IC. Alrightee Then... So Please Explain -- And I'll Be Patient"
Posted by Rainman on 07-12-03 at 07:33 PM
What poster is guilty of the multiple screen names, is it "Shakes the Clown" or is it "shakes_the_clown"??? As I see it, we merely have two different posters with a SIMILAR name. So who is this other poster in the thread who changes screen names so willy-nilly? Your accusation can be backed up... right? I want to know, that's all. Thanks.

"RE: IC. Alrightee Then... So Please Explain -- And I'll Be Patient"
Posted by magic_star on 07-12-03 at 07:48 PM
If you could manage to look not but one thread below this you would find your answer.


T-Mac hits the three! Magic Win! Magic Win!

"As you see it?"
Posted by IceCat on 07-12-03 at 08:09 PM
You don't appear to be 'seeing' much of anything...

The person using the name 'shakes_the_clown' has already apologized for creating a duplicate username. The apology occured on this thread:


The username 'shakes the clown' belongs to a veteran poster who has been here for a number of years.

Server logs are being checked to see who created the 'shakes_the_clown' user name and what other usernames have been created by the same person.

"Shall I ..."
Posted by Drive My Car on 07-13-03 at 03:28 PM
check the closet of lovely parting gifts? I beleive there are some tic tacs in there.

"RE: Staged? Faked? I Doubt It..."
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 07-09-03 at 05:23 PM
>... but it does make you wonder what would have happened
>if Erin accepted being Rob's #1. Would 'FLOM2' then have
>been set up with Paige as the major player? If
>not her, who?

Keep in mind that according to reports the decision to do a FLOM2 wasn't made until after FLOM1 finished filming. Therefore the "rules" would be whatever they wanted them to be... they could have gone with another man, another bachelorette, etc.

But I personally suspect it was pretty clear to the producers pretty early into the filming that Erin would be "available" for a sequel one way or the other -- if Rob didn't pick her she'd certainly be available, and if he did, she'd made it pretty clear that her intentions where to go for the money. All they had to worry about was anticipating how to get her to be willing to come back if she won -- which apparently they did (by shafting her with the little secret that the "$1,000,000" was actually only $25k a year for 40 years... good luck hoping that the production company lasts anywhere near that long.)


"RE: Staged? Faked? I Doubt It..."
Posted by mikey on 07-11-03 at 11:11 AM
Not believing that she really "double downed" either....

I think it said something in the small print at the end of the show about that Rob may have consulted with the producers about his choices. If I were to guess, I would say there is likley a six figure fee for Erin to be in the sequel. The statement that she "gets nothing" if the bachelor chooses the money over her is highly unlikely. What bachelorette -- no matter how hot (Erin's not bad, but she's no Trista) -- is thinking the odds are in her favor in such a game? particularly where nbc changes the rules as it goes along? (e.g, let's tell the men before the finale that Erin has been in on it all along and has just been playing them -- see if that changes their minds)

Rob's apparently not too upset -- he, paige, erin and others are hawking personalized t-shirts, mugs, etc, I suspect he also got some fee for his appearance on the show.

Is "The Bachelor" any different? Reports that Ryan and Trista are getting $1 million for their televised nuptuals. I believe that "The bachelor" and "the bachelorette" get a fee simply for being on the show -- this probably helps keep them going with the program ---i.e, "there are actually several of these guys I am falling in love with," "I'm torn" in order to keep with the format of the show.; or proposing on the air, even if the proposal is unlikely to result in a marriage. Rob certainly has followed a script in longwinded elimination ceremonies in order to keep up the suspense.

But, having accepted the fact that this show is sleazy, pretty much scripted and full of cr*p, it ain't Shakespeare but it is fun to watch. Paige has been one of the all-time great reality show personalities, and I hope the sequel has more such characters.

"RE: Staged? Faked? I Doubt It..."
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 07-11-03 at 12:18 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-11-03 AT 12:21 PM (EST)

> I believe that "The bachelor" and "the bachelorette" get a fee
>simply for being on the show

Ya, they get some money:


According to a copy Rehn's original contract for the series also obtained by The Smoking Gun, Rehn's original payment for "The Bachelorette" series was a paltry $15,000 for living expenses and personal trainer fees.

The Smoking Gun also reports that the contract stated Trista and the show's final four male contestants were also promised another payment "in an amount to be determined by Producer in its sole discretion," though the figure is not specified in the contract.

But IMHO, unless the backend amount is some huge six figures amount, by the time you figure out lost wages from the production and promotion time, potential damage to their careers in some cases, and the loss of respect that many of them end up getting, they really aren't getting much... except 15 minutes of fame that they'll be (in some cases) probably trying to live down the rest of their lives


"RE: Staged? Faked? I Doubt It..."
Posted by bella22 on 07-15-03 at 12:52 PM
Everybody knows that in today's terms, winning a millin dollars is hardly a prize, especially when won from a tv show. It's like when someone wins the lottery for 2.5 million...you're lucky to get anything after taxes. Basically, it was the 15 minutes of fame that appealed to the cast members. Erin will just get double that now, but I doubt she'll leave with the full 2 mil. Just my opinion. If I'm ever on that sort of show, I would hope to be wrong and that I would get the full $$$$

"RE: Staged? Faked? I Doubt It..."
Posted by sewer72 on 07-15-03 at 02:59 PM
I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere on the board, but at the end of the show, on the same page where it talks about the annuity payment, it also says that the lead contestant gets a conselation (sp?) prize if she isn't chosen and doesn't get the $2 million. Sure makes a lot more sense now why Erin would so quickly give up the $1 million to try for "love" again. This show appears very likely to be staged to me. I'm loosing interest in the show, too, because the contestants don't even try to act like it's a dating show. They all refer to it as a "game."

"RE: Staged? Faked? I Doubt It..."
Posted by Lumster on 08-06-03 at 09:04 PM
Well, it really is a game. People are bored with plain jane "dating" shows - I know I am. Shows like The Bachelor are just plain boring when you compare them with dating shows "with a twist" like Joe Millionaire and For Love or Money. In my opinion, For Love or Money 2 is one of the most brilliant reality game shows to come along in a long time.

"RE: Staged? Faked? I Doubt It..."
Posted by swtcind on 07-28-03 at 04:55 PM
I think it is fake as well. I mean both shows were done before the end of the second oned aired. Did they have a stand by gal for LOM2? Perhaps. Maybe they added the "twist" at the end of the decision. But Rob didn't look all that dissapointed, and someone says Paige wanted to "act"? Perhaps that is exactly what they are doing.
At first I thought they were just making all these shows so they wouldn't have to pay but one person, tv shows are expensive. Anyway, if you remember Erin having a problem kissing Rob, but now making out with every Tom, ##### and Munch she can!
These are "pretty people" and do not even NEED to be on tv to find a mate.
Well I am just going on and on but wanted to voice my opinion.

"RE: Staged? Faked? I Doubt It..."
Posted by Lumster on 08-06-03 at 09:07 PM
Erin had a problem kissing Rob because she was not attracted to Rob - anyone watching the show could tell their lack of chemistry!

"RE: Staged? Faked? I Doubt It..."
Posted by swtcind on 08-06-03 at 09:15 PM
But for 2 million bux she will stick her tounge down anyones throat lol