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Posted by LadyT on 08-24-05 at 08:41 PM
As reported here on this site, Michael Vartan may be gone from Alias. If this is true, I am sooooo done with Alias. He is the sole reason I watch that show and he is the future father of my children.

I heard on the radio that Ben Affleck was unhappy that his wife, Jennifer Garner was working with him. Jen may have said it's him or me. Since the show is about her character, I can see TPTB getting rid of Michael. If this is indeed the case, I will never watch Alias again nor will I ever see a Ben Affleck movie (ok, not that I have seen any recent ones because they have all sucked #####) again.


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"RE: Alias"
Posted by Bebo on 08-24-05 at 10:08 PM
It's the last season anyway - all of their contracts are up, and with Jennifer Garner's movie career and new baby, I'm sure she's ready to move on.

I want to see how they resolve the "I'm not Michael Vaughn" story, and then I will probably be ready to give the show up.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Alias"
Posted by trigirl on 08-31-05 at 12:55 PM
I'm with you Bebo, it's the last season so we won't have too much time to miss Michael. However, if they are going to take away one hunk, and Abrams likes to use familiar faces, how about a little Scott Speedman to make my day!

"Scott Speedman..."
Posted by BlueLies on 09-02-05 at 09:58 PM
He's definitely a lot like MV... like a younger version.


Posted by Bebo on 09-02-05 at 04:00 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-02-05 AT 04:02 PM (EST)

TV Guide Online confirms that he's getting KILLED OFF.

Speaking of off, that sounds like what I'll be doing to this show once that happens. Yes, I know what E!Online's Kristen said in her veiled comments about how it was the actor's choice, contrary to any rumor mill information that might come up, but that still doesn't change the fact that my major lustpuppy is leaving.

And no, it's not a coincidence that I just downed a chocolate bar in record time.

ETA: Just saw it reported on the RTVW Entertainment Wire too. Sigh.

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Posted by LadyT on 09-02-05 at 07:34 PM
You downed a chocolate bar, I downed a piece of chocolate cake. I am soooo done with that show and anything that Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck will be apart off. I choose to believe that Kristen is wrong simply because I have heard differing reports.

What was wrong with that show that it let go of Bradley Cooper and now Michael Vartan? I do think Michael Vartan, who will always be Vaughn to me, will have a successful career


Posted by Bebo on 09-03-05 at 01:07 PM
You had to mention the adorable Bradley. I'm going to be tuning in to "Kitchen Confidential" just because I need my Bradley fix, even though I think that the real Anthony Bourdain (whose book inspired the show) in a complete jerk.

And we're losing Weiss too! No Greg Grunberg, no Michael Vartan...the producers are not satiating the females-young-enough-to-breathe-without-mechanical-assistance demographic.

I'll watch long enough to find out who not-Michael-Vaughn really is (can't bring myself to use past tense yet), and then quiely move along.


Must add more chocolate to grocery list.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

Posted by HistoryDetective on 09-03-05 at 02:25 PM
the producers are not satiating the females-young-enough-to-breathe-without-mechanical-assistance demographic.

Ahem. You're not the only ones sad to see Vartan go or still upset at Cooper's departure.

courtesy of Seana and Syren - thanks gals!

Weiss, Weiss, baby...

Posted by Bebo on 09-03-05 at 02:57 PM
Oh HD, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to slight the gay-men-with-impeccable-taste demographic.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

Posted by grit on 09-04-05 at 04:06 PM
I was never all that into MV so I don't care that he's leaving. I was pretty upset that they got rid of Bradley. And now Weiss, too? My husband loves Jennifer Garner (I don't see why - she's got those tooclosetogether eyes and those big floppy ears that stick out about 2 miles) so where's my eye candy, huh? Pfft!

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Alias"
Posted by BlueLies on 09-02-05 at 09:56 PM
Is Ben going to act that way with every male lead actor she works with now? Why would he consider MV a threat? Does JG give him reason to feel so insecure? Silly!

Talk about it... http://sd-6.com/


"RE:Affleck threatened? "
Posted by photokitty on 09-23-05 at 08:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-23-05 AT 08:22 PM (EST)

I don't believe that story is true.

Last season, which was done post breakup, we saw much less of the "lovey-dovey" stuff between Syd & Vaughan. They are still in love, even if Michael & Jennifer aren't. I'm sure both actors preferred it that way (less demonstrative) because that just HAD to be uncomfortable.

Now, JG is married and preggers...why the he!! would Vartan want to stick around for that? I totally believe he wanted to go. Let the dude have some self-respect.

