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"Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"

Posted by TODDLJ on 04-13-06 at 04:54 PM
Gay Idol Journal – Queen Week

This Week’s Diva Rankings

1. Chris
Chris earns his first Diva of the Week in a squeaker, just edging out two ladies who took big risks but were not totally successful. First of all, where did Chris’ stylist find that FIERCE black studded fleur-de-lis T-shirt? I need one for myself! It fit him oh-so-well, and was stylish and flashy without being at all girly (which is not an easy task with men’s clothing.) I also loved his big black chunky leather cuffs, rectangular belt buckle, black True Religion jeans, black boots, and big hanging silver chain. More importantly, I liked that his facial hair was more conservatively shaped this week, and also thicker and blacker. (Save the thinly manicured facial hair for the boy-band types, Chris, this look is much better for you.) Finally, props for the Queen-appropriate eyeliner, which made his already-gorgeous eyes stand out even more. Some may have thought this choice was too feminine, but I think the stylists should be free to embrace the softer side of Chris… his harder side will more than make up for it. (On a not-totally-unrelated note… is anyone checking out Chris’ package every week like I am? The boy sure knows how to find jeans that accentuate his gifts, if you know what I mean.)

2. Paris
When Paris took the stage, I very nearly didn’t recognize her. And while I thought for the most part the look was bangin’, I couldn’t give her Diva of the Week because I thought the whole thing was a bit too costumey and fake. Paris is a 17-year-old girl with a speaking voice like Cindy Brady, for god’s sake. Now we’re supposed to believe she is a slightly less slutty version of L’il Kim? I’m just not buying it. Perhaps if she had stopped with the black satin bustier, black satin pants, and shoulder length chocolate hair extensions, I may have been okay with it. But she really over-accessorized the look with a rhinestone encrusted bra, mid-calf patent-leather stiletto boots, and black lace gloves… not to mention one black skinny belt at her waist, and another at her hip, with a silver triangle bangle AND a chunky silver crown buckle. Sweetheart, when it comes to accessories… less is more! (Especially on hips like yours.) I do have to say I liked her makeup this week, it was very fresh, and the mocha lips, chocolate blush, silver shadow, and dark smoky eyeliner were all spot-on.

3. Kellie
Kellie costumed it up this week as well, to pretty good results. She looked inarguably hot in a black leather jacket (with rhinestone crosses at the back and sleeve), black jeans, 4-inch mid-calf stiletto boots, a white camisole T, sleek flat-ironed blonde hair, and tons of smoky black eyeliner. Still I couldn’t help feeling that she was just a backwoods Wal Mart version of Olivia Newton John as Sandy singing ‘You’re the One That I Want’ in ‘Grease.’ Yeah… she looked hot… but we all know it was just an act to try and get John Travolta to love her. Too bad he’s gay… and married… and a scientologist. (Now that’s three strikes if I’ve ever hear them.)

4. Katherine
I’m sure some will argue with me for this high placement for Katherine this week. But, to be clear, Katherine got the full Diva treatment this week in terms of her hair, makeup, camera effects and lighting. With all that going for her, her wardrobe missteps were far less apparent. And, I must admit, I’m also giving her bonus points for her areas of improvement. As for her red satin shirt… it definitely highlighted her ‘assets’, and when combined with the black pant, definitely was a waist and hip minimizer. I also didn’t hate the chunky silver bracelets, or her big hoop earrings. I guess the only thing I actually hated (and offer a Fashion Citation for) was the black 70’s era elastic rhinestone buckled belt which sat high on her waist. Yes, the belt was a good idea, and she certainly didn’t look pregnant like she has in previous outfits, but the style of the belt (especially combined with the huge bell bottoms on her otherwise inoffensive black slacks) I’m afraid was much too Studio 54. Perfect for Disco theme night… but no relation to Queen night at all.

5. Elliott
I’m putting Elliott this low simply because his look was so safe, dull, and lacking in charisma (not unlike his performance.) He donned a taupe fitted French-cuffed dress shirt, dark dress jeans, pointy black loafers, and a thin brown belt. On a good note, he’s finally doing something bearable with his facial hair, trimming it into a conservative standard goatee. Boy still needs to do something about those teeth stat. I guess there’s no time in their schedule for him to get himself some huge “The Swan” veneers.

