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"Any more La Femme Nikita fans out there?"

Posted by Cherberrie on 09-04-00 at 03:54 PM
Irish: I saw your post and was thrilled to see another Nikita fan out there. I was horrified at the way the season ended this year but it was a great season finale -- lots of twists and turns. I never would have predicted that ending. I always thought Michael was the stronger of the two and to think that she was "under cover" for almost the whole season this year!

I think I have the future Nikita all figured out:

1) There will be another season -- I heard a rumor that Nikita's ratings weren't that high but they were higher than anything else the station had to offer! Therefore, another season is being strongly considered.
2) I think Nikita has shown that she is the strong one in the relationship (with Michael). She has a bigger bone to pick with section so therefore she needed to make Michael think she didn't love him so she could focus and finish her business -- which I think is to ultimately destroy Section. We all know how she despises Section and their ruthless ways.
3) At the end of the next season, Nikita and Michael will reunite because Nikita will search him out and reveal why she did to him what she did at the end of the season finale this year. (Wasn't that "blood tear" something else! Powerful stuff -- I almost cried myself.)
4) Nikita loves Michael but she needs to be strong and not think of him while she is focusing on completing her mission to destroy Section.

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"RE: Any more La Femme Nikita fans out there?"
Posted by Irisheyes on 09-04-00 at 04:01 PM
OMFG, I missed a lot. Will someone please tell me what happenned?

I loved Nikita because she was such a strong woman who really kicked ass! Plus, she had Micheal! God I missed a lot.

"Here goes - Don't read if you don't want to know what happened!!!"
Posted by dangerboy on 09-04-00 at 04:58 PM
Where to begin Irish?
Here's my synopsis of the final few eps -
NIKITA - turns out she was working for Center all along (at least for the last three years or so). Seems MICK SCHTOPPEL is really MR. JONES head of the Center and recruited her because of her disdain for Section while she was on leave three years ago. Anyway in the last three episodes (which are still airing on USA at about midnight on Sunday for the next two weeks I think) Nikita makes a deal with Red Cell to remove her transceiver, sink her files at section, and even goes as far as changing her appearance via surgery and implants. According to the new Cardinal she does more harm to section in one hour than Red Cell could do in a decade but I doubt that since she works for Center. It was probably bogus info as Section captures the new Cardinal pretty quickly only to find out he knows nothing about where Nikita is. Anyway, she comes back to Section disguised as QUINN (the lady who takes over for BIRKOFF at Comm after he died) and gets MICHAEL to leave section with her. Lots of tension there at first as OPS and MADELEINE have tried to convince MIKEY (via sims of course) that NIKITA wants to kill him rather than turn him (They are sneaky ain't they?). MICHAEL figures out she's QUINN when he tells QUINN he never loved NIKITA and she reacts strongly to that. We are worried MIKEY will turn her in to OPS but during a mission they take off (after killing off DAVENPORT - finally, thank god!!). NIKITA and MICHAEL sink his files too and they live happily for a time. They hang out on a sailboat hopping from place to place to stay ahead of section. Lots of kissy face on the beach and on the boat. Nice music too. OKay I'm going to stop the chronology for a bit to bring you up to date on some other characters because I don't know how far out of touch you are. BIRKOFF killed himself in order to save section from his evil cyber concoction. Then section kidnapped JASON, his twin. Then MADELEINE and OPS blackmail him into being their eyes at Center because MR. JONES wants him at Center. So MADDY "adjusts" JASON probably through the use of the copy of BIRKOFF'S brain they made way back so now he's not only JASON but sometimes thinks he's SEYMORE. They blackmail him by supposedly kidnapping his girlfriend but it turns out she's section too. WALTER is his usual self and makes friends with JASON and is the one to reveal to him the girlfriend is section. MADELEINE is her usual scheming self (I do love her though) but she's put through the ringer by OPS since she is his chief strategist and can't find NIKITA and MIKEY. OPS is just an a$$hole throughout. He gets JASON to get the goods on GEORGE at Oversight. Seems GEORGE has been the one leaking intel to Red Cell and discrediting Section. They kill GEORGE in the whiteroom. after OPS gets to tell him that he'll meet GEORGE in hell AFTER him of course.
Anyway, back to the chronology:
Somehow section gets a lead on NIKITA and MICHAEL (I think NIKITA did it on purpose) and they get captured at a bank where they get some money in Reykyavic. They bring them to section and because they are so shorthanded and things are falling apart at section (I thought this was a little farfetched since they are only level 3-Nicky and 5-Mikey ops). But what the hey. So MADDY and OPS decide that one of them will die and that they must make the decision. EVIL aren't they? NIKITA and MICHAEL have some very touching scenes deciding this and being cut off from one another by a see-through partition. Finally they agree with NIKITA that MIKEY can handle living without her better than she could without him. So they shoot up MICHAEL to sedate him. Made me cry when he realized what they were doing and while strapped down in the white room he started screaming until falling unconscious. Then as they strap NIKITA into an electric chair they let WALTER come in to say goodbye. Made me cry again as he broke down and kept crying/yelling at MADELEINE not to do it. MADDY even seemed to be bothered by it all at the end. BUT...as they flip the switch everything shuts down. Seems MR. JONES is coming in via his personal jet and wants everything stopped until he gets there.
When he gets there he reveals that NIKITA is working for him and that it is evaluation time for section. NIKITA does most of the evaluating. In her showdown with MADELEINE she petitions MR. JONES to spare her and use her elsewhere. MADELEINE gets pi$$ed and says no one else will decide her fate and kills herself with a cyanide pill she hid in her hairpin. MR. JONES says in a rather emotionless manner "I shall miss her fortitude." ME TOO!! KInd of a touching scene where they wheel out MADDY'S body OPS leans down and kisses her on the lips. OPS wants to go to Oversight but NIKITA says he hasn't got the right skill set yet. She says his judgement is impaired by not enough compassion and that he depesonalizes who we're protecting after all. She says he has to stay in Section and that he'll be re-evaluated in 7 years. BIRKOFF is working for MR. JONES now and he knows that he is JASON and not SEYMORE. They decide to send WALTER to the farm to be a teacher. NIKITA says that he kept her grounded while she was at section and that she loves him but a change has to be made since he broke about every rule in section. When she evaluates MICHAEL she starts with the fact that he has exemplified everything that section is there for. BUT he points out that he jeapordized everything for her. So she recommends cancellation. He wants an abeyance mission instead so they give him a suicide mission. WALTER gives him a bag of tricks to get out of it but he puts it aside.
AT THE END (Whew!) - NIKITA uses WALTER's bag of tricks to get MICHAEL out of there before he blows up. As they are standing outside NIKITA gives him a toy to keep him off the satellites. Tells him that she has to stay and that she has some favors she can call in to stay out of trouble. THEN she drops the bombshell and tells MICHAEL she never loved him. He then very stoically takes a knife and cuts himself near the tear duct of his right eye. This causes a thin line of blood to run down his face like a tear. This was really too cool - but I hated it. Then MICHAEL gives her back the toy and leaves. END OF STORY.