Which is why, the minute I saw that car broadside him, (ok, after I stopped screaming) I said, "That's it for Vaughan! He's dead or in a coma next season while Syd runs around trying to find out the truth about him."

I say all this not knowing the reasons for their split, or how amicable their relationship remains.

"A puzzle from J.J. Abrams"
Posted by Bebo on 09-21-05 at 12:59 PM
It wasn't enough to give us the numbers on "Lost"...he had to throw something else cryptic in our path.


Question: Everybody is talking about what they can't say about Michael Vartan's rumored exit from Alias. My question is, what can you say? — Stephanie

Ausiello: A lot more than I could a week ago, Steph. Shortly after picking up his first Emmy ever for directing the killer Lost pilot, J.J. Abrams finally broke his silence about the firestorm ignited by Vaughn's alleged forthcoming death, including reports that Vartan's ex, Jennifer Garner, engineered the whole thing in a plot to remove him from the show. And here's the best part: It's a bloody AA exclusive!!!

First off, J.J. hinted that rumors of Vaughn's whacking have been greatly exaggerated: "It ain't over till the fat lady sings," he teased. "You have to see what the story is. And when I said at the beginning of the year that (Vartan) is back this season, I wasn't lying. So, in the way that Alias does things that you might not expect — in a way that you might not expect — it's typical of that. The conclusion people are coming to isn't exactly what it is."

And what of tabloid trash that Jen pressured ABC and Alias producers (Abrams included) to dump Vartan? "When you read that no one on the set is allowed to look at her in the eyes, you can't help but laugh at that," he said. "It's so preposterous that it's one of those things that doesn't even warrant a response because it's so silly. When people achieve a certain status, it is inevitable that they are the ones who become the targets. But I think there are very few voices who are saying this. The majority of people who really care about the show and about Vartan are not the people who are indiscriminately attacking Jennifer Garner. The majority of (Alias fans) really do, and rightfully so, appreciate Michael Vartan. And I hope they keep watching. And I would say one thing: Watch carefully, because there are clues as to what's going to happen in the episodes. And if (Vaughn) happens not to be in the episode that you're watching, it doesn't mean he's not part of it." In other words, it may very well be time for everyone to chill the heck out and enjoy the freakin' ride!

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: A puzzle from J.J. Abrams"
Posted by flipxcyd on 09-21-05 at 02:34 PM
I for one can't wait till this season starts. Even with the rumor of Vaughn being killed off, I will still watch this show. Being a man, yes, I gotta admit, it's all Jennifer Garner and a bit of Lena Olin. Oh man, she's hot too. I enjoy watching how Syd and Jack's father/daughter relationship is growing. It really isn't all about Vaughn, although I will miss his character if in fact he really does get killed off.

Quickly off topic here, but Kitchen Confidential looks good. Finally got to watching the episode off my Tivo. It's a keeper.

"RE: Alias"
Posted by trigirl on 09-23-05 at 01:30 PM
Could this mean the the character 'Vaughn' is being killed of but that Michael Vartan will still be a working actor. A la the alter ego?

"RE: Alias"
Posted by flipxcyd on 09-23-05 at 03:11 PM
Hey, I was just thinking that too. Maybe Vaughn IS being "killed-off" and being replaced by the Gault character, but still being played by Vartan. Maybe Vartan isn't leaving Alias at all! Just wishful thinking here. =)

"RE: Alias"
Posted by flipxcyd on 09-29-05 at 10:56 PM
Can someone PLEASE tell me what happened in the first 7 minutes of Alias? My frickin Tivo froze up. AAAARGH! OMG! I'm frickin pissed! LOL

"RIP Henri Michaux"
Posted by Bebo on 09-30-05 at 10:07 AM

Or am I the only one holding out a hope that the closed casket funeral was just a big giant ruse so that those hunting down and killing the math code geeks will think that Michaux/Vaughn/whatever the hell he wants to call himself this week I'll still drool over him is gone? After all, the guy who shot him up is a "well-connected ghost", and pretending he's dead frees up Syd and her dad from some of the suspicion and scrutiny. Since JJ Abrams said that things aren't necessarily as they appear, I'll hold onto that false shred of hope while I can.

