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"I hate Lauren Reed"

Posted by LadyT on 11-09-03 at 10:00 PM
Alias has been so good this season, but I hate Lauren Reed. She is not fit to be Vaughn's wife. I can't believe she did what she did tonight. I can't believe she turned Sydney in. Next few eps look awesome though!

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"RE: I hate Lauren Reed"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 11-10-03 at 11:16 AM
She did not even do that! How in the world did she find out? I was just starting to like her. I can't wait to watch my tape of Alias this afternoon-I got suckered into the not so great Elizabeth Smart tv movie.

I *lvoe* my Kyngsladye Orignial

"RE: I hate Lauren Reed"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 11-23-03 at 05:28 PM
Ugh! Elizabeth Smart. Here in Utah, we had to hear about the making of that stupid movie and how the Smarts felt about it and i am so sick of anything to do with the smarts. that said, i watched the movie, too.

*J Slice is my hero!*

"RE: I hate Lauren Reed"
Posted by luckycharms on 11-10-03 at 03:59 PM
I couldn't agree more. I'm over her and her mouth that never seems to shut.

AND...how much did you want Vaughn and Sydney to kiss last night?! Bet that happens before the season ends.

"RE: I hate Lauren Reed"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 11-11-03 at 04:23 PM
*raises hand on wanting Sydney and Vaughn to kiss

I'm glad she turned Syd in, just one more thing between Vaughn and her. She so needs to turn out as a double.


a beautiful kyngsladye original

"RE: I hate Lauren Reed"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 11-13-03 at 11:46 AM
*raises hand as well*
~Tummy you must've been reading my mind...after watching the episode w/"Francie" returning, I thought that Lauren could be a double as well...it would make perfect sense, esp. since she was on the Sloan Bandwagon.

I *lvoe* my Kyngsladye Creation

"RE: I hate Lauren Reed"
Posted by L82LIFE on 11-13-03 at 04:01 PM
I don't like her either. Add me to the list that wanted Vaughn and Sydney to kiss.

"RE: I hate Lauren Reed"
Posted by trigirl on 12-03-03 at 01:47 PM
She has got to be bad. After this week's episode and she was in Sydney's memory\dream I was sure...even though stoner-cronenberg said she was an amalgamation.

What do you think Sydney saw in room 47? What is Sloan's end-game?

I've got to go and get the Alias DVD's...better late than never. I can't believe I'v missed this show for the last two years!

"I miss Will Tippin"
Posted by Bebo on 12-08-03 at 04:01 PM
Sigh. I'm so glad Syd got some hot monkey love with Will last night.

Their scenes together reminded me of what's been hard to find this season - Syd's playfulness with her friends. I'm glad Weiss is taking up some of the slack there, but the friendship/romantic tension between Syd and Will has always been fun for me.

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"RE: I miss Will Tippin"
Posted by L82LIFE on 12-08-03 at 05:07 PM
I agree, I really thought they'd keep him in the story for a while. Since she can't have Vaughn, she may as well have a little fun with Will.


Now if they can just get Lena Olin back this season!

"RE: I miss Will Tippin"
Posted by Bebo on 12-09-03 at 08:33 AM
Now if they can just get Lena Olin back this season!

Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. She wanted too much money.

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"RE: I miss Will Tippin"
Posted by ashleybfogg on 12-08-03 at 10:30 PM
Me too! that was great. It made her all soft and happy again. They're saying he won't be back, huh? Maybe the evil ones will now focus on him (for killing Sarks girl) and he'll have to come into the company...

I so agree, Bebo - that'd be good if they rebuilt her a personal life.

"RE: I miss Will Tippin"
Posted by trigirl on 12-09-03 at 02:49 PM
Do you think Alison is really dead? Remember, she said she learned some healing vood-doo magic from Rambaldi's diary.

Trigirl is happy Syd got some luving.

"Casting SPOILER"
Posted by Bebo on 12-09-03 at 08:50 AM
E!Online's Kristen reported in her weekly chat that Isabella Rosselini is going to be appearing in some episodes as Irina's sister and may end up having some love scenes with a certain character's father.

