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"Your Top 4 Fav's and Least Fav's"

Posted by RoxyScary on 03-13-05 at 12:48 PM
Who are your favorite 4 and least favorite 4 in the competition:

1 - Mikalah Gordon - I know a lot of people hate her. But then a lot of people love her. Its all why I love Mikalah. I think she is a breath of fresh air to this competition. 75% of our top 12 are exceptionally boring. Mikalah is a lot of things, you could say, but boring she is not. Her personality is original in this competition, he voice is also original (you may love it or hate it, but it sounds like no one else in the history or american idol competitions .. so once again it is unique and different). I find her a bunch of fun, and she will always recieve me vote. So I know a lot of you find her annoying, and thats cool too, we are all allowed to think what we want, but I find her fun and talented, and above all original.

2 - Bo Bice - Love Bo! If there is a place for a "rocker" in American Idol it is Bo. He is consistantly good. I definately think he has a great chance, and I will be rooting for him the whole way.

3 - Nadia Turner - She has grown on me, I didn't like her at first, however now I think she has potential to be a powerhouse. She also seems very humble which I find refreshing.

4 - Lindsay Cardinale - Now, let me first say I am dissapointed in Lindsay overall at this point. She hasn't stepped up and given the performances I think she has in her. However I love the low husky voices from women, and Lindsay has a great one. I am hoping she can now blossum into the star I think she can be. I will support her for a few more weeks because when she entered the competition she was a favorite of mine, but if she continues to struggle I will have to give up. But as of now, shes still a favorite.

honorable mentions: Anwar, Mario, Vonzell


1 - Constantine - Oh do I hope his days are numbered. In my mind, he hasn't turned in a good performance yet. And with him I don't believe the "rocker" status, I think 90% of it is a ploy for votes, which I hope will backfire since we have a real rocker in this competition, Bo, and now perhaps we can see straight through Constantine, I know I can. I mean, he's been in "Rent" on Broadway, I wouldn't consider that rocker. He's sang Kiss From a Rose for God's sake, and butchered it. I also believe he is overly cocky, and for all those reasons, I'd have to say he's my least favorite. (But Im not bashing you Constantine fans, I know he has a lot, we can all have our opions)

2 - Scott Savol - Just not impressed. I didn't like Reuben, I don't like Scott. I think they are very similar for obvious reasons. Both seem to put in energyless performances with average vocals, yet somehow they manage to become popular and stay in. He seems like a nice guy, but Im just not impressed. I dont think he will be around for long.

3 - Anthony Federoll (sp) - Also just not impressed. Seems like a great guy, just vocally I dont think he deserves to be in the final 12. That's it.

4 - Carrie Underwood - Ok, I think she has a good voice, however there is nothing original about it. And she has turned in some of the most boring performances, not living up to what Im sure she could do. I dont think she has it in her to be better than the rest because I could turn on the radio and hear her voice anytime I want, its nothing original or exciting to me.

so what about you

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"RE: Your Top 4 Fav's and Least Fav's"
Posted by robyn12 on 03-13-05 at 11:28 PM
My Favorites are:

1. Constantine -- he's hot, original, fun, and has a cool voice and style about him
2. Mikalah -- she spunky and unique - love her voice
3. Carrie -- beautiful voice
4. Lindsay -- interesting voice and style

Least favorites are:

1. Nadia!!! -- I think she's a complete fake -- what is with her dreadful perma-smile? I think she's contrived and unoriginal, in spite off all of her efforts to be original. I find her talentless. Please get her off!

2. Anwar -- He's creepy and boring. Who cares?

3. Anthony -- Clay wannabe, but not half the talent

4. Nikko -- just not a fan

"RE: Your Top 4 Fav's and Least Fav's"
Posted by shedevil on 03-14-05 at 00:23 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-14-05 AT 00:25 AM (EST)

1.Bo (He's totally natural and real on stage, with a killer voice.)
2.Constantine (I won't lie, he's hot, he has tons of personality and I think he sings good on songs that are fitting for him.)
3.Nadia (She's the X-factor, she looks good, sounds good and is totally entertaining.
4.Jessica (ditto to Nadia)

Least Faves:
1.Mikalah (Queen of Fakes)
2.Anwar (Stevie Wonder 2005)
3.Carrie (she puts me to sleep)
4.Scott (personality of a rock)
(Mario would be here but he's gone.)

"RE: Your Top 4 Fav's and Least Fav's"
Posted by callalilly3000 on 03-14-05 at 07:59 AM

My Favorites are...

Bo- He is the real deal. He brings a new flair to this competition, that has never been present before. He is always consistant, and has a great chance of winning.

Anwar- His voice is so soulful, and he is genuine. He is the only contestant that gives me goosebumps when he sings. If Bo doesn't take it all, I hope Anwar does.

Nadia- She is beautiful, stylish and very confident. Oh, yea she sings pretty well too. I think out of all the young ladies, she has the best chance to make it to the top.

Nikko- Ok, the only reason that I am going to pick Nikko, is he deserves a second chance. Now that he has it, I hope that he shows everyone that didn't vote for him, how very wrong they were. This guy has talent, charisma, and an extremely soulful voice. He may not win, but I sure hope he goes far.

Least favorite....


I don't want to make any negative comments about them. This is a pretty good group this season. All I can say, is that out of the 12, the above people are at the bottom of my list.

Slice and Dice Shop 2004

"RE: Your Top 4 Fav's and Least Fav's"
Posted by geekboy on 03-14-05 at 10:11 AM
In no particular order, since i love all of these guys...

1) Bo. To me, he has "it", plus he's harder and rougher vocally. I have the term "rocker" so i won't use it. I think he's a breath of fresh air to the usual 'pop fare', and i'm behind him in a big way

2) Anwar. Smooth, silky, brave, daring, talented. I love how he takes the older songs and kicks them up a notch (copyright Emeril).

