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"Dirty Sexy Money"

Posted by Bebo on 09-26-07 at 10:40 PM
OK, I'm hooked. I was giggling through the tranny hooker discussion and enjoyed the entire episode. Definitely sticking with this show.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by berwyn on 09-26-07 at 11:06 PM
Good, I'm not the only one. I was impressed - just noticed the ads tonight, than couldn't look away once it started. DS was the same, had to push him off to bed at the first commercial break. The characters are so over the top it should be stupid, but I thought it was fun.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by Asrai on 09-27-07 at 00:46 AM
Yay, I love it and there are others who feel the same way! I'm gonna be having a blast watching this show! I loved the ringers for each 'kid' so much, too! This has that bizarre feeling to it...which makes me believe that it's gonna be a hit!

Summer Siggies by Sharnina

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by zombiebaby on 09-27-07 at 09:07 AM
I liked this too! Oddly I did not find the main character all that appealing. The supporting cast makes the show. I don't know if it is that actor or not. He seems swarmy to me.

But I lvoe, lvoe, love Donald Sutherland.

The Darling family reminds me of the Bluths from Arrested Development

Tribe'w Work of Art!

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 09-27-07 at 10:03 AM
I watched and enjoyed, but didn't pay as much attention to the first 5 minutes as I should have....I didn't realize that I would be hooked.

His father is presumed dead? His mother divorced his dad because the dad was wrapped up with the Dahlings as their personal lawyer? Who raised this guy then? His father had a long term affair with the mother....so I will supposed that some of the Dahlings are his half-siblings???

Anyone help me out on the first bit??? Please?

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by byoffer on 10-03-07 at 09:11 AM
I was hooked from the first ring tone. Very funny show. I tend to love shows with great characters tied with humour (MASH, Cheers, Will & Grace, ...) and this show seems to have that, plus a bit of a dark side. Tranny hooker scene? Brilliant.

Background for AQ:
- father got wrapped up in servicing the Darlings.
- Mother left.
- Father raised the son alone.
- Son was dragged along to a lot of Darling events, but father protected son as much as he could.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-03-07 at 09:21 AM
Thank you.....I am hooked, as well.

Makes most American dysfunctional families look functional!!!!

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by Bebo on 09-27-07 at 10:58 AM
Can't believe I forgot to comment on my other favorite thing about this ep - the ringtones! I was roaring each time, because they fit so well.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 09-27-07 at 02:08 PM
You're right, the ringtones almost were a show of their own!!! That was some clever thoughts.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by Bebo on 09-27-07 at 04:08 PM
I loved how quickly I could figure out which character had which tone, even though I had just been introducted to the characters. They all fit so well.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by Loree on 09-28-07 at 03:56 PM
I really enjoyed this show. So far it is my fave new show of the season. Hopefully it will get the ratings to stay on the air.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by KwietOne on 09-29-07 at 08:51 PM
Ahhh, the ringtones. Funny

The tranny...interesting.

I'm hooked too.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by Sues on 10-02-07 at 10:21 PM
I actually love Peter Krausse...have since Sports Night and Six Feet Under....delish!
This is shaping up to be another guilty pleasure.....

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by trigirl on 10-03-07 at 08:25 AM
Love, Love, Love!

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by berwyn on 10-03-07 at 05:24 PM
I can't watch tonight's episode, it's ladies night out. Enjoy it for me.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by syren on 10-05-07 at 10:16 AM
Hey you...check your inbox!!!

I love ladies night out, I need to plan one soon.

"Episode 2"
Posted by Bebo on 10-04-07 at 09:46 AM
Donald Sutherland totally rocks. The scene at the end with the briefcase? OMG. When he suggested Tish's birthday as the combination, I was blown away.

"RE: Episode 2"
Posted by byoffer on 10-05-07 at 09:08 AM
They didn't use it all up in the first show. The second was good too.

I was disappointed that Nick revealed to the family that he was looking for his father's killer. I thought it would have been more interesting if he had kept his search secret.

The scenes with the little boy were interesting, as were the scenes with Jeremy in the penthouse suite! And bringing in the fake daughter for the family shoot made me laugh.

