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Forum: DCForumID44
Thread Number: 64
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"Corey: The Worst."

Posted by BriarRosie on 03-20-03 at 01:32 PM
I was surprised and amazed that I haven't read many people critique Corey's awful performance on Tuesday night. I thought he butchered Phil Collins's song big time.

It was such a train wreck, IMHO, that I thought he was as good as gone. I'm not surprised that the other two contenders for worst were in the bottom three. I don't see Julia lasting much longer, and I was never a fan of Charles.

The more I see Corey, though, the more I think he should be gone. Ugh.


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Corey: The Worst."
Posted by cyclehausen on 03-20-03 at 04:43 PM
Talentless, tone-deaf, and as someone so well put it, "mildly retarded." He really does suck. "Against All Odds" was my FAVORITE song when I was a kid, and it took me like 40 seconds to even recognize it when he sang it. When I did realize what song it was, I promptly threw up a lung and a gall bladder.

"RE: Corey: The Worst."
Posted by bondt007 on 03-21-03 at 05:54 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-24-03 AT 12:57 PM (EST)

I'll just throw an "AMEN" in here. What an awful job he did... Simon was dead on and the rest of them were day-dreaming!

"RE: Corey: The Worst."
Posted by BaquaR13 on 03-23-03 at 07:25 PM
Granted, he did do bad. Very bad. But i like Corey. Overall, he has been pretty good, but not very consistent. I hope he can pull it together and go far in the competition.

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