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"X-Factor USA Top 4 Performance ECST"

Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 09:05 PM
Keep it here until the West Coast sees the fall out of last week's drama

Only three will make it to next week's finale. Time to face the music.

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"Semi Finale Intro"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 09:09 PM
Same host, didn't get fired, yet. He seems almost as excited for this to be over as I am.

One of the two songs chosen by the Pepsi Challenge. Huge night for the acts and their mentors. Live or Let Die, no really, that is the music they come on stage with.

No final showdown, no judges decision, it is all up to us. Oooh he's encouraging people to let the judges have it on twitter. Cue the death threats!

"RE: Semi Finale Intro"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 09:10 PM
Talking to the judges, now Nicole gets the boos. They make her stronger.

Pepsi song first.

"Summarizing the pre-song segment."
Posted by Estee on 12-14-11 at 09:14 PM
If Donald Trump created a singing competition, this would be it.

The only thing I believe about this "process" is that Melanie will go home tomorrow. Because it's more dramatic! And then Simon will pull out of his own panel. Because Donald runs the show, and isn't that what he would do? (Again?)

We just crossed the line into farce. (Nicole, with 'My deity loves me more than s/he loves you', was there to meet us.) And there's no turning back.

"Marcus Canty"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 09:11 PM
Boyz II Men - I'll Make Love To You.

"RE: Marcus Canty"
Posted by Estee on 12-14-11 at 09:14 PM
No. No, he will not.

"RE: Marcus Canty"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 09:15 PM
The fog machine working over time.

Simon lost in the fog shot was precious. Now if we can keep the camera from shooting straight into a spot light and blinding us all.

Random dancer in a red dress behind him for part of that.

Nicole. You are bringing sexy back. Even though I know you getting all these girls excitd in a classy way.

Paula. Always give 150% solid performance.

Simon. Didn't choose the song. Sang it well. Mentor BOOOO Boo me after, your mentor the staging with the rose and zombie dancers...didn't fit. Corny and distracting. Didn't change the song enough.

LA. Takes great taste to know great taste. Could not be more proud of you. Save me champion. Keep doing your thing.

I think they are trying to kill the judges with the smoke. You could hardly see them during the critiques.

"RE: Marcus Canty"
Posted by Estee on 12-14-11 at 09:19 PM
I think they are trying to kill the judges with the smoke.

No great loss.

I'd say at least 50% of that "criticism" (it's a quotes night) was attempting to justify last week's vote -- both panel and national. It didn't work.

"Chris Rene"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 09:18 PM
Fly--Sugar Ray.

My channel keeps stuttering, I'm enjoying the momentary breaks from the song.

"RE: Chris Rene"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 09:21 PM
What were those random people doing, is that dancing these days?

Nicole. What I love about you is you make us feel good.

Paula. You look like $5 million bucks. Have the gift to communicate your heart to the world.

Simon. I love the choice of song. Was it the best vocal from you so far, no BOOOOO good performance, not a mega vocal. $5 million at stake. Come out with more focus 7 out of 10.

LA. Sparkle of a star, watch you grow CHRIS RENE chanting drowning out LA.

Chris. Holla.

"RE: Chris Rene"
Posted by Estee on 12-14-11 at 09:21 PM
So America voted him a song which barely requires any singing. And working in that spirit, he delivered.

I think the makeup people are trying to make him progressively safer every week. If this show ran through January, he'd end the season covered in bubble wrap.

"RE: Chris Rene"
Posted by JessicaRN on 12-15-11 at 02:39 AM
I wasn't paying attention, so I was confused when I glanced up and saw Scotty McCreary standing their. They have worked to make him very "vanilla".

"Tonight's other challenge"
Posted by Estee on 12-14-11 at 09:22 PM
Can the collective cast say "Pepsi Challenge" more times than the number of unique votes which were cast? Here's a hint: they're already halfway there!

"Melanie Amaro"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 09:27 PM
Only we decide, no judges vote. Poor Melanie.

Simon promising a twist on it, what slowed down to dirge?

Hero by Mariah Carey.

"RE: Melanie Amaro"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 09:31 PM
LA. Crowd chanting. That was really good. from behind the smoke. America chose the song, it was predictable. Didn't feel your usual passion. You did take it there.

Nicole. I loved that America chose this song for you. Pandering some more. We all knew you had this amazing voice and talent. Grown into the woman that you are. Blah Blah Blah, liberating to all of us.

Paula. Your voice is impeccable. I want to surprise you. Brought the writer here. Chanting audience. The arrangement to minor chords made it more somber.

Simon. It wasn't karaoke, unlike the first song. Being original, will be remembered, it was bloody fantastic.

"Voting voting voting"
Posted by moonbaby on 12-14-11 at 09:34 PM
Redial is a wonderful thing. Can't get through, it's busy every time.

