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"Hey, Cock$#%$^&**@ers! Deadwood Returns Sunday."

Posted by ginger on 03-04-05 at 01:05 PM
Yee haw! I have MISSED this show. Catch the re-runs of the first season, play the cock____er drinking game (every time Al uses the word, quaff), and hop aboard the stage for Season 2. I am hoping, in WCH's absence, others here watch. It's hard to stand alone amidst the tumbleweeds, swearing.

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"RE: Hey, Cock$#%$^&**@ers! Deadwood Returns Sunday."
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 03-04-05 at 06:14 PM
Ack, if I hadn't have read this I'd have missed the premiere -- that's what I get for not watching HBO much lately!


"RE: Hey, Cock$#%$^&**@ers! Deadwood Returns Sunday."
Posted by ginger on 03-07-05 at 12:31 PM
Glad to be of service. Quite the bang-up premier, in many senses of that word.

Do not understand how Bullock thinks this wife and mistress thing is going to work out. The widow's welcome basket (crap basket?) was such a strange gesture. The third house is shaping up with the arrival of "new trim," and there was that great funny awful scene about the bartender and the spitoon and the jacket.

Joining the US is going to be tricky work at best for Al and co.

So glad the show is back!

Posted by shakes the clown on 03-07-05 at 01:11 PM
...just rolled back into town from a week and a half vactation in Florida. This is the only thing I forgot to TIVO. Anyone know when its going to be re-aired on HBO this week?

My friend who I stayed with in Florida is going to Deadwood in three weeks...he didn't even know there was a show about it so I bought him the DVD boxset while I was down there so he could get a little background for his vacation. He's staying at the Bullock Hotel.

So don't take the simple fact that I think Shakes is godlike to mean that I think he isn't an ass. -Samiam 10/12/04

"RE: repeats?"
Posted by ginger on 03-07-05 at 03:18 PM
I think tomorrow night, Dahlin. I'll try to find out.

"RE: Hey, Cock$#%$^&**@ers! Deadwood Returns Sunday."
Posted by Tahj on 03-07-05 at 01:49 PM
Yee Haw!!! I watch this motherfu*kin', cocksuckin', whoremongerin', badass show!!

Loved the fight and the square-off of the widow and the wife.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Hey, Cock$#%$^&**@ers! Deadwood Returns Sunday."
Posted by ginger on 03-07-05 at 03:21 PM
Why didn't the widow just come over in her chemise and tell the wife how good a fvck her husband is? Because that would have been less obvious than the whole welcome to Deadwood Festival of Awkwardness.

Bonus reality points for showing the widow's little underarm curls, BTW. So often the Venus razor somehow makes its way back in time in the fictionalized West.

I'm a little leery of the kid. I have the feeling we will "glimpse the West through a child's eyes" with the introduction of this character, and I'm not really into that. We don't want to veer sharply into "Shane" now.

EXCELLENT imitation of Barnum that Al did, wasn't it? Sounded just like him.

"RE: Hey, Cock$#%$^&**@ers! Deadwood Returns Sunday."
Posted by ginger on 03-07-05 at 03:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-07-05 AT 03:30 PM (EST)

LOL...Tahj, look at what words made it to the public eye in your post, and then try to reply using the word for female dog.

"RE: Hey, Cock$#%$^&**@ers! Deadwood Returns Sunday."
Posted by Tahj on 03-07-05 at 05:25 PM
You mean "b¡tch?"

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Hey, Cock$#%$^&**@ers! Deadwood Returns Sunday."
Posted by ginger on 03-07-05 at 05:30 PM
Okay, how come Tahj gets to swear and I don't?

Where's the FCC Hotline number when I need it?

"Damned HBO on Demand"
Posted by Angelfood on 03-09-05 at 11:42 PM
I've watched all 13 episodes in the last few days, here at my mother's. Now I'm hooked. And I'm not usually into Westerns.