Hated it and loved it, cried lots, laughed a lot too. I have no idea how they can bring back MADDY (she is reportedly signed on for two episodes at least). But this is tv and after a year of Dallas just being a dream I am sure they will be able to come up with something plausible. Anyway, I think the above is pretty complete. IF not, check out the LFN transcripts under the Madeleine section of the official Alberta Watson site (www.albertawatson.com). They have word for word synopsis of all the espisodes over there and they are very very good.

"Status of operatives"
Posted by dangerboy on 09-06-00 at 11:46 AM
Just thought I'd do a review of the current status of ops for Irish so she knows where we are at:

Mr. Jones (aka Mick Schtoppel) - Head of the Center.
Nikita - works for Mr. Jones at Center.
Michael - on the lam from section (or maybe returns to section with what he's been through they might take him back). Always remember: Michael Can Do No Wrong.
Birkoff - dead. Replaced by his brother Jason who works for Center.
Jason - works at Center and has kindof a schizo thing going after Madeleine "adjusted" him. Sometimes acts like Seymore.
Walter - working at the Farm training newbies.
Davenport - dead.
Quinn - working at section if they didn't cancel her for being tied up and impersonated by Nikita.
Ops - head of section, won't go to Oversight for at least 7 more years.
Madeleine - dead.
George - dead.
Adrian - out there somewhere.
The Twins - used to work for Adrian and were killed but somehow mysteriously show up working for Mr. Jones at Center.
Torture Twins (aka Devos) - still at section sharpening their scalpels.
dangerboy - trapped and disconsolate. Can't get away from SurvivorBlows.com since La Femme Nikita is cancelled and he has nothing better to do.

