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"Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "

Posted by geekboy on 04-06-10 at 10:26 PM
Here we go!!!

1 - Casey James - Jealous Guy - This was Casey's first, and hopefully not last, "moment". Brilliant obscure song choice, brilliant simple arrangement, and brilliant delivery. As Crystal reminds me of Kelly Clarkson, Casey reminds me of Bo Bice. This guy is gaining ground fast. Watch out.

2 - Crystal - Come Together - Another solid performance from Crystal, yet I think she is still holding back on her potential. If you can do that with a cold, and after a diabetes attack a few weeks ago, imagine her at full throttle completely healthy. I think we still haven't see Crystal at 100% yet.

3 - Michael Lynche - Eleanor Rigby - Loved it. Simply loved it. My favorite from him so far. Yes, at times a bit over the top, but that seems to be Michael.

4 - Andrew Garcia - Can't Buy Me Love - I loved his arrangement, but as Ellen said, not everyone will. Not sure where he will fall this week. I'm a bit worried.

5 - Siobhan - Across The Universe - Yes, it was sleepy and a bit boring, but we saw the restrained side of Siobhan and I thikn it was a wise choice for her at this time.

6 - Tim Urban - All My Loving - Yes, i'm not putting him in the bottom 3. He gave a solid performance that was entertaining. I liked his beginning guitar-only arrangement, and the performance was his best yet.

7 - Lee DeWyze - I didn't get it. That was the pimp spot? After last week, I was expecting more. I think he wasted some momentum. His pitch was off alot, he missed a couple cues, he seemed completely out of it, and then the bagpipes. WTH?

8 - Katie - Let It Be - I don't get the tongue baths. Something about her voice grates on me. I think she sang it too high. Don't get it.

9 - Aaron - Long & Winding Road - terrible song selection, and you sang it karaoke. Poor song selection for a couple weeks straight. I think you're in trouble.


"I think what Randy Travis was trying to say was 'What the hell was that?!'" - S. Cowell

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"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by csnumber23 on 04-06-10 at 11:08 PM
1 - Chrystal - She will have a successful career no matter what.

2 - Casey - 2nd straight week he was excellent and may have a better chance at winning than I thought.

3 - Katie - She sounded great and continues to get better and better every week.


4 - Lee - I liked the performance but not as good as last week.

5 - Andrew - About the same as Lee but much better last week

6 - Siobhan - I thought this was just ok and she still threw another scream in that wasn't needed. I still think she is either going back some or has hit her peak.

7 - Michael - His vocals sounded fine but something was missing

8 - Tim - Better than he has been doing but that doesn't make it good.

9 - Aaron - He is identically the same average boring performer every week.


I thought the top 3 were great and the middle were good with the rest being so-so. I didn't see any horrible performances for the first time.

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by mathiascruz on 04-06-10 at 11:50 PM
agree on Aaron, he needs more experience.

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by Tummy on 04-07-10 at 00:00 AM
I must have watched a different Siobhan performance because I didn't hear one single scream.

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by csnumber23 on 04-07-10 at 00:22 AM
Yeah, you're right. After watching it back it wasn't a scream, just one high note that wasn't as bad as I first thought. I may be overly critical of her because I see a lot of talent but she has dissapointed me the last few weeks. I still have hope for her though.

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by mathiascruz on 04-06-10 at 11:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-06-10 AT 11:48 PM (EST)

1. Casey
2. Mike
3. Crystal

4. Tim
5. Andrew
6. Katie

7. Lee
8. Siobhan
9. Aaron

Overall, i was pleased with all the performances except for Lee Dewyze's. I was expecting more from him.

The top three have never had a bad night. They have been consistently great. However, Casey and Crystal bore me sometimes.
I dislike Mike's big personality but I admire his great vocals and heartfelt performances. And not that this has got to do with his singing, but i hope he does a more balanced workout. He has gigantic arms but what about his flat behind and big tummy?

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by cahaya on 04-07-10 at 00:07 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-07-10 AT 01:04 AM (EST)

As usual, comments straight from the ECST.

After the R&B train wreck, this Lennon-McCartney night (arguably easier to make a train wreck than the wide-ranging R&B tunes) turned out to be a pleasant surprise.