"RE: Episode 2"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-05-07 at 10:14 AM
I agree with your assessments as well. I hope Nick's wife is strong enough to see him through all this nonsense.

I think the Brian story will get old quickly for me....

"RE: Episode 2"
Posted by Bebo on 10-05-07 at 11:54 AM
Brian is turning into a one-note character for me, which stands out because most of the other characters are better executed. We get it - he's a religious man whose just not nice and has terrible morals. Ha ha. Now move on.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by KwietOne on 10-11-07 at 10:56 PM
What is exactly "The Italian Banker"? I take it's fictious, since I can't find it anywhere online.

surfkitten siggie shop 2007

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by byoffer on 10-12-07 at 08:26 AM
LOL, because I googled it too.

I think the point was to come up with a term that isn't real but that people might try to find. Adds to the mystery, and adds to the appeal of the show.

Having said that, we could always play a little game whereby peeps suggest what this position is and why it is called "The Italian Banker".

You go first, and if you don't get banned I will try also.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-12-07 at 09:47 AM
I am sure a "deposit" is made somehow!!!

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by KwietOne on 10-12-07 at 01:54 PM
...and a withdrawal (drum beat)...ok, that's bad.

I wonder if any "fees" are imposed and "early withdrawal fees"?

Isn't 2 keys required to open a vault box?

Better stop...

surfkitten siggie shop 2007

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by trigirl on 10-12-07 at 07:47 PM
I knew I could count on you guys! I was too afraid to google it for fear of seeing some really nasty stuff!!!!!! tee hee

bouncey by Ice

"One thing wrong..."
Posted by northernlights on 10-16-07 at 08:19 PM
...with this show is the 10pm time slot. *pout*

Other than that? I LOVE IT!

"10/17/07 Episode"
Posted by djandy on 10-18-07 at 03:38 PM
So, who do you think Nick's half-sibling is?

My guess would be the Priest because he seems to hate Nick the most. I hope it's not Karen since they were boyfriend-girlfriend.

"RE: 10/17/07 Episode"
Posted by trigirl on 10-18-07 at 07:02 PM
For some reason I immediately thought it was one of the twins...very "jerry springer" of me I know but....

I LOVE this show. Favourite show of the season.

bouncey by Ice

"RE: 10/17/07 Episode"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-18-07 at 10:57 PM
I was actually thinking all of them!!!! Daddy is sterile????
But Brian is a fun choice!

"RE: 10/17/07 Episode"
Posted by Bebo on 10-19-07 at 11:10 AM
So many possibilities...

- Patrick, the one who keeps trying for "his father's" approval.
- Brian, the one who hates Nick
- The twins, who are due to get their trust funds

Don't think it's Karen. In addition to the ew factor, it immediately kills the storyline of Karen being a threat to Nick's marriage. Since the effect of working for the Darlings and its effect on Nick's marriage is such a significant subplot, I don't think the writers/producers would be so quick to end it.

"RE: 10/17/07 Episode"
Posted by KwietOne on 10-19-07 at 12:39 PM
It's Brian or the male "twin".

surfkitten siggie shop 2007

"RE: 10/17/07 Episode"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-19-07 at 12:40 PM
If it were Karen, the mother definitely knows who isn't her husband's, wouldn't you think she would have come between Nick and her???

"October 24th episode"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-25-07 at 10:13 AM
How much did they spend for those ants???

Loved little Brian sneaking into the bathroom to say his name was Brian Jr.!!!!

The sister wanting to know if "orphan" was PC!!!!! "He's your brother's son" "oh".

What a wild party...2 million dollars?????????

And let's not forget about the tampon...I felt so sorry for him. He really thought he had something going.


And $200,000.00 for that charity! Loved how he told the secretary that he would call Trip back!!!

This show is so quirky, I just can't give it up.

"RE: October 24th episode"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 10-25-07 at 12:26 PM
I liked that the twins showed a little maturity at the end.

Two million....boggle.

Have they said who is NOT Tripp's?

agman lvoes me

"RE: October 24th episode"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-25-07 at 01:25 PM
I don't believe...

