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Posted by LadyT on 04-01-04 at 07:36 PM
Ok, I know there are Alias fans out there. Who could believe that Lauren's mother is the head of the Covenant?

Oh, and Bebo, Vaughn is MINE! ANd does he have a first name? Everyone calls him Vaughn.

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"RE: Alias"
Posted by Bebo on 04-01-04 at 10:09 PM
I'll share with you, T.

And Vaughn's first name is the same as the actor's - Michael. Sydney calls him Michael, while occasionally Weiss calls him Mike.

Snarky, smart, S7 Anti-Bootee Champ

"RE: Alias"
Posted by LadyT on 04-02-04 at 07:07 AM
As much as I love Alias, could it be any more like Le Femme Nikita? Her contact was named Michael also, and he was just as sexy.

"RE: Alias"
Posted by PeppermintPatty on 05-15-04 at 06:34 PM
Ahhhh yes.

I love them both.

It's all in the mint.

"RE: Alias"
Posted by managerr on 04-02-04 at 03:08 PM
Was she head of the covenant? I just got the impression that she was just an agent of some sort, albeit a high up one.

A Sydney-Irina vs. Lauren-Lauren's Mom showdown could be awesome...I thought that was a brilliantly chilling scene when Lauren's mom heartlessly killed her dad.

"RE: Alias"
Posted by Bebo on 04-02-04 at 03:44 PM
It got a gasp from me - and I love it when that show makes me gasp.

That's why this show is so awesome. You think you know what's going on, then everything gets twisted. I thought there was something off about her little Stepford routine at the beginning.

Snarky, smart, S7 Anti-Bootee Champ

"RE: Alias"
Posted by SurvivaBear on 04-12-04 at 11:50 AM
A Sydney-Irina vs. Lauren-Lauren's Mom showdown could be awesome- I definitely think this was set up last night. Perhaps this will be this season's cliffhanger.

I am not sure that Sloan has not changed. I think it will be interesting to see if Sidney's dad will really allow him to be executed.

Also, what will Vaughn do now that he knows Lauren is a double agent?

"RE: Alias"
Posted by L82LIFE on 04-02-04 at 06:36 PM
Lauren's mom totally surprised me! I love this show. Can't wait to see Lauren get the boot and Vaughn and Syd get back together.

Can I just have Vaughn for one night? Please, I promise I'll give him back.

"RE: Alias"
Posted by grit on 04-22-04 at 06:03 PM
Can't wait to see Lauren get the boot and Vaughn and Syd get back together.

I'm wondering if this will be hard for the producers to do. Jennifer Garner and Michael Vartan were dating in real life and just broke up. It would be interesting to see how it plays out.

I've always been kind of partial to Weiss myself. DH can't understand it...

Posted by trigirl on 04-28-04 at 08:22 AM
Jennifer Garner and Michael Vartan were dating in real life and just broke up.

Oh darn. They were so cute together. Oh well girls...he's available again!

"RE: Alias"
Posted by leannerenee on 04-08-04 at 01:49 PM
They never said LAuren's mom is the head of the Covenant! She is just a "Bad Guy". I did, however, read in many a place theat none other than Arvin Sloane is the mysterious Head. This makes sooo much sense! Obviously there is the Covenant's interest in Rambaldi, and Sloane is also getting CIA intel by acting as their double agent. I mean, nobody really thinks he has changed, do you???

"RE: Alias"
Posted by managerr on 04-12-04 at 11:22 AM
It's definitely leaning that way now, especially with the various spoilers of who "The Passenger" is going to turn out to be. For one, I can finally see what Sloane's endgame is. (All this is an attempt to find the Passenger)

"Sloan's Daughter"
Posted by trigirl on 04-28-04 at 08:24 AM
I'm a little confused. Isn't Sloan hurting Nadia by giving her the gooey-green injection?

"RE: Sloan's Daughter"
Posted by Roobean on 04-28-04 at 05:42 PM
Probably, but he is focused on the Rambaldi prophecy. He wants to know what the message will be.

"RE: Sloan's Daughter"
Posted by trigirl on 04-29-04 at 07:13 AM
He is not going to get a Father's Day card this year if he keeps this up!

"RE: Sloan's Daughter"
Posted by Sweater_Puffs on 04-30-04 at 07:26 PM
The gooey-green injection looked like antifreeze to me, either that or gelatinous GatorAde.

I was waiting for Lauren Reed to wind up being Syd's long lost sister, what a burn. It could still be true, a twist waiting in the wings.

Sloane has no interest in protecting "his daughter(s)", he only has interest in Rimbaldi's secrets. I don't think he's letting on as to the true nature of his research. He is motivated by past betrayal, seeking power and enacting revenge -- period!

"I hope Lauren Reed dies a long, slow death, and soon!"
Posted by Sweater_Puffs on 05-03-04 at 06:03 PM
Just a stretch here, but could it be possible that Sloan is actually Rimbaldi? Sloan just lied about Rimbaldi's timeline and for some reason cannot remember his own work?