We might also see some reshuffling of the voting patterns, too, after a string of good performances all around.

* The Top 3 *

1. Crystal - Come Together - That was totally cool. The didgeridoo and the melodic rhythm made it almost psychedelic. Although I've been cautious week to week about jumping into the Crystal crowd, I dug this song. Wooooooooooo.

2. Casey James - Jealous Guy - This is classic Casey, right in his zone. It's the first time I've heard him play the acoustic such that the plucked notes brought even more feeling into his song. Together, his voice and his play made for a fine performance.

3. Siobhan - Across The Universe - Wow, that was unexpected. The half-wild don't-know-what-to-expect-next free spirit slows down and sings a very touching song. She got some major pre-song 'amazing' pimping that raised expectations, and she met them. Although I wouldn't make a habit of listening to songs like this one, count me still in Siobhan's camp. Touching ending, too, in answering Simon's question. My eyes watered with hers. (But get someone else to pick out your dresses, that was awful.)

* The Passable 3 *

4. Michael Lynche - Eleanor Rigby - I'm a huge Big Mike fan, but didn't quite get this one. (Big Mike and violins in the background?) Sure, good vocals, strong stage presence, solid arrangement, but this performance won't move him up the voting ranks. I liked his performance tonight, but I guess I've set the bar a lot higher for him than most of the contestants this season, so perhaps I'm being more critical of him. He is indeed a bar above.

5. Katie - Let It Be - A surprisingly good, though not stellar, performance from Katie, who I thought wouldn't be able to handle any Lennon-McCartney song, much less this huge song. Thumbs up for her improvement this week. First time I didn't get up in the middle of her song to grab a snack or something.

6. Tim Urban - All My Loving - Tim broke the VFTW weeks-in-a-row record last week (formerly held by Sanjaya) and he's going to continue that streak this week. I'd be surprised he ends up in the bottom 2. I'm with Randy, a great "Tim performance", but it's not something I'd keep the radio dial on.

* The Bottom 3 *

7. Lee DeWyze - Hey Jude - While I dug the didgeridoo, I wasn't blown away by the bagpipe player. Unfortunately, I have to agree with Simon that it was a total distraction from what otherwise might have been a solid performance by Lee. Would I download one of his songs or buy a ticket to one of his concerts? Very likely not.

8. Aaron - Long & Winding Road - It turns out to be a long and winding song that doesn't do justice to the original. I like this guy, but I think he fell flat this week. Aaron could have sung that in the same key with the same arrangement and done much better with it. True, he's got a really good pleasant-sounding voice. It's just that I don't think I could wade through a whole LP of his songs sounding much the same. He needs to show more variety.

9. Andrew Garcia - Can't Buy Me Love - Half of his problem is that he needs a band to overpower him. I liked the arrangement and rhythm but didn't care much for his somewhat monotonous voice. The acoustic guitar was just an added accessory.

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by mindy23 on 04-07-10 at 10:16 AM
I thought they all did really well this week, and will have a tough time, personally, defining a bottom 3. But will go for it, anyways. Just because we have to, right??

1) Actually, LOVED Lee's performance, and because I'm partial to bag pipes, was blown away when the guy came down off the stairs! I love Lee more and more each week, feel he's coming into his own, and has a good chance of being in the finale. OK, so, shoot me...

2) Crystal. With or without props, this girl can SING, and sing she can! "Come Together" was great, but I think anything that was sung by anyone tonight would have worked for her in her own way. Love this girl-she's different, defined, and ready to roll!

3) Casey. Had never heard this Lennon song, but now that I have, I'm very impressed, and even more impressed with how Casey took it and delivered it. He was strong, impressive and soulful. He's getting better every week!

4) Big Mike. He's not my fave by any means. Has a good, soulful voice. But he did well with "Elenor Rigby". For HIS flavor, can't complain...

5) Tim. Actually made me like Tim this time. HE made ME smile, and remember being 17 again!

6) Shioban. Whatever. OK, alright. Just whatever. She showed a softer side, and did it well.

7) Andrew. He is really better at the faster songs, so this was a good one for him. And the interviews with his fellow competitors before should help boost his voting power, hopefully.

