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"The Happy Days Reunion Special"

Posted by ginger on 02-04-05 at 02:03 PM
Relieved that the entire cast is still alive, and therefore we were spared any weepy tribute montage, I watched a bit of this show last night. They showed part of the pilot, filmed, to my surprise, PRIOR to American Graffiti and it was "Summer of 42" comes to television. The pilot was not picked up, but it was aired as a segment of "Love American Style." "Love in the 50s." Weird.
Also, the network HATED Fonzie's jacket and Gary Marshall had to really battle for it. He got the powers that be to agree that the jacket could be worn, but ONLY if Fonzie's motorcycle was in evidence. So Marshall told the scriptwriters they could never had Fonzie appear WITHOUT the motorcycle. Later, of course, Fonzie could have arrived on the set sporting nothing but a perky fig leaf and ABC would have been fine with it.
Marion looked pretty good; Bosely looked frail; Joanie looked HORRIBLE, but then she never was a real stunner; Chachi's frankly forty; Ralphie's a greyhead, not a redhead, now; Potsie looks pretty good. Anyone else see it?

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"RE: The Happy Days Reunion Special"
Posted by weltek on 02-04-05 at 02:41 PM
Yep, we watched it before the Apprentice came on. Joanie looked worse than Marion. Potsie just looked like he gained some weight, but otherwise still looked very young!

It was fun to hear all of these insider comments about Fonzie's jacket, the "catch phrases" & such.

I loved me some Happy Days.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: The Happy Days Reunion Special"
Posted by ginger on 02-04-05 at 02:46 PM
Funny to see the show that originated "jumping the shark." I really hated it when they started making Fonzie all cuddly and after-school-special, but it was amazing that the library episode increased national enrollment in public libraries by 500%!

Winkler's pretty good on "Arrested Development" these days.

"RE: The Happy Days Reunion Special"
Posted by nailbone on 02-04-05 at 05:24 PM
You listed all the cast but Two. Were Fonzie and Opie/Richie there, too?

Handcrafted by Rolly - ain't it cool!!

Keep lookin' up, cuz that's where it all is. o-

"RE: The Happy Days Reunion Special"
Posted by ginger on 02-07-05 at 01:37 PM
They were there -- I didn't really talk about them because we see them all the time (in fact, they both work on "Arrested Development" now; Howard produces and narrates the show and Winkler plays a scumbucket attorney).

Oh, Jenny Piccolo looks good, too.

"RE: The Happy Days Reunion Special"
Posted by jkokoj on 02-07-05 at 01:08 PM
I missed it! We were at Disney on Ice...woo hoo! I loved Happy Days and Laverne and Shirley! I hope to see it over the summer on a re-run. Was it on ABC? Sometimes ABC will re-run their shows on ABC Family.

Has seen the Fonz jacket at the Smithsonian

"RE: The Happy Days Reunion Special"
Posted by ginger on 02-07-05 at 01:38 PM
Yup. ABC. And Laverne and Shirley were both there, looking pretty good.

When I was in Malaysia "L&S" was the number one show, in English. I guess it was slapstick enough to watch even if you didn't know what the heck they were saying.

"Hey Ginger...Sit on it!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 02-08-05 at 07:52 PM
I saw it! But where was Al? They never really even mentioned him but they brought out the two Chucks!

Ralph was always my favorite.

Looking back at this show I just loved it! But now it looks so corny! I don't think a show like that would ever fly today. I tell ya Joannie would never had been cast if it were today as well.

I really do enjoy Henry Winkler, there seems to be something very nice and real about him. My friend sat next to him at a Broadway show and started to talk to him and he offered her and her husband a ride to the train station in his limo. She said he was so nice.

What I like best about this special was that Gary Marshall hosted it. Seemed more genuine than some current day celebrity fanning over them.

One more of J Slice's Awesome Creations!

"RE: Hey Ginger...Sit on it!"
Posted by Puffy on 02-10-05 at 00:58 AM

I think Al died and that's why Arnold took over. He appeared at the end of the show.

"RE: Hey Ginger...Sit on it!"
Posted by ginger on 02-10-05 at 06:39 PM
Nope - Arnold was the original. He quit (and I believe went on to make Karate Kid?). Anyway, Al was second. And he is apparently still alive, but 85:

"RE: The Happy Days Reunion Special"
Posted by seahorse on 02-21-05 at 11:14 AM
This show was one of my all time favorites, unfortinately I missed the reunion show.

Handcrafted by RollDdice