"RE: Voting voting voting"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 09:42 PM
Um, I think the voting won't open until the show is over. Unlike DWTS where you can vote during the show.

Posted by moonbaby on 12-14-11 at 09:46 PM
Well then redial is a VERY good thing!

"RE: Voting voting voting"
Posted by Estee on 12-14-11 at 09:46 PM
*nods* The busy signal is probably due to blocked line.

"Simon goes desperate."
Posted by Estee on 12-14-11 at 09:34 PM
Between Reid's continuing sabotage, Paula actually saying something critical for the First Time Ever!, and his having learned all about frau voting patterns, he knows he's in deep trouble. He's trying to save Melanie as best he can -- but America votes against whatever Simon likes. And in this case, whoever.

I really didn't hear that much different about the performance when compared to the original except for what Paula noted: it was Drewed down. This won't save Melanie -- but then, what could?

"RE: Simon goes desperate."
Posted by csnumber23 on 12-14-11 at 11:14 PM
I disagree, Melanie is not going home. It should be Chris Rene but will be Marcus. I still think Melanie will win, in fact I just voted for her. I hadn't voted in years but she deserves it. I would not mind seeing Josh win either but the other two have no business winning 5 million.

"I voted a bunch of times for her"
Posted by moonbaby on 12-15-11 at 01:32 PM
sporadically from show's end to about a half hour or so later. The call went through every single time. I'm worried about that.

"Josh Krajcik"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 09:37 PM
Come Together--Beatles.

"Don't like this song"
Posted by moonbaby on 12-14-11 at 09:38 PM
and he sounds like he swallowed some parking lot gravel.

"RE: Josh Krajcik"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 09:41 PM
Stage is trying to kill me. Lights bright enough to set something on the stage on fire. And the lighting guy's rhythm is off which makes it all the more jarring.

At least Josh is impervious to all the efforts of the makeup and styling people.

Look Frau 1 and Frau 2 are dancing.

LA. So, um, I rather enjoyed that. It is the best I've seen you in a few weeks. Pictured you as a guy who could win and made a return this week.

Frau 2. Attack our souls, the industry isn't just about records. I would pay anything to see you perform.

Simon. You came back strong this week. Honest performance. You a song and Cruella didn't put the dancers on.

Frau 1. Arguing with Simon. What I appreciate with you you are never rehearsed, something comes over you. Breathing that fire. Simon. That look in his eye. That is the look of steel.

Simon. What the hell are you talking about.

"The look"
Posted by moonbaby on 12-14-11 at 09:45 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-14-11 AT 09:49 PM (EST)

This picture is more like it.

"RE: The look"
Posted by Estee on 12-14-11 at 09:50 PM
The noive!

"RE: Josh Krajcik"
Posted by Estee on 12-14-11 at 09:46 PM
Herman Cain called. He wants you to know light does not prove fire. Nor does smoke. Or, for that matter, fire.

Also, Ron Paul called. He promised to outlaw lights. (They make it too easy for poor people to find you.)

"Soul attack!"
Posted by Estee on 12-14-11 at 09:44 PM
Would Paula pay her current position on the panel? If so, let's have Josh win and get rid of her! ...oh wait, Josh won eight weeks ago.

To me, this round of "criticism" came across as 'We know he's already got the contract and we have to work with him, so let the final round of ego-stroking begin.' And Josh was receptive. Of course he's receptive. He's already got the contract and he has to work with them.

At least he's still trying on stage. Even when he doesn't have to any more.

"Marcus Canty"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 09:49 PM
Talking about him vs Rachel.

Mom supporting him means the world to him. The whole thing about 2 years to get his act together.

George Michael--Careless Whisper

"Nice jacket"
Posted by moonbaby on 12-14-11 at 09:50 PM
Captain Cantyroo

"RE: Marcus Canty"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 09:53 PM
Confetti attack!

Frau 1. I will say that is an unexpected song. Love that you did your thing. It kept growing and growing, loved the production. You are already a champion and a winner.

Frau 2. Love the way you made a ballad uptempo. It worked.

Simon. I really got to know you, respect you come bouncing back. That was horrific. Song was wrong. Grotesque performance, 1983 Vegas. Not your fault, this was a joke.

Paula that was rude I thought it worked.

LA. Don't know what to make of that. You came week on week Paula chiming in, yep, yep. Bottom three times. Underdog, you look more like a champion. Paula Yes you do.

"RE: Marcus Canty"
Posted by Estee on 12-14-11 at 09:58 PM
'We will kill Melanie if we have to wrap our own hands around her neck.'

Posted by Estee on 12-14-11 at 09:54 PM
...if he'd gone with I'm Never Gonna Sing Again...

No. No, he still will not.

"Chris Rene"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 10:00 PM
Twitter about judge drivel. Yea!