"RE: October 24th episode"
Posted by KwietOne on 10-26-07 at 02:26 PM
Althought I watch VERRY closely Tripp's emotions when he's with each of his kids.

surfkitten siggie shop 2007

"RE: October 24th episode"
Posted by byoffer on 10-25-07 at 01:08 PM
I'm back after missing a week .

Really enjoyed last night's show. AQ caught lots above.

Karen makes me laugh. She is so aloof (is that the right word?). "Daddy doesn't want one of us using the private jet anymore" "Didn't you take the jet for sushi?" "Okay, he doesn't want you taking the jet". No understanding for other's feelings. LOL

I actually think I am liking Jeremy's character. Though he is spoiled, he seems to have some understanding. The job should be fun.

Juliet is a bit weak. I hope her character gets a better story line.

I hated Brian's character at the beginning, and the actor makes me uneasy. Maybe this will change. Laughed how he was asking Nick for help but couldn't stop getting digs in while he was trying to grovel.

Patrick has had very little involvement in the shows I have seen (though the tranny hooker is a classic). That is okay, because Billy Baldwin is even creepier than the guy who does Brian Darling.

"RE: October 24th episode"
Posted by trigirl on 10-26-07 at 07:28 PM
I actually think I am liking Jeremy's character. Though he is spoiled, he seems to have some understanding. The job should be fun.

I agree! Love this character.

bouncey by Ice

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by Puffy on 10-25-07 at 08:50 PM
I just want to chime in that I'm loving this show, too. A cliffhanger at the end of every episode. This and Pushing Daisies are my two favorite new shows.

©Surfkitten siggie shop, 2007

"Nov 14 show"
Posted by byoffer on 11-15-07 at 09:16 AM
I'm not sure if I missed a week, but last night's show was the first for me in a couple of weeks. Last night was Karen's wedding. How funny was that? It lasted only 45 minutes - no, not the wedding, the marriage!

I want to drink tequila with Donald Sutherland. Didn't act like a great drunk?

I don't care much for Brian's character, but found myself feeling badly for him when the mother showed up to remove the boy from his life. Now he has lost his wife and his son - I foresee him getting some help from daddy to return at least some of this to his life.

Patrick is my least favourite character, prolly because he is a Baldwin. Dealing with Elder will be a bad think for him. The wife's comments really interested me. Think this marriage is modeled on the Clinton one??

I missed Jeremy this episode.

"RE: Nov 14 show"
Posted by flipxcyd on 11-16-07 at 02:39 PM
Gotta agree with that Baldwin comment. I don't like Patrick's character at all.

Any theories as to who might be the off-spring from Dutch and Letitia? I'm thinking Nick, and possibly Brian - only because Tripp did say Nick is slated to take over the Darling empire? I always pay close attention to Tripp and Letitia whenever they talk about Nick. Did you notice Letitia's face when Karen still has feelings for Nick?

"RE: Nov 14 show"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 11-16-07 at 11:32 PM
I usually don't watch quirky shows like this, but I must say, I love this one.

Mom Darling is going to help Karen get Nick.

Patrick's wife is something else. Probably smarter than all of them except Dad Darling!

I did find myself feeling sorry for Bryan, that surprised me.

And I feel sorry for Nick's wife as well. I hope she's spending their new money to help kill the pain.

I'm intrigued on how Dad Darling is going to destroy Elder.

"Nov 21 episode"
Posted by byoffer on 11-22-07 at 09:35 AM
"God, I know I don't deserve much from you, but please help me know. I really love my son. Please understand that, and help the arbitrator understand that. Oh, and I also pray that the arbitrator will take my bribe."

Brian was hilarious last night. From his outburst in the initial session, to yelling at Nick for letting the law get in the way of the process. Too funny.

Jeremy, the chauffeur and the girl were all very funny too.\

Where was Juliet??

Okay, now the bad. Lisa needs to quit being so jealous of her husband. That bugs me how she gets so upset each week. I'm not sure why, but it just doesn't seem true to the open honest relationship that she and her husband seem to have.

