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"Veronica Mars"

Posted by calamityc on 07-30-05 at 10:23 AM
CBS decided to air some episodes of this UPN show on Friday nights and I caught the first ones last night. I really liked it, enough that I might get the DVD of the first season-and that is saying alot! Anyone watch while it was on UPN?

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"RE: Veronica Mars"
Posted by RealityMom on 07-30-05 at 11:41 AM
I watched it all season and I really like it. It reminds me of "Twin Peaks" with that same kind of quirkiness. But the relationship between Veronica and her father is one of the best parts. I actually haven't seen the finale yet- it's still on my tivo. I've been saving it and I'm looking forward to next season. If it had aired on a major network to begin with, it might have gotten the recognition it deserves.

"RE: Veronica Mars"
Posted by janisella on 07-31-05 at 02:32 PM
The finale is AWESOME! I taped it and watched it twice.

I started watching the show from the third episode, and caught the first episode on reruns this summer.

I think moving it to Wednesday ought to improve the ratings. I didn't see anything promising on the other networks' Wednesday lineups.

"RE: Veronica Mars"
Posted by photokitty on 08-22-05 at 04:29 AM
I never watched it while it was on UPN. I heard it was good, but, eh, I didn't care. Another show about teenagers. Whatever.

BUT, I saw a few episodes on CBS and I like it! Surprise, surprise! Guess I'll have to rent the DVD and see it from the beginning.

She reminds me of Chloe from Smallville, both in looks and because they are high school students doing some pretty grown up snooping around. Don't they have homework?

"RE: Veronica Mars"
Posted by mrc on 09-15-05 at 12:39 PM
I watched this series over the summer. Great, great, great! The finale was spine-tingling.

The only thing I don't like is this Logan character's relationship with Veronica. It feels forced and there is zero chemistry.

Ferociously purrfected by thndrkttn

"RE: Veronica Mars"
Posted by pumpkinqueen on 02-06-06 at 00:48 AM
The only thing I don't like is this Logan character's relationship with Veronica. It feels forced and there is zero chemistry

ok, i just finished watching the first season on dvd--everyone i know who watches it said i would love it (and i do). even though i haven't seen a single episode of the second season, the scenes with logan and veronica from the first season were amazing. i thought they had chemistry to spare--but my heart went out to logan, and i think he's adorable and sweet--only not on the surface.

the first season is like the first season of the o.c and the 2nd and 3rd seasons of buffy--i can't wait to catch up! only, i don't know what to do about the lost/veronica choice--i guess i will have to get cable after all. that would be nice, since battlestar galactica is one of my favorites too!

arkiegrl 2005

"Season Premiere on Wednesday!!!!"
Posted by janisella on 09-24-05 at 03:27 PM
Who do you think is at the door?

It seems the popular opinion is that it's Duncan.

My dh thinks it might be her mother, returning the money.

I was thinking Wallace, but after re-watching the last few episodes, I'm changing my guess to Logan. I heard the actor was coming back, which must mean he doesn't jump. He's the type of person that would want to make sure Veronica was ok after what his father did to her.

"RE: Veronica Mars"
Posted by mrc on 10-03-05 at 01:57 PM
This season's first episode was very good. I don't like Veronica with Duncan any more than I did her with Logan, though. Why does she even have to have a boyfriend? She's a strong, independent young woman, and I think this lip-hopping demeans her character.

Otherwise, I am still enjoying her wit.

A PhoenixMons(ter) Creation

"RE: Veronica Mars"
Posted by janisella on 10-13-05 at 09:53 PM
I like her alone as well. Last season she didn't have a boyfriend until the end, and she was much more interesting. Fortunately, Duncan was only on for about 40 seconds this week, so it was cool.

"RE: Veronica Mars"
Posted by nicalai on 02-01-06 at 10:48 AM
i caught last nights episode, haven't watched in forever. who's baby was that? veronica's? i know it was duncan's, but i was a little lost.


"RE: Veronica Mars"
Posted by mrc on 02-01-06 at 12:38 PM
It belongs to Duncan and Meg, Duncan's old flame who kicked the bucket.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"Call me Oprah"
Posted by mrc on 01-31-06 at 11:52 AM
But I gotta pimp my girl, Veronica. Still a very good show, although it should get better now that Duncan has left town.

And for those Lost fans who complain when reruns show up for two or three weeks, you wouldn't want to be a Veronica fan. Almost two months between new episodes.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Call me Oprah"
Posted by DebCapsFan on 02-02-06 at 02:42 PM
Yay, I love this show. I was in bad withdrawls when it wasn't on. I always thought Hector was the big bad and not Thumper. Where does Weevil go from here? He knows who killed Felix. It's gonna be interesting to see what he's going to do.

Rolly is da man.

"Short hiatus for Veronica Mars"
Posted by mrc on 02-17-06 at 09:22 AM

VM is taking a short hiatus during sweeps/the Olympics. New episodes will be back in March.

Source: tvguide.com (the Ask Aurellio column)

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"Back from hiatus"
Posted by mrc on 03-16-06 at 11:26 AM
Even with the Laguna Beach bimbo on this week's episode, still a great show. I hope the new WB/UPN network keeps this show and figures out how to promote it. It's a heck of a show.

A Nefarious Dice Creation

"RE: Veronica Mars"
Posted by mrc on 04-22-06 at 06:30 PM
This season's bus crash plot has plodded a little bit. I'll kinda be glad when it is solved.

What is Phil's golf equipment?

"Penultimate episode"
Posted by mrc on 05-08-06 at 03:33 PM
Here's me, rambling to myself in the VM thread. *crickets*

A good episode overall. I thought it was stoopid that the crazy janitor went on a shooting spree with blanks. I also didn't like Aaron Echols getting off free. I'm hoping there's some reason for that, like Mayor Woody's influence.

I'm predicting (assuming series renewal) that Veronica winds up at the local university where Wallace and Co. are attending. It's obvious.

Without renewal, I think there will be a lot of loose threads left untied. And I will be majorly pissed that on of the best shows on TV is gone.

P.S. That Veronica is a riot! Would you believe that the actress who plays her is almost 26? Put her on Lost if she can't have her own show. Now that? would be funny!

"RE: Penultimate episode"
Posted by DebCapsFan on 05-10-06 at 07:54 AM
I love this show soooo much. So much continuity, such brilliant acting, it just rocks. Oh heck no... she can't be on Lost because there must be a season 3. How fitting that Aaron died while watching himself on the tube. Is Lamb dead too?

Assuming Kendall hasn't lured Keith to the Fitzpatricks to die, it would be nice to see Keith as Sheriff again.

"RE: Penultimate episode"
Posted by EnglProf on 05-10-06 at 12:46 PM
I never thought they'd tie things up since the episode was moving pretty slowly for the first half, but amazing in the end. How exciting--and moving. I was so upset watching Veronica yell "You raped me!"

And all this time, she'd been thinking that she hadn't been raped, right, but had slept with Duncan? Now she has that to deal with again.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Penultimate episode"
Posted by tralala on 05-11-06 at 02:26 PM
Lamb's not dead. He called from Neptune to have Keith removed from the plane by the locals.

At least they left plenty to still be resolved for next season:

Cordelia's - I mean Kendall's brief case
Thumper's murder & Weevil's ultimate aquital
And what's up with the Mannings? What's their deal with Lucky?

And of course everyone will end up at UC Sunnydale - I mean Neptune...

Posted by mrc on 05-17-06 at 07:47 PM
Veronica will be back in the fall on the new CW network.
