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Thread Number: 217
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"Who should I vote for and why ???"

Posted by TechNoir on 05-20-03 at 05:43 PM
I seriously haven't decided. Before tonight help me out and tell me who and why...

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall" -- Proverbs 16:18

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"RE: Who should I vote for and why ???"
Posted by AZ_Leo on 05-20-03 at 06:09 PM
If I were to vote for any one tonight it would definitely be Clay, mainly because I couldn't bring myself to vote for Rueben. I find him boring and uninteresting and he hasn't shown any growth during the entire time. At least Clay has tried to change and has shown himself to be more versatile and more willing to take chances.

Also, all the judges seem to want Rueben to win and since I have no respect for either Paula or Randy, I would naturally vote opposite to them.

Of course, whether I vote will depend on whether I catch the numbers tonight. Personally, I'll be watching the finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I do have my priorities.

"Vote CLAY, CLAY, CLAY, CLAY and CLAY again !!!!!"
Posted by katem on 05-20-03 at 06:31 PM
Some peeps here have said that it would be better for Clayton to NOT win this sucker. I don't agree. VOTE FOR CLAY !!!!! Ruben would be SUCH a disappointment.

Tech sugar, after watching Jenna win Survivor, Will become Mr. Personality and the 24 ending (thanks A LOT AyaK), I don't think I could take the Whale that ate the Hippo winning this sucker.

Please Tech sugar, promise me you will vote 10,000 times for Clay

(c) 2002, 03 GeorgiaBelle Creations, Inc. All rights reserved

"Post number"
Posted by AZ_Leo on 05-20-03 at 07:07 PM
Perhaps someone could post Clay's number tonight for those of us who don't want to actually sit through it but still want Bebo to have a happy birthday?

"1--866-43657-02 (clay)"
Posted by GeorgiaBelle on 05-20-03 at 08:59 PM
Vote for Clay

"RE: Post number"
Posted by Bebo on 05-20-03 at 10:58 PM

I'm still holding out hope for a happy birthday.

Bebo says...919 beats 205 - I am your American Idol and the Baroness of Babedom.

"RE: Vote CLAY, CLAY, CLAY, CLAY and CLAY again !!!!!"
Posted by TechNoir on 05-20-03 at 07:57 PM
Best sucking up I've ever seen. I can learn a lot from you

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall" -- Proverbs 16:18

"RE: Who should I vote for and why ???"
Posted by magic_star on 05-20-03 at 06:38 PM
You should vote for Al Gore, because he's a good guy! Oh wait that was 2000.

Clay is definitely the deserving guy. He's just alot better!

T-Mac hits the three! Magic Win! Magic Win!

"RE: Who should I vote for and why ???"
Posted by Femme on 05-20-03 at 07:41 PM
1. Clay is more versatile than Ruben.
2. Clay is a better singer than Ruben.
3. Clay has really listened to the judges criticism and suggestions and has tried to grow as a performer. Ruben has done a quarter as much as Clay has in this arena.
4. Clay is a doll with a winning personality whereas Ruben seems to get by on smiles alone.
5. Clay is more deserving of your vote.
6. Clay is the wildcard pick, and his winning says a lot about comeback power.
7. Clay is a nerd and nerds are seeeeeexxxxxxyyyyy.

C. Tech should vote for Clay tonight.


"All right Ramblers, let's get ramblin'."

"RE: Who should I vote for and why ???"
Posted by tanyafrommd on 05-21-03 at 10:06 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-21-03 AT 02:34 PM (EST)

>1. Clay is more versatile than


(Happy now?)

Like I said before.... Ruben is more what they were looking for and he has a broader appeal than Clay.... of course this is all IMHO ...and based on what the Producers and judges have been saying since the beginning of the competition.

I apologize to femme fatale and whomever else ....but I guess it's ok for them to "defend themselves" with flaming remarks.

Obviously, if you are not for Clay....then this board is not for you.... sooooooooo


"RE: Who should I vote for and why ???"
Posted by Bebo on 05-21-03 at 10:12 AM
While I'm not a moderator on this forum, I would like to point out that personal attacks are not tolerated here. Please refer to the guidelines for more information.

And as for the comment that Clay won't sell records, I think the people at Amazon.com would beg to differ with you, given the sales for Clay vs. the sales for Ruben.

Bebo says...919 beats 205 - I am your American Idol and the Baroness of Babedom.

"RE: Who should I vote for and why ???"
Posted by Femme on 05-21-03 at 10:28 AM
Clay is a nerd and you are probably desperate which is why you find his gay a** so "sexy."

Um, okay. Whatever. They don't allow you outside the institution very often, do they?

Posted by AyaK on 05-21-03 at 11:07 AM
Clay is a nerd and you are probably desperate which is why you find his gay a** so "sexy."

tanyafrommd, I'll say this just once. Personal attacks are not EVER permitted in these forums. I expect that you will edit your post to remove this comment, plus apologize to Femme and the rest of us for having violated the rules of this board.

If you do this again, your user privileges will be revoked immediately.

"RE: Who should I vote for and why ???"
Posted by ejm92 on 05-20-03 at 09:03 PM
Clay showed Ruben what he is made of tonight.

However, Ruben is probably more suited for the title of the show, and is my sentimental favorite.

I will be voting for Ruben just to make it closer, because I know no matter what happens Clay will win, lol.....but I want it to be very close. I've tried to vote for Ruben only, but no votes have gotten through so far, phone lines are busy....I'll try again at 10 or so.

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champ, Survivor 6 Anti-Bootee Chump