"RE: Status of operatives"
Posted by Irisheyes on 09-06-00 at 03:21 PM
Thank you so much for the update. You updated me better than any websit ecould have. I'm just so sad about Birkhoff though.
And you are right. Micheal can do no wrong

"Birkoff Blues"
Posted by dangerboy on 09-06-00 at 04:37 PM
Yeah, me too. Made me cry. He came in, forced Nikita to leave the computer lab at gunpoint, locked everyone out and then to work on the wiring. Shot out two big cables and grabbed them. Ops, Madeleine, Michael, Nikita, and Walter are looking in through the glass wall.

He tells the computer to stop that these are his friends.

Michael tries to shoot off the lock. As the clock counts down 5..4..3..2..

Birkoff takes the two cables and places them on his chest electrocuting himself. Nikita and Walter screaming Nooo!

After he falls dead the computer stops (it was tied to him because he used his own mind as a template for the thing. That way it could take over for him while he was on leave). Nikita rushes in and cradles his limp, charred, dead body crying like crazy. Walter too. They all walk in kinda gingerly. Michael looks on stoically and Madeleine looks like she's gonna cry too.

Later (after the commercial) Nikita is sitting at Birky's station absent mindedly rubbing the keyboard of a nearby panel. Walter comes by and says "it'll be alright, Sugar". To which she responds "No Walter, it's never going to be alright." He just lowers his head and walks away. Pan up to Ops in the perch. He comms Madeleine that he needs some info (a sim or something) to which Madeleine responds she'll need more time. She looks drained. Cut back to Ops agreeing and looking tired/sad. Everyone looks shell-shocked.

At this point I am a limp rag, feeling much the same as the characters, and shocked that Birkoff is a crispy critter.

In a later episode when they kidnap Jason to stand in for Birkoff, they show the section ops bringing in a body bag as they take Jason out. They open it up to reveal a charred Seymore (they used him to replace the kidnapped Jason so everyone in real life would think Jason was dead). ugh.

I have to say that of all the episodes (barring the final arc of three episodes) this was the most emotionally draining. Man it got to you when Seymore realized what had to be done to save section and then went out and sacrificed himself. I'm choking up as I write this. Didn't realize I felt so strongly about the show. poor Birky

"La Femme Nikita is coming back"
Posted by Ronnet on 09-09-00 at 01:24 AM
Let's dust off those happy faces! The USA Network had order eight new episodes which will air early next year.

"RE: La Femme Nikita is coming back"
Posted by dangerboy on 09-09-00 at 02:49 PM

Heard that, I also heard that they had signed up Mick (Mr. Jones). Alberta Watson (Madeleine) is also supposed to be signed up for two episodes. Wonder how they are going to work that in as she supposedly comitted suicide? Then again, she could have been faking - she did that before in a previous episode.
Anyway, happy faces as they are bringing it back. Unhappy faces because there are rumors that they won't bring back Roy Dupuis (Michael)and some of the others.
I just wonder why they are !@#$%ing with this show. If it ain't broke don't fix it!!!!

"RE: La Femme Nikita is coming back"
Posted by Irisheyes on 09-09-00 at 06:12 PM
Nikita without Micheal? That's like peanut butter without Jelly. That is just wrong, way too wrong.

Posted by dangerboy on 09-11-00 at 11:43 AM
I'm sure they will work it out somehow. Roy and Peta are too good together. As you know - Michael Can Do No Wrong. They have to get him back!!

I'm sorry you didn't get to see the episode leading into last night's finale. It showed a happy Michael and Nikita boating, snuggling, kissy face, etc. etc. Kind of balances against LaFemme Terminator on the last show. Also, it kinda set the stage for why Michael was so vulnerable to her at the end.

Anyway, like I said before, check out the transcripts under the Madeleine button at albertawatson.com (http://www.albertawatson.com/lfntran.html) for any show you missed. They are pretty detailed and at least you can imagine what it was like if you missed the show.

BUT wasn't that last show a kick? Blood tear was the coolest.

"RE: Any more La Femme Nikita fans out there?"
Posted by Pumpkin on 09-11-00 at 03:12 PM
I recommend getting the soundtrack to the show - it's really good! It has some cool songs, most of which are from the first and second season.