That being said...the first part of the episode was awesome. I loved that the show got back to Sydney's closeness with Dixon - I really think they had misused the Dixon character by making him a director or a Sloane underling for the past couple of seasons.

| |

"RE: RIP Henri Michaux"
Posted by Tahj on 09-30-05 at 11:05 AM
The dead on this show have an uncanny way of coming back. I think we haven't heard the last from Michael/Henri.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Alias"
Posted by flipxcyd on 10-16-05 at 01:02 PM
Hey, call me Shirley, but wasn't that Bradley Cooper's voice in that one scene where Syd was talking to that customer service rep cancelling Vaughn's hockey magazine subscription?

I was just watching the ep for the heck of it again, since I've got it saved on my Tivo.

Posted by Bebo on 10-19-05 at 10:52 AM
My boyfriend's back and you're gonna be in trouble...

Sorry, couldn't help breaking into song after reading on TV Guide Online that Michael Vartan is back on the Alias set now. Now scoop on who he's playing, how long he's playing, but at least we know he's playing.

Posted by HistoryDetective on 10-19-05 at 11:41 AM
Can I play with him?

I'm nuts for Nutz ... and Syren too.

"Bebo, don't make me fight you"
Posted by LadyT on 10-19-05 at 06:16 PM
Vaughn is mine, always mine. I hear he signed for four, maybe five episodes and reported to work yesterday. Happy Dance!!!


"RE: Bebo, don't make me fight you"
Posted by Bebo on 10-20-05 at 08:05 AM
Don't fight a pregnant woman - you'll lose.

Besides, you and HD can have him when I'm done with him.

Posted by flipxcyd on 10-21-05 at 12:32 PM
Given your spoiler, do you think Vaughn is the "dead" guy coming back to life? I remember seeing the hand; how it looked like it was for an older person.

Posted by trigirl on 11-02-05 at 08:28 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-02-05 AT 08:30 AM (EST)

He's really coming back?!?! Yippee.

As soon as I saw the cyrogenic cryogenic dead body freezer thingamajig I was hoping it was Vaughn. Why else would Renee be so interesed in it.

ETA: Is that the sound of November sweeps I hear?

"RE: Yippee"
Posted by flipxcyd on 11-02-05 at 04:57 PM
Eh, guess not. It was a man pretending to be Renee's father. Don't you think last week's episode was kinda BLAH? With the current spoiler of Vartan coming back to Alias and the sweeps coming up, just imagine. Maybe more posts for this show???

"VARTAN back?"
Posted by flipxcyd on 11-02-05 at 06:12 PM
Found this on EW.com


Thursday, Nov. 17, 8-9 p.m. (ABC)
Michael Vartan, who played the presumably deceased Vaughn, returns in some way, shape, or form. (Never really dead? Clone? Dream? Flashback? Identical British cousin?)

I'm guessing a twin! But then again, I'm thinking the Doppleganger episode where Francie died and came back Allison.

"Alias being moved back to Wednesdays after Lost!"
Posted by willinCal on 11-18-05 at 02:33 AM
Just saw after tonite's episode. Also, Sark coming back.

"RE: Alias being moved back to Wednesdays after Lost!"
Posted by Rhyn on 11-23-05 at 10:52 AM
I adore Sark.

I just started watching to show this summer. Caught up on all the episodes via DVD, and fell in love. I missed the first couple episodes this season (I was still finishing up the fourth season, which just came out) and I have to say, it's pretty lame, comparatively.

Everyone is different. Sydney pregnant doesn't bother me, nor does a new girl (if her sister is in the hospital, I don't have a problem with a Rachel stepping in, but seriously) training with Sydney. But no Vaughn. No Weiss. I really miss how well the four went together, not only at work, but getting to see them socially, too.

At least with Sark coming back, it might start to resemble earlier seasons.

"RE: Alias being moved back to Wednesdays after Lost!"
Posted by flipxcyd on 11-24-05 at 03:10 AM
Is it TNT or TBS showing the reruns? I totally miss the earlier seasons where Syd and Vaughn are working together, where Vaughn is her handler and she's coping with all the lies & deceit. How their relationship is developing...and then to stomp all over it earlier this season. I suppose the show creator is trying to freshen up the series?

Anywho, I read somewhere (TV Guide online?) that Vaughn will be appearing in the season finale? Maybe the last few episodes leading to the finale?

I just can't get into this Rachel character. It's throwing me off balance; redirecting my attention from Syd.

"RE: Alias being moved back to Wednesdays after Lost!"
Posted by willinCal on 12-07-05 at 06:49 PM
Just reviewing the upcoming episodes in my season pass for Alias and noticed that Vaughn is coming back for the 12/14/05 episode.