8) Katie. And I DO agree with Simon-THAT WAS COUNTRY that was being deflected in her voice! If you closed your eyes, you'd think you were on "Nashville Stars" or some sort. She really DOES have that twang going on. But she's still way immature and off key most of the time. Cute girl, but just not ready for this-yet.

9) Aaron. I really like this guy most of the time, but his vocals were very nasally, and he just didn't sound 'on' this time. Maybe not the very best song for him, though it's one of my fave from Lennon/McCartney. He may be in trouble this week. Who knows? Who ever knows??

Over all, they all did a better job, IMHO, then has EVER been done on ANY night in AI, consistantly! Good job, guys!

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by zazzy on 04-08-10 at 12:16 PM
You, Simon and I all hear the country in Katie. Is he looking for a Carrie U replacement? Wishing he sent Kat McPhee down the country path to begin with?

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by TanNymph on 04-07-10 at 09:56 AM
Mostly agree with geekboy. Casey was awesome. I heard the replay on the radio this morning and it was better than I had remembered. Actually considering downloading it.

I could tell Crystal was a little sick. Agree geek, that we haven't heard all she's got yet.

I liked big Mike. The rest were just ok. I don't get the Katie love at all. But my DH likes her, so what do I know.

A Capn2Patch original

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by Tummy on 04-07-10 at 10:29 AM
1. - Crystal - The didgeridoo was awesome - She did a fantastic job with the song. I hope at some point she's healthy though.

2. - Siobhan - That was hauntingly beautiful. Nice. She has some crystal clear notes that I love. And her answer to Simon was authentic.

3. - Casey James - The boy was hot last night. He's getting more confidence and it's showing.

4. - Lee DeWyze - Loved it, loved the bagpipes. I thought he had a really rough start and cringed thinking he was going to blow it. But then I saw the moment he just let go and went for it. I can see Lee replacing Michael in my Top 4.

5. - Michael Lynche - I love him but think the other four outshone him.

6. - Katie - She did this so much better than I thought she was going to do.

7. - Andrew Garcia - It was a little cheesy with the band.

8 - Tim Urban - He's growing on me.

9 - Aaron - Oh, honey, this was just not good. It sounded even worse when they ran the montage at the end.

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by Glow on 04-07-10 at 11:53 AM
I had to watch hockey (aaaaaaaaaaacccccckkkkkkkkkk) and Lost so we only saw the first four. I thought Katie was pretty good. Aaron was Aaron. Andrew was terrible (or Andrew was Andrew). Didn't like Mike. Strangely, if you would have asked me to list in order who I wanted to see, those would have been the last four on that list.

Any reason for me to run to youtubey?

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by emydi on 04-07-10 at 12:01 PM
I think the last hour was worth zipping thru...much better (it's all relative) than the 1st hour

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by Glow on 04-07-10 at 12:08 PM
I had no doubts that the 2nd hour would be better based on the four I got in the 1st. Were there any performances that I should care enough to search for?

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by emydi on 04-07-10 at 12:16 PM
I really liked Casey's and I know you liked Lee...I think you might like Siobhan's and you need to watch Timmy, oh and crystal too..just watch all 5!

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by Glow on 04-07-10 at 01:01 PM
ha! Well okay then.

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by zazzy on 04-08-10 at 11:59 AM
You definitely need to watch Casey. He elevated his performance, to put it in Simon terms.

Crystal enjoyed herself more and we saw more of her personality afterwards with the digeredoo player.

Tim might make you smile.

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by emydi on 04-07-10 at 12:00 PM
1. Casey- I agree with gb that this was his first "moment" even with the goat vibrato smidge this was really good.

2. Tim-loved the Beatles do and suit..he was good and sang in tune with a nice tone...unlike yoda...but complacency is not an option...

3. Michael-I liked this and it reminded me of Music class in 7th grade we had to sing this song...it was the fall that Lennon was murdered

4. Crystal- really liked this, she messed up the words around Coca Cola but no one mentioned that....had Tim done that. Wonder if Ernie and Crystal used the digeredoo after the filming for some extra curricular activities. I kept saying why's that dude playing a bong?

