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Forum: DCForumID45
Thread Number: 189
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Original Message
"Time Travel...."

Posted by GetMeOuttaHere on 02-03-04 at 09:57 PM
Well,my son who watches this show with me,and is a really really genious in real life....asks about "Time Travel"....has it been done before on "Soaps"? What was Rex working on? What about the Native American storyline before Bo and Hope got attacked? Hmmm.Time Travel has not been done before....and rumor has it.....the dead will all come back. Except for Jack.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by munson on 02-03-04 at 09:59 PM
Oh my...

"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by TeamJoisey on 02-03-04 at 10:05 PM
This post will all make sense in the future.

"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by KeithFan on 02-03-04 at 10:07 PM
Please excuse me, but I have no idea what you are talking about.

Posted by cqvenus on 02-03-04 at 11:11 PM
he's talking about Rory. I'm quite sure about it.

~ cq

-- needs PC to show up and talk about his sheepdog. then all is complete.

"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by tinybubs on 02-03-04 at 10:29 PM

I feel like I just walked into an episode of the Twilight Zone.

"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by ExInterper on 02-03-04 at 10:32 PM
Let's just hope that this gets shuttled down the page before Shakes gets ahold of this one.

I shudder to think of what he could do with this material....

Yet another Jslice masterpiece!
"If there's one thing that I learned while waiting for my turn,
Is that in each life some rain falls, but you also get some sun." -- John Popper

"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by I_AM_HE on 02-03-04 at 11:00 PM
you don't really want that, do you?

"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-03-04 at 11:02 PM
Well it IS rather chilly here, HE, and I could use some heat around here.

"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by mistofleas on 02-03-04 at 10:35 PM
Normally I would have no response to this...

Getmeouttahere honey, you need to use your inside voice and leave it at that.

--has no other response

"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by dabo on 02-03-04 at 10:36 PM
Dark Shadows.

"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by dabo on 02-03-04 at 10:40 PM
DOOL thread on non-reality shows forum:
How this post wound up here is anyone's guess.

"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by GetMeOuttaHere on 02-03-04 at 10:58 PM
So all of you have a theory?
"Something that has not been done before"???
What are your theories? 'LOL'

"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-03-04 at 11:01 PM
Earth to GetMeOuttaHere... haven't you been reading the above comments?

Beam him up, Scotty, and take him over to the Non-Reality TV forum.

"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by ExInterper on 02-03-04 at 11:06 PM

Yet another Jslice masterpiece!
This thread? Is the only thing that's made me smile all day.

"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by I_AM_HE on 02-03-04 at 11:04 PM

"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by GetMeOuttaHere on 02-03-04 at 11:07 PM
It was just a thought,I knew that you all would dismiss it.
Imagine that!

"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by ExInterper on 02-03-04 at 11:08 PM
Going to say this nice and slow.

This? Is a Survivor Spoiler's Forum.

All topics? Should be about Survivor and what's going to happen next on the show based upon the evidence we have.

What should not be included? Time travel and soap opera discussions.

Let's see if THAT gets the point across....

Yet another Jslice masterpiece!
"If there's one thing that I learned while waiting for my turn,
Is that in each life some rain falls, but you also get some sun." -- John Popper

"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by dabo on 02-03-04 at 11:10 PM
King Richard?

"RE: Time Travel...."
Posted by I_AM_HE on 02-03-04 at 11:11 PM
I was thinking Fox Mulder

"what the mother heck"
Posted by cqvenus on 02-03-04 at 11:09 PM
oh dear. send in the clowns. don't say you weren't warned, GMOH.

~ cq

-- must admit she's never seen a more fitting username

"Don't mind me..."
Posted by munson on 02-03-04 at 11:24 PM
Just snappin' up a DAW before the inevitable lock. Probably shouldn't be bumping this, tho.

Screw it, I'm a DAW, too!

"it's tragic"
Posted by cqvenus on 02-03-04 at 11:51 PM
that this got moved from survivor spoilers before the clown could give it the attention it so rightfully deserved.

~ cq

"RE: it's tragic"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-04-04 at 00:03 AM
Well you could always send the clown a PM pointing the way to this thread, just so he could have a little fun with it...

"we may not have time travel"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 02-04-04 at 00:04 AM
but we have developed teleportation technologies

"The Answer"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 02-04-04 at 05:17 PM
Yes, the dead will all come back, except for Jack. Jack will come forward from the past into the future, then double back towards the past meeting up with the dead. And killing them all. Again. Then he'll jump to the past and kill them the first time. Then he'll jump farther into the past to kill the Native Americans BEFORE BO AND HOPE EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! He's just like that. So is your son, who, it turns out, is really Jack. And Bo. But not Hope.

Unless this has all been done before.

"All I have to say is..."
Posted by ginger on 02-04-04 at 05:38 PM
"Wherever you go, there you are."
-Buckaroo Bonzai