6. Taylor
I have to start out by saying I loved his shiny silver silk/linen suit jacket, and you can’t go wrong with a basic white shirt, black jeans, and black loafers. Where he went astray this week was in the midsection. I’m not saying I want Taylor to go on a crash diet (though it sure wouldn’t hurt.) What I am saying is that Taylor’s shirt came up one too many times to reveal his big Buddha-belly. I appreciate the return to his energetic performing style… but perhaps he either needs longer shirts, or at least he needs to button the front all the way down. I burst out laughing at his comment that he misses Southern cooking. From the looks of your tummy, Taylor, someone appears to be sneaking you some grits and fried chicken.

Note to My Haters: For those of you who can’t abide by comments about contestants’ weight, be aware that I am just trying to balance out an unfair world. Notice I rarely criticize women for their weight. The world does enough of that without me. Men, on the other hand, have it far too easy. (Did any of the judges EVER mention Ruben Studdard’s unhealthy girth?) And as a man myself, I know it’s possible to go from flab to fab. I’ve done it… and Taylor certainly could do it too.

7. Ace
There are many things you could criticize Ace for this week, the least of which being his image… and since image is all in this column, I should have to rank him higher. I will not, however, because I must instead offer him an Attitude Adjustment. (For those of you who are unfamiliar with my column, let me take a second to explain. An Attitude Adjustment happens when an Idol’s attitude is overbalancing their ‘talent’ or lack thereof. A Diva is allowed to have as much attitude as his/her talent can match. In other words, if you are Naomi Campbell or Russell Crowe, you can be moody… and toss phones at whomever you like… and still be a star. If you are Brenna Gethers, then be prepared to dodge oncoming phones… and other projectiles. Anyway… back to the column…) Ace had the nerve this week to try and re-write Queen. Then, when his ‘version’ was universally panned, he snickered at the judges like they were morons for not seeing his talent. (Note to Ace: The judges weren’t alone on this one… and furthermore, the voters hate a sore loser.) These points aside, Age had a reasonably good week fashion-wise, in leather pants (which were sadly too baggy,) a slightly sheer black/grey striped shirt, a ridiculously big fishhook necklace, and some awesome black biker boots

8. Bucky
Bucky was dull as dishwater this week, in a drab denim shirt, whiskered jeans, and a severely-dated thin puka shell necklace. He seemed to be trying with his fitted black leather sport coat… with leopard lining no less… and his shiny black cowboy boots… but the truth is, nothing about Bucky ever said Diva to me. His whole style was simply too understated and relaxed (sometimes to a near-coma state) to ever truly stand out. The way his eyes stayed at half-mast… and his crooked posture and anemic arm gestures… said “if you don’t vote for me, that’s okay, I didn’t expect you to.” Sure… some voters loved his lack of ‘attitude’… but American Idol is looking for a Star... and Good Ol’ Bucky simply ain’t one. Booted 4/11/06 and good riddance!

Gay Idol Journal is a RealityTVWorld.com exclusive! That being said, feel free to forward it anywhere, as long as you credit me!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by Elliotrules on 04-13-06 at 05:07 PM
Awesome! I love your column.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by tenmeters on 04-13-06 at 05:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-13-06 AT 05:52 PM (EST)

Campbell or Russell Crowe, you can be moody… and toss phones at whomever you like… and still be a star. If you are Brenna Gethers, then be prepared to dodge oncoming phones… and other projectiles

Funny I hope brenna reads your column.

I am not sure about the attitude thing. i think he smiles out of embarassment from the judges'comments. people do that sometimes.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by strid333 on 04-13-06 at 09:12 PM
Yay! A great conclusion to a great theme for this week!

Three is the perfect number.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by Fishercat on 04-13-06 at 10:41 PM
FWIW, speaking as a horridly overweight guy, it wouldn't be quite the same if you didn't bag on the weight.

Love the column, especially since it's enlightening to learn about something I know nothing about (I guess that's why I enjoy Project Runway as well).

Bob Factoid: The fishercat is the only creature known to have gone completely insane chasing its own tail.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by dangerkitty on 04-13-06 at 11:52 PM
Hurrah for another GIJ and Larry!

Re: Chris's "package" - dang, it was outlined and highlighted this week! Even if I never noticed it before, it practically had flashing lights and arrows pointing at it saying "Lookie here , lookie here!"

So yeah, I looked.

And I won't argue with you for placing Katharine high - with her looks and body, she can overcome some pretty deadly clothing choices. I can't wait for her to show up in the perfect outfit for her...please, it can't be that hard to do, stylists!


"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by tenmeters on 04-14-06 at 03:20 PM
isnt katherine a little overweight?

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by brvnkrz on 04-14-06 at 03:23 PM
No, she has curves and it's a nice change to see a woman with curves.

