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"Rob made the right choice!"

Posted by Guppin1234 on 07-08-03 at 12:31 PM
I think Rob was the only realistic thing about this show. He knew what his intentions were at the start, stood his ground, followed his heart, and in the end, he was able to leave with grace and dignity intact.

Rob is smart enough to realize that he's so much better off this way, and he will be stronger and happier for it in the end. Neither one was really right for him. It should be interesting to see exactly what kind of man Erin wants, although, I still wonder where they find these contestants and if they use good judgement in trying to find a match.

They could really care less about finding Erin a match, all NBC really wants is a chance to get their money back. In the public eye, either way, NBC will come out looking good. Realistically, they really just want their money back, and I'm sure Jacob will get a nice bonus with regard to the recovery of their money. I must admit, it will be interesting to see if these men react differently to the same situation the women were faced with.

It doesn't seem to me like these contestants (at least the women) were very love lost. They acted way too cocky to really be looking for something meaningful that will last. It's one thing to go into it not taking it too too seriously to protect your feelings, but once you get to know the guy, and there is true chemistry, you'd think their behavior would have changed, but it didn't. Even Paige contradicted herself, first she takes off her ring, then at the end she says, "I have to figure out if I really love this guy."

Have you read the little disclaimer that NBC provides at the end of the show. They refer to it as a "Game Show." Can you imagine some NBC idiot sitting behind a desk wondering how he can take a decent, normal guy and try to reduce his life to a game show? How slimy is that?

Why did Erin have a check for 1 mil? It was an annuity payable over 20 years, so her first check should have been around 25,000, I believe. Then again, to hang on to it for THREE WEEKS? Something doesn't sit right with me on that one. Sometimes some things on the show seem pre-arranged, fixed, jived! Perhaps Erin was harassed/tricked into playing again.

I hope this thing doesn't haunt Rob for too long, some media and public attention is inevitable. The media in this case has been especially ignorant focusing on his military history. They give Rob no credit for all the work and accomplishment it must have taken for him to get to the point of being considered for the JAG position, all they wanted to know about was the supposed trash. Why are trashy tabloid reporters so one dimensional? I believe that things happen for a reason, but I can't figure out why trashy tabloid people happened? Perhaps it's that normal every-day people can look at them and realize how lucky we are and what we don't want to be.

Is anyone else bothered by Jacob? You could go out, find a dirty alcoholic/criminal living in a dumpster, clean him up and put him in a designer suit, but he'd still just be a bum in a designer suit, and his name is Jacob. Who invited satan anyway?

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"RE: Rob made the right choice!"
Posted by shakes the clown on 07-08-03 at 12:45 PM
there's way too many idiotic statements in your post to waste my time commenting on all of them so I'm going to try a different approach with my reply...I'm going to only focus on the positive! So, here goes.....

Congrats on learning how to use a paragraph!

"RE: Rob made the right choice!"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 07-08-03 at 01:18 PM
I'm not seeking your approval, but I'm just curious....

is there ANYTHING in life you can speak positively about? How would have handled it differently, and can you answer that without being overly sarcastic and pessimistic?