5. Siobhan-I liked this and was very happy she did not screech. I wasn't crazy about the song choice but her voice sounded very nice

6. Katie-she sang this song because her father played it in the car...flashback...circa early 80s my dad taking us kids out for a ride in the back of the pick up...he's singing Paperback Writer very loudly and not so sober! Oh the memories...I love that song, one of my fave Beatles for that reason...now back to Katie...she was meh and it got worse for me as she went on, but the judges had to give her the tongue bath lest the 4th woman go in the season of the woman

7. Lee-Ok this was my mother's fave song and Lee went and Nickelbacked it up (UGH I wanted to spit) at the beginning... but then the bagpiper came out in a great WTF moment and it got a little bit interesting and then he had the balls to say it was his idea. Him and the janitor having little Danny Goawaykey babies...I love Crystal!

8. Andrew-hated this, after hearing Aaron and Katie before him and then this...I wrote down What a suckfest! Could AI really ruin L/M again? yes...I thought he looked like a deranged Jerry Lee Lewis.

9. Aaron-ok, maybe research the song a bit like Simon said. This was about the Beatles (arguably the best band ever) breaking up after after dominating a decade of music and completely changing music..not about some 17 (he must have had a bday) yr old's AI "journey" It was too slow and he sounded nasally and I think I heard his voice crack once or twice...It's time for CHANGE...like Aaron leaving the show...

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by JessicaRN on 04-07-10 at 02:36 PM
This season really is a good example why 16 is too young. If Katie and Aaron had waited a year or two, their performances would probably be so much better. They are very good for high school kids.

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by zazzy on 04-08-10 at 12:13 PM
Em, you totally crack me up!

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by DoodleBug on 04-07-10 at 02:41 PM
I still have this show on my DVR schedule. I guess because I can't resist. I peek in to see if anyone is going to wow me. Well, someone finally did. Casey James. That was brilliant! He knocked me off my feet. Hope we see MORE. OF. THAT.

Crystal was also very good but she's also very consistent. Not an idol winner if you ask me. The idol audience prefers the story arc and dark horse. I think she'll come in second place.

Lee Dewyze had a good week last week and sang in the wrong key last night. If it had been just a tad lower, he wouldn't have had to yell the song. Didn't get the bagpiper either. After that was over I was thinking "what will Simon say to THAT?!?" But I'm still a fan. Wish he would connect with the camera more.

The rest don't deserve much comment. Katie and Mike were okay. Andrew was decent (last week was better). Fast Forward....Tim, Siobhan, and Aaron.

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by riverrocker on 04-07-10 at 03:34 PM
Picking the "best" of the worst for rendering L/Mc songs to the point of fingernails on a chalkboard:

1. Crystal, consistent, not great but okay

Huge gap--like which did we not have to fast forward through most of the song:

2. Tim!! Egad. Who would have dreamed?
3. Aaron, needs more experience

An even bigger gap--as in we would never buy their albums or listen if this is what they did:

4. Shiobhan, as much as we really like HER, these last two weeks have been terrible; thankfully we have fast forward!
5. Katie, ugh.
6. Lee, nice Springsteen-wanna-be, but WAY short
7. Casey, good gig in a cowboy bar
8. Andrew, oh please just spare us!
9. Mike, what is up with him? We thought he'd have such promise, but that soprano sound, or whatever anyone wants to call the 'high' notes he tries to sing, is just hideous. We are SO over him, but know that he will linger on until the final 4 probably. Sigh.

It's a tough night when we have to give Tim higher marks than seven of the others! SO glad we recorded and could fast forward!

Where's an Adam Lambert when you need him???

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by Estee on 04-07-10 at 03:52 PM
Where's an Adam Lambert when you need him???

No matter what happens next week, I'm blaming you.

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by cahaya on 04-07-10 at 04:21 PM
No matter what happens next week, I'm blaming you.

It could be a really weird week (read: a couple of brilliantly creative songs and a slew of train wrecks) and I'll blame Adam for it.

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by riverrocker on 04-08-10 at 04:58 PM
>Where's an Adam Lambert when you
>need him???

>No matter what happens next week,
>I'm blaming you.