3) Nadia. Pretty much like Anwar, she takes risks, and i love what she does to songs.

4) Scott. He's got a great, smooth voice. I hope he goes far. I think he's started to impress a lot of people.

Least faves -

1) Linsay
2) Vonzell
3) Nikko
4) Anthony

"RE: Your Top 4 Fav's and Least Fav's"
Posted by opinionated on 03-14-05 at 01:34 PM

Carrie (would've put Mario here)

Least Favorites:


I actually had to look on the idolonfox site to remember all the girls--what does that say? I'm glad Nikko's back in the competition. He's better than all the girls except Nadia, Carrie and maybe Jessica, IMO. I hope Carrie regains her spark--her voice is my favorite female voice in the competition.

I think that in the end it will come down to Bo and Anwar, and I think Bo will win. We shall see!

"RE: Your Top 4 Fav's and Least Fav's"
Posted by mhdallas on 03-14-05 at 04:29 PM

Bo (now that Mario is gone). I love the fact that a rocker has gotten as far as he has. He's great (and has it all over Constantine, who reminds me of a young Leif Garrett - another 'heartthrob' with delusions of rock and roll grandeur)
Anwar - He's got the best voice by far and seems like a nice guy.
I also like Anthony. He's got a great voice, and he reminds of Clay. He won't make it as far as Clay did, though.
Without a doubt, the men are the best this year. (Of the women, I think Nadia's okay, and one of the blonds (Carrie? See now - here's the problem with them.)

MIKALAH!!!! UGHHHH - If I have to listen to her sing another old, boring song that she manages to drag out so painfully, I'm going to scream. The only thing worse is when she talks.

SCOTT - can a person shudder over the internet? His voice is okay, but he's too repulsive (at times often frightening) to look at to have made it into the top 12. And no, I don't think a person has to be a model to be an Idol (I thought Reuben was a doll), but come on. They at least need to have some kind of a personality - and Scott is definitely lacking.

"RE: Your Top 4 Fav's and Least Fav's"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 03-14-05 at 05:37 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-15-05 AT 10:30 AM (EST)


1. NIKKO! Whoo hoo! I'm so glad he's back. I'd gladly give up my former favorite Mario for Nikko (though I wish it were one of my bottom 4). I love Nikko and I hope he pulls a Clay and he grows on people as the competition wears on. His voice is fantastic!

2. Bo - I would probably be disappointed if anyone other than these two were to win. Bo is fun, he's a great performer, and has a great voice (and I think he'll surprise people with his versatility in the weeks to come)

3. Scott - not sure what's wrong with his attitude. I like him and his voice is great and he's certainly an underdog. Go Scott!

4. One of Anwar/Nadia/Vonzell/Jessica/Carrie - can't decide. Nadia is different but I don't think there's anything really special about her voice. Anwar is technically sound but his voice is boring and non-descript. Vonzell is fun and entertaining and I like her voice, but she's off-key more often than I'd like. Jessica has a good voice, but I can't decide what to think about her. Carrie has a good voice but is extremely boring and unoriginal. I suppose I'll go with Anwar just because he's the most technically pleasing and I could see myself growing to like him more as the weeks go on. He just sounds too plain. But I'll take always in tune over someone with a more interesting/unique voice any day of the week. The slightest bit out of tune sounds like chalk on a blackboard to me.

Bottom 4

9. Mikalah - I still like her well enough and she brings a lot of personality to the table (which is more than I can say for most of these extremely boring folks), but the nasaly quality to her voice (which she doesn't always have) is very annoying. If she'd stick to just singing the songs in her natural voice, she's be just fine. And she needs some wardrobe/makeup help. She's a cute girl who could look adorable in the right clothes/makeup.

10. Lindsay Cardinale - she is about as fun/exciting as a paper cut and her voice just does nothing for me

11. Anthony - AKA 'Anth-off-key Betteroff(notsinging)' it's always nice when people sing in tune. Anthony does not. And his diction (Clay diction + Ukranian accent is just not working) drives me insane.

12. Constantine - just go away. Now.

Got blog?

"RE: Your Top 4 Fav's and Least Fav's"
Posted by sisterwoman on 03-15-05 at 10:12 AM
Top 4- (in no particular order)

Anwar (had to add him in)

Bottom 4- (from most annoying to just plain boring)

Mikayla (seems like an old soul. A really annoying old soul)

Nadia (Is that her name? Hair girl)

Lindsay (oops, fell asleep while typing her name)

Anthony (seems like a nice enough fella, but I'm just bored)

"RE: Your Top 4 Fav's and Least Fav's"
Posted by Lisapooh on 03-15-05 at 11:15 AM
faves - (no order)
Bo - exciting, powerful
Nadia - charisma, stage presence
Nikko - sex appeal, smooth
Anwar - extremely likeable - technically great

least faves - (no order)
Mikalah - annoying, nasal, contrived
Anthony - boring, tries too hard
Vonzell - mediocre
Scott - has not lived up to early promise.

middle of the road - (no order)
Constantine - knows how to work a camera & audience
Jessica - may step it up and surprise people
Carrie - needs to take some risks
Lindsey - interesting voice, boring performer.

"RE: Your Top 4 Fav's and Least Fav's"
Posted by true on 03-15-05 at 11:21 AM
My choices are identical to E.P. Pooh's. Of course, this doesn't surprise me, since she has such good taste.

ps. Vote for Nikko.

"RE: Your Top 4 Fav's and Least Fav's"
Posted by Lisapooh on 03-15-05 at 11:33 AM
I'm wearing purple pants today - still think I have good taste?

you aren't around here enough lately!