Sigs by Cyg

"RE: Alias"
Posted by flipxcyd on 12-09-05 at 01:31 AM
Ok, I gotta admit it, but thought it was funny that Marshall couldn't figure out what that stringy thing that women wore at the beach and got Jack Bristow to say, "thong" with a straight face.

A PhoenixMons creation

"Anyone watch last night?"
Posted by Bebo on 12-15-05 at 07:38 AM
Whoa! I watched since I had heard it would be Vartan, Vartan, Vartan, and it was an awesome episode. And I flat-out loved it when the kidnapper was revealed to be Irina! I had heard that Lena Olin was in talks to come back for an episode at some point, but none of the spoilers had her appearance pegged for this early.

The ending blew me away.

"RE: Anyone watch last night?"
Posted by willinCal on 12-15-05 at 02:33 PM
Same here. I was like, "WTF"???!!! If what I'm reading is true, Alias may go out with a huge bang! If they brought back Sark, Vaughn, & Irina for an episode, who knows who else they'll bring back for the final episodes!

Did you notice Michael Vartan's name didn't even show as a guest star? Very sneaky.

Sigs by Cyg

"RE: Anyone watch last night?"
Posted by Rhyn on 12-21-05 at 05:46 PM
I absolutely loved the episode, and I especially enjoyed how they duped me. I was certain the kidnapper would be Vaughn. It's so Alias: dead, no alive! Good, no bad! No, good again! No, dead! Alive! I was thinking, "god, this is so predictable," so I didn't see Irina coming at all.

I adored the way they cut in new stuff (the memories) with old, familiar scenes. It was genius, and very well executed. I miss Vaughn. I didn't think I really did all that much, but this last episode made me realize how much I loved the chemistry between him and Sydney.

"RE: Alias"
Posted by willinCal on 12-22-05 at 03:59 PM
Wow, this season is getting more and more exciting. I was reading "The Insider" at www.tvguide.com and it mentioned:

The return of Will (Bradley Cooper), Francine/Allison (Merrin Dungey) & Weiss (Greg Grunberg). The rest of this final season will also include "kill-offs" of some long term characters (think Dixon and Marshall in particular). Who do you think is the next killed off?

There's also talk of spin-off episodes of Sark, Irina, and/or Jack Bristow. INTERESTING, I'd say. I'd love to see a spin off of Alias in some form. I also read there's talk of an Alias movie?

Off topic for a bit, but noticed that JJ Abrams is directing or has directed the third installment of Mission Impossible.

Sigs by Cyg

"When is it coming back?"
Posted by trigirl on 02-28-06 at 09:04 AM
I would like to know what kind of maternity benefits the Screen Actors Guild has, because this is getting ridiculous!!!!!!

"April 19th"
Posted by Bebo on 02-28-06 at 10:43 AM
Per Kristin's EOnline chat last night. Even better news - ABC will be airing all 8 promised hours. There had been some concern that since ABC kept pushing out the return date that they would cut the episode order, but fortunately that hasn't happened.

According to Kristin, it will air Wednesdays at 8pm. The 4/19 episode will be a 2-hour one, as will the finale in late May.

"RE: April 19th"
Posted by Rhyn on 03-08-06 at 07:28 PM

Do you also happen to know if they will at all re-air any of the early episodes from this season?

"RE: April 19th"
Posted by Bebo on 03-08-06 at 07:31 PM
Haven't heard anything about that yet - will keep an ear out.

"RE: April 19th"
Posted by LadyT on 03-09-06 at 09:04 PM
I think you have to wait until syndication for that to happen


" Classic Michael Vartan"
Posted by CSHS79 on 03-22-06 at 06:37 PM
If you can't get enough of Michael Vartan rent,buy or borrow the movie Never Been Kissed with Drew Barrymore. Michael Vartan is the teacher and the BEST part is the final scene with Michael in a long liplock with Drew's character which you can pretend is you. I know I've replayed that scene over & over and over again!!

"2 hours tonight!!!!"
Posted by Bebo on 04-19-06 at 11:07 AM
And since the previews keep talking about how love doesn't die, I'm willing to watch again. Need my Vartan fix bad.

Plus, previews for tonight keep referring to Weiss.

And it looks like more of our favs will be coming back before it goes away for good...won't spoil who, but I will smile happily in the corner.

"RE: 2 hours tonight!!!!"
Posted by Rhyn on 04-19-06 at 11:32 PM
That was a wonderful two hours. A little annoying, how easily Sidney did, but still, the ending made up for her unaccountable control.