Um, not certain what you meant here. I was just saying that we thought Adam last year showed more talent, creativity, and elan than all of this year's contestants combined--even though they seem to be a nice group of people.

Sorry if my remark offended you or anyone else. No offense was intended.

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by FFantasyFX on 04-07-10 at 04:39 PM
My Rankings:

1.) Casey James - Casey's breakthrough performance. Excellent song choice and performance.

2.) Crystal Bowersox - Crystal keeps on changing it up just enough to keep my interest. She's pouring a lot more emotion and joy into her songs the past few weeks.

3.) Michael Lynche - Much to my surprise, I really rather liked Michael's radical redo of Eleanor Rigby. On one hand it was out of left field, but it still suited him rather well.

4.) Siobhan Magnus - Completely unexpected rebound performance. The song was sleepy, but I liked Siobhan's emotion and vocal control, as always.

5.) Tim Urban - His best performance since the semifinals. Wonderful song choice that suited his voice. The judges are greasing the skids of Tim's dismissal with their praise, but at least the praise is deserved.

6.) Andrew Garcia - I'm conflicted here. Loved the astute song choice (nice crowd pleaser), the updated arrangement, and the energy Andrew brought to the song. But, I think the song also brought to the forefront all the unflattering qualities of Andrew's voice that I never liked to begin with.

7.) Katie Stevens - Impressive vocals, but I think Katie fell into the same trap that Aaron did. The performance really was too slow & too pageant-y. Heh, and Simon wouldn't know country music if it bit him in the ###.

8.) Lee Dewyze - I like Lee, but I didn't get that performance at all. The bagpipe player was superfluous and indulgent and the vocals were pretty mediocre.

9.) Aaron Kelly - Poor song choice and off vocals. Probably his worst performance of the last four weeks. Combined with being the first singer of the night, I think Aaron is in definite danger of going home.

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by Belle Book on 04-07-10 at 08:38 PM
Here's my rankings:

1. Siobhan Magnus -- I loved it when she was so restrained!

2. Katie Stevens -- this was her best performance by far!

3. Crystal Bowersox -- another fine performance by her.

4. Casey James -- a nice performance but not quite as good as the top three, imho.

5. Lee DeWyze -- it was a risky choice, but the bagpipes were a bit too much.

6. Michael Lynch -- was down here only because the others were a little bit better.

7. Tim Urban -- this was Tim's best performance! Unfortunately for him, his best still was only good for seventh place.

8. Aaron Kelly -- not such a good move. I don't think the song is something the audience wanted from you.

9. Andrew Garcia -- way too corny. Too bad you took this big step back after last week.

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by zazzy on 04-07-10 at 09:04 PM
Casey and Crystal transported me with their performances.

1. Casey AAA+++ --liked the vibratto. Huey Lewis gives way to Bob Seeger.
2. Crystal A+ --liked her showing more personality; Bonnie Raitt-ish.

These were listenable:

3. Michael...did the best he could being R&B focused
4. Tim...as usual, I enjoyed Tim.
5. Siobhan. At first I had her higher but I can't remember much of it today except that it was tender and decent but I liked Michael Johns' version better in season 7.

These were just eh:

6. Lee ...dude...where's your pitch? So off key. And bagpipes? LOL! That took guts and was fun but was it to cover up your weaknesses?

7. Andrew...blah. The Kradam angle may save you a few more weeks, though.


This was country. Don't like my Beatles countrified, at least by her. But I see what Simon has been saying:

8. Katie. Looked like Kat McPhee again with her hair pulled back.

This. Should. Not. Happen.:

9. Aaron

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by zazzy on 04-08-10 at 12:38 PM
Ai ranking thread stats:

11 people provided full rankings...so averaged out, here's how the 9 stacked up:

(name) (average placement)

1. Crystal 2
2. Casey 2.4

3. (tie) Michael 4.5
3. (tie) Siobhan 4.5

5. Tim 5.2

6. Lee 5.6
7. Katie 5.8

8. Andrew 6.8

9. Aaron 8.3

"RE: Rankings - Top 9 - Lennon/McCartney "
Posted by emydi on 04-08-10 at 05:04 PM
thanks z

kidflash does this for TAR every week