LOVE IT! Can't get enough of Bullock, and I'm glad he didn't dump Alma. Closed captioning helps.

Between this and Carnivale, I'm busy for the next few Sundays.

"RE: Damned HBO on Demand"
Posted by ginger on 03-10-05 at 03:38 PM
I don't like westerns and I lvoe this one, too. Not sure what that says about it. Did you see the season premiere? A lot of Bullock to lvoe there, shall we say.

"RE: Damned HBO on Demand"
Posted by ginger on 03-21-05 at 05:45 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-21-05 AT 05:45 PM (EST)

Bumping since a couple more episodes have rolled, like tumbleweeds, down our television main street.

Jeez - Poor Al! McShane is so realistic that I almost can't watch him suffering through this.

The widder and Bullock - if this turns into a Sam & Diane Supressed Lust Permastory, I'll be peeved.

The New Hooer in Town - she may be a match for Al and The Total Nutjob Who Runs The Other Brothel, Whose Name Escapes Me. She made me shiver with that "wooden box" comment. She was the ghost in "Ghost Story", so it figures.

Still with us, Pardners?

"RE: Damned HBO on Demand"
Posted by Tahj on 03-23-05 at 02:37 PM
I'm still here Madame!! They gots ta get some man 'ho's in them thar houses!

Did you notice that Garrett Dillahunt, who played Jack McCall, the guy who killed Wild Bill Hicock, is back as a different character--Francis Woolcott, the scout who works for Hearst?

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Damned HBO on Demand"
Posted by ginger on 03-23-05 at 03:52 PM
Really??! Weird. I didn't.

I will look at him more carefully this weekend.

"tonight's happenings"
Posted by Angelfood on 05-01-05 at 08:32 AM
alma & ellsworth
Can't wait to see if she'll accept his proposal. I Think she should.

what's gonna happen to ms. isringhausen? how will she change the deal with Al (i'm assuming alma agreed to al's terms, but they didn't show anything).

and what is joannie gonna do now? will willcott stay away from her? Will Jane be guarding over her and get off the booze?


"RE: tonight's happenings"
Posted by ginger on 05-17-05 at 06:48 PM
LVOE the signpic, Foody...

Wasn't the funeral devastating? When Mrs. Bullock tripped? How much harder will it be for her to watch the Widder give birth to Bullock's child now that the boy is dead?

I started to think Jane and Joanie might make a good couple last night.

Who's going to play Hearst? I imagine his visit will be in the finale.

Do you find you listen carefully to every word they say and still finish some scenes going, "Now what the fvck did they just agree to do?"

Still a GREAT cocksucking show.

"RE: tonight's happenings"
Posted by Angelfood on 05-18-05 at 08:00 PM
yes, horrible. Good thing I watched at 6 am with lotsa Kleenex. But i thought it was a great show of how the community came together and how they respect Bullock and felt bad for the boy.

I was happy that Alma said yes!!! I cAlled that in season 1. Sorry that its loveless, but he'll be a good dad, and she'll keep her position and wealth.

Hearst is Gerald ... delta burke's husband.

Yes, I think Joannie and Cjane will be good for each other, but will Charlie Utter approve or be jealous?? ;)

I found a couple good msgbds with some spoilers, I'll pm them to ya.

"RE: tonight's happenings"
Posted by ginger on 05-19-05 at 02:34 PM
Hmmm. Gerald Rainey. We'll see.

I almost wish they'd bring in actors we'd never heard of; Peter Coyote kind of broke the spell last year.

Thanks for the links you sent...haven't had a chance to peruse, but I will. Although I don't think I want spoiler info for this show; kind of like the drama to unfold au natural.

"RE: tonight's happenings"
Posted by ginger on 05-23-05 at 12:11 PM
Just bumping to say, what a great fvcking show. While I admire the editorial restraint that dictated it end last night, after two brief and shining seasons, I sure wish it weren't over. The finale was fine. Everyone on the show should get an Oscar and an Emmy, combined. Yee haw!