Oooo, Jack's gonna get some!

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"RE: Casting SPOILER"
Posted by LadyT on 12-09-03 at 06:53 PM
She will be perfect in the role. ANd Jack does need some love!

I am mad because I missed this weeks ep of Alias. This, the first I have ever missed and it is the one where Will is back. Can anyone be so kind as to give me a synopsis?

"RE: Alias Summary??"
Posted by ashleybfogg on 12-11-03 at 06:55 PM
Oh Tishy. I was wondering if I could, but I missed the beginning (and Merlin was watching that dang sunday night game...grr so he couldn't fill me in) so I don't know why Will came back. But he and Syd slept together (yay) and did a mission together to retrieve something from a safety deposit box that was held in the-name-she-used when she was 'away'. They got 'it' and Will killed alison in the process, as she and Sark were trying to get to it at the same time. Then Will went back to Ohio (?) Iowa (?) ook. They had lovey-dovey sweet looks and secret smiles.

Hopefully, this was terrible enough to entice a good summary writer to write a proper synopsis.

anybody want to help me out here?

"RE: Alias Summary??"
Posted by trigirl on 12-11-03 at 07:15 PM
You didn't miss too much.

The show began when Syd opened the door to room 47 and saw that she was inside her apartment and there was Will in freeze frame, pouring himself some St. Aidan flakes.

Daddy and Vaughn then brought her out of her dream sequence. She realized that she had to see Will so Daddy made the arrangements with the Witness Protection program.

Will was living in Wisconsin and a construction worker when Syd arrived on his job-site. He was convinced she was a double because his beloved Syd had died two years ago and almost shoots her. She convinced him it was her and they cried and hugged.

She asked him what was the significance of St. Aidan and he said that it was a contact he used to use. They made arrangements for Will to contact St. Aidan and low and behold...it is Lazaray, sans hand.

Sark appears just in time to nick his Daddy Lazaray. Sark got the info from David Cronenberg (dream Dr.) who by this time is dead by way of a morphine overdose a la Sark.

The rest is just like Ashley said.

"RE: Alias Summary!"
Posted by ashleybfogg on 12-11-03 at 10:42 PM
Thank You, Tri Girl. That was better than I could have done, even had I seen the whole thing!

I'll never wait for my housemate to run the last errand on sunday night again. By the time he knew he couldn't go (stoopid game) it was 8:45! Plus he left the gas tank empty in my jeep. Thanks again!

"RE: Alias Summary!"
Posted by LadyT on 12-12-03 at 04:51 PM
Thanks guys!

"Me too!"
Posted by CyberCooties on 12-27-03 at 02:41 AM
I think she's the blonde in the video that cuts that guys throat only edited to make it look like Sydney. She and Vaughn don't fit, but I think Vaughn has some dark secrets that wont make him fit for Sydney either. Vaughn sure got over Syd fast, met Lauren quickly, fell in love quickly and married quickly, made up his mind quickly that he could stand to look at Syd every day at work too - basically a flake.

They are building up the good vs evil thing again, evil currently reigns, but the good guys always win in the end.

Have a good one!

"RE: I hate Lauren Reed"
Posted by leannerenee on 01-12-04 at 02:17 PM
How about what she did in the Jan 11 ep? I LOVED it b/c I sooo want her to be bad! I KNEW she was evil!!!!! I think she and Sark are going to hook up on another level, if you know what I mean... ;) As long as he gets more air time, fine w/ me!

"RE: I hate Lauren Reed"
Posted by trigirl on 01-12-04 at 03:57 PM
I think she's going to get pregnant and we are going to have to spend the rest of the season watching her and Vaughn make googly-parent eyes to each other only to find out that its Sydney
s baby.

"RE: I hate Lauren Reed"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 01-13-04 at 08:13 PM
aww, a pox on you! that is just not right and you are evil

a beautiful kyngsladye original
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