My original Syren

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by priestdi on 04-14-06 at 01:20 AM
I have nothing witty to say, lol, but unlike last year -- when I read you, loved you and never let you know -- I want to let you know I'm loving it all the way.

Seriously, I look foward to this, and just seeing the headline makes me smile. You are so on target.

Don't ever leave us again!

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by TODDLJ on 04-14-06 at 01:25 AM
Thanks! It's noted and appreciated.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by tenmeters on 04-14-06 at 03:24 PM
i need kleenex!(just kidding)

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by archon on 04-14-06 at 08:07 AM
"she was just a backwoods Wal Mart version of Olivia Newton John"

I too, am another one of those who did alot of lurking last year and did not take the time to say how much I enjoy your column. Glad your are back...


"You can get more with a 2x4 and a kind word than with just a kind word." (Marcus, B5)

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by Breezy on 04-14-06 at 08:40 AM
So glad you're back!

Ace needs to tied to the whipping post.

Save a horse, ride a cowboy.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by tenmeters on 04-14-06 at 03:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-14-06 AT 03:26 PM (EST)

r u gonna whip him? you're a naughty little girl.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by Roo on 04-14-06 at 09:10 AM
Love it! I look forward to your review every week!

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by brvnkrz on 04-14-06 at 09:22 AM
So glad that you are back. And I would never argue about Katharine being on top.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by nailbone on 04-14-06 at 10:54 AM
You are SUCH a tramp!

Sig by Arkie!!

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster o-

But definitely in a good way.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by brvnkrz on 04-14-06 at 11:00 AM
Hey!!! I resemble that remark.

My original Syren

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by nailbone on 04-14-06 at 11:07 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-14-06 AT 11:07 AM (EST)

*smooch* Who loves ya, baby?

Sig by Arkie!!

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster o-

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by TanNymph on 04-14-06 at 09:51 AM
Enjoyable as always! Thanks for doing this.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by Tahj on 04-14-06 at 11:35 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-14-06 AT 11:35 AM (EST)

When Paris came out in that outfit, I thought, uh oh, now she's going for the S&M Mistress of the Dark look! Tongues are gonna wag, fish are gonna fly. I guess people have gotten used to her "inappropriate for 17 look" and are no longer shocked.

Yeah, Chris's package--mighty fine. I keep expecting to see the "Do not open before Dec. 25th" tag on it.

I like Taylor's belly. He's my lttle hugabear hamster.

Great job as usual, LT.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by irishrose on 04-14-06 at 11:39 AM
Thanks for another great GIJ. I look forward to it every week. I have to read at home as I giggle o much when reading at work.

I will have to take better note of Chris"s "package" next week I tend to look at his cute face and great eyes.

Kathryn is almost there but needs a little more help in the styling department.

Kellie well that was so dead on.

Thanks again. You are the Best! Don't ever stop (PLEASSSSSSSSE).

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 04-14-06 at 11:43 AM
I would take exception to rating Kellie that high - those pants did not flatter her at all, rather, they accentuated a wideness I had never noticed before. But otherwise, another great and fun read.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by emydi on 04-14-06 at 04:09 PM
ditto...but for me it was her awful eyeliner. While I agree Chris' was spot on and a great tribute to Freddie, Kaaaal--ie's was just horrendous.

And yes larry, the package has been duly noted, signed for and opened many times--if only in my mind--

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by tig_ger on 04-14-06 at 12:51 PM
Still I couldn’t help feeling that she was just a backwoods Wal Mart version of Olivia Newton John as Sandy singing ‘You’re the One That I Want’ in ‘Grease.’

(*snort*)I've never heard a better way to explain why I should like Kellie, but I just don't.

Too funny! Thanks for the awesome read!

A Syren Original

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by tenmeters on 04-14-06 at 03:43 PM
you should be part of the the tv guide idol special or american idol extra.
unless you are already part of it, maybe the hot guy in black and gray hosting the idol extra show?

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by sweet cheeks on 04-14-06 at 06:15 PM
Why is this called Gay Idol?

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by TODDLJ on 04-15-06 at 12:51 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-15-06 AT 12:55 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 04-15-06 AT 12:54 PM (EST)

<<<Why is this called Gay Idol?>>>

Good question, sweet cheeks. Originally when I started doing the Gay Journals column on Survivor 3 (BEFORE queer eye... I need to say) the 'gimmick' of it was that it was Reality TV from a quintesentially gay man's point of view, interspliced with tidbits about life as a 30-something gay man in Los Angeles.