It's a twisted twist!

"RE: I hope Lauren Reed dies a long, slow death, and soon!"
Posted by Mistral on 05-05-04 at 02:14 PM
Love your theory! You may be on to something....

I kinda thought it would be twisted if Syd's half-sister turned out to be Lauren...

But I think Lauren will not be killed off this season and might be one of those occasional reoccurring bad guys (kinda like QT). It will make her more difficult to divorce...

"RE: I hope Lauren Reed dies a long, slow death, and soon!"
Posted by Sweater_Puffs on 05-06-04 at 05:42 PM
I'd hate to be the person serving those divorce papers... ouch!

"WooHoo Jack!"
Posted by L82LIFE on 05-04-04 at 05:53 PM
I was so glad to see Jack finally get some! Lucky Katya.

"Spy One Liners"
Posted by Sweater_Puffs on 05-04-04 at 07:09 PM
I loved the spy foreplay: "Yeah, I can do this without you, so don't get your bootie in a bunch."

"RE: WooHoo Jack!"
Posted by Bebo on 05-05-04 at 09:11 AM
How many men could resist Isabella Rosselini saying they were sexy?

I'm sure there are quite a few of us women who would fall in that category too.

Snarky, smart, S7 Anti-Bootee Champ and YOUR American Idol.

"RE: WooHoo Jack!"
Posted by Sweater_Puffs on 05-06-04 at 05:43 PM
True, but ya know about those G men, they gotta protect every point of entry... even the sexy ones.

"It's Renewed!"
Posted by Bebo on 05-18-04 at 01:49 PM
The good news: ABC officially announced today that Alias will be back next season.

The bad news: It won't be back until January 2005.

More good news: Once it's back, we get 20 new episodes in a rerun-free run.

Have whip, will travel.

Posted by grit on 05-18-04 at 04:21 PM
Well, at least it will be free from reruns. I have a hard enought time remembering what happened from one week to the next. I can't stand when it's 2 or 3 weeks between episodes.

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

"Season Finale"
Posted by LadyT on 05-24-04 at 06:23 AM
Kept me on the edge of my seat, but not as much as previous years. I don't believe that Jack is head of the Covenant though , I think Sloane is. I want Sloane to be a baddie again.

So, what were your thoughts?

Posted by grit on 05-24-04 at 10:52 AM
My husband and I were watching Alias last night and the d@mn cable went out at 9:45!!! I was devastated! (And my husband now thinks I'm a loon because of the way I reacted...)

I went to ABC's website this morning and read the recap, but it's missing all the little nuances. For example, it just says that Vaughn was going to disfigure Lauren with hydrochlic acid and then he gets stabbed. There's no mention of Lauren's "I fell in love with you" speech and how she spit on him after he was stabbed. I think that changes the whole meaning of the scene.

Please, please, provide me with some in-depth analysis of the last 10-15 minutes. When the cable went out, Vaughn had escaped from the hospital and Sydney was observing the activity in Palermo from a distance. Thanks everyone!

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

Posted by buckeyegirl on 05-24-04 at 03:21 PM
As Vaughn was killing Lauren (to rescue Syd of course) Lauren gave Sydney the numbers to the vault number. It ended with Sydney finding out she was a part of some program...as soon as you see that Jack Bristow was the Project Manager for the program, he arrives and tells her: "You were never supposed to find out about this." Alias being Alias left the viewers in the lurch about what Jack would do to Sydney now that she found out about the program.

--I was a tad confused by the whole episode because I missed a few episodes this season, but my mom said she thought it had something to do with the Russia baby program they mentioned a few weeks back. Of course I had no idea what she meant, but it may help you.
A Kyngsladye Original
"Outwit, Outplay and Outwhatever" ~Big Tom

"RE: Season Finale"
Posted by EnglProf on 05-24-04 at 11:14 AM
My hubby thought Jack looked like he was about to kill Sydney-- pretty weird stuff. Not sure about head of the Covenant though. I don't believe it either, but Sydney is clearly mad about having been his special project all these years. I didn't quite get what's going on, but I guess that's what cliff hangers are for. Arrrgh about having to wait until January. Darn ABC-- hopefully this won't mean they're trying to cancel the show.

"RE: Season Finale"
Posted by Sweater_Puffs on 05-29-04 at 07:24 PM
Yes, Jack was rather upset that Sydney saw her file. He is probably responsible for her lost time. Perhaps a new technique in espionage - make your daughter brain dead so as to play the other side, test her true subconscious, and get every little bit of intelligence you can at any cost.

He looked like he was going to blank her out again at the very end "You shouldn't have seen that Syd."

Did anyone notice a while back when Syd 'rescued' Jack from his prison cell just shortly after returning from her two year absence that he much resembled Hannibal Lechter - just a thought.

I question Jack's judgement in banging Isabella Rosalini's character, after all, she looks as though she could be Lauren Reed's mother - just a thought.