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Posted by LadyT on 09-28-03 at 05:29 PM
^3 1/2 hours until Alias starts!!!! I know I am not the only one psyched up for it. I wonder how pissed off Sidney will be that Vaughn got married. And I wonder what the scar is. I am so psyched for tonight!!!

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"RE: Alias"
Posted by ashleybfogg on 09-28-03 at 07:16 PM
Dear Lady!
I'm psyched about Alias too! I caught a bit of 'that scene' when Jennifer was on GMA(?) Friday - pissed is way too weak a word - sh'e got acting chops, that one does. Yippee. Alias and The Practice (I wonder what Kelley is up to now?)

Enjoy tonight!

"RE: Alias"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 09-29-03 at 09:54 PM
OK, the wait is over.

I liked it, but after once again turning this show on its ear for the 2nd time since January, I'm wondering if this show is ever going to be able to bring any new viewers into this show.

Now Sloan is good? Not only is Vaughn married but he's not in the Agency anymore? ...Felicity-boy is a field agent? ...Geekboy is having a kid? Her former partner is now running the division? I watched them build that damn machine for TWO YEARS for it to say "PEACE?!?!"


"RE: Alias"
Posted by LadyT on 09-29-03 at 10:56 PM
I hear what you are saying Webby, but I think Sloane was behind Sidney's kidnapping and obvious brainwashing/amnesia. I don't think he is good at all. I think it's show. And damnit, I wanted to see what the Rambaldi device actually looked like so that it could say peace.

Vaughn will get drawn back into the agency I think. He will want to help Sid, and while she wants nothing to do with him, they will take him back. And he, Sid and his wife can go on missions together.

"RE: Alias"
Posted by L82LIFE on 09-30-03 at 06:30 PM
I agree Trish. I think Sloane is still a bad guy, he's just hiding behind his good deeds for the time being.

I want to see the device too. I think it may say something different than what Sloane lead Syd to believe. Time will tell. Can't wait for the next few shows!

"RE: Alias"
Posted by sorgee on 10-01-03 at 06:01 PM
maybe the device will only tell it's secret if there is peace. it's a stretch, but hey, why not.

i just hope we don't get to the end of the season and they pull the "it's only a dream" stunt.

"RE: Alias"
Posted by EnglProf on 10-01-03 at 11:47 PM
Yeah, the "it was all a dream" stunt at the end of the season would be a copout, but I gotta say that I was HOPING they'd say it was all a dream in the first 15 minutes of the first show. You don't know how much I wanted that to be a fake Vaughn!
Well, I always thought Will was better for Sydney anyway. (I know that makes me in the minority, but Vaughn's a little too cool/smooth for me.) But I guess Sydney won't be with either of them now!

"RE: Alias"
Posted by Bebo on 10-07-03 at 05:12 PM
i just hope we don't get to the end of the season and they pull the "it's only a dream" stunt.

If they show Michael Vartan in a shower, then that would almost make it worth it. Almost.

(I'm in my happy place now just thinking of him in the shower. Mmm.)

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"RE: Alias"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 10-08-03 at 03:57 PM
Webby, I have to agree with you-I was so disappointed when we didn't even get to see the damn machine. Like everyone else, I think that Sloan being good is just a cover, he's still bad. Was
anyone else bothered by the fact that Syd's father was held in jail for two years for working with her mother, then all of a sudden is back with the agency? I know that Syd was going to blackmail what's his name, but really...
What does everyone think of Vaughn's wife? How appros that she is looking for the murderer of Lazurey(sp), which of course is Sydney. <sigh> I'm wondering if or how they will bring back Will now that he's in Witness Protection program. If she can't have Vaughn, then he's a good second choice. Also, Vaughn is really annoying me this season.

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