<<<you should be part of the the tv guide idol special or american idol extra>>>

I wish.

At my Reality TV Writing peak, I was writing for Survivor, American Idol, and Amazing Race... and I published the articles on my own website and on SurvivorNews.net. I was sent to the finale of AI3, and worked the red carpet and everything. I was spending LOTS of my time on this endeavor, and it was fun, and people seemed to like it... but it never parlayed itself into a career move. I made a few cursory attempts at landing a real job doing this, and my lack of paid experience kept me from getting in the door. I've never worked professionally as a commentator on or behind the camera, it's always been a 'labor of love.' There must be a way to break in... but I have no knowledge of how one gets started in a career like that.

So I had to be pragmatic. I'm actually a producer by trade (for Disney TV) and I need to focus on my paying jobs. If I do side jobs writing... they need to be more for career advancement.

This season I'm back doing AI because I missed it. And because you guys asked for it.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by priestdi on 04-15-06 at 12:58 PM
well golly, I didn't know all the history before! thanks for explaining.

and have I said lately that I adore your writing?

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by tenmeters on 04-16-06 at 07:14 AM
Somebody in this forum must be ralated to American Idol who can endorse you to the producers.
I am sure you'll do a much better job than Makaila Gordon.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by anotherkim on 04-15-06 at 02:10 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-15-06 AT 02:11 AM (EST)

Spot on as I expected.

Miscellaneous Ramblings
--I cannot believe that you let QUEEN week slide by in the Gay Idol column without a single joke, snide remark or double entendre, though.

edited because spot and snot are two totally different things.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by TODDLJ on 04-15-06 at 12:38 PM
Perhaps I should have said Chris' eyeliner was 'fit for a Queen (song)'

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by MandyM on 04-15-06 at 03:33 PM
Amazing, as always! I'm so glad you are doing these again!!

And THANK YOU for the Attitude Adjustment comments about Ace. UGH - I just want that boy to go home already!!!!!

MM I just wish that there was a way that I could choose for others not to be bigots. - HD

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by priestdi on 04-16-06 at 04:20 PM
But regarding Ace, have you seen this?


turns out there was nothing wrong with his attitude.(well, about Queen, anyway!) The members of Queen actually had supported his interest in a new arrangement, and THEY are the ones who helped him come up with the version he sang Tuesday. and Brian May says he did a good job.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by SeniorCitizen on 04-16-06 at 08:15 PM
It seems to me the producers of AI are fiddling with edits, wardrobe etc. to make sure America chooses the contestant they think they want to work with. Witness the way Ace wore pants that were baggy and they made it look like he argued with Queen. Then there was Katherine in an elastic belt that almost ruined the effect of her red blouse. How much input do the singers have to their wardrobes? I think the reason Taylor continues to draw a lot of votes is because he seems to have so much fun performing, even if he does look like someone's drunken uncle. The gray hair, the paunch, the somewhat stodgy outfits of jackets over shirts, all seem to be his own choice, and there are a lot of people who see someone like him looking back at them from their mirrors (if they looked a little more like George Clooney) I decided he was my favorite when he walked down the long, long room playing his harmonica. Like it or not, as an old white woman with several computers and a number of phones, I am represent a demographic that can threaten even Chris with his perfect little eyebrows and his packaging.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by priestdi on 04-17-06 at 01:41 AM
I somehow read that as "and his package," lol.

yeah, I agree.

funny thing is, I was a big fan of Chris coming out of auditions, back when I assumed he was a long shot to win.

now that they're so clearly pimping him -- just as carrie was an entry to the country market $$, I'm sure Simon sees him as a an entry to another new market -- I've totally lost interest.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 04-17-06 at 08:31 AM
Love, love, love it!!! I'm soooo glad your back!

Siggy thanks to Syren!

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by qwertypie on 04-17-06 at 09:58 PM
Fantastic as always! I missed you!

Yes It's Vintage Tribephyl!

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by khern on 04-18-06 at 02:54 PM
This is the thing I look forward to most every week. I can't wait to hear what you have to say this week.

"RE: Gay Idol Journal - Queen Week"
Posted by geg6 on 04-18-06 at 03:32 PM
Awesome as always, Larry.

And, yes, I adore Chris. But he has made some fashion mistakes (especially with the facial hair). Last week was not one of his fashion missteps.

Of course, my favorite part was the eyeliner. But, then, I have such a thing for hot men in mascara that I just can't help myself. Mmmmm...Billy Joe, Dave Navarro, and now Chris.

Goddess of the Steeler Nation