Karen chasing Nick - this is getting tired too. And getting momma involved? That bugged me. Hopefully Karen will chase Simon Elder instead. At least that would be an interesting wrinkle into the family feud.

Kudos to Patrick's wife for calling him out on the tranny hooker, and I guess for finding a way to not let it corrupt her own ambitions. But this whole story line is sounding less like fiction and more like some echoing of actual events.

Tripp is getting a bit "trippy" with this whole Simon Elder vendetta. It feels too contrived.

Overall I thought it was a good show, thanks to the two younger Darling boys.

"RE: Nov 21 episode"
Posted by trigirl on 11-22-07 at 03:31 PM
Love Jeremy and Clark Babeson. LOL.

The actess who plays Juliette is in rehab. Not sure if that has affected filming or not.

Wonder why Momma is really helping Karen. Love this show!

bouncey by Ice

"RE: Nov 21 episode"
Posted by byoffer on 11-23-07 at 04:24 PM
I didn't realize that Samaire Armstrong (Juliet) was in rehab. That would mess with the show. Wiki says that on October 11, 2007, Armstrong admitted herself into an outpatient rehab center for undisclosed reasons. I would think that she could still work if it was an outpatient rehab.

"RE: Nov 21 episode"
Posted by MKitty on 11-22-07 at 06:04 PM
Yeah, I really liked last night's show as well. I do wonder what Tripp is up to. There seems to be an evil story luring in there. And yes, I'm with TriGirl in that that Nick's wife is bugging me as she is punishing him for what Karen is doing to him...why doesn't she trust him? If another woman was kissing my DH..I would be pissed off at the other woman not my darling (if he truly had nothing to do with it! )

I also liked the story line with the twin and him meeting somebody who likes him for who he is and not his money. I don't know if they divulged who the illegitimate child is yet (from Trip and his wife - not the Reverend's kid), but I just know that it is going to end up creepy (ie, Karen finally getting Nick only to find out he is her half brother or something like that...although that one seems too obvious)

Crooning courtesy of Agman

"RE: Nov 21 episode"
Posted by Loree on 11-22-07 at 11:31 PM
I can't believe Karen would be Nick's sister. Her own mother (who knows the truth) is helping her get Nick. She would never do that if she knew they were half-siblings.

I was a bit surprised when Patrick's wife shot him. Although I didn't really blame her.

"RE: Nov 21 episode"
Posted by emydi on 11-24-07 at 10:39 AM
Imho I think Brian is Nick's half bro it will explain how he always feels out of touch and it will explain the "sibling rivalry" that Brian feels. Also it shows how different Nick and Brian are even tho they have same mom

I love Jeremy too

I feel sorry for Patrick's wife...she was ok when she thought it was just sex but now she knows her hubby loves Carmelita...

"RE: Nov 21 episode"
Posted by zombiebaby on 11-23-07 at 12:10 PM
Once again Jeremey steals the show for me.

I love this guy. I think he creates a very likeable character.

Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money - SPOILER ALERT ON KIDS"
Posted by Bebo on 11-28-07 at 10:15 AM
Not going for hidden text, so read at your own peril.

We will find out during tonight's episode which Darling child is not Tripp's, and TV Guide Online has narrowed it down for us. Michael Ausiello reports that Karen and the twins are Darlings. So it's either Brian or Patrick that is Nick's half-brother.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money "
Posted by DebCapsFan on 11-30-07 at 12:26 PM
That scene in the church with Brian and Nick was just amazing.
I love this show so much.
And they made Lisa likeable for a change. Jeremy is so charming rich or poor. What a cutie.
Have a mentioned this is my favorite new show?

I liked the episode so much I watched it again on abc.com. And I never do that.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money "
Posted by aquariaqueen on 11-30-07 at 01:04 PM
Jeremy going to Nick's wife was so neat.....now she'll start realizing how easy it is to get drawn into the whole Darling thing.

And Karen with Simon...well you know what they say about that, so I guess she won't be pursuing Nick any longer.

Letitia....what a wild web we weave.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money "
Posted by flipxcyd on 11-30-07 at 01:23 PM
Have to agree - did like the Brian/Nick church scene.