"LaFemme Tunes"
Posted by dangerboy on 09-11-00 at 05:24 PM
here here harumph harumph! I heartily agree.

"I am a gun and I am loaded...
I'm takin' you down....I'll take you down..."
HEDNOIZE - Loaded Gun MCDNW!!!

Love this cd. Irish, Cherb you've got to get this if you don't have it already. LaFemme Nikita - Music from the television series by various artists. Depeche Mode, Enigma, Mark Snow, etc. etc.

Love Thieves (Depeche Mode) is a great ballad and was played on some great scenes of the show.

Check it out!

Posted by VampKira on 09-11-00 at 07:43 PM
OPERATIONS IS NIKITA'S FATHER!!!!!!!.. Remember that I said that....lol, because i have boycotted the show, and will not find out if i am correct.....toodles!

"No sign of the morning coming, you've been left on your own, like a rainbow in the dark."-Ronnie James Dio

"LaFemme Vamp may be right"
Posted by dangerboy on 09-11-00 at 08:14 PM
You might be right Vamp. Madeleine told her that to try and stop her from killing Ops midway through the last season. It was mentioned again in the final episode. She says to Ops that Madeleine tried to convince her that he was her father but she didn't beleive her father would repeatedly send her to her death. He didn't say anything one way or the other though. Anyway, I think we'll never find out since Maddy offed herself and Ops ain't talking.
Why have you boycotted the show? Is it in response to USA/Warners cancelling the show? They are bringing it back for at least 8 episodes next year. Is it because Nikita turned into such a BIOTCH to Michael at the end? It may be a ploy! Is it because they may not bring Roy Dupuis back next year? MCDNW!!! They will have to bring him back. Why Vamp, why?

"RE: LaFemme Vamp may be right"
Posted by VampKira on 09-11-00 at 08:30 PM
For none of the above reasons you mentioned, dangerboy.. although they all would be valid ones...But since you asked...It is for kinda silly and personal reasons. Having to do with love, and heartbreak.. ( in the real world, not Nikita land or Cyber town..lol...). Let's just say it makes me sad to watch it now.. And I must confess, I was relieved when they said it would be cancelled....No offnse to all you loyal watchers..up until Feb.. I never missed an episode, and I admire the writers and actors.. it is truly a wonderful production.

"No sign of the morning coming, you've been left on your own, like a rainbow in the dark."-Ronnie James Dio

"Understanding dawns"
Posted by dangerboy on 09-11-00 at 08:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-11-00 AT 08:54 PM (EST)

The show can get to you. Always makes me think of too many travels and no life outside of work. Easy to identify with and get lost in the production values. Plus when the real world throws you a few curves it's easy to be affected by a show depicting loss, heartbreak, etc. Not so silly, Vamp.

"RE: Any more La Femme Nikita fans out there?"
Posted by Irisheyes on 09-11-00 at 10:15 PM
I watched most of last nights episode and I have always loved Nikita. I hate her now. What she did to Micheal, well I cried like the hopeless romantic that I am. Like you say Dangerboy, Micheal Can Do No Wrong

"My poor baby"
Posted by dangerboy on 09-11-00 at 10:58 PM
*wiping your tears away with butterfly kisses*
And to think you almost missed that part.
I've spent a lot of time at albertawatson.com and the consensus over there is that Maddy faked her death and that Nikita lied to Michael so she could finish destroying section without his interference. I don't know. I like to think she was lying to him because she used the same phrasing he used on her to get her to reveal her impersonation of Quinn. And if she reacted like that when Michael said he never loved her then there is probably real feeling there. They've been through too much for her not to care. He's saved her beautiful little a$$ too many times and put his on the line as well. She wants him out of the way for some reason. If it hadn't ended that way I don't think it would have had the impact it did. Plus, this way it had a better chance to be renewed. If it ended with them heading off into the sunset there probably wouldn't be the pressure to bring it back now.
So we shall see. You missed the scene where they were locked up and had to decide who would die didn't you. you came in just after it. She was lying - they need that for next years plot.

Vampkira said she stopped watching the show back in February because it touched a raw nerve heartbreak and loss). I think it's doing the same to you here maybe. Besides, Michael can fix it. Remember the creed (MCDNW). You'll see, all will be better next season.
*comforting hug*