LA Rude. Welcome This Is Chris Rene.

Dead Dad sob story.

Playing piano this week. No One--Alicia Keys

"I've seen that outfit before."
Posted by Estee on 12-14-11 at 10:03 PM
I didn't buy the revised Bible edition that time either.

Reid just barred everyone on Twitter from the music industry.

"RE: Chris Rene"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 10:05 PM
Slow dirge verse with piano. Then gets up, ups the tempo and more random dancer for no reason.

What is with the old man sweater on him?

Frau 1. Crowd chanting. Keep it real. You have to agree with Simon, don't have the best voice, but that is not what this competition is about. It is about your spirit, it transcends across the universe, you believe, I believe you are vulnerable and transparent.

Frau 2. Your confidence and transformation is awe inspiring. This will get you in the finales.

Simon. You just delivered big time. That film I just saw, your Dad would be incredibly proud. You've got heart. May be the dark horse.

LA. So proud of you. Stardom is not about singing, it is about loveability. Am I right.

Gosh, I never though anyone would make Paula sound relevant and coherent, but next to Nicole.

"RE: Chris Rene"
Posted by Estee on 12-14-11 at 10:08 PM
Stardom is not about singing,


Gosh, I never though anyone would make Paula sound relevant and coherent, but next to Nicole.

You're forgetting: her deity helped her get through the pain this week. She just kept taking Paula's stash until she got the word in person!

"Melanie Amaro"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 10:11 PM
Mariah Carey tweeted Melanie. LA says she's same ol' same ol' but picked something different. Either will go well or be stupid. Old school classic.

Feeling Good

"RE: Melanie Amaro"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 10:15 PM
Blinding flashing lights.
All the judges standing.

LA. I know why you are the only female left, the greatest female to grace this stage, love this song choice and you killed it. Great job Simon.

Nicole. repeats lyrics, your freedom anthem.

Paula. Letting go and we love it. I feel you.

Simon. Mel this is why we brought this show to America. We would find someone like you. Your greatest performance of the show. America has to pick up the phones and vote.

"The problem."
Posted by Estee on 12-14-11 at 10:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-14-11 AT 10:20 PM (EST)

The word that may best describe this song: slinky.

The word that may best describe Melanie's slinkiness: not.

I honestly don't know what the panel is praising here, much less why. She's already lying down under the wheels. Apologizing for the noise of a revving engine seems misplaced.

ETA: Just figured out the reasoning behind the praise. This way they can try to be shocked when she goes out tomorrow. 'But she was the best female ever! We said so!'

"Josh Krajcik"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 10:23 PM
playing piano.


"RE: Josh Krajcik"
Posted by Snidget on 12-14-11 at 10:27 PM
LA. We've established I am a huge fan. That lacked excitement for me. Gosh the judges are all in the smoke again. You know you have the goods.

Paula. How can you even say that. This is a performer that opens his heart and makes every song sound original. If this were the finales you would be the one to beat. Everyone vote, no one is safe.

Simon. All about the finale next week. I have to agree with Paula. Nicole stands up and has a seizure. This song has put you into the finale.

Nicole. This simple truth what you are tonight a prayer for all of us or something like that I can't really pay attention to her anymore.

"RE: Josh Krajcik"
Posted by Estee on 12-14-11 at 10:32 PM
Nicole. This simple truth what you are tonight a prayer for all of us or something like that I can't really pay attention to her anymore.

...and she broke you.

That's gonna be hard to fit on the headstone.

"Received via text."
Posted by Estee on 12-14-11 at 10:30 PM
Josh: what a freaking cliche'.

(She may not have said 'freaking'.)

Simon, given that exact same performance on Idol, would have never spoken that praise. Was it a competent performance? Sure, mostly. And was it pretty much just like every other performance ever rendered in a singing competition? Yep.

*puts in Shrek*

I need the original right now. And when it comes to original, tonight, Josh wasn't it.

"RE: Received via text."
Posted by frodis on 12-15-11 at 02:12 AM
If you are interested in the original of that song, it is actually Leonard Cohen.

And yeah, when I realized that he was singing it, I cringed a bit. This song has been covered a gazillion times in the past few years. (Jason Castro, anyone? And others after him on Idol.) It's a great song, but "oh, this again?" isn't the impact that it's supposed to have.

"RE: Received via text."
Posted by Estee on 12-15-11 at 07:24 AM
Original to me, then, as the movie was the first time I heard the song.

It's a great song, but "oh, this again?" isn't the impact that it's supposed to have.

*nods* It's become a svck-up song. There's so much pandering in every network performance, it should be played on bamboo instruments. Come on stage, demand that your voter base respect your deepness, splash around in the actual quarter-inch of lightly salted water, and fail to leave. An expected unexpected routine. He lost some respect with that move -- but for his core backers, he didn't lose votes.