Oh noooo...Lisa is getting sucked into the Darling vortex!

Finally...a face to match the Dutch character.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money - SPOILER ALERT ON KIDS"
Posted by djandy on 12-01-07 at 05:26 PM
Did I call it on the Priest being Nick's half-sibling or what?

Hopefully having this revealed will mellow Brian and bring him some humbleness. Jeremy is cute and contagious. In the previews it looked like he was kissing Lisa? I hope it's just mistletoe. This show is getting better and better.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money - SPOILER ALERT ON KIDS"
Posted by MKitty on 12-03-07 at 04:19 PM
Good call on Nick's new mystery sibling. I knew it couldn't be Karen as that was just too obvious...but didn't realize it was Brian until about half way through the episode when the lightbulb went on...but ofcourse!!

Yes, this show rocks...

*Christmas Cheer from Sharnina*

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by Jay1205 on 10-09-08 at 11:08 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-09-08 AT 11:09 AM (EST)

I can't get enough of this show - love, love, love it!!!

Question - what happened to Juliette? She was mentioned very casually about being away on some island in last night's episode. Did they address her departure last season, and I missed it? Or has something happened to the actress? I always enjoyed the dynamic between Juliette and Jeremy, so am missing her.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by Bebo on 10-09-08 at 11:35 AM
Samaire Armstrong is not a regular on the show this season, and it may have something to do with her off-camera troubles last season that led her into rehab. They really are shuffling this under the rug.

I lvoe lvoe lvoe the show. From a plotline standpoint, good move making Nick the Vice-Chair. Not only does it open up a lot of storylines, but it keeps Nick firmly entrenched in the goings-on. If they kept having him play the babysitter, it would have gotten tiresome. Now, as the corporate babysitter, there are a lot of possibilities, not to mention dealing with the resentment of all the children for not being named.

Loved it when Lucy Lio said he was the "Darlingest of the Darlings".

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by zombiebaby on 10-10-08 at 07:57 AM
I actually think this show has improved so far from last season.

Almost as creepy as Wizard of Oz dolls!!!Fancy Footwork by Arkie!

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by KwietOne on 10-13-08 at 03:34 PM
The show is getting better and better!

Karen originally spying for her Dad, but ends up falling in love with Simon, but Simon's got her. I wonder who Simon is working with?

I thought it was a bit predictable Tripp would pick Nick over Brian. Looks like Nick and Lisa won't have that baby any time soon.

Covering up Ellen's death I could understand, but when will they acknowledge Samaire's character's absence?

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by DebCapsFan on 10-22-08 at 03:47 PM
Don't you think it will come out that Simon's working with Lucy Liu's character?
I loved the first episode, but I wasn't wild about the second one. Doesn't Brian have a wife? And another kid?
I wish they'd give those of us who watched season one a little credit.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-22-08 at 06:11 PM
Good one, I forgot about Brian being married and having a family! I guess they figure that the time between seasons allowed us to forget everything. (I think I have)

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by trigirl on 10-10-08 at 08:48 AM
Love it too! So many rich characters, it must be a dream job for an actor.

I miss the Juliet character and wish they would recast the role. I don't normally like recasting, but this is the type of show that you could get away with it...some silly plastic surgery storyline or something. The petty rivalry between the twins Jeremy and Juliet was fun.

bouncey by Ice

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-10-08 at 09:34 AM
Holy cow, with all the things happening, I forgot about Juliet!!!

This show is so unlike any other show I watch. It's going in so many directions....I love the quirkiness.

Do you wonder if the Kennedy's were ever this involved in so much???

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by Loree on 10-14-08 at 11:02 PM
Maybe they hope if they wait long enough to bring Juliet back we will have forgotten what she looked like. They can then recast any blonde and we will believe it is her. I miss the character and hate the way they are ignoring the fact she is in the family and missing.

"Oct 22nd episode"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-22-08 at 06:13 PM
Nick's long lost mother is supposed to go on the stand on Mrs. Darling's behalf. This could be good.

