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"Battlesuck Galacticrap Finale"

Posted by IceCat on 03-18-09 at 09:05 PM
Post discussion, speculation and spoilers (how can you spoil something already so rotten?) here.

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Messages in this discussion
"What do you want to see?"
Posted by IceCat on 03-18-09 at 09:08 PM
Is there anything in the final episode that they could do to make you feel better about this long, dreary road-to-suckassitude final season?

"RE: What do you want to see?"
Posted by batts on 03-20-09 at 03:01 PM
Eh... Great Grandpa was a Power Sander!!

"RE: What do you want to see?"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 03-21-09 at 09:35 AM
One of the suckiest endings that I've ever seen. We did not learn what Starbuck was and what about all the ships they landed on earth? How did they get rid of them and all their modern tool, clothes, etc. 1.75 hours of sappy people and 15 minutes of an impossible battle where 6 nukes took out the colony. Yep....I believe it. It sucked and I'm very disappointed as are many over on SyFy.

GO WINGS! 2008 Stanley Cup Champs!
sig JSlice and by IceCat, and bobble head by Tribephyl

"Apparently angels are the new sci-fi"
Posted by IceCat on 03-23-09 at 01:11 PM
The Six in Baltar's head and the Baltar in Six's head were angels sent from God.

... and Starbuck was a resurrected messiah who died was reborn did some miraculous works and was 'taken up' when her work was done.

Somebody on another message board said it best...

"... Good sci-fi uses science to explain religion.
Bad sci-fi swaps that notion end for end..."

Could imagine the outrage if they ended Lost with something as moronic as this 'Deus ex Galactica' tripe.

"RE: Apparently angels are the new sci-fi"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 03-24-09 at 12:49 PM
Yes, angels......and Lost better not end this badly....

GO WINGS! 2008 Stanley Cup Champs!
sig JSlice and by IceCat, and bobble head by Tribephyl

"RE: Battlesuck Galacticrap Finale"
Posted by Seana on 03-30-09 at 01:31 PM
I have finally had the chance to watch my tape. I didn't think it sucked. I actually liked the ending. I did think it was a bit pat to have Cavil eat his gun and the whole Cylon base ship blow up real good. I wish we'd learned who Daniel was and I didn't need the little moral of the story at the end with 'Baltar' and the Six walking down the street discussing how the cycle might not repeat. I've never been fond of "All Along the Watchtower".

But I did like:

- Roslin got to see Earth before she died.
- Earth was our Earth.
- Athena, Helo and Hera are a family.
- Baltar makes Caprica proud; they are together at the end.
- Everyone elects to start fresh; there's no power structure to speak of, no president or quorum.
- Tori gets killed. I never liked her.
- No happy ending for Galen, who is a bit of a hothead, apparently.
- The Opera House dream sequence and the Final Five glowing from above.
- Adama finds a good spot for the cabin.

Yeah, I liked it. Go figure.

Wheel of tribe

"RE: Battlesuck Galacticrap Finale"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 05-22-09 at 11:35 AM
I didn't really care for the finale (or most of season 4.5), but I did enjoy Galen killing Tori, especially considering their backstory. They never regained their memories, but Anders told them they had been madly in love. I loved that Tori, the member of the Final Five who embraced a superiority complex, was killed out of revenge and anger by her former lover --- a cyclon and fellow Final Five! --- because of his love and grief for a human woman!

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