"RE: 2 hours tonight!!!!"
Posted by Bebo on 04-20-06 at 06:30 AM
Oh, how I've missed Alias. Last night's episodes had so many yummy pieces. We had the fun disguise scenarios - loved seeing all three Bristows together. We got a classic Marshall moment when he solved the 'unbreakable' code at a glance. We got some wonderful banter lines ("Someday you have to show me how you do that", "Tone it down, Hamlet"). We got some Weiss! And as soon as Syd and her Dad gave each other that look on the plane, I knew what we would be getting at the end of the ep and cheered.

And then to get Anna Espinoza and Will in the preview for next week...it's like Christmas and my birthday rolled up into one.

"RE: 2 hours tonight!!!!"
Posted by Rhyn on 04-20-06 at 05:20 PM
Between actual Weiss and Will previews, it was like Christmas. I loved when Jack Bristow got all Jack Bristow on the CIA/Prophet 5 spy. That was classic bad-ass Jack stuff.

And Weiss bailing them out was one of those connections I love. I wasn't sure I liked the addition of Rachel, but she's growing on me, and I like that Tom Grace has a skeleton in his closet and might well be a very bad guy (it's not Alias until a good guy is revealed as bad).

"RE: 2 hours tonight!!!!"
Posted by flipxcyd on 04-21-06 at 08:16 PM
Is this where the spinoff is created?

An arkiegrl siggie

"RE: 2 hours tonight!!!!"
Posted by CouchTater on 04-23-06 at 09:36 AM
>Oh, how I've missed Alias.

Here, Here!

I just watch it last night because I had to tape it and it was like the old days had returned. I've kind semi stopped watching it because it had started getting kind of droll. I loved the first two seasons and it was the only show that I seriously could NOT wait until it came on.

Last night was like having a reunion with all my favorite people. Marshall, Dixon, Weiss, Sydney, and Mama and Papa Bristow.

I love, love, love Lena Olin and I'm always amazed at how she keeps Mama Bristow on that ambiguous line between evil Mama, good Mama. Even though we got some answers in some ways we still kind of don't know about this woman and where she's at. Amazing!

I hope we get all the answers we’ve been waiting for and that the whole Rambaldi thing gets cleared up before it ends. On the other hand, what I always loved about this show is that they always keep you guessing about what’s around the next corner, which can be way more fun. Just leave the mystery out there.

That's right Couchtater is just an Alias

Posted by Bebo on 04-27-06 at 11:49 AM
How wonderfully fun it was to see Will and Anna Espinoza again, even though I spent most of the episode waiting for Will's head to explode. Even at the very end, I was waiting for him to just go boom. But when I saw Anna about to go into the Rocky Horror soup, I wasn't sure how I felt about that, probably because I know it means no more scenes for that actress. Plus I'm trying to figure out who she's going to maim/mutilate/murder among Syd's loved ones since she can now get close to them. The mom in me didn't like the creepy feeling I got for poor Isabelle as Syd lamented all the people close to her getting kidnapped, tortured, and killed.

But I was ROFLMAO at the babysitters. I'd love to have someone bring all those gadgets to babyproof my house.

"RE: Alias"
Posted by flipxcyd on 05-12-06 at 08:21 PM
Ok, call me reminiscent, but I missed the previous seasons of Vaughn and Syd's blossoming relationship. Surprising how Syd knew he was alive.

I wonder who's next to die. Now you got Sark in the mix?

Only 2 more episodes to go? I'm gonna miss this show.

An arkiegrl siggie

"RE: Alias"
Posted by Rhyn on 05-15-06 at 04:26 PM
Sark is adorable. I cannot help but love his character.

I missed some of the episodes early this season, so I wasn't clear on something. Are we supposed to know that Vaughn was alive, or did the fact that Sydney knew surprise everyone? (I know we saw him alive a few weeks ago, but I meant in general.)

"RE: Alias"
Posted by flipxcyd on 05-15-06 at 11:05 PM
I had a feeling he was alive for some reason...it could be the stories circulating around he was coming back for a few episodes? Hmmm...what surprised me the most is that Syd knew he was alive. That was a shocker for me.

An arkiegrl siggie

"RE: Alias"
Posted by Rhyn on 05-16-06 at 07:30 AM
Yeah, that was the part I was wondering about. When she knew he was alive, it surprised me, but I wasn't sure if I had just missed something or if I was supposed to be surprised.

I cannot wait until the DVDs for this season are released. I hate that there are about 5 Aliases that I have never seen.

Posted by Rhyn on 05-19-06 at 03:36 PM
I found all the episodes on iTunes, so I am finally, finally catching up on the first third of the season now.