"RE: Oct 22nd episode"
Posted by trigirl on 10-22-08 at 06:18 PM
Sounds like when Alexix Carrington showed up on Dynasty doesn't it?

...oops...I am showing my age....

Posted by trigirl on 11-20-08 at 02:52 PM
Hasn't Blair Underwood just turned into the yummiest bad guy ever. He smokin!

"RE: Simon"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 11-21-08 at 10:23 AM
I like your Ironman Santa....my brother did the Hawaiian Ironman 4 times....84, 86, 88 and, I think, 91 or 2.

Funny that I recognized the symbol still, even with a Santa cap!!!

BTW, I love this show, and it looks like the other sister is coming back into the picture next week!

This show is crazy fun, I can't imagine trying to get into this story if you never saw it from the beginning.

Posted by MPVLOST on 11-21-08 at 11:50 AM
Sounds like this show, along with Pushing Daisies and Eli Stone are all getting the ax from ABC.

ABC isn't ordering any new episodes of those 3 shows, so it's only a matter of what to do with the remaining finished episodes. Burn them off on tv or put them online.

Which sucks, because I love Dirty sexy Money (and the other 2 are pretty good shows too). There's so many storylines that will never get fully wrapped up, if at all.

Will we ever find out who really killed Nick's dad?

"RE: canceled?"
Posted by KwietOne on 11-21-08 at 06:09 PM
First My Own Worst Enemy; now DSM. Sheez...I'm about to boycot anything at this point.

"12/10/08 episode"
Posted by KwietOne on 12-11-08 at 01:04 PM
So, is this the cliffhanger until January? Is there even going to be another episode? Anyone care to speculate who got shot? There were 3 shots.

Characters I know who DIDN'T get shot: Nick (got knocked out by the shooter); Patrick & Carmelita (too many bodyguards); Nola (in the crowd).

Characters possible: Tripp, Letitia, Jeremy, or the shooter himself.

It's possible the shooter gets out one shot, but gets shot twice.

"RE: 12/10/08 episode"
Posted by MPVLOST on 12-12-08 at 08:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-12-08 AT 08:05 PM (EST)

According to tvguide, there is a new episode next week, on the 17th.

Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?

"RE: 12/10/08 episode"
Posted by flipxcyd on 12-15-08 at 02:07 PM
HA, yeah...I actually saw a preview after I had posted it.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 12-17-08 at 11:58 PM
I think tonight was the end. Ack! Why do programmers hate me this year?

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 12-18-08 at 11:00 AM
As in no more episodes? or not until 2009?????

Geez, so many things left unanswered.

I loved Mark 1:11!
Jeremy faking the amnesia for Nola.
Karen being almost human with Kiki.
Who killed Chase?

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 12-18-08 at 11:01 AM
As in no more episodes, EVER. I think....I pretty sure.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 12-18-08 at 11:03 AM

A Blessed Christmas season to all who welcome the Newborn King into their lives.

I've never been involved in a show anything like this one. Fast paced and always a twist I never figured on....I will surely miss it.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by MPVLOST on 12-18-08 at 12:56 PM
I'm pretty they still have a few more new episodes to be aired in early 2009.

I've also heard that they will be wrapping up the story of "who killed Nick's dad".

Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by Loree on 12-20-08 at 02:41 AM
Yes, I also heard there are still a few episodes to air in 2009. And they do plan to wrap up the storylines.

"RE: Dirty Sexy Money"
Posted by MPVLOST on 12-27-08 at 00:12 AM
Well now it sounds like we won't see the remaining episodes until Summer of '09.


Closeouts. Finishing their unsuccessful runs last week: NBC's My Own Worst Enemy (3.9 million viewers Monday), and ABC's Wednesday duo Pushing Daisies (4.7 million) and Dirty Sexy Money (series-low 5.1 million). Both ABC shows will air a few remaining episodes next summer.

Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?

"Remaining Episodes to be aired."
Posted by Snidget on 05-28-09 at 01:36 PM
Saturday at 10 pm ABC will finish out some of the series that were canceled


dirty sexy money** (returns: jul. 18-aug. 8)